IUD cookie
Click photo to enlarge…
Yes, that’s an IUD cookie.
~ @IAMDrTiller, Steph Herold, on Twitter, January 26
[JLS note: … a step up from aborted fetus cookies but still weird.]
Click photo to enlarge…
Yes, that’s an IUD cookie.
~ @IAMDrTiller, Steph Herold, on Twitter, January 26
[JLS note: … a step up from aborted fetus cookies but still weird.]
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Is that extra white dollup of icing the baby being aborted?
what kind of a party to you host and say ” the iud cookies are here.” ????
That’s just…dumb. It isn’t even recognizable as an IUD.
Sooooo….. we show pictures of what abortion does to children. You know, proof that what we’re arguing is in fact, truth. They claim we’re perverts who watch “fetus porn”.
Then what the heck is this? Organ cookies with contraception made out of icing??? And it proves what point? That pro-choicers have a lot of emotional issues? yeah, knew that before the cookie. Thanks.
Obviously these people have a lot of time on their hands.
Looks like a uterus cookie to me.
Are they incapable of making anything that doesn’t look like the work a two year old?
thats what it was thinking jennifer. or an upside down christmas bell.
I was just wondering what a capital T has to do with abortion. :D “Terrible” “Torture” “Totally disgusting”
Gee..how clever (NOT!) What are they gonna come up with next…
A picture of a bunch of crumbled cookies that they call “abortion cookies” ?
Tacky! :P
I guess it’s ok for a “woman’s place [to be] in the kitchen” as long as she’s making IUD or aborted fetus cookies???? I don’t get it.
Are they incapable of making anything that doesn’t look like the work a two year old?
I guess so. Must be the same reason they make dead children instead of live ones. They’re childish themselves, and giving birth to a live child would be a responsible adult thing to do.
Def. thought it was a penis hahaha.
These gals have alot of time on their hands.
That looks like a T-bone steak to me. BTW, I used to have an IUD. It looked nothing like that. I mean NOTHING like that. Mine looked like this: http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00aMZtPzUGmYpe/Intrauterine-Device-TCu-380A-IUD-.jpg Someone needs to work on their decorating skills.
I almost got an IUD. Looking at that picture you posted, Helena, makes me glad I didn’t. Looks painful.
Kate – agreed! In general I don’t want anything plastic or metal shoved into any part of my body let alone my lady parts unless it were something really nessisary like a hip replacement or screws in my knees to be able to walk.
Planned Parenthood is doing bake sales now?
“The banality of evil” ~Hannah Arendt~
No different than a pic I saw yesterday of a Muslim wearing a shirt with a pic of the Twin Towers on fire printed on it. I have come to understand that PP is a cult of evil, with rites and acolytes, bells and beliefs….all subliminally imprinted upon the imaginations of ppl….where are the writers who will be bold enough to unmask this shop of horrors for what it really is: Satan’s Church.
“Imagination governs the world.” ~Napoleon Bonaparte~
“T” for tacky.
Oops, Clarice! Like minds…
Double oops, Pamela! :)
Remember when Hillary Clinton said she wasn’t going to stay home and bake cookies? Well, now we know what kind she would have baked.
As a Girl Scouts den mother, no doubt.
Mark Trail, reminds me of something I saw in the store a couple of months ago: a woman in a headscarf shopping with her two post-pubescent daughters, about 15 and 18, both bareheaded and wearing pants and teeshirts, with pants, car keys, and a teeshirt that said ‘proud to be Muslim’. Ok, I get that, one should be proud of one’s faith…but I wanted to say ‘you know you’d arrested in nearly every majority-Muslim country in the world right?’ I didn’t, obviously, but it made about as much sense as Catholics who vote liberal.
Yeah, I went there http://moronicprochoicequotes.blogspot.com/2012/01/fetus-cookies-and-abortion-parties.html
“Are they incapable of making anything that doesn’t look like the work a two year old?”
IUDs themselves were not made by PLers to begin with. If that helps.
And I don’t suppose it matters what it looks like considering what it will look like when it gets where it’s going. Provided it tastes good.
And IUDs are not painful. Insertion can be but it’s a lot less painful than childbirth.
“IUDs themselves were not made by PLers to begin with. If that helps.”
“I guess it’s ok for a “woman’s place [to be] in the kitchen” as long as she’s making IUD or aborted fetus cookies???? I don’t get it.”
A woman’s place is where ever a pro choicer tells her to be.
Law, one of the possible side effects of an IUD is extreme uterine pain. I have known and known of many women who had to have their’s removed after a few months of extreme and debilitating pain in their uterus. Which is quite a bit *more* painful than labor. Uterine cramps, be they period induced or a medical side effect can in fact be more painful than labor. Not only are contractions (usually) spaced and wax and wane, but the body is flooded with endorphines that act as natural pain relief. I’ve had 2 all natural labors, neither of which were as painful as my period cramps per-pregnancy. And I’ve known several women who have had the same experience. I’ve *also* known women whose iud induced pain was far worse then their natural labors. They are relatively safe (in comparision to other foreign-body birth control like the banned-in-the-U.S. coils) from the mother’s prespective, but anytime you talk about putting a foreign body inside a living body you risk all sorts of negative side effects.
It’s important that everyone knows that IUD’s can kill. Breakthrough ovulation can occur, and the egg can be fertilized, but not implant because of the effects of the IUD. I literally hate the subject of IUD’s; when it comes up in conversations or when I read about it, I get sick to my stomach. We weren’t told of the abortafacient effects of the IUD, and my wife had two miscarriages. After she had it removed, we suddenly weren’t physically attracted to one another. This led to her falling into an alternative lifestyle, and our marriage ended in divorce, Years later, as I was converting to Catholicism, I learned about the abortafacient effects of the IUD.
If you are attracted to a woman, it’s not all serendipity; our bodies give off signals that cause attraction to occur. The IUD frustrates those signals. If you marry, you’ll have a big surprise waiting for you if she removes the IUD.
Jesperen – I’VE known SEVERAL women who *swear* that the best birth control is if you stuff a Sasquatch up your cooter. The Sasquach eats everything that’s put up there including all sperm and diseases, and is 100% effective. Plus if you give the Sasquatch a can of Scrubbing Bubbles, he’ll clean your bathroom for you, too.
In all seriousness, if you have “extreme” pain with the IUD, see a medical provider. It has either expelled or was not placed correctly. IUD cramps are not more painful than labor. If your friends are telling you this, they probably know you’re gulliable enough to buy it and are effing with you for entertainment purposes.
As for putting foreign objects in your body and side effects, EVERYTHING has side effects. Eating, drinking, sleeping, driving, sitting, running, hanging out in the sun, getting braces, watching television, and reading too much propaganda from the pope all has side effects. Such observations are meaningless.
