Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • ProLifeBlogs highlights a post from Pundit and Pundette revealing UK doctors now prescribe water for their elderly patients to assure that hospital staff tends to patients’ basic nutritional needs. The disregard for life in some hospital wards is so severe, they may be forced to close.

  • Mary Meets Dolly discusses society’s “dangerous precedent to value human lives less than that of others in the animal kingdom.” Nazi Germany was known for this, as well.
  • MN Citizens Concerned for Life responds to the pro-choice argument that pro-lifers are trying to “legislate morality” regarding abortion.
  • Live Action hosts an interview with 2 former Girl Scouts who have launched their own website to expose the organization’s alliance with Planned Parenthood:


  • Bryan Kemper tells about 52 college students who will spend the summer walking 20 miles per day and sleeping in RV’s as they walk across the US to be a witness for life.
  • Andrew Haines at Ethika Politika gives his take on the increasingly popular “Slut Walks” being staged in Canada and the US.
  • Coming Home makes the case for an incrementalist approach to pro-life activism.
  • Abstinence Clearinghouse, our newest blog addition, posts a video of a Pacific University student who gives his view of sex, abstinence and marriage in front of an audience of his fellow students:
  • [youtube][/youtube]

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