Sexual assailant Republican letch senator okay because he was pro-choice
Just read a fascinating blog post dated March 15 at, once again showing how misogynist pro-aborts actually are, not to mention hypocritical.
The author is Pat Richards, an old-time abortion proponent formerly with the apparently defunct (no current webpage) National Coalition of Abortion Providers. The photo I’m posting was her interesting choice. Excerpts…
… For those of you who don’t remember that name, Bob Packwood was the long-time US Senator from the state of Oregon who was the first true Congressional “champion” for abortion rights. Elected in 1968, he actually introduced legislation legalizing abortion before the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v Wade decision….
Once abortion was legalized, Packwood became the point person for the pro-choice movement….
Throughout this time, however, there were always rumblings that Packwood was having affairs with several women. He was indeed an attractive, articulate man who no doubt was approached by numerous aggressive women. In fact, I remember the more cynical feminists suggesting that he was leading the way on abortion rights merely to get laid. I never had that impression, but it unfortunately was out there. I should add for a fact that one of my best friends confided in me that she had had an affair with Packwood.
Then, in November 1992, the Washington Post ran a story detailing the claims of sexual abuse and assault by ten women, mostly former staff people and lobbyists. In September 1995, he resigned from the US Senate in disgrace. He then disappeared from sight for many years.
In 1998, when I was at the NCAP, we were planning a 25th anniversary party for Roe V Wade in Washington, DC and we decided to invite all of the pro-choice “heroes.” My old friend, Susan Hill, suggested that we invite Packwood. I ran it by some others and got very mixed reactions so Susan simply said that she would bring him as her date. Personally, I was thrilled because, despite his private behavior, he was our champion for many years….
I do recall, however, that 3 or 4 female clinic owners were so offended that Packwood was there that walked out of the party in disgust. That, of course, was their decision but I personally felt like it was a bit of an overreaction. Still, it was their right although they missed one hell of a party….
What Packwood did totally sucked, there was no excuse for his personal conduct. On the other hand, he was the only one there when we needed a champion. I wish him well.
One interesting acknowledgement in that piece is there is at the very least a suspicion among pro-abort women that some men join their ranks with ulterior motives, to find an easy lay, as comedian Chris Rock so eloquently (and vulgarly) described.
At any rate, the next time a liberal feminist tries to bash 2-timing Republican men as hypocritical, give them two words: Bob Packwood.
The title of this post is a little confusing… maybe change it to “Sexual assailant letch senator okay because he was pro-choice.”
As to the content, I wish I could be surprised.
Wow. So several of the women at this gathering are disgusted by the presence of someone who may committed sexual assault (and, if not, was at least a total skeeze-bag), so they leave in protest (good on them). But that was dumb because “they missed one hell of a party.” Showing support for the women he used is not nearly as important as getting your partay on! Got it.
And the abortion defenders are pro-woman? Yeah, they may need to walk me through that one again…
Hmmm. I don’t know if anyone will find this interesting or not, but when I was dealing with all my issues associated with the incest and sexual abuse I suffered as a child, it was suggested to me that sexual abuse, incest, and abortion are the same spiritually. At the time, I was confused about why I felt the Lord had given me such a passion for post-abortive women. It didn’t make sense to me that I wouldn’t have this deep passion for incest- and sexual-abuse-survivors. My very wise friend pointed out to me that these two things are both rooted in deception and attack the innocent, and that is from a spirit of injustice, which takes on many forms. Abortion, slavery, sexual abuse, etc., are just a different manifestations of the same spirit. So, it doesn’t surprise me that proponents of abortion would be assaulting people in this manner, or thinking that it is no big deal. It’s not because their morality is questionable, but because abortion and abuse are from the same spirit.
For a liberal feminist getting used by a man is fine as long as in her mind she believes she used him back.
People feeding off one another – that’s the disease of progressives.
Kelsey, point taken. Giving your suggestion a try, thanks!
How sad that the pro-legalized abortion women don’t see how people like Packwood use them. If they can’t see that he cared about himself and not women, they are blind.
