by Daniel Blackman of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

It has been almost two decades since British pro-lifers tried to shut down an abortion centre.

And never on this scale.

But now Christians, Muslims, neighbors, and  building tenants have united to protest the secret opening of a British Pregnancy Advisory Service abortion centre, conveniently located near London’s 2012 Olympic Park.

On October 22 the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children and 40 Days for Life UK organized a large day of protesting and public outreach against the BPAS mill, located on the ground floor of a residential housing block.

Tenants of One Housing,  which leased the space to BPAS, have also written it a letter of complaint.

Britain can expect to see pro-lifers increasingly on the front-foot in the battle against abortion, with high quality education and training events that equip both the older and newer generations to bring an end to abortion in their lifetime.

In 2010 pro-lifer Robert Colquhoun introduced 40 Days for Life to Britain, leading a team of  committed pro-lifers and volunteers. That effort has expanded and is ongoing right now in conjunction with America’s 40 Days campaign.

On October 27 the Christian Legal Center and Christian Concern will host the “Make Abortion History” conference, advertised to be “[b]iggest day of outreach ever.” Gregg Cunningham of  the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (which has a UK branch) will give a keynote address, and a lunchtime rally will be held onside the Houses of Parliament.

And on October 29 Colquhoun has invited Bernadette Smyth of Precious Life Ireland to speak at a pro-life boot camp for the youth.

[Top photo: Alan Craig, Leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance, speaks to the crowd at the opening rally outside the abortion facility. In the background is Dr. Majid Katme, Islamic Medical Association, who also addressed the crowd. Second photo: A group of Catholics pray outside another BPAS abortion facility during the 40 Days for Life vigil.]

[JLS note: I’m so excited to learn about all the pro-life activity across the pond! Great work!]

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