“After she had it removed, we suddenly weren’t physically attracted to one another. This led to her falling into an alternative lifestyle, and our marriage ended in divorce”
Sounds like she left you because she was gay. The IUD had nothing to do with it.
iuds do indeed come with risks…just like abortions. abortion always hands a woman a dead baby and sometimes a dead woman to boot.
Law, while you might think women with medical problems are ‘faking it’ to get attention, actually *being* a women with medical problems, I can assure you we aren’t. Yes, the pain is usually because it has 1)migrated 2)grown into the uterine wall 3)was misplaced by the initial doctor. Now try getting that initial doctor, who oftentimes, just like you assume if a women is complaining of cramps she’s just doing so for ‘entertainment’ purposes, to pay attention to you when you come back and say ‘I’ve had horrible, debilitating cramps since you put in the IUD.’ Being brushed off because the doctor couldn’t *possibly* have made a mistake, and after all, everyone knows cramps aren’t really *that* bad. The people I know these stories from are other mothers who have been mistreated at the hands of doctors. We exchange stories with our peers to help get over the abuse and mistreatment we’ve suffered, not because we have fun ‘effing’ with each other. But maybe you’re one of those people who think the women recounting being held down by nurses while she yelled ‘stop! I do not consent!’ While the doctor shoves his whole hand inside her for a completely unnecessary vaginal exam is ‘misremembering’ the situation.
@Ancona: Believe what you wish, or rather believe what you have been brainwashed to believe. I prefer to believe evidence. If science can be disregarded on the one hand, and forwarded as evidence on the other, I would be double-minded or brainwashed. Science tells me the unborn are human persons from conception, with separate DNA from both parents. You, I assume, think otherwise. Science tells me that there is no “gay gene”. You, I assume, think otherwise.
In point of fact, science had nothing to do with the legalization of contraception and abortion. You, I assume, think otherwise. The science (falsely so-called) that gave us the Sexual Revolution came from “Dr” Alfred Kinsey. In his book “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male”, published in the late 40’s, on Table 31 you will find described how he and his colleagues induced orgasm on an infant boy over a 24 hour period. That is not science, it is child molestation. You, I assume, think otherwise.
So big deal. Somebody made an IUD cookie and posted it on the internet. Meanwhile, we have huge graphic fetus posters, meant to shame women who walk into abortion clinics, held by “counselors” outside the clinics. Which is worse and why?
LOL CC – I don’t think the posters intent was to say that the cookie was gross and shouldn’t be on the internet – but rather to point out how OBCESSED pro-aborts are with their little toys that they’re always trying to make them look fun.
Real side-walk counselors such as those with 40 Days for Life do not condone the use of the graphic pictures – but even if people do use them – the pictures are not as grusome as the act itself, so which is worse and why? ABORTION is worse – and this stupid cookie and those who would bake it are worse.
meant to shame women who walk into abortion clinics,
ummm…if abortion is just removing tissue, and no different than having one’s wisdom tooth removed, how exactly would it shame someone?
If I had been greeted with a picture of the surgery I was about to undergo when I pulled into my dentist’s office parking lot to have my wisdom tooth pulled, I’d probably be interested in it just because I enjoy watching surgical procedures and am interested in what my body will undergo. I definitely would not have felt “shame”.
“IUD cramps are not more painful than labor. If your friends are telling you this, they probably know you’re gulliable enough to buy it and are effing with you for entertainment purposes.”
How can you propose to speak for all women who have experienced both labor and IUD cramps? Some women have easy labors and more pain with other female issues.
I have never had an IUD but have had pain due to uterine cysts that were just as painful as when I was in labor. Until later in life, I had never had much for pain during my cycle and had always thought that women who missed events due to period cramps were embellishing or just wimpy. I was wrong and so are you.
Seems you are just effing with yourself.
“How can you propose to speak for all women who have experienced both labor and IUD cramps? Some women have easy labors and more pain with other female issues.”
I don’t care to speak for women, but I do care to call BS on PL people who like to downplay the issues of labor and delivery – it’s all about encouraging women to pop out more. It’s completely bizarre to me that any faction of women would complain about how horrible the IUD is yet talk about labor and delivery like it’s not a big deal. Perhaps there are people out there stupid enough to buy this, but I am not one of them.
“ummm…if abortion is just removing tissue, and no different than having one’s wisdom tooth removed, how exactly would it shame someone?”
It doesn’t. CC’s comment clearly stated that they are MEANT to. Whether the PL movement achieves their intended goal wasn’t the issue.
” Believe what you wish, or rather believe what you have been brainwashed to believe. I prefer to believe evidence. If science can be disregarded on the one hand, and forwarded as evidence on the other, I would be double-minded or brainwashed.”
Funny how you now want to talk about science after making the absolutely science-free claim that the IUD “frustrates attraction signals.” Please explain the scientific definition of “attraction signals” and then explain the mechanism that causes the IUD to “interfere” with them. For that matter please explain what IUD mechanism caused your ex-wife to leave you for an “alternative lifestyle.”
“Now try getting that initial doctor, who oftentimes, just like you assume if a women is complaining of cramps she’s just doing so for ‘entertainment’ purposes, to pay attention to you when you come back”
If your doctor won’t see you, go to another doctor. If the cramps from your IUD are that debilitating, you need to go to the ER, not schedule another gyn visit. I know this self-care stuff is like really complicated and all but it shouldn’t be this complicated.
The people I know these stories from are other mothers who have been mistreated at the hands of doctors. We exchange stories with our peers to help get over the abuse and mistreatment we’ve suffered, not because we have fun ‘effing’ with each other. But maybe you’re one of those people who think the women recounting being held down by nurses while she yelled ‘stop! I do not consent!’ While the doctor shoves his whole hand inside her for a completely unnecessary vaginal exam is ‘misremembering’ the situation.
I’m aware of the crunchy-granola mom faction who think hospital births are “birth rapes” and the attending “horror stories” etc but it’s funny you post this on here since I assume you expect that forcing a pregnant woman to give birth at all isn’t somehow a worse violation than having one’s cervix checked. You and your friends were “violated” and “mistreated” by your doctor and yet you want to turn around and do the same thing only worse to other women.
uuuumm yeah i agree with amber and x here. the cookie looks like a steak ( agree with the person who said that ) but the iud is not as safe as law is making it sound. joy from this site spoke to a woman on her way to the doctor to have hers removed because her sister died from it. there are uterine perforations and pregnancies do indeed result. and what are we women wimps? ive heard horror stories of how painful abortions are. not to mention unnatural. id have a baby any day.
well did these women report doctor rape? how do you know a vaginal exam wasnt needed. you need to read the book Lime 5 where abortionists rape molest mock and mistreat their patients.
yeah law with all of the private lady parts an obgyn sees im sure your friends are so extra special these docs are just molesting them left and right. have youwr friends ever hear of a female obgyn? if they hated a male doc so much they could have switched. also i guess when my male MD listens to my lungs hes just copping a free feel of my breasts. is that accurate?
