Life Links 1-23-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The smallest surviving child born in California is going home. Melinda Guido weighed a little more than ˝ a pound at birth:
She was born four months premature on Aug. 30 and weighed just more than 9 ounces, making her the second smallest in the United States and one of the world’s smallest surviving babies.
Melinda was so tiny she could fit into the palm of her doctor’s hand.
Doctors say the baby now weighs 4.5 pounds and has progressed enough to be discharged.
- Overheard – Mark Judge on Washington Post writer Dana Milbank’s observations about the March for Life:
What makes this so awful is not that Milbank is a liberal. It’s the rote belching up of cliches in place of thought, research, or contemplation. It’s the making of an idiotic assertion about financial motivation, followed the inability to follow a more interesting assertion he stumbles over to an interesting place. It’s the childish impulse, not to mention the moral sclerosis, of the sarcastic quotes around “conscience clause.”
- Scott Klusendorf and Jay Watts defend incremental pro-life legislation.
- Casey Martinson, the Director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes, writes that “the sky is falling” on Roe v. Wade:
I’m sorry to say that the sky is falling on Roe v Wade. It’s been falling incrementally for the past four decades, and it fell further, faster, in 2011 than in any year before. According to the Guttmacher Institute, state legislatures passed 94 new laws restricting abortion in 2012. Not only is that a new record, but it shatters the previous record of 34 new laws passed in 2005 by a lot.
Interestingly, the director of public affairs doesn’t know how old Roe v. Wade is:
So the alarm that defenders of reproductive rights have been sounding at a higher and higher volume is serious business. As we approach the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we have an opportune moment to bring these concerns into focus against the never-ending blur of our modern news cycle. Anti-choice extremists – a fair word for people who equate not just abortion but birth control pills with murder – are gearing up to make their own hay on this issue, and after 38 years of losing ground, pro-choice advocates need maximum effort to turn things around.
- Unsurprisingly, avid pro-choicers who spurn debate have no problem interrupting a pro-life event at the March for Life to mindlessly spout chants. Jennie Stone has the video and summary:
“Unsurprisingly, avid pro-choicers who spurn debate have no problem interrupting a pro-life event at the March for Life to mindlessly spout chants.”
Yet, when Ms. Stanek’s BFF Randall Terry does the same thing, she thinks it’s just dandy.
Yet, when Ms. Stanek’s BFF Randall Terry does the same thing, she thinks it’s just dandy.
Just because Jill posts on some of Terry’s activities here (such as the Superbowl ads, which she supports) does not mean she has always agreed with his actions, as you’d know if you read any of her past posts on him.
I think it’s funny that this chant was led by a man, and that the man is shouting “you don’t care if women die” in a crowd of at least 50% women. I guess the whole “you don’t have a uterus so you don’t have a voice in this” only applies to men who would prefer their children NOT be killed.
Gee CC, I wonder what position Mr. “you don’t care if women die” takes on abortion clinic regulations. I’m sure he was very troubled by Kermit Gosnell, James Pendergraft, Alberto Hodari, and the many other abortion clinics where women meet and untimely end.
Dana Millbank would be instantly unemployed if he showed up for work one day as a pro-life convert. Oh yes he is so eloquent and insightful! He has job security as long as he mocks and dismisses prolifers. He is sure to get some high fives from his colleagues when he compares a quarter million pro-life activists gathered in the public square on an equal basis with a handful of proabort zealots.
This intellectual dishonesty does not serve our public commonweal. But the name of the game of course in the ranks of the liberal elites and proaborts (and our trolls here) is built upon the smoke and mirrors of deceit. This has worked for decades but is rapidly losing its force. Support for the proabort position is falling apart as we see that the public is now more than ever being educated in the truth of human life from the moment of conception. Our side is gaining. In 2011 some 80 laws were passed in the various states limiting access to abortion. This could not have happened if the majority of the residents of these states were opposed to strongly prolife laws.
In 2012 we have an opportunity to elect a prolife president and gain control of the Senate to complement our prolife House of Representatives. No, it is not an opportunity—it is a MUST that we succeed. In a second term Obama could appoint three or even four more supreme court justices which would mean the end of all prolife legislation.
