(Prolifer)ations 8-23-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Right to Life of Michigan highlights the Department of Justice’s charges against a 79-year-old sidewalk counselor in Washington, D.C. for offering life-affirming alternatives to abortion clients on a public sidewalk. This case shows the Obama administration’s disregard for free speech and total allegiance to the abortion industry.
- Pro-Life Wisconsin reports the state’s largest public university has selected former Planned Parenthood official, Lorraine Lathen, to co-manage a $10M fund to help lower instances of African-American infant mortality. Sources omitted this point from the article lauding her accomplishments. Talk about a disconnect.
- ProLife NZ has a piece on Alberto Costa, a physician and neuroscientist at the University of Colorado-Denver School of Medicine, whose research has the potential to help individuals like his daughter, Tyche (pictured left with Costa), who has Down syndrome. He says looking for ways to help those with Ds is like racing against those who seek to “eliminate” Ds by aborting those who have it. He laments the lack of funding for research into actual treatments for Ds, because “[t]he geneticists expect Down syndrome to disappear… so why fund treatments?”
Kill instead of cure seems to be the direction of the prenatal testing blitz.
- The Life Training Institute blog shares the conversion story of the formerly pro-abortion atheist blogger, “Raving Atheist,” who had a change of perspective due in part to a “serendipitous” meeting with a pro-life blogger who gave a reasoned defense of life.
- Vital Signs demonstrates how to write a factual and firm but non-offensive letter to a business supporting Planned Parenthood.
- Kelsey at Secular ProLife gets to the heart of the matter regarding a University of Miami football scandal in which recruitment funds were egregiously misused – in one case, to pay for a woman’s abortion. This “forgotten child,” is treated almost as a footnote in all the news articles on this scandal.
- Suzy B has stunning pictures of the World Youth Day in Madrid, which attracted over a million pro-lifers. Live Action’s Lila Rose was a guest speaker at the event.
- John Smeaton shares this hard-hitting video from the Madrid World Youth Day in which Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV.com blasts Catholic politicians who support abortion:

Most of the news items above reflect the influence of the culture of death and how it has become enshrined in American culture and institutions via moral decay, philosophical perversion and political control.
Some years ago (in 1966 I believe) Frederic Wertham published a book entitled,
A SIGN FOR CAIN, which discusses the problems of societies and nations that adopt a culture of death philosophy, while promoting it as a positive good. This was a study especially about Nazi Germany, though its applications are broad. An excerpt from this book titled, “The German Euthanasia Program” (which was republished separately by Hayes Publishing Co. in a 64 page edition in 1978) is especially enlightening as to the ever deepening, darkening plunge into killing when restraints are removed from the sanctity of life. We need to be educated about these things and do our best to expose them for their evil. It is grieving to see the United States accept and adopt evil philosophies and policies that were advanced in tyranical anti-Christian and anti-sanctity of life societies such as pagan nations of the past and Nazi Germany and Communist countries of more recent history.
Off topic, but Important! A mother suffering from PPD in California threw her infant son off a parking garage outside a Children’s hospital. The baby is in bad shape in the hospital. For all you Christians on here I wanted to ask you to Please pray for this baby – that God will help him recover without long-term effects from this horrible act, and also for the mother – that she will get the help she needs. I am so sorry for this poor baby. Apparently before she delivered this child, the mother was happy about the baby and a good mother to her older children, after she delivered the baby her mood changed dramatically due to PPD. Mental illness is a terrible thing. :-(
That’s so sad. But it also reminds us why it is so important for physicians and nurses to routinely screen for post-partum depression in new mothers when they see them for their follow up care.
This just in:
Raisehell Maddcoww of PSNBC blames DC quake on Bush’s fault.
New York Times reports Washingon Monument is now leaning to the left.
FOX New broadcasts live feed of the monolith: You decide.
Barny Frank ‘Likes It’.
I hope they arrest and charge her as appropriate for attempted murder! we are supposed to feel sorry for someone who threw their infant off a building? What a crock.
I don’t think we are supposed to in any way condone what she did. Absolutely horrifying to me. I do hope she GETS HELP immediately and she be held accountable for her actions.
Ken you have got to be kidding me! is that why they keep showing the monument? @Carla did the 14 year old abort?
