Lunch Break: Colmes takes cheap shot at Santorum family’s loss of baby Gabriel
JLS UPDATE 5:42p: Here’s Alan Colmes’ despicable mockery of the Santorum family’s grieving plan for their deceased baby:
Colmes is known for taking cheap shots. I know, I’ve also been one of his victims. Now AFA is hosting an email drive calling on Fox to fire Colmes. I don’t often get involved in these efforts, but I think this time it’s called for.
12p: by LauraLoo
From The Blaze:
National Review editor Rich Lowry and liberal commentator Alan Colmes clashed on Fox News Monday when Lowry interjected to rebuke Colmes’ criticism of the way Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum and his wife handled the death of their infant newborn Gabriel, who lived for only two hours in 1996.
Rick Santorum responds:
Email LauraLoo with your Lunch Break suggestions.
[HT: Hans Johnson]
I’ve said it here before, I think Santorum is the candidate we need. I am fervently praying for a surge and miracle for him in Iowa today.
Praying with you, Amy1.
Wow. Making fun of how someone chooses to mourn their child is absolutely disgusting. Colmes should be ashamed.
I, too, hope Santorum’s surge continues.
While I am glad to see that Alan Colmes apologized to Rick Santorum, I have always found Colmes to be so totally entrenched in the pro-abortion mindset that he must defend it at all costs. Such a sad, pitiful man.
“They do say those things, just please don’t repeat them.”
Amen to that.
Alan Colmes is a Fox News Contributor.
He’s paid a lot of money by Fox to say the things he says.
Colmes is a Roger Ailes Sock Puppet, just like the rest of them.
Add one more to the prayer requests, Amy1 & Carla!
Rick Santorum, a class act.
Mr. Colmes, as the song goes, “Cold As Ice.” He shows the continued mentality on the Culture of Death by degrading human life & calling baby Gabriel in another sentence “it”.
Alan Colmes is officially a cold-hearted jackass. He’s out for the kill, now that Santorum is a threat to his dear anointed leader. His remarks were just contemptible and obtuse. Way beyond disrespectful, completely unprofessional, and plain inhumane. FOX needs to get rid of him.
Rick Santorum is a first-rate gentleman for accepting his apology, but we all know Alan’s despicable comments were very hurtful to the Santorum family.
SANTORUM 2012!!!!!
I agree that Colmes is a cold-hearted jackass.
I agree that he was disrespectful, unprofessional and inhumane.
But, Fox WILL NOT get rid of him.
He is Hannity’s paid foil and ensures that folks like you tune in.
And Roger Ailes loves you for it.
Full Disclosure:
Not a liberal
Not a conservative
mp, Roger Ailes can get a load of this: The sight of Alan Colmes will guarantee that I change the channel.
Right, the uber homophobic and anti-Islamic “hate group,” AFA is upset. But they do love fetuses so it’s all good…
“SANTORUM 2012!!!!!” – santorum displays about as much depth and intellect as a Ken doll. And he’d be about as potent a POTUS as Ken’s ‘mound’. He’d be tugged back and forth between the big money and the wannabe theocrats.
To Santorum’s credit he is not a neo-totalitarian socialist baby killing new age dictator like Obama. He is everything Obama is not: thoughtful, deep, and concerned about the moral direction of Western society.
If I were American I would rather go down supporting Santorum uphold traditional values than supporting a corporate behind kissing, defeatist, abortion supporter like Obama.
Reality, methinks that perhaps our culture has come to regard “depth” as being exclusively Ivy-league lawyer-types who wax eloquently (with the aid of a teleprompter) and snootily about fairness and equality, while they forcibly take the earned income of some and hand it out to those who are “entitled”, and then deny life to the “unwanted” and deny freedom to those whose beliefs dare to object to such immorality.
I’ll take Santorum’s depth of true, coherent morality and integrity; his depth of experience; his depth of knowledge and his wisdom any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
“supporting Santorum uphold traditional values” – which ‘traditional’ values? Whose? From which era?
