Herman Cain: consistently pro-life
In an early television ad he introduced himself, first and foremost, as a believer of life from conception…
In an issue paper on his website, meanwhile, he said he would oppose abortion in the case of pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, as well as the use of tax dollars that “could encourage abortion as a ‘solution’ to problem pregnancies.”
~ Sam Stein reporting on the abortion position of Republican primary presidential candidate Herman Cain during his failed 2004 Senate bid, Huffington Post, October 5
I still believe Santorum is the Pro-Life candidate. But it seems like a serious uphill battle for Rick. I followed the link and looked at the whole Huffington article. Frankly, it gives me hope that there may still be a viable strong Pro-Life candidate out there if Santorum doesn’t make it. Sure, Perry talks a good line, and I don’t doubt he would be a good conservative president. But I do not see him the same way I see Santorum, and now, maybe, Herman Cain. Oh yeah – Romney – don’t even get me started.
Now that my girl Sarah isn’t running, I’m rooting for Santorum and Cain. I’l be happy with either one.
ive been keeping my eye on herman cain. and hes pro life? even better. i may vote for him.
Good for Herman Cain. I like him. He seems genuine and firm in his convictions. He would be a colossal improvement over the current WH occupant.
But my candidate is still Rick Santorum. He’s the leader, the man we need. People need to stop believing the media myth that he can’t win, or the worse myth that Romney is the inevitable candidate. Romney is a used-car salesman.
I am such an enormous Herman Cain fan. Out of our current crop of candidates, he is my absolute favorite.
Well folks, if we want Santorum or Cain to truly be viable candidates, we all know they need our financial support as well as our prayers and verbal support. I just went and made an on line donation to each of their campaigns. If you can, step up and do the same. If not, please include them in your prayers and talk to your friends about them.
I won’t vote for someone who would require members of his cabinet to take an additional loyalty oath for office based on their religion. That’s a reeeeaaalllyyy bad precedent, and not exactly constitutional. Of you are a strict constitutionalist, you probably don’t want to vote for this guy.
Of course Cain wouldn’t use tax payer dollars on abortion – based on what I’ve read on the 9-9-9 plan, we really wouldn’t have any money as a country at all to spend on anything at all!
Because Obama’s plan is stunningly better!
I would actually use the word “stunningly” – I think you are correct (though you didn’t mean it as support).
I think stunningly better might actually be an understatement.
Choosing that faculty lounge navel-gazer / community organizer / state senate absentee / U.S. Senate absentee / hopeless and unchanged failed president’s economic expertise over a successful businessman. Now that’s truly stunning!
So Cain would undertake every economic analysis and decision all by himself?
No advisers, specialists, experts or treasury analysis?
Oh, he’d have plenty of advisers. But he has the right background to choose good ones. Not ivory tower eggheads with no hands-on experience. He didn’t originate his 9-9-9 plan. His analysts, working backward, say that’s the lowest tax numbers to not go down another bankrupt road like Obama’s.
‘working backward’ sounds right!
Better than full speed ahead off the cliff! :)
Stumbling backwards over the cliff with closed eyes doesn’t change the impact at the bottom. At least with proper planning you have a parachute.
A 9-9-9 plan would very quickly make the nation look like the society in Soylent Green.
Yeah, Soylent Green is people. And so is the economy. The dems, however, would ban the separation of economy and state.
Hans – I like successful pizza sellers. I do find it odd that the right was upset at Obama’s lack of political experience, so now the darling of the month is a guy who’s done nothing over class President.
Thankfully, the odds of him being the GOP are pretty darn slim. Romney or Perry are your guys – follow the money and get used to it.
“I do find it odd that the right was upset at Obama’s lack of political experience,”
I thought the right was upset at Obama’s lack of any experience requiring responsibility.
Jen: People need to stop believing the media myth that he can’t win, or the worse myth that Romney is the inevitable candidate.
Jen, I’m not saying that Romney will be the pick, but I disagree about Santorum. He is simply not electable – the kooky stories about him would be trotted out, etc. Santorum would guarantee an Obama win.