@law; Your tone indicates you are here to rankle and ruffle; you don’t know me. I will offer evidence, and my condolences for your willful ignorance and disrespect you show towards others. May God forgive me my sins an you yours. Goodbye.
The mechanisms:
Athena Science – What Are Pheromones?
A woman waits four years for an answer; any guesses as to why she hasn’t received one? Can you say “Big Pharma?”
Does a copper IUD affect sex pheremones/attractiveness? – Topix
The Studies:
Reproductive Physiology, etc.
sorry about typos above~ and last but not least i have been an lpn for 24 years. i have had to touch male and female private parts many times and i assure you i have never become aroused! at the end of my day i am too tired to even have sex with my own husband!
oh yeah and most obgyns have families to support so i doubt they are waiting with baited breath to see your friends nude. ive dated 2 doctors and they dont need to pick up patients. a lot of women are impressed with a man who is a doctor. and nobody can shame you unless you are already ashamed. okay thats my rant.
Law, wow, I’m realy glad some of my friends who have suffered greatly aren’t here to read your tripe. I barely know where to start. ‘Rape’ is the nonconsentual insertion, however slight of a person’s body part or foreign object into the vaginal or anal opening of another person or the insertion of one person’s genitalia into another’s mouth or other bodily opening. When it happens during a date it’s called ‘date rape’. It’s called ‘spousal rape’ when a spouse does it. It’s called ‘stranger rape’ when a stranger does it. And it’s called ‘birth rape’ when it happens during the birth process. It happens in hospitals, it also happens in homes and in birth centers. The answer to battery, abuse, or rape of a pregnant woman isn’t to encourage her to lie helplessly back while an abortionists sticks a foreign object into her and sucks out her living offspring. It’s to recognize, penalize, prosecute, and stop the problem, which is the nonconsentual assault upon the women (and sometimes the baby too).
Just like women once never reported spousal rape, and even today rarely do, women rarely report abuses at the hands of doctors, nurses, abortionists, midwives, care providers, because they know it does them no good. Police won’t proescute, hospitals do nothing, and lawyers won’t take the cases.
Going to another doctor, ‘self-care’ as you put it
(Con from above) self care as you put it isn’t easy, because society, egged on by people like you, are telling us it’s no big deal, we’re just wimps that should get over it and it’s all in our heads because we’re “crunchy” (which btw I am NOT).
Clearly *you* wouldn’t have taken me seriously if, as a 16 year old girl I went to you and said my period cramps were excutiating, debilitating, and I couldn’t deal with them. Well, neither did my doctors. I was told to take ibprophen and use a hot water bottle. And, again, TWO all natural vaginal births later, birth? Just not that big a deal in comparision. I don’t say that because I’m trying to fool other women into ‘popping out more’. I say it because our bodies are *meant* to give birth and, while some women certainly experience mind-shattering pain and *need* pain relief, most don’t. Most haven’t throughout history. And most don’t throughout the world today. I would *much* rather deal with my 1st 24 hour long labor, or my 2nd 3 hour long labor then deal with my 72+ hour long cramps from hell! And there isn’t a thing wrong with me in relation to my periods, no endometriosis, no other pathologies I, like many women, simply have awful, terrible, killer cramps, but fairly mild labors. And people like you belittle us instead of sympathizing or empathizing.
And you can not ‘force’ a pregnant women to give birth. That’s like saying you’ll force the sun to go down. Pregnant women give birth. You can force a women to give vaginal birth, you can force a women to give surgical birth, you can force a medicated birth or an unmedicated birth. Everyone I know is very much against forcing a women to give birth in a specific manner. And everyone I know is against forcing a women to get pregnant. It’s a mother’s/parent’s/person’s right to make those choses. But once a women, explicitly or implicitly chooses to become pregnant, I do *not* think a mother/parent should *ever* have the legal right to kill their living offspring.
Heather, it appears your comment was directed at me since I was the one who mentioned friends who had been battered (physically harmed), abused, or raped by medical personell. 1st, I have read Lime 5, so the notion that doctors, and nurses, who look at ‘private parts’ all day can’t also maliciously inflict harm to a patient is obsurd. Birth rape isn’t any more about sex than stranger rape. It’s about power. It’s about doing whatever you want to a nonconsenting person because you know/think you can get away with it. As for ‘being necessary’, well, a vaginal exam *isn’t* necessary during a birth. They are common practice but they are not evidence based medicine and they provide you with no needed information, and so they (should be) are 100% elective and up to the patient, not the provider. Even the ACOG recommends only limited VEs during a labor, yet many doctors/nurses insist on doing one at least every hour, which is actually quite contrayer to medical evidence which says frequent VEs increase infection rates. If a woman says ‘no’ that should be the last word on the subject. And yes, some of my friends have reported their horrible treatment to hospital oversight/patient relations, lawyers, and even the police. While occassionally some good has come of it (a promise to retrain staff from hospital oversight commities) mostly they have been told they are either lying or that nothing can be done regardless. Many have been so traumatized by their treatment that they didn’t have the nerve or want to try to adress the matter further (just like many abuse/rape victims!).
Your tone indicates you are here to rankle and ruffle;
Very possibly; your tone suggests you are here to dupe people into believing things that are insanely stupid.
you don’t know me. I will offer evidence,
None of that is evidence that the IUD has any effect whatsoever on human pheromones. An unanswered Topix complaint and a Human Sexuality 101 from the U of Cinci is not evidence, proof, or even science. BTW “god” does not forgive sins because there is no god and no such thing as sin. NOW you can have a nice day!
“The answer to battery, abuse, or rape of a pregnant woman isn’t to encourage her to lie helplessly back while an abortionists sticks a foreign object into her and sucks out her living offspring”
I think the answer to battery, abuse, and rape of a pregnant woman is whatever the pregnant woman decides it is, not you. And I hardly think having a baby that ties her forever legally and financially to her rapist is the answer to anything other than the question “how can we further victimize rape victims.” Then again you believe in a religious tradition that once sold off women to their rapists for money.
Again, and this is not rocket science, if your doctor isn’t providing the care you require, GO GET A DIFFERENT ONE. If you have medical issues, talk to your doctor as I am not a physician. I’m also not stupid enough to think there is something inherently horrific or special about using birth control or having problems with it in light of the many, many other medical advancements people use every day. I would no sooner complain about IUD side effects than I’d complain about the side effects of the fact that I overate last night. If you didn’t see the reproductive system as something altogether different than the other physical systems of the human body and believe that, unlike the other systems, it must be treated the same way humans treated in in the stone age, I doubt you’d be on a PL website crying about it. You’d be talking about it to your physician. But to you your medical problems are a political football. That is why I have no sympathy for either you or your silly friends. Most people with medical issues just go get it taken care of; if they aren’t getting the care they need they see someone else and lodge a complaint with the medical licensing board and post a review for other patients. But not you. Your IUD problems are an excuse to make sure pregnant women experience labor and childbirth at all costs.
