It all started when New Zealand college student Andy Moore began interning on this blog – could it be only 2 short years ago?!

Andy, in turn, was instrumental in getting Bryan Kemper and I (and hubby Rich) over to NZ to speak this past January – could it be only 6 short months ago?!

I became quite fond of Andy while in NZ and suggested he connect with our daughter, Daena.

Connect they did, and the two hit it off as famously as possible on Facebook chat and Skype, so much so that Andy got a holiday Visa to visit the US and meet Daena in April (pictured at that time, left) – could it be only 3 short months ago?!

Andy and Daena found they were peas in a pod, having compatible personalities, interests, values, and, most importantly, a shared faith in God. So they got engaged – while on an airplane flying from Dallas to Chicago for the 4th of July weekend – could it be only 2 short weeks ago?

Then, as the day drew nearer for Andy to leave on July 16, because his holiday Visa was expiring, the two found that between all the US and NZ paperwork it would be a minimum of 8 months before Andy could return, and also very expensive. It was at that point – last week! – Andy and Daena decided they didn’t want to wait to begin their life together.

And so the two eloped on Friday, July 15, coincidentally the very day my own parents eloped 57 years ago!

Because he’s now married, Andy does not have to leave the US Daena.

Andy and Daena plan to have a ceremony for their families and friends, which her brother Tim, a youth pastor, will officiate, probably in Chicago in November.

We are all so very happy for Andy and Daena. We think the world of Andy.

And it turns out I’m a pretty good pro-life matchmaker!

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