Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • At Catholic Herald, Barbara Curtis recalls her own story of transformation from a pro-abortion feminist (viewing her “right to choose” as “a sacrament”) to a pro-life mother of 12. Regarding feminism, she writes:

    Perhaps it’s time to wake up and slap some cold water on your faces. It’s time to stop the hypocrisy, to sever the ideals of feminism — dignity for women, equal status, equal opportunity, equal pay — from what has become a religious and one-dimensional devotion to death.

    From Barbara’s MommyLife blog also comes this funny graphic on co-sleeping:

  • Vital Signs links to more information on Canada’s growing problem of sex-selection abortion, and how medical professionals are attempting to combat the practice which has increased with the influx of Asian and Indian immigrants.
  • Pro-Life Action League discusses new Chicago regulations that could make it harder for common citizens to assemble and practice their right to free speech.

  • Pro Life Wisconsin profiles the faithful sidewalk counselors at the now-closed Northern Illinois Women’s Center in Rockford (pictured left). One counselor says she was joined outside by a woman from Poland who remarked that “the stone on the outside of the building are the same kind of stone used in Dachau” concentration camp.
  • Star Studded Super Step’s Andy Moore and wife Daena were surprised to discover, in their search for prenatal development information about their son, that the popular website advocates the use of abortifacient Plan B as a backup to regular birth control:

    The accuracy of’s claim that ECP prevents pregnancy depends upon the understanding of when pregnancy begins. Advocates of abortion like to tell us that pregnancy begins upon implantation, however the medical community is by no means in agreement on this subject.

    Ultimately, regardless of when pregnancy technically begins, is advocating the killing of human beings at just a few days old, by use of the Morning After pill.

  • John Smeaton responds to the claims of the pro-abortion World Health Organization and Guttmacher Institute that illegal abortions are on the rise globally:

    Promoters of legal abortion have a proven track-record of making wildly exaggerated claims about the number of so-called ‘unsafe’ or illegal abortions. Such false claims were made in 1967 to lobby for the UK’s Abortion Act and in the 1970s to justify the US’s Roe v Wade decision. The late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the US abortion pioneer who became pro-life, admitted that he deliberately exaggerated the estimated number of illegal abortions five-fold when campaigning for abortion legalisation.

    The truth is that countries with strict laws against abortion have lower maternal death rates than countries which allow abortion widely. Ireland, where abortion is banned, has one of the world’s best maternal health records. Legalised abortion does nothing to improve medical care.

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