Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • Ethika Politika has a piece on “why you can’t be pro-life and pro-contraception.”

  • One of our new blog additions, Abortion State, has the story on a botched abortion at a WA Planned Parenthood in March. This is not the first time this PP clinic has had trouble – they recently were under fire for employing a quack doctor and unlicensed “nurses.” Hear the 911 call:


  • Mommy Life reports the TX House of Representatives rerouted $61M in family planning money to other programs which do not promote abortion. Congratulations to TX Right to Life, who spearheaded this effort to defund the abortion industry in TX.
  • MN Citizens Concerned for Life writes about a just-released report from the MN Dept. of Human Services, showing nearly 32% of all abortions performed in the state were paid for by taxpayers – a $1.58M price tag.
  • ProWomanProLife spotlights Heroic Media, “a faith-based company that promotes alternatives to abortion through mass media….”
  • Moral Outcry wonders why the government would seek to save the lives of youth by banning menthol cigarettes, but continue to promote death via abortion.
  • Another new addition to the blog roll, Hear Their Cries, announces Samaritan Ministries International’s plan to establish “full-service, charitable maternity hospitals in major cities, with the first one operating by the end of 2012.” This would be an alternative to government aid:


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