“I say it because our bodies are *meant* to give birth”
No they aren’t. As humans evolved to walk upright, our pelvises have narrowed to facilitate running and thus survival; however the human brain has also grown larger, and these two interests now compete against each other which is why women give birth in hospitals. Sometimes women die, they are often maimed or permanently disfigured from pregnancy; they almost always have debilitating medical affects; and sometimes even the infants themselves bear the scars of having to be yanked out with forceps or surgically removed. Sounds like a really great time!
jespren…..not at all it was all to law.
if it was so ineffectual, as I described with the analogy of getting my wisdom tooth extracted, don’t you think we’d see that it was not helping matters and try a different tack?
The pictures are effective not as a tool to “shame”, but in order to get people-not just women, but everyone-to consider someone outside themselves for a minute. Someone who perhaps they had been convinced to see as a sort of non-entity. If that makes someone feel shame, it is not because of anything we showed or said, but because they wronged someone else. Our own actions cause shame when we know or realize we’ve done something wrong.
law yes our bodies are for birth. thats what a uterus is for.
jespren……i am so terribly sorry. please forgive me. i caught the tale end of laws post and i thought i was responding to ” birth rape” sorry and carry on;)
“but in order to get people-not just women, but everyone-to consider someone outside themselves for a minute”
Why you need to encourage a pregnant woman (or anyone else) to consider anything at all is quite baffling. Whatever interest she wants to have in whoever she wants to have is a non-issue. What other people think about or consider should not be a topic of interest to you unless you have absolutely no life.
“if it was so ineffectual, as I described with the analogy of getting my wisdom tooth extracted, don’t you think we’d see that it was not helping matters and try a different tack?”
Of course not. To you, evidence and science and whether or not something works aren’t worthy of consideration. All that matters is if it makes you feel better about yourself.
To you, evidence and science and whether or not something works aren’t worthy of consideration.
This is SO FUNNY coming from you! You espouse a dark ages view of gestating human beings long since proven absolutely false by current medical technology, to the point that you repeatedly ignore the court case I’ve cited which actually took the advancements I speak of into consideration which found gestating human beings to be minor children, and you have the gall to say something like this to me. HA!
“I do *not* think a mother/parent should *ever* have the legal right to kill their living offspring.”
It isn’t living until it can survive on it’s own, dipshit.
Still laughing my arse off at the poor old godbotherer with the gay wife. Priceless.
And you’re all not fooling anyone- IUDs and abortions more painful than birth? Yeah maybe for you, but then when it’s that cavernous it’s probably more about trying to get it to stay in for a full baking than fall out.
What other people think about or consider should not be a topic of interest to you unless you have absolutely no life.
I’ll be sure to remember this if I ever encounter you being dragged along after a hit-and-run driver fails to consider you. “Oh…well…that driver failed to consider law’s life, but…it’s of no interest to me! *whistles a merry little tune*”
Wow apparently is not familiar with the biological definition of “living”. I don’t think his mom let him bake long enough.
Her actually, but I’ll take that as a compliment from a misogynist.
“I don’t know the biological definition of ‘living’, I went and shot my mouth off, was taken to task for my ignorance, and now have nothing to say for myself…What to do? Oh, I know! Accuse the other party of hating women! That will surely work, never mind that she is also a woman! I’m BRILLIANT!”
I always get a queasy feeling when xalisae argues with a troll. It’s rather like a cat playing with a mouse. :)
Wow says:
“It isn’t living until it can survive on it’s own, dipshit.”
Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Where is MPQ? This has to be one of the most moronic things I’ve ever read!
All pro liars are misogynistic.
Alive is not living. They’re not interchangeable, but I know it makes a bigger emotional impact which is why you use it.
How did “Wow”s comment make it past moderators?
Wow, exactly when does a human being become ‘alive’ then? Or cease to be alive? Because my 2 and 3 year olds certainly can’t “survive on their own” and I grew up around the elderly and disabled and knew any number of 70, 80, and 90 year olds who couldn’t survive on their own, as well as a few 30 and 40 year olds. The abilty to survive by oneself is never present at birth and frequently leaves long before death.
As for the other half of your horrendous comment (between her and Law what’s with people today??) I guess the difference is we actually believe women who have had both and express their pain level while you aren’t going to be “fooled” by someone else’s life experience. Hope you never find yourself in agony without a clear, present, and visible source that everyone can agree with your pain level on. I’ve broken several bones before, I didn’t find any of them that painful, by your thinking I shouldn’t believe a broken bone can be painful enough to merit medication or concern past slapping a cast on (some of them). And I should mock and denigrate anyone who says *their* broken bone was painful enough to need some pain pills. Or, and here’s a real kicker!, maybe I should mock and denigrate anyone who thought birth was painful enough for pain relief, because 2 down and *mine* surely weren’t painful enough to bother with medication. But, wait, I actually have the ability to empathize with other people, so when someone tells me they are in agony and need(ed) relief, I recognize my experiences may differ from their’s and actually believe them! (Provided they are in general believable people not prone to drug seeking)
Heather, no problem, apology accepted (and unneeded) sometimes things can move a bit fast on the board and misunderstandings happen.
(of a person, animal, or plant) Living, not dead.
Thank you, Hans. That’s the best compliment I’ve received in quite a while. ;)
There is no moderation you stupid cunt.
And yet WE’RE somehow the misogynists. 9_9
“You espouse a dark ages view of gestating human beings”
For someone who has much to say against actual reproductive technology and medicine while embracing a view that the reproductive system should remain untouched by any real technology, I can’t imagine why you would want to talk about “The Dark Ages.” If anything, the Dark Ages were a result of the church run amok. All you have is judgment and contempt for those who require reproductive healthcare outside of partuition, which is the domain of cave people. If someone needs condoms, the pill, an IUD, or has a disease, they are deceived, a slut, etc. This is the domain of the religiously insane and the same mentality that brought you exorcisms for the cure of disease. Please don’t pretend to embrace science because you were blown away by an ultrasound.
“I’ll be sure to remember this if I ever encounter you being dragged along after a hit-and-run driver fails to consider you. “
There is generally no duty to rescue laws in the United States common law. So you cannot force someone to come to someone else’s aid – and in my case were I run over I would not want your help, since you come from a faction of people who can’t seem to avoid getting yourselves run over anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIgXx3W7_C0
“I’ve broken several bones before, I didn’t find any of them that painful”
Well, you don’t find broken bones or childbirth all that painful, it could be possible the problem is that you’re missing part of your brain or CNS.