If I was in charge of the Republicans, I don’t know what I’d so – things are certainly muddled a good bit. But banking on a sure-loser is just that.
it doesnt matter who runs on our side the tree hugging liberals will always find fault. they hand any liberal a free pass on every little thing they do, and it doesnt matter how dumb it is. but any pro life conservative is under a microscope. obama can flub a speech with biden falling asleep and the liberal media will blame it on “fatigue” but if sarah palin flubs, shes nothing more then a stupid moron.
or a christian zealot with a fetus fetish an anti choice nut job etc.
This country needs ANYBODY but Obama. Any of the Republican candidtaes would be a 100% improvement on our current POS POTUS.
When I told one of my friends that I wasn’t voting for Obama last time, even though she knew me for over a decade she screamed at me that I was a racist.
What will she scream at me if I vote for THIS inexperienced man of color to be president???!!!
No one who voted for the inexperienced America-hating celebu-dent who currently Occupies the white house can say diddly about Cain. None of you have a leg to stand on. So zip it.
I am still a registered Democrat, but that party couldn’t flush itself further down the toilet if it tried.
i hear you ninek. nobody has ever accused me of racism but i have heard this said about others. how can that be when obama had a white mother and a black father? hes half white. my girlfriend is white and her boyfriend of several years is black. she has 2 children with him but she does not identify her kids as black. heeeelooooo shes their white mother. the kids are biracial.
i think singer jz wrote a song called “my prez is black” wrong! btw his wife beautiful beyoncae is pregnant and says she feels “empowered” by her pregnancy. i must say though that they were obama supporters and i have since boycotted faith hill and tim mcgraws music because they are obama supporters. faith was adopted. i was really shocked!
…..not that i cared much for tim and faith to begin with but now if im driving and so much as hear one of their songs on the radio, i change it. i used to sing along with them before.
I think all this describing of candidates as Lilliputians is ridiculous. The fact is no one seems “presidential” unti their acceptance speech on election night. Not one. Not even JFK, the fair-haired son of “royalty”. It took a whole lot of dead Chigagoans to put him over the top.
What about that motley crew of Democrats in 2008, led by two inexperienced senators?
Cain is a good speech or two from leading or being chosen vice-president. I can get over his slight residual of “ebonics”. I guess Davey Crockett would have sounded even worse. :)
At this point I am beginning to think that my cat would be a better president than Obama. However, I am not too impressed by this Republican field. The only candidate I would have voted for — Pawlenty — is out of the race. I don’t know about Cain. He has a strong record as a business leader and he certainly is smart, but he doesn’t have any experience as an elected official.
Also, he seems rather insensitive. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t he say that there are plenty of jobs and that it’s YOUR fault if you’re unemployed? Excuse me, my sister, a degreed professional, has been unemployed for nearly a year and is about to lose her house. She is really depressed and getting discouraged, because she has applied for dozens of jobs, even going out of state, with no luck. There are millions of people in this country in the same position. Those of us with jobs (and benefits) are truly blessed.
Times certainly are tough. Looks like people are going to have to settle for jobs they are overqualified for. Cain’s computer science degree got him started as a Navy systems designer. Military / government jobs are usually that first big step you can count on.
Cain was mostly referring to the Wall Street protesters, who were acting like the successful owe them a job.
I think they should concentrate on making it more conducive for the successful to hire. They don’t want to bury their money in the back yard. They want to invest it. It’s a natural by-product that it will then be used for the benefit of others.
Times certainly are tough. Looks like people are going to have to settle for jobs they are overqualified for. Cain’s computer science degree got him started as a Navy systems designer. Military / government jobs are usually that first big step you can count on.
Yes, you’re right. My sister is a registered pharmacist with licenses in NJ and Ohio. Not long ago this was a great profession, but they opened too many schools and now the field is saturated, especially in large urban areas. She is interviewing for a job as a medical technician, a job usually filled by people with associate’s degrees.
I would love to work for the VA, but those jobs are really hard to get. I admire anyone who is good in math and science, like Cain, because when I am faced with those subjects part of my brain seems to shut down. :-0
I like Herman Cain. His principles, education, and experience have prepared him to establish clear objectives that are within his authority, to size things up by getting the right information, the right counsel, and then making the necessary decisions, and to delegate. He knows how to work within the limits of his actual authority. All the while he sticks with his principles. And I like his principles.
I am tired of our government being run by the political class made up mostly of lawyers.