Pro-lifer not exactly a fan of Ron Paul
Speaking of Ron Paul being an OB-GYN, that doesn’t make him pro-life.
And as my father-in-law would say, “Ron Paul delivering 4,000 babies doesn’t make him pro-life. It just makes him rich.”
~ Alfonzo Rachel skewering Ron Paul’s foreign policy and pro-life positions, PJTV’s ZoNation, December 26
[discussion begins at 4:10, Content Warning]
Paul’s foreign policy views make me uncomfortable, but we should give him a pass on the issue of abortion.
Yes, he does think that abortion should be dealt with on a state rather than national level. Theoretically it’s an important distinction, but practically it hardly matters. When even Mississippi is unwilling to ban abortion, it’s not going to happen on a national level any time soon.
On the other hand, Paul will strongly support robust conscience protections, eliminate tax funding of abortions, and nominate rock-solid judges for court vacancies. Really, I don’t see any of the other candidates offering anything better, practically speaking.
Paul actually supported a constitutional amendment protecting gestating human beings under the law. That is better than “personhood”, in my opinion.
However, I wish Zo would run for president. I’d vote for him. *hearts*
yes ron paul was brave enough to take on the 2 opinionated liberal ladies on “THE VIEW” goldberg and behar….he told them ” abortion is murder ” he couldnt break whoopie. ( for those of you who dont know shes had 8 legal abortions and one illegal.) behar tried to keep going and paul asked ” what do you think about an abortion performed at 9 months”???? joy admitted ” well sir thats murder.” whoopie swung up with ” a womans body and trust women.” but although a few people clapped she was stuck like chuck.
i liked whoopie in “ghost” i really believe shes a smart woman but she isnt using her brain right. i caught her on the pearse morgan show the other night and boy it was all about her. me me me.
Whoopie carries a lot of guilt. I knew she had a few abortions but I didn’t know it was as many as 9. She either has to say “trust women!” or else admit she has killed 9 of her own children. Who wants to admit that? So she sticks to the hard-core pro-abortion mentality because it allows her to ignore her guilt.
Ron Paul, though I like him a lot, has said he supports Plan B for cases of rape. As far as I know he has not backtracked from that. I cannot support him for that reason. That is not pro-life. Either we believe life begins at conception or we don’t. If we believe that life begins at conception why do babies whose mommies and daddies made love get to live but babies whose fathers raped their mothers have to die? How we are conceived does not affect our humanity and shouldn’t affect our worth as human beings.
Does anyone have a link for that republican vote tracker thing that was posted here in the last month? You input what things you valued most and then it gave you the top candidates that matched for primary. I’m having a hard time explaining it but I want to send to friends.
And have you taken a look at the ‘we the people’ act he sponsored?
Theocracy 101 and the denial of privacy.
The only thing worse than a nutjob is a nutjob with power.
My man Zo is right as usual. The only one with a more surprised look on his face than Paul if he gets anywhere will be me.
I would vote for R.P. but he is not electable on the national front.