Sebelius to NARAL crowd: Graphic abortion photos a “discomfort when you’re coming to lunch”
“We’ve come a long way in women’s health over the last few decades, but we are in a war,” [Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen] Sebelius said at a NARAL Pro-Choice America luncheon [and Obama fundraiser] attended by about 300 people….
Outside the event, a dozen anti-abortion protesters silently held large grisly signs depicting aborted fetuses, and Sebelius mentioned the demonstration in her speech.
“I know that some people were a bit appalled at walking through the demonstrators as you came to this lunch,” Sebelius said. “It is a discomfort when you’re coming to lunch, but think about the women who are trying to tap into the health services they desperately need who have to go through that kind of gantlet in order to access all-too-infrequent services….
If we can fight through the misinformation and get Americans the facts, I’m confident we can keep moving forward to a day when all American woman have access to the comprehensive health services they need and the right to make their own choices about their bodies and their own futures.”
~ Carla K. Johnson, ABC News, October 5
[Pictured are Sebelius, center, flanked by late-term abortionist (now deceased) George Tiller and his wife Jeanne, at the KS Governor’s Mansion in 2007; via]
The best thing for women’s health is not abortions. The best thing for women’s health is for women who don’t want to get pregnant to not get pregnant.
Imagine how uncomfortable those babies were when they were getting killed.
the problem people have with the signs is that they kill (no pun intended) the pro deathers slogans. “a right to choose” “removal of products of coception” not human and “blob” all sound okay but you cant deny a picture of an obviously dead baby.
Oh boo hoo, I know its hard to look at pictures of dismembered children when all you wanted was to enjoy your prime rib in peace!
You support it? You need to own it!
Yes, it is very distressing and uncomfortable to see the pictures of aborted babies. But it’s no big deal whatsoever, even good for your health and wellbeing to actually go to abortuary and let the abortionist do this to your own child, right? I mean you wouldn’t have to see the body parts afterwards anyway, so it’s fine…
If we can fight through the misinformation and get Americans the facts,
That’s EXACTLY what pro-lifers are doing! Believe you me, once people know fully well about life in the womb, humanity and development of the child at early stage and how abortion looks like and what exactly it does, no fundraising lunches and no obamas will be able to save you!
lol sydney m. when i was going to the protest in the burbs the project manager used to get scathing emails. one guy wrote….i was taking my girlfriend out to dinner last night when we passed by your protest. i will have you know that my girlfriend became so ill and angry we went home without having our dinner. next time i see yhour group out there with those graphic signs i will call the police and city hall on you. i didnt put his cursing in. my reaction to that? …
Sydney, you put it perfectly!
You choose this? You need to know EXACTLY what you’re choosing.
they would get livid with us and we kept telling them to call to get rid of planned parenthood and we would all love to go home. nope. they want abortion but they do not want to see it. i would see many women turn their heads away when they were stuck at the red light or cry or slide down in their seats.
we arent there to torment them but a picture speaks 1000 words. its just a choice. dont you see choices out in the open all the time? what hair dye to buy. what to order on a menu. which car insurance company to choose which church to attend what clothing to buy. we are only showing you a choice and if you dont like it then help us stop it.
They’re at war alright, a war against motherhood, fertility, children, and women’s actual health. The most important thing for our children’s health is to develop naturally without violent interference. A criminal gets a chance at a trial but a conceived child gets the death penalty just for a nebulous non-crime of not possessing enough ‘wantedness.’
Ninek–you put it perfectly! People here are blessing me today. I love the “nebulous non-crime”–excellent!
“all-too-infrequent services” ? What happened with the “safe, legal, and RARE” mantra? I think she was expressing her desire to see abortion clinics spring up everywhere like Starbucks, but I guess the doublespeak can confuse even the one spewing it.
Heather, the man who had his dinner ruined is emblematic of a large section of our head-in-the-sand society. It’s all about me! me! me! You ruined my dinner, you made me feel uncomfortable! No thought for what has happened to the human beings pictured, or the other lives devasted as a result of that ‘choice’. A “friend” on FB had posted a sign saying something along the lines of ‘Remember when NPR and Planned Parenthood made our 401K’s worth plummet and stole trillions…yeah, me neither’ — Way to think deeply! Again, my money, my this, my that—a nation of undisciplined toddlers in adult bodies. *Sigh*
As for women who react in a way that suggests they are post-abortive, I have seen (and agree it’s imperative) signage accompanying the Face the Truth displays to direct them to healing resources. Some might argue the risk of hurting someone with the truth isn’t worth it, but to be able prevent someone else from it and save lives, I’d have to argue it is.
