After a summer hiatus, Todd Bullis and his group of Christian pro-life activists resumed what they call the “Church Project,” an effort to awaken Ventura, CA, church congregants to the reality of abortion through graphic displays on Sunday mornings.

Todd’s effort has been educational for me. He chooses churches with no demonstrable evidence that they are pro-life, even though they say they are. To date one hostile church member has hosed him and neighbors have blocked his Truth Truck. Todd has had to call police several times to intervene.

The uproar ensuing upon Todd’s arrival was no different this week. For the first time Todd’s crew picketed his former  home church, Reality Carpinteria, and church members freaked. (Reality booted Todd a year ago for his pro-life activism, although his current church leaders told Todd they could find no unbiblical action on his part.)

First, a woman congregant turned over Todd’s signs, inexplicably beginning with his placard warning that graphic abortion photos were ahead. Then a neighbor went off on an expletive-laced tirade. Police were called. More angry church members expressed their outrage.

There is lots of drama on this video. My favorite comment is the woman church member asking Todd, “Are you Catholics?” – a tribute to the pro-life leadership the Catholic Church is known to show.


Then, not on video, Todd’s pastor came out and offered to have the meeting with Todd his church’s leadership had been refusing to have for months.

Their agreement upon completion of the meeting:

  • Reality will have an elders meeting to pray and seek the the heart of the Lord concerning abortion and the churches role in helping to end abortion.
  • Reality will take some type of leadership roll in the pro-life movement based on Christ’s prompting and leadership.
  • Reality will list on its web site the pro-life groups it supports and encourage the Church to support them.

All good. But it shouldn’t have taken a visual display of abortion to wake up this church, or any church.

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