“coherent morality and integrity” – want to expand on that. Maybe somewhat along the lines of the questions I posed above?
“his depth of knowledge” – don’t make me laugh. His knowledge is self-restricted.
“and his wisdom” – it’s not his, it’s that which he’s chosen to adhere to as dictated by those who would invoke a theocratic state. And that ain’t ‘wisdom’.
Go Rick Santorum!!
Actually, yeah, go santorum! Or failing that, perry. Although bachmann would be even better.
I’d be more than happy for any of them to become the gop nominee for president.
Happy days!
I will vote for whoever you hate the most, Reality!!
So keep me posted.
Me, too !
Good one, Carla !!!
This just in: Santorum won IOWA !!!!!
(third attempt at responding, I do wish my browser would stop playing long odds luck dip!)
Shall I tell you that I hate obamam then?
I don’t ‘hate’ any of them. I just think it would be lamentable if any of them became POTUS. Social inequity would be even worse than it is now and they would stomp all over the line separating church and state. First steps on the road to a malevolent theocracy.
They are all equally bad but bachmann raise the stupidity bar to new levels. Or anyone who chooses palin as a running mate (although I’m sure she would decline, she’s made far too much money for so little effort doing what she’s been doing).
So there you go.
Yay, go santorum! Keep the ball rolling.
Hey, maybe he’s got the required level of intelligence to pick bachmann as his running mate. What a team!
I wonder if this despicable gaffe (saying what he truly believes) has boosted Santorum over the top. He is four votes ahead at this minute. Anything near a tie is a David vs. Goliath victory.
Why do the trolls fret so? It really unnerves them that a life lost was respected and appreciated, and not put away like yesterday’s newspaper.
Do I fear such a man as Rick Santorum in the White House, when the current occupant went out of his way to assure that there would be MORE newborns gasping their last breaths?
I say no.
Romney by 14 votes after a boatload of money? The real winner is Iowa. If Ron Paul had won it would’ve made this Caucus a laughingstock. They have a habit of picking the “non-winner” of the nomination.
Hmm. Watch your back, Mr. Romney. You now face your last opponent. And he’s rather popular here!
Just heard Michele Bachmann is holding a news conference today at 11:00 EST. Maybe she will exit the race after all, despite having tickets to South Carolina. LL
You may say you hate Obama, Reality. :)
Whoever has the libs frothing at the mouth must be the one.
Santorum 2012!!
that is good news mike! i dont know. obama might get another 4 years but i do know that people who voted for him are now saying ” boy was i stupid..” many of these people had no idea how i felt about obama when they said so;)
regrets regrets but who am i to say ” i tried to tell you”? i cant get the video to play but colmes is just a typical liberal. me me me its all about me and good old obama. the president who hasnt gotten to work yet. well actually he has gotten to work at destroying america.
So happy for all supporters of LIFE. Santorum 2012!!!!!!!!!!
ok just turned on fox.
Reality: Actually, yeah, go santorum! Or failing that, perry. Although bachmann would be even better.
I’d be more than happy for any of them to become the gop nominee for president.
Mitt Romney feels the same way about facing Santorum, Perry or Bachmann. Newt is his real worry, and Romney and his people spent an absolute boatload of money in Iowa trashing Newt.
How did Bachmann get even this far? Before she fades into the proverbial sunset here (along with Perry), why haven’t we seen the media really question her straight-on about the nuttiness factor, i.e. “Do you really think people are going to vote for you given some of the things you’ve said, as with the HPV vaccine and claims of it causing “mental retardation”?”
Even conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and John McCormack of the Weekly Standard were going on about Bachmann, i.e. “Bachmann might have blown it, she might have jumped the shark,” and “Bachmann seemed to go off the deep end.”
Yet it seems that to a large extent she got a pass from the media in general. Or, is it that the assumption is that everybody already knows she’s at least a little bit “crazy”?
Hans: Watch your back, Mr. Romney. You now face your last opponent. And he’s rather popular here!