For someone who has much to say against actual reproductive technology and medicine while embracing a view that the reproductive system should remain untouched by any real technology, I can’t imagine why you would want to talk about “The Dark Ages.” If anything, the Dark Ages were a result of the church run amok. All you have is judgment and contempt for those who require reproductive healthcare outside of partuition, which is the domain of cave people. If someone needs condoms, the pill, an IUD, or has a disease, they are deceived, a slut, etc. This is the domain of the religiously insane and the same mentality that brought you exorcisms for the cure of disease
Yikes…where do you come up with this stuff? We were talking about ABORTION. You’re actually talking to a Pro-Lifer who is one of the more accepting of contraceptive technologies among us. If you’ll be so kind as to notice, I’ve not said anything about IUD’s themselves in this thread, because I personally don’t have a problem with them whatsoever. I don’t really care what a woman wants to do to avoid reproducing, but once she is pregnant she has already reproduced, and the resulting human being should have a right to live just like any other minor child.
And yet again, you start talking to me as though I’ve been basing my arguments on religion when I’ve already told you once I’m not religious at all. I even linked you to secularprolife.org! You obviously have issues to go off on these wild tangents with me, absconding mid-tirade to engage in a boxing match with some strawman that doesn’t concern a single thing I’ve said.
Please don’t pretend to embrace science because you were blown away by an ultrasound.
As I stated before, I’m not Pro-Life because I was “blown away by an ultrasound”. I’m Pro-Life because as an atheist I’ve always been scientifically inclined, because science is the best way to learn the truth about ourselves and the world in which we live. I learned from my earliest educational experiences that a new human being comes into existence when sperm meets egg. Granted, I’m a little more forgiving as far as contraception goes, because I understand there are many things that can prevent implantation from occurring and there is no real way to know whether or not that has happened, so I disagree with most of my cohorts here as far as contraception goes-I have no problem with things that might prevent implantation as long as that is not their primary mode of operation.
There is generally no duty to rescue laws in the United States common law.
Probably because up until recently, one was not needed. It was simply expected that people would do their best to go out of their way and help someone else who needed it. But, thanks to people like you and the mentality evident here, I’m starting to think that perhaps we should begin to implement some.
Well, you don’t find broken bones or childbirth all that painful, it could be possible the problem is that you’re missing part of your brain or CNS.
Watch out, Prax. She might try and have you declared “not a person” so it’d be open season on you. 9_9
Wow, yeah, there are a couple, and swearing is forbidden, but given that it’s Sunday perhaps they aren’t paying attention. Thanks for the wonderful example of how *we* aren’t the mysogynistic ones though.
Law, no, I’ve just had mild breaks and mild labors, there are plenty of other things that I’ve experienced that are very painful. In fact I’m a chronic pain sufferer due to a genetic condition that causes frequent sublaxations and dislocations. I’m under the care of several doctors, and, since my condition is rare, I’ve spent a lot of time going through different doctors to find ones who are actually familiar with my condition. Trying to get doctors to take you seriously when they’ve never heard of your condition isn’t easy. Thankfully I now live near a teaching hospital where most of the docs actually *are* familiar with it. Unlike you, I don’t assume someone having a different experience than I means there is something wrong with them.
Mods, the trolls have gotten in the liquor cabinet again and are playing with matches. Attention must be paid!
Such language! And on a Sunday, no less!
xalisae: We were talking about ABORTION.
Well, YOU guys were talking about your medical problems as if this were one of your hen parties where everyone gets together and clucks empathetically about everything that’s bothering them lately. “Woe is me, my IUD hurtsss… these things should be banned because they are SOO horrible! Plus they caused my fertilized egg to not implant!” as if anyone would ever be able to tell. It reminds me of the time when, still involved with the church, I was having lunch with some fellow church members who utterly destroyed my appetite by going on and on about their Crohn’s disease. I kinda wonder if maybe the PL movement isn’t just stocked with oversharers for whom no one’s personal life, including their own, is sacred and exempt from gossip. It’s like the mothering dot com forum where moms either get together to commisserate about either their postpartum bowel habits or their children’s bowel habits. As far as I’m concerned, the worrying over abortion is the same thing as discussing the neighbor’s sex life or one’s digestive system – completely and totally without couth.
You’re actually talking to a Pro-Lifer who is one of the more accepting of contraceptive technologies among us.
The extreme vast majority of official PL groups are hostile towards birth control and some of them even work towards banning all forms of it. Some of them try to hide it but it’s easy to look up. If you’re so accepting of birth control, you wouldn’t ally yourself with an entire movement that does everything in its power to get such technologies banned or withheld from women and thus causing MORE abortions. Did you sleep through the whole pharmacists have a conscience thing or what?
“I learned from my earliest educational experiences that a new human being comes into existence when sperm meets egg.”
And yet when the rubber meets the road, the only thing you’d be willing to do to protect those “new human beings” is stand in driveways and dodge traffic, and vote to enact legislation that would allow the prosecution of women and doctors, creating a black market and filling the pockets of Air Canada (not to mention the tax money needed to care for the homeless children of the poor). A whole entire building full of frozen sperm and egg omelets would be allowed to burn to the ground should it catch on fire, and neither you nor anyone here would sacrifice their own lives to save them (in fact you wouldn’t be allowed to) and you wouldn’t dare expect the firefighters to do so either. Life would go on and no one would give two hockey pucks. PL laws could be passed left and right and they’d never be enforced. When was the last time a PL demonstration was held outside of a sperm donation bank or an IVF clinic? The fifth of never?
It was simply expected that people would do their best to go out of their way and help someone else who needed it. But, thanks to people like you and the mentality evident here, I’m starting to think that perhaps we should begin to implement some.
Well that would be as brainless as could be expected considering that untrained rescuers can create hazards or cause deaths and injuries needlessly simply because they are not trained rescuers. This is why the Red Cross tells people not to jump into rivers to save drowning people because then that just creates another person to save but then that’s just common sense. There are reasons that current law exists but I guess you can’t start being bothered with that now!
Jesperen: Unlike you, I don’t assume someone having a different experience than I means there is something wrong with them.
Well unless that person is a woman who doesn’t want anything to do with pregnancy, childbirth, or childrearing, or who has an active sex life, then you just assume that there must be something horribly wrong with her – she has no soul, she’s a slut, god will punish her, etc.
Plus they caused my fertilized egg to not implant!” as if anyone would ever be able to tell.
Deja vu! I could SWEAR I JUST SAID THAT SAME THING. Oh, wait, I did! I love when people apparently learn something from me then serve it right back to me and act as though they were the one who came up with it in the first place.