Cranky Catholic: That’s almost exactly the same thing I was about to say… you beat me to it!
Jill: Thanks for starting this thread and for reading my piece. I have so many reactions but let me make clear that I never condoned what Packwood did in his private life. Indeed, I found his behavior reprehensible (as I did Clinton’s). However, I was very torn (as were our members) about inviting him to a function acknowledging our “heroes.” It was a very tough one. I’m sure you folks had similar issues with the late Congressman Henry Hyde. As we know, absolutely no one on this earth is perfect and that puts all of us in some very difficult situations at times.
I’d be happy to answer any more questions, comments, etc. When you get the chance, I hope you read some of my other posts because, as you will see, I am quick to criticize the pro-choice movement as well as the pro-life movement.
Kramer, please…
Pat Richards, I am very accustomed to the verbal acrobatics of the pro-choice community. Your comment above is an excellent example of re-defining the word “condoned.” I don’t condone biting, but if I give my dog a biscuit after he bites one of my neighbors, can I still say I don’t “condone” biting? Really.
Hypocrisy, thy name is pro-choice.
However, I would be remiss to not give you credit for putting the words “hell” and “party” in the same sentenced used to describe the celebration of the legalization of the death and dismemberment of millions of the most vulnerable members of our society. Well done.
More smears. lovely.
Joan you are still hanging out with the wrong crowd. I have never seen that in my own circle of friends and acquaintances – so maybe your observations and conclusions regarding ‘easy conquests’ are not accurate. I guess I’ll pass on that morsel you served.
Joan – Glad you weren’t – and with the normal exchange and anti-religious and anti-Catholic comments, i guess I am guilty of judging the comment as a cheap shot. Sorry.
When haven’t feminists turned a blind eye to the antics of sex offenders and abusers that supported their left wing agenda?
When haven’t feminists turned a blind eye to the antics of sex offenders and abusers that supported their left wing agenda
Newt Gingrich, anybody? Oh right, he’s a pro-life Catholic, so it’a all good…
I’m sure you folks had similar issues with the late Congressman Henry Hyde.
No. Hardly. Actually never. Not ever. No way!
Hyde spent his life standing up for the unborn. He was a pro-life hero. He and Packwood had very little in common in so far as their lifework in concerned. I’m sure!
As you said, none of us are perfect. Even Catholics, CC.
I’m not suprised that pro-choice comments, instead of addressing the issues such as why support a cad like Packwood, instead try to deflect attention onto people with pro-life views. What do they call that kind of deflection in therapy? Is it like a river in Egypt?
Doesn’t answer my question. Also I am NO fan of Newt Gingrich.
Good Ole Henry Hyde – another pro-life Catholic:
“House Judiciary Committee chairman Henry Hyde’s former lover charged that he lied in his public statement about his affair with her. On Wednesday Hyde told Salon that the extramarital relationship ended when the woman’s husband, Fred Snodgrass, confronted Hyde’s wife, five years after the affair began. But Thursday Hyde’s former lover, Cherie Soskin, now 62 and a resident of San Antonio, Texas, challenged Hyde’s account. According to her grown daughter, Soskin said the affair continued for at least two and a half years after Hyde’s wife, Jeanne, was told of the relationship…” Wasn’t Hyde “knighted” by the Pope. Oh, well, who cares about “youthful indiscretions” (while married) as long as you’re saving “babies” (and spreading your seed, too!)
And how bout Catholic Pro-life hero, GOP Senator David Vitter who was getting it on with a prostitute and who received a standing ovation, from his pro-life GOP colleagues, when he returned to the senate after a brief hiatus following the disclosure of his fun times. Laissez les bons temps rouler, Oh, yeah!
At least Bill Clinton didn’t thump his bible while he was trying to criminalize abortion. It’s all about the hypocrisy of the religious right.
Oh, and I forgot another reliable Christian, pro-life vote – GOP Senator John Ensign (who won’t be running again due to – ah – naughty business.)
And BTW, I and my fellow evil pro-choice feminists were not too thrilled about Packwood so the broad brush smear of feminists isn’t exactly accurate. Clinton’s sex was consensual and with another adult.