If she was experiencing PPD or even PPP (Post-Partum Psychosis), she wasn’t in her right mind and not thinking rationally (depression can really play tricks with your mind). What’ll probably happen is that she will be arrested & tried, but if she is experiencing PPD or PPP, she’ll have to receive court-mandated treatment probably with a DCS social worker assigned to her case. We don’t know that she won’t feel remorse or horrible for what she did as she gets better. & as she gets better family court can evaluate her treatment & where she’s at & determine whether or not she’s fit to raise the child (if the child survives).
Here’s an LA News article on it with links to more information at the bottom:
Mother of baby thrown from building ‘showed no emotion’
Apparently she’d been hospitalized for depression before. & her stoic and emotionlessness facial expressions are broad warning indicators of emotional numbness & serious depression. I’m thinking an Andrea Yates type case all over again :(
Yes h she did.
oh Carla i am so sorry to hear that!
Me too, h.
This child was offered so much(support and help and adoption)but I am sure the parent coerced it. The very people who are to LOVE and PROTECT victimized this child again. Highly doubt statutory rape was reported by the mill.
Please pray for her. She is going to be dealing with a lot at such a young age. :(
I’m so sorry to hear what happened Carla. :(
“Highly doubt statutory rape was reported by the mil”
If she had delivered, would the hospital have reported statutory rape? Are doctors and CPC’s who deal with pregnant, underage girls subject to the same kind of scrutiny and Lila Rose sting videos as Planned Parenthood is? Or is the act of giving birth so sacred that any other considerations are put aside? And BTW, according to the anti-choice lobby, parental rights must be recognized if a child seeks an abortion. If these parents wanted their child to have an abortion, why shouldn’t their legal status, as parents, be recognized in this instance?
Rachel C. I don’t remember from previous posts if you are a Christian and believe in the Bible. I am. Either you believe man has free will or you don’t. If man has free will than the only time they aren’t responsible for their actions are when an outside force has usurped their will (possession) or when they are very young (below the age of accountability) or have a severe mental retardation that keeps them from ever reaching the age of accountability regardless of age. Depression, in any form is an *emotion* it’s a thought, not an action, and humanity is called to ‘take every thought captive’, which we wouldn’t be told to do if it were impossible. An emotion never once has made anyone do anything. Depression can’t make people sin. People turning from what they know to be right to follow an emotion, instead of taking it captive and only acting on what is good and right causes people to sin.
Now, is it possible that previously loving and caring mothers who do things like this are demon possessed and can’t help themselves because they aren’t in control? Of course it is. But last I checked our secular legal system doesn’t have a wish or way to determine possession, so ‘the demon made me do it’ isn’t anymore a *legal* defense than ‘i really, really *felt* like I should do it’ should be.
I can be sympathetic to someone who isn’t in control of their actions because their minds have been usurped, and certainly I think some of these family killers (male and female) fall into that category. But humanity has never needed demons to sin, and the vast majority of people I hear say ‘i can’t help myself’ really mean ‘i don’t *want* to exert the effort necessary to control myself’.
yes Carla that poor girl was indeed a victim
she may not be feeling any effects of PAS yet but she will
sadly i figured she did it as i didn’t see any good news posted. it’s in the good lord’s. hands now but we tried
Ok, that’s your beliefs (which you have the right to believe), but the medical field and the courts recognize mental illness as a complex, biological, brain-based medical and behavioral illness. And as a person living with mental illness, this is what I believe, not that whole hoopla about spiritual possession. The belief in spiritual possession is outdated & dates back to before the discoveries in medical and behavioral knowledge & sciences we have now and what we understand of how the human body functions (and occasionally disfunctions).
The little boy who was thrown from the parking ramp has died. :(
Hi CC,
Not in the mood, but I hope you are well. Maybe someone else will want to go a couple of rounds with you.
Oh Carla, that’s so sad to hear :(
For those who aren’t familiar with mental illness & mood disorders, you can learn more via books at your local library, advocacy organizations, publications from websites, etc. I’ve included some links to such resources below:
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
1 (800) 950-NAMI
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Postpartum Support International
Sometimes Rachael C. this world and what happens in it is so hard to bear.
Regarding the woman who threw her 7 month old disabled son off the parking ramp – she had the presence of mind to remove his protective helmet first.
This is something I just do not understand. The whole scenario sounds premeditated. :(
And if it was premeditated murder & not due to untreated depression alone, then yes, she is culpible & should be prosecuted.