Newt Gingrich recently called the global warming ad he made with Nancy Pelosi in 2008 “the dumbest single thing I’ve done in years.”

But that ad didn’t come out of nowhere. Nineteen years earlier Gingrich and Pelosi were co-sponsors of the Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989, which contained devastating anti-life language and funding.

I came by this information in an interesting way. A veteran Capitol Hill staffer forwarded me the information after an associate stumbled onto the legislation while chronicling Gingrich’s global warming sins. I see liberal Talking Points Memo noticed this four days ago but went into no detail.

The Global Warming Prevention Act was introduced on February 22, 1989. Pelosi signed on immediately, but Gingrich didn’t add his name until June 15. So he and his staff had plenty of time to read it. At the time Gingrich was House Minority Whip.

Aside from Pelosi, other radical abortion proponents co-sponsoring the Act included Barbara Boxer, John Conyers, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Chris Shays, Louise Slaughter, and Olympia Snowe.

Only one other notable Republican pro-lifer, Duncan Hunter, was on the list. (Bob Smith withdrew his support.)

The relevant portion of the Act is Title XI. World Population Growth, Sections 1101-1103. As TPM synopsized, this bill “would have made controlling the growth of the world population a goal of the U.S. government and given the UN a chance to do something about it.”

Mexico City policy overturned

The Global Warming Act gutted the Mexico City policy, which President Reagan had enacted in 1984 to block U.S. funding from going to international groups that refer for or commit abortions (and still in force at this time with GHW Bush at the helm). This, of course, included Planned Parenthood International. Section 1102(c)(2) of the Act states:

No restrictions may be placed on the use of these funds which would be inconsistent with the United States constitutional rights of privacy, regardless of whether such funds are used to provide such services abroad, to support international efforts, or any other use.

Billions given to Planned Parenthood and UNFPA

With the Mexico City policy out of the way, the Act appropriated $2.7 billion over five years to family planning groups like Planned Parenthood, of which $300 million went to the United Nations Population Fund, an organization the Bush administration defunded in 2005 after concluding UNFPA helps China with coercive abortions and sterilizations.

International abortions funded

It also appears the Global Warming Act overturned the Helms amendment, which bans U.S. foreign assistance funds from being used to pay for abortions. Section 1102(a) and (c)(1) state:

POLICY- It is the policy of the United States that family planning services should be made available to all persons requesting them….

LIMITATIONS- None of the funds authorized by this section may be used to pay for the performance of involuntary sterilization or abortion or to coerce any person to accept family planning.

Any court in the land would say this means funds could be used for voluntary sterilization or abortion, with no age restrictions in the bill.

Pro-lifers beware. Gingrich is well known for “erratic” political behavior.

Gingrich says now life begins at conception but said last week it begins at implantation, and he has also supported taxpayer funded embryonic stem cell research.

Gingrich says now he would defund Planned Parenthood but co-sponsored legislation that would have potentially given billions to the abortion giant.

Gingrich says now he supports the Mexico City policy but co-sponsored legislation that would have gutted it.

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