I love ninek’s “nebulous non-crime” statement, too. It speaks volumes.
Kathleen Sebelius makes me want to vomit. God forbid she experience any discomfort on her way to lunch. Too bad she didn’t choke on it.
The most important thing for our children’s health is to develop naturally without violent interference. A criminal gets a chance at a trial but a conceived child gets the death penalty just for a nebulous non-crime of not possessing enough ‘wantedness.’
Beautifully said. I wish that i could put that on a billboard. And don’t forget the nebulous non-crime of being the “wrong” sex, or having Down Syndrome, etc.
This is a bit off-topic, but I’m sure you heard about the death of Steve Jobs. But did you know he was adopted? Sadly, he never reconciled with this biological father:
Yes… it’s sad on BOTH counts, phillymiss :(
Unbelievable. So our society can not help women except thru abortion? What – no helping services for housing, health, education, jobs’ training, day care, parenting? Good golly – if abortion solved everything so well we would have gotten rid of poverty, and other social ills by now.
It is so sad that people just don’t think think this trough, except to want what I want, when I want it. So sad and tragic.
She’s got a strange way of “fighting through the misinformation and getting Americans the facts,”
This supports what I believe: force females seeking abortions to SEE what it is that will be destroyed. Many will be MOTIVATED to carry to term — and take good care of themselves and the pregnancy if they are made to accept complete information.
yes klynn 73 you are always so correct. i enjoy reading your comments. all of the pl comments were good….and mike you are too funny! you just cracked me up! oh and i wonder what she meant by “weve come a long way in womens healthcare” uhem..uh we have? is she talking about all of the post abortive women who now have breast cancer? maybe she meant the women who have killed themselves or are so stuck in post abortion syndrome they wish they were dead. or maybe its the women who have been butcered or died in the mills. could it be all the dead children because women chose college over having a baby. this woman has eaten one too many pot brownies.
Heather says:
October 6, 2011 at 2:14 pm maybe she meant the women who have killed themselves
(Denise) This reminds me of the “Oldenburg Baby.” A pregnant woman in Oldenburg, Germany learned that her fetus had Down Syndrome. She received a saline abortion. The baby was born alive! Medical personnel believed he would shortly die and gave no treatment. After about 10 hours, they realized he wasn’t dying. At that point they treated him but their failure to do so meant he had even more severe disabilities that he would have had.
His parents placed him for adoption but the mother required psychiatric care. It must not have been effective: she committed suicide two years later.
The boy, Tim, perked up after — of all things! — DOLPHIN THERAPY! You can google the story on the Internet. Some of the pics of Tim are heartwarming.
denise i will check that out. oh how sad for the mom. im glad to hear the little boy is doing well:) yes the suicide rate of abortion patients was discussed on ewtn the other night. i guess its quite high especially for teens. think about it. lots of teen girls abort to keep their boyfriends and ive read that like 96% of the boyfriends leave them anyway. or to do it for college is just as empty.
What – no helping services for housing, health, education, jobs’ training, day care, parenting?
I agree, Joy, but some supposedly “pro-life” Republicans consistently vote against these things.
You can’t pull yourselves up by the bootstraps if you don’t have any boots!
Denise Noe, thanks for the reminder about the Oldenburg Baby Tim. I remember the doctor was charged for not treating him after he was born, since it is a crime to deny medical care to a person because of a disability.
heather says:
October 6, 2011 at 4:24 pm
denise i will check that out. oh how sad for the mom. im glad to hear the little boy is doing well:) yes the suicide rate of abortion patients was discussed on ewtn the other night. i guess its quite high especially for teens.
(Denise) Excuse me, I made a mistake. Her suicide was six years after the abortion.
She was not a seduced-and-abandoned teenager. She was an adult married woman. She got the abortion because amniocentisis showed the fetus had Down Syndrome. An article said she felt suicidal at the idea of having a Down Syndrome baby.
She and her husband placed Tim for adoption. They also sued the hospital, claiming that they were never informed that a baby could come out alive after an abortion. I’m not sure what happened with the lawsuit but the doctor got into legal trouble. The charge was not about performing the abortion but because of the failure to treat Tim after he came out of the abortion alive. It was alleged that the reason for the lack of treatment was not the belief that he would die within a brief time anyway but because Tim had Down Syndrome.