Okay, so what happens now? Perry and Bachmann quit, and Huntsman bets all his marbles on New Hampshire. You gotta figure he’s toast, in the end. That leaves Mitt, Newt, Santorum and Paul.
Mitt knows that Paul is no real threat, and that Santorum is barely above that, if above it at all. Mitt wants to keep his foot on Newt’s neck.
Tell you what, Newt is not a happy camper right now, and the gloves are off. I bet we see advertisements absolutely savaging Mitt now.
So predictable.
Stupid, crazy, nutty Bachmann.
That’s the best you’ve got Doug? :)
Carla, it’s an honest question. Heck, *anybody* makes some of the claims that Bachmann has, you expect direct questions to them at that point.
Stupid, crazy, nutty Bachmann.
Well, yeah, frankly. It’s no “big concern” of mine – she’s obviously on the way out of this campaign – just wondering why she wasn’t really called on some of the stuff she’s said.
Romney and his cronies are going to try and buy the nomination. Right or wrong, if Santorum stays up in popularity, Romney will eventually go after him with negative ads. And there’s a lot there to attack with Santorum, same as with Ron Paul.
yeah yeah bachman palin nutty right? i agree. thats the best you can do? look at all the goofy liberal dumbed down liberal women you have. i bet if joy behar were in the running as nutty as she is doug would be kissing her backside and telling us all how smart she is. lol what a joke! and dont forget the number one nut. nancy pelosi.
american idol winner kelly clarkson sang in support for ron paul. go kelly! i love your music. also idolb winner carrie underwood did a beautiful video “Jesus take the wheel” please watch it pro lifers and girls get your tissues out.
underwoods video is very pro life.
Heather. Yes, nutty Bachmann. You brought up Palin, and uh, yeah.
But wait a minute – what’s this? Me. Joy Behar’s backside. And a kiss is involved? I have some doubts that that’s gonna happen, Heather. ;)
Hmm, Nancy Pelosi…. Hey, didn’t you have a list that included Nancy Grace, Whoopie Goldberg, Cher, Kathy Griffin….? ;) :)
To be serious, if *anybody* made some of the claims that Bachmann has, I’d expect them to be seriously questioned about them.
Some people have such a hard time accepting global warming, for example, yet will – apparently at the drop of a hat – believe wacky stuff like “the HPV vaccine causes mental retardation.”
doug the hpv vaccine has killed girls or made them quite ill. dont sleep at the wheel. doug that poll was on the internet. if they said the nuttiest women on tv pelosi would indeed make my list.
Jen: Roger Ailes can get a load of this: The sight of Alan Colmes will guarantee that I change the channel.
Ha! :)
Leroy Jenkins: Romney and his cronies are going to try and buy the nomination. Right or wrong, if Santorum stays up in popularity, Romney will eventually go after him with negative ads. And there’s a lot there to attack with Santorum, same as with Ron Paul.
I agree. As CC mentioned, there is the AFA, and plenty for Santorum to be beaten up with, same as for the stuff in Ron Paul’s past. People are googling “Santorum” right now. ;)
Romney is in a “show-no-mercy” mode with negative campaigning, and there are no limits on it – a couple years ago the Supreme Court struck down laws stemming from the Bipartisan Campaign reform Act of 2002. No more having to say, “I approved this message,” no more restrictions on how much money can be spent.
Heather, if I have to kiss Joy Behar’s butt, then you have to do the same for Roger Ailes.
It will be interesting to see how the non-evangelical, moderate Protestant Republicans will vote given the extremist positions taken by Santorum on abortion, homosexuality, and even birth control (which he opposes). I guess it depends on the percentage of hard core anti-choicers in the primary electorate. Given that many of the NH Republicans are moderates, many of them having moved from MA to NH for the lower taxes, I suspect that they would be far more comfortable with Romney or Huntsman. The influential, Republican “Union Leader” has endorsed Gingrich so next week will be very, very interesting.
“People are googling “Santorum” right now.”
LOL, ;)
Sweet cartoon including Newt.
