Pro-abort lobby day: Small, Pepto pink-clad, lily white angry mob
UPDATE 2:46p: Even the New York Times agrees pro-aborts could only muster “hundreds” of supporters yesterday.
[HT: moderator Gerard]
10:22a: I didn’t take these pictures.
United Press International did.
The top photo is of angry NARAL prez Nancy Keenan. The 2nd is of angry actor Ed Harris.
Above is angry Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, and below is angry US Sen. Frank Lautenberg of NJ.
Together, all were very angry that American taxpayers just might stop funding the United States’ largest abortion provider as well as abortions of primarily black women in the District of Columbia.
Speaking of blacks, the only ones to be seen were used props on stage. Otherwise, the Pepto pink crowd was lily white. Go ahead, click to enlarge…
And about the size of the crowd, don’t let that deftly shot NARAL photo fool you. For weeks NARAL, PP, and NOW had banded together to try to get a mere 5,000 pro-aborts to show up to their rally. Actually, NARAL reported a whopping 36 organizations pooled their people.
And for all that, AFP reported only “several hundred” showed. National Right to Life was more generous to report the pro-aborts ultimately numbered “a thousand or so.”
No surprise, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice tweeted a number far higher…
… but RCRC’s math doesn’t work. 4,000 ÷ 250 = 16. Pro-abort lobby groups divided into gangs of 16 to lobby congresspersons? Sounds improbable, either that or quite a waste of people power. Reports from them suggest the former.
Meanwhile, they whined about the lack of news coverage. Too bad, so sad. We get 1,000x their attendance and get snubbed.
Note how they made an effort to put the only blacks at the rally on stage in an attempt to mask the fact that they are genocidal monsters.
Ha. That last blog quote is just making me laugh so hard.
“Thousands of citizen activists in purple and pink t-shirts gathered in front of the U.S. Capitol, and rallied against the extreme, anti-woman agenda brewing in the U.S. House of Representatives….
“[A] crowd that had traveled from all over the country to be here…sent John Boehner and his anti-choice cohorts a strong message.”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure “Boehner and his anti-choice cohorts” are going to remember much more vividly the crowd of hundreds of thousands that shows up every year in January and keep this show of anemia in perspective.
awesome post Jill. and get this. I went to type in the “Name” box and started typing your name. It must be late here.
Am I missing something? Is PP going to close all its centers because it doesn’t get it’s federal funding? They have over a billion dollars! That’s scare-mongering of the most shameless sort.
“Is PP going to close all its centers because it doesn’t get it’s federal funding?”
Please Jesus…
No I guess we are shutting down the government before we shut down the killing.
Maybe Ed Harris was told to act angry?
I mean, after all – he is an actor – right?
Now about Cecile:
Andy, you absolutely don’t want to be me… :) Hey all, this is a great time to announce Andy is coming to America! On April 19! And he’s staying with us, at least for a portion of his 3 months here! I’m so excited!
Gee, I wonder why…
You want a white angry mob, should have been here for 9/12.
Not a surprise from the pro-aborts, the masks are off. When you deal in death, anger and hate are the guiding emotions.
The New York Times is reporting hundreds, not even a thousand in attendance:
“As both sides waged war in the Senate and House, and via news releases and Twitter feeds, hundreds of supporters of Planned Parenthood rallied in the capital to oppose cuts to their programs, which have become a focal point of Republican policy riders.”
Here’s the link:
how ironic — if they want to “Stand Up for Women’s Health”, they *would* stop performing abortions.
Anger and outrage and ruffled feathers. That is all they’ve got. Oh and the swearing. Don’t forget the swearing.
Hey, that’s Steve Trombley in the crowd shot, isn’t it? Big guy, bottom center.
Trombley was the CEO of PP of Illinois until last year, when they moved him to the Northern New England affiliate in abortion-friendly Vermont, where he could do less harm to their “brand.”
Trombley presided over the failed deception scheme whereby Planned Parenthood opened their first mega-abortuary in Aurora, Illinois, under the name of a front company. The reversal of PP’s positive public image really began right there.
Interesting to see Trombley there in D.C., all the way down from Vermont. Looks like not only couldn’t they drum up much actual grassroots, they couldn’t even PAY astroturf activists and had to ship in the brass from up and down the Eastern seaboard just to get a couple hundred bodies out there.
Pro-life OWNS the grassroots!
Eric Scheidler
Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League
Doesn’t Nancy Keenan look like she’s leading this crowd in a recitation of ”Seig Heil! Seig Heil! Seig Heil!”?
“Stand Up for Women’s Health” – Don’t get “laid back” and have sex with someone you do not want to have a baby with AND especially DON’T lay down on the abortionist’s table!!! There I finished their statement.
“Stand Up For Women’s Health”
They are still fooling people with this slogan although it is as ambiguous as “Choice”. Did they happen to mention that Planned Parenthood receives $950,000 a DAY from the US government to run their abortion business? I’m still hearing news reporters stating that PP receives NO money for abortion – which is false! When the gov. puts money in the pot, it frees up other funds for abortion. Would you give your drug-addicted son $100 for groceries as long as he promised not to use it to buy more drugs?
These pro-aborts are ex-hippies. The 1970’s are looking for you.
Great find, Jer, thanks, posted!
Just got involved with a ridiculous PP lover on facebook today. She threw out the old “But they provide mammograms!” and I relished educating her to the truth… THEY DON’T. What sheep these people are. Slaving for the emperor while he sits in the palace enjoying the fruits (and blood) of their children.
I for one do not want women hurt – that is why I support human life at all its stages, from conception to natural death. That makes me a pro-woman, pro-man, pro-child,and a pro-lifer.
I am all for choice – as long as choice does not harm, maim or help cause sin. That’s it. So if abortion did not maim women or children, or cause children to die via abortion, I would be all for it.
Some choices have huge consequences – like the death of another human being. That is not a choice I could support. So Robert – you have not supported your claim in any fashion.
Oh – BTW Robert – you say pro-lifers has no concern for the family and children after birth? I give of my own time,$, etc to help care for them personally with food, clothing,furniture, $, rent, transportation, household goods, cooking appliances, diapers, and good cheer. I’ve had relationships with women/families for over 6 years – and we still are connected and bring them hope. In fact one young woman calls me regularly. We truly enjoy each other’s company and I have aided their whole family, including sisters and parent…
so – I’m sorry to say that your theory is not accurate on all accounts. Please stop making falsehoods.
oh, and Robert – Who do you think provides much of the charity, health care and access, food pantries, etc here and around the world? oh yeah – the good old Roman Catholic Church.
I’m so tired of hearing that govt. money doesn’t go towards abortions. You refuse to buy me a car, but offer to pay my mortgage for two years. You just bought me a car.
All money to Planned Parenthood goes to abortions.
All these don;t even come remotely close to prividing enough help to prevent abortions.
What kind of help is being denied to a woman who is expecting. If she’s economically disadvantaged she can get medicaid. If she can’t afford to feed her baby she can get wic and she also qualifies for public assistance until her situation improves. She’s not alone and when the law works the way it should the father of the baby gets to help support his baby. If she chooses not to keep her baby there is adoption. What more help do you think there should be. I think what would really help is to let women know they should never feel that they are alone that feelings are subjective and that there are more people hoping she allows her baby an opportunity at life than there are those who don’t. You need to fast forward to 2011. You sound like planned parenthood except I know they have to be knowledgeable of what economically disadvantaged women qualify for. I just had a thought maybe it’s not the moms their trying to rescue at all.
is she a lesbian? the one on the top picture.