CC, 5:41PM
LOL, no, but during the Monica scandal Bill toted his bible to church with his wife Hillary in tow. What a hoot. I can only imagine how feminists would howl if it was Nancy Reagan and not Hillary putting up with such shenanigans by her husband. BTW, were any of the Republican men you mentioned ever accused of flashing or rape?
2 ex-DemocRAT leaders charged in fake tea party scheme
Mike Martindale / The Detroit News
Pontiac— Two former high-ranking members of the Oakland County DemocRATic Party are facing various election corruption charges in a bogus tea party scheme, Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper and County Sheriff Michael Bouchard announced Wednesday.
Former DemocRATic Party Chairman Michael McGuinness and ex-operations director Jason Bauer, both of Waterford Township, were arraigned Wednesday before Oakland Circuit Judge James Alexander.
They face charges related to Independent Tea Party filings, false affidavits and forged documents that occurred between July 23 and July 26 last year.
Bouchard said 23 questionable election filings across Michigan — eight of them in Oakland County — involved an effort to create the illusion of an Independent Tea Party and its candidates on November’s ballot.
While creating such a party in itself is not illegal, Bouchard noted that the alleged forging of documents and putting people up for political office without their involvement — including at least one “candidate” who told investigators he had no knowledge that he was on the ballot until notified — is criminal.
Bouchard said the investigation of possible election corruption is continuing and included an unnamed “[deomoRAT] party leader in Lansing.” The sheriff did not elaborate.
People feeding off one another – that’s the disease of progressives
Cranky Catholic
I know that you hate it when I say this kind of thing – but – what do you call what the hierarchy of the RC Church did regarding sexual predators? Sorry, your church did the same thing. And in the case of the church, we’re talking about stealing the innocence of children. And if you want to deny this, then we’re talking about that river in Egypt.
MADERA, Calif. — The FBI has arrested a 37-year-old school bus driver suspected of vandalizing a central California mosque and firebombing a Planned Parenthood clinic last year, authorities said.Donny Eugene Mower, of Madera, was to be arraigned Thursday on two federal arson charges in the Sept. 2 attack on the Madera Planned Parenthood, local and federal officials said.The clinic was damaged and had to remain shut for two days after someone threw an explosive device through a window. A sign left outside read, “Murder Our Children? We have a ’choice’ too. Let’s see if you can burn just as well as your victims,” according to a criminal complaint the FBI filed this week in support of criminal charges. During the previous two weeks, a brick was thrown at the front of the Madera Islamic Center and several cardboard signs with the message “Wake up America, the enemy is here” were left outside the mosque, the complaint stated. A United Methodist Church also had paper notes taped to its windows in September with the message, “Homosexual pastors? Is this a Christ honoring church or are you awakening the spirit of Sodom and Gommorah?”
Hey Ken, is this one of your pro-lie (see, I can play the word game, too) pals who was just following Jesus’ commands?
GREENSBORO – The man who called himself the “Christian counterpart to Usama bin Laden” and plotted the bombing of an abortion clinic was sentenced Wednedsay in US Federal Court to 30 months in prison.
Justin Carl Moose, 26, pleaded guilty in November of 2010 to the charge of distributing information pertaining to the manufacturing and use of an explosive.
Moose could have received 25 years and a $250,000 fine, but on Wednesday morning, lawyers pointed out that Moose had no prior criminal record and he did not have a history of making any of the types of comments that he made on Facebook that first drew the attention of the FBI…
Another one of your pals, Ken – although he was probably too young for your Washington capers - was it Yakima, Ken? Cedar River, perhaps? You were a “freedom fighter,” weren’t you?
C-ompletely C-onsternated,
ratpackwood was well known skirt chaser and boozer when he was the darlin’ of the feministas.
It wasn’t til the democRATs needed a reliably liberal vote that they disposed of the lecherous lout.
As long as the girly men in democRAT party do the bidding of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob all is well in camelot.
The good ol [liberal] boys can plunder, pillage, rape, sodomize and cannibalize Camelot with impunity.