He has not been adopted but has been cared for by a foster family. The abortion and lack of immediate care left him with a multiplicity of problems. For awhile, he showed evidence of autism.
As I said, after two weeks of dolphin therapy, the boy showed remarkable improvements. Heather, you really should look him up on the Internet. Pictures show a handicapped boy who is smiling and seems to enjoy life. There is also a photograph of Tim with a dolphin. You can kind of see a certain affinity or affection between the little boy and the marine mammal.
Jill – [Pictured are Sebelius, center, flanked by late-term abortionist (now deceased) George Tiller and his wife Jeanne, at the KS Governor’s Mansion in 2007
Nice… “now deceased” don’t you mean murdered in his church in front of his wife and children by a pro-lifer a few months after being almost shot to death by another pro-lifer… and to his right his recently widowed wife who is left to raise their children as a single parent and console them while they cry for their murdered father…
But, no need to feel sorry for him or his family because he was a doctor who performed medical procedures he was taught to do in med school…
You guys are just bullies, nothing more. You bully Doctors, Nurses, Clinic staff, patients, and anyone else who just happens to walk by. Bullies that can turn into terrorists like the two who shot Dr. Tiller, or the others who have murdered doctors and bombed clinics…
Millions of tiny and helpless humans brutally murdered: the ultimate form of bullying.
Shouldn’t abortionists call that thing they recite the hypocritic oath?
New readers: don’t be mislead by our abortion fan’s comments. He’s already been told dozens of times that no pro-lifer supports murder. Only criminals support murder. I have not met a single pro-lifer who thinks it’s ok to murder people, but every single abortion advocate does think its ok to murder developing children for any reason at all without apology.
Hey, did anyone else catch the story that Obama decided to continue funding militias that recruit and use child soldiers?! Isn’t he just so compassionate toward the young!?
“What – no helping services for housing, health, education, jobs’ training, day care, parenting?” – not under a republican administration, no.
“Too bad she didn’t choke on it” – ah, such joy you bring.
denise i am typing from a phone and i cant seem to link up to the link you provided but if he was the boy with the dolphin hes just darling. im very sorry his mom killed herself. that is indeed tragic. i want to read the story because i had never heard about it so i will go to my search engine later. also i owe you an apology. i kind of thought you were pro abortion. sometimes its hard to tell when people are typing. its not like talking on the phone. but im glad youre with us:)
biggz no pro lifers support murder of anyone. thats enough said.
Consider that if this was a NARAL function, they receive lots of donations from the abortionists who just adore their advocacy, right? Those donations are blood money. That luncheon was a blood-feast. That in itself should be cause for gastrointestinal distress. Kudos to those pro-lifers for showing them the truth of their travesty.
I wonder how many of these pro-aborts are vegetarian, and use photos of slaughtered animals to get their point across? Abortion isn’t healthcare. It kills. It destroys. It has solved NOTHING. When will these women stop thinking of themselves and start thinking about life, in all its glory and beauty? When will they start asking women “Why do you believe you need abortion and how do we fix that?”
It’s gone beyond a “necessary evil” to a “bare necessity.” Something is wrong. They are destroying this world and they refuse to see it. They don’t want to look at yucky pictures. They’ll talk about “back alley” abortions and make movies about Vera Drake and ignore that Margaret Sanger was a racist and a Nazi sympathizer, but they don’t want to look at yucky pictures of “choice.” Hypocrites.
yeah biggz. i doubt you have researched the abortion industry because you arent coming off as educated on it at all. did you know that a direc?t quote from margaret sanger from pp was “we must exterminate the nego population. they are loike weeds that must be plucked.” army of god….yep ive seen the site. whats your point? you can join whatever web site you choose. ever visit an abortion site where dead full term babies have crushed skulls and are laying in buckets?
oops typos. ~biggz if you arfe for choice then its none of your business who joins the army of gvod web site. its none of hour business if someone is in a gang or a kkk or black panthers group. or are you making the choices? and my typo should say negro population and they must be plucked like weeds.
