Stanek Sunday funnies 4-10-11
Looking back over this week’s political cartoons as they pertain to our issue, there was the good, by Signe Wilkinson at…
… the bad, by Clay Jones at…
… more bad by Clay Jones at, on a roll…
… and the ugly, by Matt Davies at… terribly offensive, actually…

Let’s see…
Without being familiar with any of Matt Davies’ work, I’d like to see him draw a cartoon of Mohamed kissing a pig with lipstick.
Or other things The Prophet did in his lifetime, like sleep with his child-bride, or behead infidels, or any number of righteous acts.
See how quick Tribune Media would publish that.
Thank you, Jill, for the weekly trip to the theater of the absurd. It is easy to be a leftist comic because you don’t need the truth as a guide. One senses that the leftist comics are just trying to outdo one another–the most ridicuous, pathetic, and scurrilous comic wins.
But hey–I see progress in the last one (though the content is beyond the pale). Davies has made a quantum leap by calling the T-Party the T-Party, unlike some of the low lifes and trolls who insist on using a vulgar term.
I love how not wanting government to give our money to Planned Parenthood now equates with NO CANCER SCREENING FOR WOMEN. It’s typical liberalism, though – if you’re against increased government spending, then YOU HATE THE POOR! If you’re for controlling our borders, then YOU HATE FOREIGNERS! If you disagree with Obama on anything, then YOU HATE BLACK PEOPLE! And so forth and so on.
I enjoy the plane one – thanks for posting!
“When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield,” instructs Allah, “strike off their heads.” That is from Sura 47:4 of the Koran
There, Matt Davies. Make a funny out of that one.
But at least Davies drew a historically accurate cross, so there’s that. :/
I see a couple of blasphemous, deliberately inflammatory, ethnic-based comments slipped through the tight net. The fact that some bigots hate Muslims and enjoy slandering their religion isn’t a surprise, but it’s sad to see that it is apparently such a common conservative value that their vitriol is considered creative and considerate.
But we can replace Christ with a GOP elephant. And us Christians are supposed to shut up and sit down.
Diversity at its finest!
If the founder of the religion of peace didn’t do any of the above, then I’ll have to apologize to Daniel Pearl.
Last week’s budget negotiations was a huge display by Planned Parenthood and their bought and paid for liberal pro-choice cronies in DC of “Straw Men on Parade.” We must develop a consistent and grownup response to the hyperbole that gets thrown around that has NOTHING to do with the matter at hand. For example:
“Defunding Planned Parenthood is a violation of a woman’s right to choose.” No, defunding has nothing to do with the legality of abortion.
“Defunding Planned Parenthood will take away cancer screening from poor women.” No, they DON’T DO mammograms; that is a lie they tell. Also Pap smears can be obtained at community health clinics for free.
“Defunding Planned Parenthood will take away STD testing from poor women/men.” No, Planned Parenthood, as we learned from Live Action’s investigation, REFERS to public health clinics for free STD testing.
You see, truth doesn’t need any help. It is when people are lying that they resort to the straw man and hyperbole, and OUTRIGHT LIES. Learn the truth and stick to it, consistently and vocally. Stand up to the attempted intimidation and lies. It WILL shut them up if we are consistent. Truth, and the Manifest TRUTH is on our side.
The lies about PP’s value and services don’t matter as much as we think they do. Nobody goes to PP for cancer screenings.
PP hands out birth-control, some low-cost and some for free. The people holding those signs saying STAND WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD were protecting their source of free birth control, or protecting their jobs at PP clinics.
The lies are to make Republicans look cruel and heartless — and those lies would be the same, no matter what issue became the center of the budget debate.
Overall — we are very fortunate that PP and abortion became the center of the debate! Pro-life also was the center during the Healthcare debate last year. When there is a lot of attention, there will be a lot more lies — but also a lot more people who are learning the truth.