Just don’t touch that ‘golden calf’ of choice.
Wow, CC, you spell Deflect and Deny with capital Ds!!
Way to keep avoiding the issue.
Bill Clinton trying to criminalize abortion? That is the biggest laugh I’ve had all day. There is an absolutely charming set of youtube videos that show good ole Bill telling audience members that pro-lifers want to arrest women who’ve had abortions. Maybe you should check them out. And you consider a 19 year old intern to be the intellectual and social equal of the President? Oh, no power trip there, huh, CC? Come one, there are still a few hours left in the day, can you show us again your amazing powers of deflection? Here let me help you: the subject of the article is Packwood, Packwood, CC. P.A.C.K.W.O.O.D.
Again, let me sum up the pro-abortion argument in one easy comment:
Abortion good.
Church bad.
Molesting females good.
Molesting boys bad.
Is that it, or did I leave anything out?
Oh yeah, Packwood. What a sleaze.
He was pro-choice before it was even a political issue. When he arrived in Washington in 1969, he introduced legislation to legalize abortion when no one in Congress even wanted to touch the issue. After Roe v. Wade, he was the point man of pro-choices forces in the Senate for the ’70s and much of the ’80s. In 1983 he voted against Margaret Heckler becoming Secretary of Health and Human Services solely because she was pro-life (Heckler was quite liberal apart from her stance on abortion, and the only other no votes came from conservatives). Eight years later, he was one of only two Republicans to vote against Clarence Thomas, after the Anita Hill fiasco (ironic isn’t it?).
He’s Unitarian too. But then again, so is Joseph Dellapenna, who wrote the magnificent “Dispelling the Myths of Abortion History” (interminably long and copiously footnoted, but ultimately well worth the read).
Clouded Cranium,
Were either one of the two people you referenced leaders of any identifiable political party?
From what I read they were two compeltely separate individuals acting on their own.
One has been accused of a crime.
The other was convicted of ‘planning’ a crime and distributing information that can be easily be obtained from the internet.
But if your wondering if I will trade the fringes of the political right for the crazies on the left or even the ‘main stream’ of the left, the answer is no.
You can keep all your clowns in your circus and enjoy the show.
ok – so let’s get back to the item at hand – why do some abortion supporters look the other way when a champion of abortion acts badly? And why do some of them not embrace him when he played an important part in getting abortion in the U.S.?
CC stop bringing up other items, especially the Catholic Church. like I said before, if you really did not care, you would not have to bring up anything religious at all.
Joy, you are right that “some” supporters looked the other way with Packwood. And some pro-lifers looked the other way with Hyde. It’s human nature. On the other hand, what I tried to point out in my piece was that there were some who were outraged that he came to that party. I encourage you to go the to read some more of my stuff and you’ll see that all I am trying to do is to start some civil dialogues, to cut through the crap (on both sides), to try to be human about this truly controversial issue. And if you comment on that blog, I will respond within 24 hours!
Pro-choicers are misogynists? And hypocrites? It’s not pro-choicers who want to reduce women to baby-making machines by denying them the right to choose an abortion,and it’s not pro-choicers who couldn’t care less if poor women die from botched illegal abortions or self-induced ones,and who couldn[‘t care less if many poor children who have already been born are left without mothers because of those botched illegal abortions,
and it’s not por-choicers who hypocritically support and vote for anti-choice politicians who want to deny government help to poor women which would have prevented so many abortions.
Look who’s talking !!!!!
“Pro-choicers” like Robert are self-righteous hypocrites. When it comes to choice, they believe we have no choice but to pay for other people’s abortions. When it comes to choice, they believe doctors and nurses should have no choice but to perform abortions against their consciences not to commit murder even when the lives of the mothers involved are not in harm’s way or in danger. When it comes to choice, they are opposed to rights of us to bear arms under second amendments. When it comes to choice, while they claim that unborn babies are full properties of the women where not even fathers have a say or choice, they turn around and demand fathers pay for those that are born, when up to that point they claim those do not belong in any way shape or form to the fathers, not even shared with the mothers. When it comes to choice, they deny rights of crisis pregnancy centers to exist to help women and to provide services that are alternatives to abortions.