As far as I’m concerned…abortion is…completely and totally without couth.
Now THIS we can agree on, I think. Paying a doctor to kill one’s child, regardless of where that child happens to be or what state of development they happen to be going through, is absolutely uncouth. And a civilized society would and should demand more from its members than allowing a parent to legally have their child killed. Hence the Pro-Life movement. We’re not talking about a bowel condition or sexual habit-abortion takes the life of a gestating human being, the biological child of the pregnant woman. But glad to know you look at things like a parent having a child killed as something slightly unsavory along the lines whether or not a family on your block might be experiencing a bout of diarrhea.
The extreme vast majority of official PL groups are hostile towards birth control and some of them even work towards banning all forms of it. Some of them try to hide it but it’s easy to look up. If you’re so accepting of birth control, you wouldn’t ally yourself with an entire movement that does everything in its power to get such technologies banned or withheld from women and thus causing MORE abortions. Did you sleep through the whole pharmacists have a conscience thing or what?
Yes, and we’ve already exchanged our blows about this. They know that as soon as a gestating human being’s life is protected in utero, I’m getting off this ship and they’re welcome to attempt to enact any subsequent legislation they would like, just as I am quite welcome to oppose it and try to stop them. I’m sorry…is that not how it works to be a liberal? Do they just make you hand your brain over at the door and march in lockstep for the rest of your life, totally barred from any sort of independent thinking whatsoever? That must suck. You have my condolences. ;_;
And yet when the rubber meets the road, the only thing you’d be willing to do to protect those “new human beings” is stand in driveways and dodge traffic, and vote to enact legislation that would allow the prosecution of women and doctors, creating a black market and filling the pockets of Air Canada (not to mention the tax money needed to care for the homeless children of the poor). A whole entire building full of frozen sperm and egg omelets would be allowed to burn to the ground should it catch on fire, and neither you nor anyone here would sacrifice their own lives to save them (in fact you wouldn’t be allowed to) and you wouldn’t dare expect the firefighters to do so either. Life would go on and no one would give two hockey pucks. PL laws could be passed left and right and they’d never be enforced. When was the last time a PL demonstration was held outside of a sperm donation bank or an IVF clinic? The fifth of never?
1.) by the time we begin talking about abortion, the human being in question is either at the embryonic stage or fetal stage of development. This is a far cry off from “frozen spem and egg omelets”, which I can only take to mean a human in the zygotic stage of development. It’s hard to tell what you mean sometimes, since you are so blatantly ignorant of basic human development.
2.) As was mentioned earlier, I am understanding of events which would prevent the implantation of a zygote. I imagine a building containing them burning to the ground would be just such an event. That doesn’t mean that I have no sympathy or compassion for them, just that some things are beyond anyone’s control (you even mentioned the fact that we would be prevented from attempting to lend aid), and that is something I would count as being beyond anyone’s control, just like a zygote being flushed out of a woman’s body-whether it be because she was under a lot of stress that month, she is over/underweight, she is on birth control, she has been eating a poor diet, etc.-is completely beyond anyone’s control.
3.) I can’t imagine holding a protest outside of a sperm donation bank, as spermatozoon is not in any way, shape, or form a new and unique human being on its own. However, you can find resources like this: http://www.embryoadoption.org/ helping to prevent a tragic end for some of those newly-created human beings. We do what we can, when we can.
Well that would be as brainless as could be expected considering that untrained rescuers can create hazards or cause deaths and injuries needlessly simply because they are not trained rescuers. This is why the Red Cross tells people not to jump into rivers to save drowning people because then that just creates another person to save but then that’s just common sense. There are reasons that current law exists but I guess you can’t start being bothered with that now!
Nice attempt at saving face and at least trying to look like you give a flip about other human beings! I’m sorry I disagree, though. If I saw someone harming someone else, I’d do everything in my power to get it to stop, especially if it was someone being killed by someone else. I guess that’s why I’m Pro-Life and you’re not though, huh?
jespren thanks for accepting my apology. i just got done eating some crowe. uh hem
It’s ok, X. Wow doesn’t have an argument so he/she has to resort to personal attacks.
@law you just couldn’t resist slamming the Catholic Church and the pope could you? Wow, you sure sound angry.
Lrning-just screencapped it. Classic moronic quote.
and just when you thought a pro lifer couldnt get a thumb up from the pc side……? okay back on course
anyway why do the pro aborts always resort to their favorite word MISOGYNY? do you women really think that pro life women hate or mistrust women? that is what it means! i believe nancy pelosi calls us ” women killers” does she include dead baby girls killed in abortion mills 4000 times a day?
ooooooh but thats their favorite thing to do. slam God! okay you pro aborts dont believe in God and you believe people who do are crazy? fine. but what if im right? i hope you will all turn your backs on the ultimate destruction of the human race before its too late. if all you picture in death is ” going to sleep” no wonder youre all so depressed!
Oh, and I’m still waiting for law to answer my question on another thread, x, would she save her own dog from drowning or a stranger? My guess, by the aforementioned, her dog. But, we humans have no more value than a fly!
back to the cookie for a minute……will the girl scouts be forced to sell it this year? poor girls.
“I love when people apparently learn something from me”
Trust me when I say no one learned anything from you. Except that maybe it’s pretty scary the weirdos they share this planet with. Half of what you say doesn’t even make any sense.
As far as I’m concerned…abortion is…completely and totally without couth.
Now THIS we can agree on, I think. Paying a doctor to kill one’s child
Chopping up someone’s quote to make it say something it absolutely and completely did NOT say is better left to the Lila Rose faction of idiocy, don’t you think? How embarrassing for you that you can’t at all address what was really said – that you’re a bunch of gossip mongers without the class to keep your medical conditions to yourself or to leave others’ medical conditions to them.
They know that as soon as a gestating human being’s life is protected in utero, I’m getting off this ship and they’re welcome to attempt to enact any subsequent legislation they would like, just as I am quite welcome to oppose it and try to stop them.
Who you ally yourself with now is indeed your responsibility. Lending your voice to a cause that embraces something you say you disagree with is generally known as cognitive dissonance. You can look that up and consider that you learned something new today.
I’m sorry…is that not how it works to be a liberal?
You’re asking the wrong person, I wouldn’t know.
by the time we begin talking about abortion, the human being in question is either at the embryonic stage or fetal stage of development.
Who cares. You don’t care if they don’t implant and you don’t care if they burn to death in a fire (it doesn’t even warrant the label of “tragic accident”) but I am guessing if it has the massive good fortune to find itself implanted inside someone, then it should be treated as if it’s the next coming of Christ – very sneaky excuse for having a say over grown women. No one otherwise cares about it whatsoever.