“…trying to school me on science”
As Jill S, Gerard N, Heather, and several other regular commenters on here are medical professionals, I am sure they had to pass a college level course or two in science and could easily educate others. Not all Christians are as knuckle dragging as say, I am.
eh going to call it a night. my keyboard keeps messing up. my point to you biggz is that you say you are pro choice so that means you are tolerant of any and all choices. if someone wants 20 kids or none ……you need to be tolerant. we can choose what we want and so can you. too bad its chopped up babies you choose. g nite:’
Yes, Heather. Give your poor thumb a rest! :)
aww eric youre sweet but i get a lot from your input. the truth is i self educated on abortion. i dont have to school biggz when he can school himself on his own computer. all biggz has to do is visit some pro abortion web sites. besides i must turn him off because he keeps running away every time i comment.
heather says:
October 6, 2011 at 7:07 pm
denise i am typing from a phone and i cant seem to link up to the link you provided but if he was the boy with the dolphin hes just darling. im very sorry his mom killed herself. that is indeed tragic. i want to read the story because i had never heard about it
(Denise) Isn’t Tim indeed “darling”? He has an infectious smile. He looks so happy in some of those pictures. A person’s ability to be happy isn’t dependent on their I. Q. score.
I believe Tim’s birthmother — a better term than “mother” since she didn’t raise him — may have been psychologically fragile to begin with. She supposedly thought of suicide when she found out she was pregnant with a fetus with Down Syndrome. I don’t think we can know the exact reason for her eventual suicide but the fact that he was afflicted with extra handicaps because of the abortion plus the neglect in those crucial early hours may have weighed her down with guilt and remorse. She might have believed she deserved to die or she might have been in so much pain she couldn’t bear to live anymore. It’s also possible that the trauma affected her ability to function on a day to day basis to such an extent that it triggered her suicide.
I find it very interesting that he made such improvements after 2 weeks of interacting with dolphins.
Thanks Heather, just responding to Biggz’s swipe at Christians as anti-science. I was rather tongue-in-cheek about myself but totally serious about you, Jill, and Gerard. It is ridiculous to paint Christians as anti-science when there are so many who obviously excel in science if they are doctors and nurses. My sister is also a nurse, highly educated in science, and thoroughly Christian.
Denise Noe: “A person’s ability to be happy isn’t dependent on their I. Q. score.”
Great comment — it’s exceedingly true.
Heather – Stop “educating” yourself by reading what other people claim on the internet… You sound as foolish as your typing looks.
Yes I know more about Margret Sanger than you do. If you want to take her quotes out of historical context and just flat ignore the rest of her life and struggles then go ahead but you really need to do your own reading.
Biggz, if Heather went into nursing, she probably has passed a course or two in science and is probably educated.
Eric – You would never know from her comments. However even if this was true I am sure they don’t have a Margret Sanger class that she took and that is what we are talking about. Do your own reading and you will see what kind of life Margret had. Like why she was put in prison and what she did while in prison. Like why she started promoting birth control and the mass oppression women faced in that day. Do your own reading and try to keep historical context in mind. Leave your hate for PP at the door and just read her life story…
Biggz, this is what you pro-aborts don’t get. I could read her life story and she could have suffered oppression at the hands of Ghengus Khan AND run a shelter for abandoned puppies all the while feeding the poor and curing cancer on the side, and none of that would EVER mean anything in the light of the fact that she promoted abortion as a legitimate answer to society’s evils.
Life is a PRINCIPLE. Principles don’t bow to circumstances. Killing the innocent is wrong. We embrace that idea, and so we don’t kill the innocent. Pretty simple.
Eric does not have a problem with hate (although PP is worthy), it is your abortion saint Sanger that had the hatred for her fellow man and woman. Thank goodness I am white, blue-eyed, with a Eropean pedigree. Or she would’ve targeted me too.
For Heather: You might enjoy “Tim: The Boy Who Wasn’t Meant to Be” by Denise Noe at’t-meant-to-be-2
Courtnay – See this is why you need to do your own reading… She was not for abortion she was for birth control. She was thrown in prison for teaching women about birth control. She also used to teach women about their cycles and how to use natural birth control which is something you guys have been pushing for a long time now. Yes it is true you can find a few quotes that taken out of historical context sound much worse than they were. Like the one about black people you guys grab a hold of without the historical context. That quote was made to the leader of the KKK who at the time completely ran the Deep South. She was trying to get him to consent to letting her teach the white women about birth control and used his hatred for blacks to her advantage to get him to consent.
Do your own reading!
Yes. Yes. Of course. Of course. All of Margaret’s little sayings are taken out of context for goodness sakes!!
Explain this one away, Mr. Biggz.
