Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • Stand for Life features a video of former Planned Parenthood worker Catherine Adair, who describes her job counting bags of body parts and what she witnessed there. These are the firsthand accounts PP fears the most:


  • ProWomanProLife discusses a radio station’s Win the Baby contest – in which the winner would receive up to $35,000 for 3 rounds of fertility treatments – and why it is unethical.
  • Vital Signs notes that even during these tough economic times, the Democrats find it necessary to continue to fund the United Nations Population Fund, which “not only channels millions to help China carry out its brutality but openly praises the Communist nation as providing an efficient model of population control….”

  • Pro-Life Wisconsin reveals that Groupon showcased Planned Parenthood as the “Deal of the Day.” The deal: donate a total of $480 so PP could fund cancer screenings for eight women. Looks like 120 people went for it in the end (donating $1200), but wait – doesn’t PP of WI already get $18M in taxpayer funding? Wonder where all that money’s going.
  • ProLifeBlogs features Scott Klusendorf’s latest free online version of Advanced Apologetics, containing the tools needed to effectively defend life.
  • Wesley J. Smith decries the idea of joining organ donation with prisoner execution.

  • Real Choice promotes the idea that we don’t know the full effects of abortion on society if we continually censor the message of those hurt by it. The media is quick to call abortion survivors like Gianna Jessen (pictured right) and Melissa Ohden “biased” – but how can we possibly expect the direct victims of Roe v. Wade to support it? Christina at RC writes:

    Research indicates that between about 850 and 1,800 unborn children survive first-trimester abortion attempts in the US every year. We don’t have numbers on what percent of women change their minds about wanting their babies to die and continue their pregnancies. It’s neither uncommon nor universal, so I’ll just aim for the middle and say that half of those children get to be born alive. That’s about 1,325 survivors of early abortions every year, about 662 of whom are permitted to live to be born. That’s 25,000 (rounded down) since Roe. Add that to the 19,000 late abortion survivors, and we have about 44,000 fetuses we can ask.

    Their voices matter.

  • Right to Life of Michigan wonders why the Obama administration is threatening a veto against the Protect Life Act – which would “limit abortion-expanding provisions” in the healthcare law – if there are no provisions for abortion in Obamacare in the first place, as originally claimed.
  • Mommy Life smells possible payback in the elimination of a grant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who notably “urged the HHS to repeal Obama’s private insurance mandate to cover contraception, including abortifacients and sterilization.” The grant, used to provide assistance to victims of human trafficking, was not renewed by the Obama administration, and no reason was given.

  • Pollstar shares the touching story of country music star Rodney Atkins (pictured left), who reunited with his birth mother after 42 years of no communication:

    His birth mother got pregnant at 19. She hid the pregnancy from her family, and ultimately chose to give Atkins up for adoption instead of having an abortion….

    “I just wanted to tell her thank you, because she had some other alternatives to end that situation,” said Atkins, pausing. “I might not be here. So you don’t want to take it for granted. … She kept saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ I kept saying, ‘Thank you.’“

    His birth mother went on to get married and have another son of her own. Her son revealed to Atkins that every year around springtime, his mom’s mood would change, and he never understood why until now. Atkins’ birthday is in March.

    His adoptive parents, Allan and Margaret Atkins, have been completely supportive of the reunion. They even traveled down to meet Atkins’ birth mother and brought some memories with them.

    Pro-Life in TN has some additional thoughts on closed and open adoptions in relation to Atkins’ story.

  • Pro-Life Action League suggests that pro-lifers ought not forget this battle is a spiritual one:

    … [H]ere on the ground we need to be diplomats, and to always keep in mind that our purpose isn’t to “score points” but to persuade people to agree with us about the value of life in the womb.

[Jessen photo via; Groupon photo via Pro-Life WI; Atkins photo via]

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