“Support for the proabort position is falling apart as we see that the public is now more than ever being educated in the truth of human life from the moment of conception”
Good luck with that. There are lots of faith communities (Jewish and mainline Protestant) that don’t believe that despite what “holy, mother church” says.
And about the chant being shouted by a man – One of the main opponents of a woman’s right to control her body is the Catholic church which even in the 21 st still doesn’t recognize the right of women to control their bodies and preside over liturgy. While Catholic women love being handmaidens, non Catholic women don’t. And they don’t appreciate being told, by this group of men, what they can or can’t do with their reproductive organs.
“And while regressive anti-choice legislation has passed in regressive states, the enlightened and secular pro-choice states still support a woman’s right to choose.”
You mean those secular pro-choice states which constitute a declining portion of the U.S. population? Those states?
“Just because Jill posts on some of Terry’s activities here (such as the Superbowl ads, which she supports) does not mean she has always agreed with his actions, as you’d know if you read any of her past posts on him.”
Actually, every time I’ve seen her write about the guerrilla tactics of Randall Terry and others like him, it has been nothing less than a glowing endorsement.
In fact, she thought it was pretty cool for Randall Terry’s people to commit check fraud in order to get into a pro-choice event without paying, for the purpose of disrupting it in much the same way that this “March for Life” event has been disrupted.
Yes yes, CC and Joan we KNOW which “choice” you support.
*Not all of us are big fans of Randall Terry’s ‘tactics’, either*
It’s a good thing I wasn’t talking about “all of you” in that case. Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.
More on Randall Terry:
Got pictures of yesterday’s March For Life in Washington DC. Met lots of interesting people there:
Got pictures of yesterday’s March For Life in Washington DC. Met lots of interesting people there:
I think it’s funny that this chant was led by a man, and that the man is shouting “you don’t care if women die” in a crowd of at least 50% women. I guess the whole “you don’t have a uterus so you don’t have a voice in this” only applies to men who would prefer their children NOT be killed.
LOL! No kidding, eh? Welcome to what it’s like every day I tweet. “YOU HATE WOMEN!”, “Misogynist!”, “You want to ENSLAVE WOMEN!”, “STOP YOUR WAR ON WOMEN!”, “YOU KILL WOMEN!”…from the #prochoice who looks to be about 60:40 split favoring men, to the #prolife who is at least a 75:25 split favoring women. LOL, WUT?
Well crap. I’ve just been educated in the fact that since I can’t “preside over liturgy” at my Church that I have no right to control my body! I’d better call my priest right now and find out if I have permission to type this comment!!! Pfft.
I get so tired of the disingenuous assertions that destroying the body of a unique human being in the womb is all about the WOMAN’s body and HER reproductive organs.
you know what’s crazy? When a man on the pro choice side carries a sign that says keep your rosaries off my ovaries…..hello….that man failed biology……he doesn’t have ovaries!
LizFromNebraska says:
January 24, 2012 at 12:19 pm
you know what’s crazy? When a man on the pro choice side carries a sign that says keep your rosaries off my ovaries…..hello….that man failed biology……he doesn’t have ovaries!
(Denise) The rosaries-ovaries connection is misguided. One could believe abortion should be outlawed without recourse to Roman Catholicism or any other religion. The early development of arms, legs, and a head aren’t matters of religious faith but proven scientific truth. Once you have those scientific facts, you can argue that a pregnant female should be legally obligated to carry to term because the fetus is entitled to special rights due to its special circumstances.
Ditto Denise. The right or wrong of this issue has nothing to do with religion.
“still doesn’t recognize the right of women to control their bodies and preside over liturgy.”
lol @ the linkage here. As to the former, Good Lord, how many times does it need to be repeated? The human inside the mother is not merely a part of her body. As to the latter, which has no connection to the former, Jesus Christ, the High Priest, offers the Sacrifice of the Mass via the person of the human priest. As far as I understand, the Catholic Church doesn’t teach that anyone, male or female, has the *right* to be the human instrument that Christ uses in this mystical re-presentation of Calvary.
I love the photos from the march! Thanks for the link. Looks like only a couple old folks turned out for the march. ;-)