The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it. – Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Said at some nephew’s birthday party I am sure. No harm in that, eh?
Carla – Notice you have that quote just sitting there with no historical context at all. You see at a time in our national history where people were fighting in the streets over bread crumbs and families were starving to death it would be more humane to abort a pregnancy then starve the rest of your children. It was a time of very limited resources. I would abort a pregnancy if it meant taking food out of my daughter’s mouth especially if she was close to starving herself. Like I said you need to do your own reading and keep in mind the part of our national history we are talking about here.
Maybe by “historical context” he means back when LOTSA people were racist, ya know? The ol’ “everybody’s doing it” mime. Doesn’t work when teenagers spout it & very disappointing for an adult to even attempt it.
Did Mengele’s historical context excuse him? How about Pol Pot? Just where does one draw that line, I wonder?
Klynn – wow over the top comparison much? No you are right it is so much easier to just think you know what she stood for then to actually do the reading yourself and make up your own mind… I bet you watch a lot of FOX news also… Fox news = no thinking required… Spoon fed propaganda on tap…
Let’s chew on some more of Margaret’s lovin spoonful o’ quotes shall we??
What a gem she was!!
Biggz-LOL! I’s a librarian, for goodness’ sake! I always do my own reading. I know Sanger loved the sex without consequences, and I know she love the contraception. But try as you might, you’re never going to get around the fact that from that, the most evil contraception of all is abortion, and her legacy is your darling, PP.
Sorry you would kill your own child. Of course, women can nurse quite comfortably up to 2 years and beyond, and who knows? You might have gotten a job and been able to support 2 children (they don’t eat very much, BTW). Don’t make your decisions out of fear, Biggz. Your children depend on you to step up. And no, stepping up is NOT abortion.
I love how it is assumed that none of us read and that we watch Fox News.
Oh, the FOX card! And dealt from the bottom of the deck!
Biggz, I’ve got Sanger’s own words on my bookshelf about 10 feet from where I sit, thank you very much. Fox news? No, I don’t watch it. I find it ironic that you who can’t even acknowledge what an abortion does to preborn human beings accuse us of being “spoonfed”.
okay denise. thanks. will be looking it up tonight:) that settles it. biggz has been eating brownies with kathleen. lol. bigzz me thinks youre a troll.
i just read the sanger quotes. the only thing missing is her white hood and kkk robe. *chilling*
Heather: not sure how to post an image, if this doesn’t work it can be seen here:
Well, well, well, whaddaya know. Searching for dear Maggie’s women’s KKK rallie photos, look what I found! HT Wise King Solomon, truly nothing is new under the sun. The old lies are just regurgitated with a few tweaks:
Old lie: “Among other things, and to his credit, Col. Simmons planned that his Klan would establish five universities, a publishing company, a banking and trust institution to aid ailing farmers, free homes to newly weds, a national full employment policy, a program to support orphans, several medical research centers, and a chain of hospitals.”
New lie: “Abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does! Look at all the GOOD they do!”
Old lie: “At the height of its power the revived Ku Klux Klan had a membership of 8,904,871*- more then one out of eight American males between the ages of 21 and 65. This figure is even more impressive when one considers that many American males in this age group were ineligible for membership because they were Jewish, non white, Catholic, foreign born, or of bad reputation; quite possibly, the Klan’s eight million plus membership was as much as one third of the eligible male population.”
New lie: “1 in 3 women of childbearing age have had an abortion”
The father of lies recycles. How interesting.
Hey thanks klynn73!!
Recycling. Indeed.
Maggie’s vision is alive and well.
Methinks he knows his time is short. The gates of hell shall not prevail! Got to call it a night, as I’ll be storming them in the a.m.
Sanger, 1920: “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Biggz, 6:36 pm: “She (Sanger) was not for abortion she was for birth control.”
Even with historical context for the reasons she said what she did (published in Women and the New Race by Eugenics Publishing Company in 1920 and 1923), she was in fact for abortion, contrary to your assertion.
klynn73 says:
October 7, 2011 at 9:35 pm
New lie: “1 in 3 women of childbearing age have had an abortion”
The father of lies recycles. How interesting.
(Denise) What is the true figure?
Fox news this, Fox news that… Oh, right. CNN is completely 100% not biased, especially not in favor of left-wing politics. lol
(Denise) What is the true figure?
Don’t know. You’ll have to factor in that over 50% of all abortions are to women who have already had at least one abortion before in order to get the actual number.