Jivin J’s Life Links 5-16-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- In New Zealand, a storm is brewing over recent revelations that a 16-year-old had an abortion which was arranged by a school counselor without her parents’ knowledge.
- A West Virginia judge has upheld a life sentence on teenager who killed a pregnant woman’s unborn child when he was 16.
- Sex-selection abortions in Taiwan have eliminated 3,000 girls who should have been born in 2010:
The Bureau last month launched an investigation after it found that 10 out of every 11 babies delivered in a clinic in New Taipei City last year were boys. 9 out of every 10 babies delivered in a Taipei City hospital during the same period of time were also male.Government officials suspected that doctors at the 2 medical institutions might have conducted the illegal abortions after expectant parents had viewed ultrasound scans which allowed them to predict the sex of their baby.Under Taiwan’s law, any doctor found guilty of conducting such an abortion may face a fine of up to Tw$500,000 ($17,368).
- The number of women in Australia who contracted hepatitis C from an anesthetist who worked at an abortion clinic has risen to 49:Dr. [James] Peters [left] also worked at the Fertility Control Centre in East Melbourne, the St. Albans Endoscopy Centre and the Western Day Surgery in Sunshine.
But… the infections appear to be isolated to the Croydon Day Surgery.
In a Herald Sun article, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Dr. John Carnie doesn’t think the women were infected accidentally and we get some more background on Dr. Peters:
Dr. Peters had a history of drug use and was last year convicted of possessing images of child pornography.
- Authorities in South Africa caught an illegal abortionist after an alert hospital security guard realized something was amiss:
B4S VIP Security managing director, Zubair Gafoor, said the man’s alleged scheme involved using hospital documentation to convince women that he was a practicing doctor at the hospital.“Once he convinced them he takes them for coffee at the hospital café where he allegedly explains how the abortion will take place. Our investigations have revealed that he allegedly also tells them that apart from working at the hospital he has a private ‘surgery’ behind a Gold Exchange shop in Church Street where he performs the operations.
Here he allegedly abandons his victims once he has taken their money. Our biggest fear now is how many women he has ‘operated’ on and what has happened to them.”
[Photo via theage.com.au]

I find it odd that they phrase it “expectant parents had viewed ultrasound scans which allowed them to predict the sex of their baby”. There’s no predictions going on. The baby IS a boy or IS a girl and ultrasounds are used to see which it is. No one would look at a newborn’s genetalia and claim to “predict” that the child will be a boy – they proclaim “it’s a boy!”
Laurie they “predict” because ultrasounds are sometimes wrong. Case in point is that my husband’s cousin had a pink baby shower because the ultrasound “predicted” girl. And lo and behold, that baby came out with a penis! lol.
That story about the shooting is so sad. Other news reports say he tried to shoot her in the face and when that failed shot her 3 times including once in the abdomen. When doctors removed her “slain fetus” (how stupid does that sound to say that) that was 22 weeks old the young mother held her baby for over an hour wailing. This thug doesn’t care that he killed this baby, has gotten into fights in prison and shows no remorse. And his mother stood yelling at reporters in the court playing the race card. Maybe if she had raised her son to care and be a real man that protects women and children he would not be locked up like an animal for the rest of his life. No respect for human life!
Oh, yes, I know – I’ve had the gender of three of my own children “predicted”… I just meant that predictions deal with things that aren’t yet. It would have been more accurate to say that the ultrasounds are used in an attempt to “indentify”. Just another instance of the media reporting on the pre-born as if they don’t exist fully.
I think it’s more that at birth they will discover/know for sure, and they are predicting now what they will discover then… I agree it’s kind of an odd wording, but there’s so much worse out there (“fertilized eggs” anyone?) that it hardly seems worth complaining about this.
“Family First-commissioned poll last year found 79 per cent of people supported parental notification when a daughter was considering an abortion.”
“This is a very strong response, and is a rebuke to the politicians in 2004 who chose to exclude parents from this process when debating the provision in the Care of Children Bill,” Family First national director Bob McCoskrie said.
“The law currently means that while a parent has to sign a letter for their daughter to go on a school trip to the zoo or to play in the netball team, they are totally excluded from any knowledge or granting of permission for that same child to be put on the pill, have a vaccine, or have a surgical abortion.”
This is how you know you are living in a de facto dictatorship and virtually all the leaders are in service to rich business interests.
There is the phony reassurance that parents are in control because they have to give permission for kids to play basketball, but all of the issues the governing know-it-alls care about are decided by those same know-it-alls.
Big business runs all of our countries. We can do as they say willingly, or they will force us, but either way, they get what they want.
Pray for this family: http://tinyurl.com/3luy88v
Their little boy has been diagnosed with anencephaly; he will probably be born this week.
Oh, okay. I get it now Laurie. And I agree with you!