(Prolifer)ations 3-4-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Christina at Real Choice expresses disapproval for the possible death penalty in the case of abortionist Kermit Gosnell:
In normal society, routinely murdering infants for money would indeed be a capital crime. But the seedy abortion underbelly we have permitted to thrive is not a normal society. It’s a death machine, lauded and supported up to and including the President and the Supreme Court.
We created this monster. We have no business taking out our own guilt on him.
- Michael J. New debunks Washington Post op-ed columnist Ruth Marcus’ near-advertisement for Planned Parenthood, and criticizes the MSM’s obvious pro-abortion slant in their recent articles about PP.
- Coming Home notes the NYC newspaper blackout of Dr. Bernard Nathanson’s funeral:
Had he stayed true to [abortion advocacy], no doubt [he] would have Laid in State in City Hall, been eulogized by a dewy-eyed City Council Speaker, and had Bill 371 officially named after the lion who ate our young.
- Fletcher Armstrong is following the ongoing clash between parents and Planned Parenthood in Knox Co., TN. PP has been barred from presenting to teens in the local schools, but parents are concerned students will still receive age-inappropriate, sexually explicit information from teachers and health department officials who have been trained by and are supportive of PP.
- Americans United for Life explains the “Pregnant Woman’s Protection Act,” legislation designed to “[ensure] a pregnant woman and her unborn child are protected from unlawful criminal violence and that a woman’s decision to carry her child to term is respected.”
- Kristi of The Lost Generation challenges pro-life advocates to come up with 3 reasons not to have an abortion, and shares some of her own. She also posts some great quotes from doctors and former abortionists on the humanity of the unborn.
- Blood Money gives the history on racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, founder of the Birth Control League which later became Planned Parenthood. Colleges honoring Sanger censor the truth about her ties to eugenic experiments like the Third Reich.
- Accepting Abundance promotes a virtual prayer vigil for those unable to attend their local 40 Days for Life events.

Re the treatment given Dr. Nathanson’s passing we had a similar situation here in Illinois when the great Henry Hyde was laid to rest. A collective yawn from the pro-abortion MSM. What the MSM cannot abide by is greatness, unless of course they can find a way to make some money off of it.
The pathetic MSM will go on for days on end about some dysfunctional humanoid that has a TV show and goes off to an island with his equally dysfunctional friends and returns to find his kids taken away…now THAT is newsworthy!
If we have not already arrived at the tipping point where the new media and talk radio have displaced the legacy media as marquee news organizations, than surely we will reach it soon. And the sooner the better.
No, ”we” are not responsible for Gosnell. First of all, the abortions he was doing were ILLEGAL ABORTIONS. And in fact, he had been performing the exact same illegal abortions with the exact same methods prior to Roe v. Wade, before we “took responsibility,” as this author claims. Some believe he has killed dozens of women. Either no one cared to claim them (these were mostly destitute women), or their deaths were never reported as complications from botched abortions. (Deaths from abortion were rarely reported truthfully prior to Roe v. Wade.) The law has never granted permission for what he did.
I think he should absolutely get the death penalty.