Yeah, Robert should talk.
“Pro-choicers” like Robert are also liars. The reason many prolifers are opposed to programs that exist they claim to help women is because welfare programs are seen as not working and hurting the poor, especially women, even more than they help. What Robert and others like him don’t tell us is that those very folks he bash are also the ones providing their own monies to groups that do help and many do indeed provide the time to volunteer in many groups, church or secular, to help women and other folks in need. And they also liars in claiming we want to reduce women to baby making machines. No, if that’s the case, we would demand women all have sex to have babies.
Let’s not get into also the fact there are liberal prolifers, who do support such programs Robert claim help mothers.
But then again facts are never something folks like him care about. It’s all about abortion- a hedonist man’s wet dream.
“it’s not pro-choicers who couldn’t care less if poor women die from botched illegal abortions or self-induced ones,and who couldn[‘t care less if many poor children who have already been born are left without mothers because of those botched illegal abortions”
Yeah, yet they support Clinton and his predatory ways towards women because he supported women. Let’s not have amnesia there.
And like I said, you are an unmitigated liar. We are for right to life- of mothers and children alike. That’s why crisis pregnancy centers are there for.
Oh look, it’s Robert, the guy who thinks people are better off dead than poor. Excuse us if we don’t meet your stellar moral standards.
Pat, I don’t think Bob Packwood was so much a “hero” of the pro-choice movement as he was a guy who realized that legalized abortion could spare him a lot of public scandal and save him thousands of dollars in child support.
Exactly. Shows how fake his claim to high moral ground really is. He does not care about people at all. Just his abortion cause.
Pat Richards writes: “It’s human nature. On the other hand, what I tried to point out in my piece was that there were some who were outraged [ and OVERREACTED] that he came to that [one hell of a] party [to celebrate the legalization of prenatal homicide]. I encourage you to go the to read some more of my [rhetorical] stuff and you’ll see that all I am trying to do is to start some civil dialogues [about prenatal homicide], to cut through the crap [like we cut through fetal limbs and torsos] (on both sides), to try to be human about this truly controversial issue [while we deny the humanity of developing humans too small to defend themselves].
There, I fixed her typos.
I’m just delighted to know that people want to dance, literally on the graves of unborn children, and then whine that some of the women overreacted to a sexual predator who was invited to the party as someone’s date. Furthermore, even our teenage commenters don’t use immature slang terms like “stuff” and “crap.” Keep it up, pro-choice advocates, because I’m already so impressed with your professionalism, compassion, and maturity.
A final observation: When some people in religious life are accused of abusing minors, we can never be outraged enough to satisfy abortion advocates. On the other hand, when pro-abortion men assault and abuse women, well, that’s just “human nature” and we should call them “heroes.”
Hypocrisy. Dante thought hypocrites should spend their time in eternity weighed down by lead garments, walking in circles. 700 years later, I have to say, I understand his metaphor. I hope that today’s hypocrites do some heavy duty introspection and rise above it.
Punsher is well-named. He scored a three-punch knockout on Robert Berger!
Punisher (and what a lovely name you have),
Volunteer work is always great. But the volunteer/third sector can be piecemeal in ensuring access to important services, like affordable food. If there were no Medicaid, do you think pregnancy resource centers (which, by the way, are sometimes funded through government channels) would take over as the largest provider of prenatal care to low-income women? Govt. isn’t perfect, but it allows for the systematic implementation and evaluation of public programs.
The CPCs I volunteered for had a list of OB/GYN and family practice physicians who offered their services free of charge or on a sliding scale. Also, clients had their own personal physicians. We also had social service agencies that volunteered their services..
Jill, I wish I’d come across this a year ago. “Pat Richards” is the cognomen for Ron Fitzsimmons, an abortion lobbyist, among other things. Of course as a promoter of child killing he finds it necessary often to avoid talking straight; however, of all the literate “pro-choicers” he is the most even-tempered, honest, fair, etc. Every
Sunday he posts something on the blog. It is usually worth the time spent reading it. JD