“Nice attempt at saving face and at least trying to look like you give a flip about other human beings”
If you define “giving a flip about others” as “making sure they make the same life decisions I would” then no, I certainly don’t give a flip. Oh how I wish you gave fewer flips, this world would be a much better place without people who have far too much interest in what their neighbors are doing.
““I say it because our bodies are *meant* to give birth” No they aren’t.”
Well, you’re half right, law. Male bodies are not meant to give birth. Female bodies are beautifully equipped to give birth. With my last pregnancy, I shot in a pool tourney while I was in labor. Took first place, too. Baby boy was born very shortly after I arrived at the hospital. Shot right out like a cannonball.
I’ve never had a brain scan, so it is a possibility that I am missing half my brain. If I am missing half (or maybe it’s more) of my brain, does that mean I should be put down? Missing part of my brain wouldn’t make me any less lovable to you, would it, law?
I need to apologize to any woman whose pains/cramps have been disbelieved. Until I went through it myself, I didn’t believe fully either. (I still think those two boys skipping out of P.E. claiming period camps were fibbing though).
To Wow at 4:56 p.m. — Was your head spinning around and were you experiencing projectile vomiting when you typed that? Does your voice change when you see religious objects and are you able to speak in foreign languages that you never took classes for? Let me know because I can set you up with Someone who can help you. Peace be with you.
“back to the cookie for a minute……will the girl scouts be forced to sell it this year?”
Only if the cookie thinks it’s a cupcake, heather.
“Oh, and I’m still waiting for law to answer my question on another thread, x, would she save her own dog from drowning or a stranger? My guess, by the aforementioned, her dog.”
I wouldn’t save either one. Saving people or animals from drowning should be done by professionals.
Flooding – including rising river floods, flash floods, flood-swollen rivers and streams, and hurricane spawned floods – is the leading cause of weather-related death. Sadly, flash flood and river drowning tragedies often involve more than one family member, as loved ones scramble to help those who have gotten into trouble in the water. Strangers, who are Good Samaritans, can also pay the ultimate price for attempting to rescue someone who has been swept away.
Fast flowing water can be deceptively dangerous. When flood runoff is compressed into a cement-lined channel, just six inches of swift water can knock you off your feet and prevent you from being able to stand up again. You will more than likely be swept downstream, at the mercy of the current.
Please remind everyone, especially children, to stay away from flood control channels, rivers, streams and other flood-swollen waterways when there is a lot of snow melt or heavy rain runoff, including on sunny days immediately following, or in between, big storms.
When it rains, flood control channels, rivers, streams, and arroyos can quickly fill up with roiling flood water, creating a potentially life-threatening danger to anyone who gets caught in the torrent, or is swept away. Even if it’s sunny downstream, it may still be raining heavily upstream, sending flash floods downstream. Be weather wise!
In addition to cold water, which can cause hypothermia to develop quickly, making it very difficult for someone to self-rescue, there are other dangerous hazards in flood control channels and other open waterways, including debris, floodwater contamination from toxic chemicals and waste, slippery slopes along the edges and riverbanks, snakes and other dangerous animals in some areas, and deadly low-head dams.
Low-head dams look like fun water slides, but are called “drowning machines,” because the water can churn victims up and over and down until they drown. Victims are tossed around like laundry in a washing machine. It is extremely difficult to get yourself out of this unique hydraulic. Rescue is required, often at great risk to rescue personnel.
Flood control channels, rivers and streams are not a good place to play.
If you fall into the water, there may be NO WAY OUT! Swiftwater rescue is likely the only lifesaving option…
What if You See Someone Fall into the Water?
Immediately call 9-1-1 (USA), or your local emergency response number! Tell the operator that someone who fell into the channel is being swept downstream and that swiftwater rescue teams need to respond.
Give accurate information about where you saw the victim go in, what the victim was wearing, etc.
Do not try to pull the victim out with your hands, a rope, or similar device.
Do not attach anything to yourself and toss it to a victim in the water. You will be pulled in by the force of the current.
If possible, throw an unattached flotation device to the victim, such as a boogie board, Styrofoam ice chest, or basketball.
If a dog or other animal has been swept away, do not try to perform a rescue yourself. Call swiftwater rescue teams immediately. Animals can be clever and survive, but many people have lost their lives trying to rescue their pets. Never allow your dog to run off leash near a fast-flowing river or stream. For their safety and yours, please keep all animals away from flood control channels, rivers and streams!
Swiftwater rescue is one of the most dangerous of all technical rescue operations performed by fire-rescue teams. Nearly half of all deaths in swift water are would-be rescuers, including Good Samaritans. By endangering your life, you are also endangering the lives of others.
“Female bodies are beautifully equipped to give birth.”
Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s just like a day at Disney. Let me run right out and get knocked up so I too can experience the beauty of having my cooter torn asunder or my guts cut open and sewn back up like a holiday turkey and then paying many thousands of dollars for the privilege. It’s a real walk in the park.
Do you treat everyone as if they’re stupid?
Baby boy was born very shortly after I arrived at the hospital. Shot right out like a cannonball.
That’s a lovely visual, I’m surprised you spared us the details of the placenta, the enemas, the stitching, etc. Heck why not just tell the conception story while you’re at it, everyone wants to know.
How did Law save the baby from drowning?
She took her foot off his head.
Women are not designed, let alone “designed to give birth.”
“Heck why not just tell the conception story while you’re at it, everyone wants to know.”
Sorry, I’m saving that story for my autobiography so you’ll just have to wait for the book. That chapter is entitled “Five Seconds”.
Do you treat everyone as if they’re stupid?
Nope. Just the stupid people.
“How did Law save the baby from drowning?
She took her foot off his head.”
Hm, the greatest danger to a baby is usually it’s own parents. Like Andrea Yates. A deluded religious mommy type with whom childfree women have pretty much nothing in common.
Nope. Just the stupid people.
Normally defined as “everyone but you” I’m guessing.
andrea yates had auditory hallucinations and suffered from extreme psychosis. voices in her head told her to “kill your children” and susan smith had an abortion prior to rolling her 2 boys into john d long lake. a suicide attempt followed her abortion. ive read the books on both women.
When law finds her troubled brains to be parasitical, she presumably will have them sucked out through her nose by a high-powered vacuum.
Abortion -This is a Suction Abortion – YouTube
Hm, the greatest danger to a baby is usually it’s own parents.
I know. Duh. But I thought you supported legalized abortion. Sorry. My bad.
Normally defined as “everyone but you” I’m guessing.
Nope. Just the stupid people.
Half of what you say doesn’t even make any sense.
