We’ve been running the ad about this event for weeks, and tomorrow night is the big night.

If you haven’t already, register now to participate in the Unite for Life webcast on May 17 at 8p (in each time zone), hosted by Focus on the Family and featuring Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood clinic director.

The webcast will also include Dr. Peggy Hartshorn of Heartbeat International, Tom Glessner of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, Melinda Delahoyde of Care Net, and Shawn Carney of the Coalition for Life, who befriended Abby while she was still employed by PP.

Unite for Life emphasizes:

If you’ve ever felt God’s calling to stand up for children who cannot speak for themselves; to raise your voice in defense of the preborn; if you want to help women who are face-to-face with the most difficult and important decision of their lives – and possibly change the future of abortion in America — join us at UniteForLifeWebcast.org….

Proceeds from the webcast will benefit Heartbeat, CareNet, NIFLA, and the Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services,

Again, register here.

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