Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • The Anti-Abortion Gang shares a link from the Abortion Gang, who are proud to report that they helped a woman abort her baby at 21 weeks gestation – not for a “health exception” but because the woman didn’t realize she was pregnant until more than halfway through the pregnancy.

  • Abby Johnson shares her personal experiences with patients who used abortifacient IUD during her tenure at Planned Parenthood, disputing the claim that this form of birth control is safe for women.
  • Big Blue Wave discusses the recent Utah case in which four of five justices agreed that the term “minor child” includes the preborn. In Canadian law, a fetus is called a child, but the dissenting UT judge claims this sort of labeling is “anti-abortion rhetoric.”
  • The Family Research Council notes the CDC’s release of the latest abortion statistics. Though individual state reporting is not required and is therefore incomplete, the data show that minorities account for more than 56% of all abortions while comprising less than 30% of the population. Another interesting statistic: most abortions are surgical and are performed on women in their 20s.
  • Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life recommends an article by JP Moreland that outlines the modern day infanticide practiced and considered today in medical facilities across the US.
  • Live Action features an op-ed by Jewels Green reacting to the news that a Texas abortion facility performed abortions on Christmas Eve:Who would work in an abortion clinic on Christmas Eve? Who would schedule her child to be aborted on Christmas Eve? Surely, even non-Christians can recognize this day as holy to others. But for the abortion industry the day-to-day business of scheduled, purchased death, there are few holidays. For the abortion industry, truly nothing is sacred.
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