Good heavens… the trolls are swarming again! (At least 10-13, given the “likes” of the troll posts.) I do need to look at my calendar from last year, and see when the last swarm happened; there might be a seasonal pattern…
Frothing is a good word for Santorum, Carla.
Elizabeth, I wonder what kind of men you’re used to dealing with.
Courtnay: Elizabeth, I wonder what kind of men you’re used to dealing with.
Frothy ones, perhaps? :-)
To be serious, I’m not sure what Elizabeth meant, but don’t forget how fortunes can change in elections – look at Perry and Cain, for example.
Doug, google “Santorum”.
Courtnay, I hang out with great people – both male and female. :) What were you assuming?
Even conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and John McCormack of the Weekly Standard were going on about Bachmann, i.e. “Bachmann might have blown it, she might have jumped the shark,” and “Bachmann seemed to go off the deep end.”
Please don’t soil conservativism by describing Limbaugh as a “conservative.”
Limbaugh is no more a conservative than Colmes is a liberal.
Even conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and John McCormack of the Weekly Standard were going on about Bachmann, i.e. “Bachmann might have blown it, she might have jumped the shark,” and “Bachmann seemed to go off the deep end.”
Please don’t soil conservatism by describing Limbaugh as a conservative.
Limbaugh is no more a conservative than Colmes is a liberal.
How would you like your name to be google-bombed for a perverse sexual act? (Unless you didn’t mean what Elizabeth was referring to.)
Bachmann mistakenly relayed what a woman claimed about her daughter regarding HPV vaccine / retardation. Much like Jenny McCarthy did about her son’s autism and vaccines. Pols are always looking for anecdotes to spice up their usal spiel. Not crazy, just shooting from the hip.
How does Nancy Grace rate as nutty? Because she actually advocates for criminal justice/punishment?
We could use more with her enthusiasm on the job.
Is Elizabeth referring to what I have heard some ‘abstinence’ people indulge in?
I believe that bachmann opportunistically relayed what the woman claimed. If it was ‘mistakenly’ then she has still shown herself to be unsuitable for office.
Jenny McCarthy did a whole lot more than just mistakenly relay something someone had told her.
It’s a whole lot worse than that. It refers to putting one’s mouth where “the sun don’t shine” thanks to a gay activist much beloved by MSNBC and the N. Y. Times.
Obama “mistakenly” said the U.S. had 57 states. What else about our country isn’t ingrained in his great knowledge? Would he guess Washington was the fourth president?
“It’s a whole lot worse than that. It refers to putting one’s mouth where “the sun don’t shine” thanks to a gay activist much beloved by MSNBC and the N. Y. Times.”
Not to argue semantics but it’s something a bit different, a bit grosser IMO.
I remember when that whole thing happened and I have never really been comfortable with the idea. IIRC Santorum once directly addressed it, describing it as “unfortunate.”
Listen, you can’t control what people do, and you can only to some extent control what your name makes people think of. (I knew a woman whose initials are PMS – she was named before that was a common thing. I also went to camp with a girl named Whitney Spears. 16 years she was just Whitney; for the rest of her life she’s OMG YOUR NAME IS WHITNEY SPEARS?) Crap happens and words take on new official or colloquial meanings but I still think it sucks to do it INTENTIONALLY, not just to one man but to his whole family, his kids etc.
jenny McCarthy was blasted by the medical community for her lack of research on that. i did give her a far shot though for tellinng people they put dead aborted babies in the vaccines.
I think what the internet did to Santorum is a perfect example of the maturity level and lack of argument on the left.
I actually called my cousin on it when he put up a YouTube video of Perry of a campaign add of his that had photoshopped a picture of a naked posterior on the guy and replaced his dialogue with flatulence. I commented, “Wow, real mature, guys. Disagreeing with someone on philosophical grounds is one thing, this is something totally different.”
He blocked me. Once again, thanks for proving my point. We were like siblings growing up, but he’s going to cut me out of his life over stupid political crap. The left’s maturity level at its finest, ladies and gents.
It was a lot grosser. I just didn’t want to get anywhere near actually describing it.