It would if you worked on your reading comprehension and learned to stop chasing tangential rabbits. You’ve gone off on so many wild fits of fancy, it’s really been amusing. I feel like an onlooker during the Dancing Plague of 1518. I mean, you just went on for pages about flood and drowning dangers when absolutely no one had mentioned anything remotely similar. Keep dancing, I’m thinking of building a stage and hiring a band. XD
Chopping up someone’s quote to make it say something it absolutely and completely did NOT say is better left to the Lila Rose faction of idiocy, don’t you think? How embarrassing for you that you can’t at all address what was really said – that you’re a bunch of gossip mongers without the class to keep your medical conditions to yourself or to leave others’ medical conditions to them.
It was done to stress my disagreement with your premise in an amusing way. I enjoy playing with language, and I found it funny. Sorry you didn’t feel the same. If you would like my serious counter to your statement, here goes: Killing one’s child in an abortion is no more treatment for a medical condition than a parent suffering from an anger management problem is medicated by being allowed to beat their toddler to death, or a woman with depression is cured by permitting her 6 year old to starve to death because she doesn’t have the energy to care for him/her. We are no more “gossip mongers” than a social worker doing a home visit to ensure child safety is just a busybody. You continually insist on completely ignoring the other party involved here, I can only suppose because your gods the 1973 SCOTUS did likewise, but I’m afraid that is no longer possible due to scientific and medical advancements, and no amount of tantrums on your part is going to change this.
Who you ally yourself with now is indeed your responsibility. Lending your voice to a cause that embraces something you say you disagree with is generally known as cognitive dissonance. You can look that up and consider that you learned something new today.
It certainly is, and they are well-aware of my take on the issue. As we work together for a common goal now, that is the extent of my responsibility as it stands. You don’t have to agree with EVERYTHING a certain group does or believes in order to attempt to do some good within that group, when what that group is currently working to accomplish IS a good thing. The only think I’ve learned from you is that some people seem to get pretty pissy when their bubbles burst.
You’re asking the wrong person, I wouldn’t know.
Oh, so you’re not liberal, just an abortion devotee. Sorry for the confusion, it’s just that so often, those are one and the same.
Who cares. You don’t care if they don’t implant and you don’t care if they burn to death in a fire (it doesn’t even warrant the label of “tragic accident”) but I am guessing if it has the massive good fortune to find itself implanted inside someone, then it should be treated as if it’s the next coming of Christ – very sneaky excuse for having a say over grown women. No one otherwise cares about it whatsoever.
I care, and many more like me also care, and for good reason. If someone has the massive good fortune to find themselves implanted in their mother’s uterine lining, then mother will, no doubt, find that they are there and she is with child. This is a HUGE game-changer, because the fact that mom now has awareness of this child means that she also has an obligation to this child. After she has become pregnant, she knows the child is there, the child is definitively there to a provable degree, and she is that child’s mother so she therefore has an obligation to her minor child to protect and care for him/her. Sorry to shatter your fantasy world where every Pro-Lifer just hates sex and wants to control women. I couldn’t care less about women’s sex lives and what anyone wants to do in their own time-AS LONG AS IT IS NOT HARMING ANYONE ELSE-is just fine by me.
Oops, law, I should have been more specific with my question. If your dog and a stranger were drowning at the same time, who would you save first? Maybe the emergency crew couldn’t get there in time – gee it’s not like that has never happened before. For someone who seems to pride herself on being so intellectual (unlike the rest of us pro-life fetus-worshipping women are for breeding only ilk), I figured you would have understood the question.
law says: I’ve known several women who *swear* that the best birth control is if you stuff a Sasquatch up your cooter.
So law, are you a pervert or are they? That sounds positively disgusting. And I’m sure the sasquatch wouldn’t like it either.
x slam dunk! i think u just broke the law!!!!! lol
i think u just broke the law!!!!! And I’m sure the sasquatch wouldn’t like it either. Prolife Women — Smart, compassionate and hilarious!!
Jespren says: . . while you might think women with medical problems are ‘faking it’ to get attention, actually *being* a woman with medical problems, I can assure you we aren’t.
I can assure you that nobody truly believes that anybody fakes it. They only pretend to believe that somebody is faking it, because they are hard hearted creeps who are trying to justify their hatred and cruelty to the world. It’s not socially accepted to point your finger in the face of a suffering person and say, “Ha ha ha, I’m glad you’re hurting.” So they just pretend not to believe the person is really suffering. That way they can be freed from the social demands that they show compassion. They can also spread to others the untruth that the person is faking it. If they convince others, they can thwart the compassion that may be in society for the victims, and maybe even stir up public hostility for the victims. Then they can sit back and enjoy how the victim’s lives are made even harder.
They do this with ADHD. They want to stop people from being compassionate and understanding about ADHD, and maybe even increase the abuse ADHD people have to endure. So they pretend to believe that the ADHD person is faking their symptoms. I’ve heard that they do this with many other conditions too.
Jaspren, please understand, whatever your condition is, know that nobody REALLY believes you’re faking it. They only pretend to believe that. THEY are the ones who are faking something.
Jaspren, if your doctor is saying that you’re faking it, see him for the fake he himself is, and get another doctor.
I can assure you that nobody truly believes that anybody fakes it.
On the whole, I agree with your post, Cecilia. There are people in this world though who do fake ailments for attention or other not-so-nice reasons (one serial killer faked being hurt to lure his victims to help him to his vehicle).
If you’ve ever come across a true sociopath or con, it might take awhile, but eventually you will figure out how really good they are at faking many things. They are able to sense and prey on others’ weaknesses.
The girl who has period cramps in gym class three weeks in a row is probably faking it because she doesn’t want to participate (and this could be due to many reasons — bullying, not wanting to change in front of others, low self-esteem). Or she has other physical/emotional issues that should be looked at.
Working with ADHD kids can be very trying and I see many well-intentioned folks who think these kids are just naughty. ADHD kids can also be manipulative and sometimes do fake (one child twisted a left ankle but later in the day was limping favoring the right leg).
I know how hard it is when you really are hurting though and someone thinks you are faking or embellishing.
Wow says:
Alive is not living. They’re not interchangeable
Another good one for MPQ! Another pro-choicer playing a favorite game of theirs, the Redefine Words game!
1. having life; being alive; not dead
1. having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless.
Gee, those definitions look pretty “interchangeable”, don’t they?
The reasons I’ve been told not to show graphic pictures all fail when you understand redefining words is a favorite tactic of secularists to gain power over cultures. Secularism inevitably destroys those cultures over which it gains control. We may redefine the words as much as we wish, but we can never redefine the outcomes of misusing words. Graphic pictures simply show the outcome of redefining “abortion.”
If the outcome of abortion would suddenly change to where the corpses of the fetuses would, say, grow gumdrops for toes which we could all then enjoy, I would then have to suddenly adjust my thinking to accord with the new reality of abortion. So far, this hasn’t happened. No matter what anyone says.
They got ugly cookies, we got babies. WE WIN.