How Planned Parenthood used social media to crush Komen
Politico’s Keach Hagey has predicted Planned Parenthood’s successful ambush of Susan G. Komen for the Cure last week will “likely to go down as a textbook case of the political power of social media.”
She’s right, and pro-lifers need to learn from it.
This post does not discuss reasons why Planned Parenthood felt it had to bring Komen down. In this post I’ll only be discussing what PP did in three short days to totally annihilate Komen.
Komen’s first mistake was underestimating the enemy. Worse than that, Komen didn’t even realize Planned Parenthood was the enemy.
Komen started by handing Planned Parenthood its talking points (Did leadership really think marking a memo “FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY” would stop that from happening?), followed by handing PP control of the narrative by maintaining silence. From the Huffington Post, today:
As the only lobbyist on the [Komen] board, [John Rafaelli] told HuffPost, he should have anticipated the political fallout. “Honestly, I didn’t think it through well enough.”…
The charity struggled to deal with the pressure, especially in a face-off against Planned Parenthood, an organization whose fine-tuned political team has experience in these high-pitched, high-stakes debates….
[Komen CEO Nancy Brinker’s friend Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for President George W. Bush] said on Friday… ”Komen is a great group, but politically speaking, they’re no match for Planned Parenthood.”
The Komen insider agreed with Fleischer’s assessment.
“Komen’s not equipped to spend its days fighting political battles,” the source said. “…. They were just naive in the face of [the] incredibly sophisticated Planned Parenthood operation.”
Here was Planned Parenthood’s strategy.
Knowing it had all the time it needed, Planned Parenthood’s team took six weeks from when it learned Komen was cutting it loose to put all the pieces in place before giving the Associated Press the “exclusive.”
Planned Parenthood’s online and social media team was standing by when the AP story broke. From the Washington Post:
Moments after the Associated Press reported the news… Planned Parenthood blasted news releases via e-mail and Twitter and posted the information on Planned Parenthood’s Facebook wall.
More than 2,000 supporters shared that post with their own friends on the social network. On Twitter, Planned Parenthood wrote “ALERT: Susan G. Komen caves under anti-choice pressure, ends funding for breast cancer screenings at PP health centers.” More than 500 Twitter users reposted that message.
On Facebook, Planned Parenthood has added more than 32,000 fans since Tuesday….
Planned Parenthood had a simple strategy for Facebook and Twitter. “We gave people things to do,” Sye said. The organization sent out suggestions to donate, sign an online petition, tweet about the issue and post a Planned Parenthood badge on Facebook.
“All of it,” he said, “is meant to reinforce the idea of showing public support.”
By contrast, Komen was caught off guard by the rush of developments.
More on Komen’s response, or lack thereof, from Public Relations Rogue:
When the story broke Komen leaders were slow to react, and their initial responses were brief, formal and defensive. Some PR observers suggest the battle was lost in those initial 24-hours, when Planned Parenthood mobilized its fans and led a smart, vocal PR counter-offensive.
There is a reason Planned Parenthood buys Twitter followers (42k at present) and Facebook friends (243k at present): for such a time as this. Komen has better overall numbers (39.5k on Twitter and 547.5k on Facebook) but wasn’t politically savvy enough and/or was too shell shocked to leverage them.
From Politico, the next step:
Twitter users sent more than 1.3 million Tweets referencing Planned Parenthood, the Susan G. Komen Foundation and related terms and hashtags, according to a Twitter spokeswoman. The chatter built steadily through the week, with more than 460,000 related Tweets on Thursday. Planned Parenthood helped spur the conversation by using a “promoted tweet,” Twitter’s equivalent of advertising.
“I absolutely believe that the explosion of Facebook and Twitter really drove a lot of the coverage on the mainstream media as well,” [PP CEO Cecile] Richards said.
Of course Planned Parenthood’s public relations firm(s) were also pitching PP’s angle to every journalist and outlet they could. According to Matthew Balan at NewsBusters today:
Over the course of about 60 hours, ABC, CBS, and NBC emphasized the controversy with a whopping 13 morning and evening news stories. A Media Research Center study found that the soundbite count was loaded: 76% of the quotes came from supporters of Planned Parenthood (35 in total). Only 11 clips or statements came from Komen representatives or new allies.
While we would like to minimize MSM’s influence on the public, it’s really still critical. The Signal explained how, even on Twitter, the liberally dominated mainstream media helped push the pro-PP narrative:
Sorting through over 100,000 tweets that were sent in regard to Komen during the controversy, we see that they are dominated by critics of the move. Just three of the top 28 hashtags support Komen’s move (1 is ambiguous)….
The influencers in this controversy are a combination of official organization Twitter accounts, journalists, and some unaffiliated tweeters…. Pro-life groups never got much traction, with just one influencer on the list….
We can see that the pro-choice groups mobilized well, and we can see that their comments were clustered around pro-choice slogans.
MSM influencers according to The Signal included NPR Health, Huffington Post,, Daily Kos, and journalists from Slate, New York Times, Washington Post, and Reuters.
Then there were Planned Parenthood’s political supporters. Within 48 hours after the initial AP story was published, PP lobbyists had gathered the signatures of 26 U.S. senators on a letter to Komen.
To complete the blitz Planned Parenthood wrapped a fundraising campaign into the endeavor, which more than paid for the cost of the endeavor. According to Politico:
Indeed, Richards said that Planned Parenthood raised nearly $3 million in donations over the past few days….
[Rachel] Sklar [editor-at-large for Mediaite] believes that, in the end, it was the money that talked, but social media’s power to facilitate these kinds of donations so quickly is truly unprecedented.
“It came down to an amazing mobilization of power, as evidenced through media and money,” she said.
In retrospect, Komen never stood a chance once Planned Parenthood launched its offensive. Komen did not understand Planned Parenthood’s killer nature and instincts.
Now, too late, it does.
Jill, I’m still waiting for you to provide us with the proof that Planned Parenthood was the source of the January 31 Associated Press exclusive.
Will we ever see it?
mp: Many news sources have reported it, for instance CNN: (“He was referring to Planned Parenthood’s announcement Tuesday that the Komen Foundation had ‘succumbed to political pressure’ by cutting its funding for breast cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood….”)
Furthermore, the laziest of investigative minds would easily conclude the obvious from reading the post above, even if PP denied it, which it hasn’t.
So PP is destroying a charity that fights breast cancer. Hardly a surprise move from people who kill children for a living. PP has as much regard for women’s lives as they do for those babies.
She quotes three people in her article that state this was an anticipated and targeted offensive.
The entire organization and their allies were mobilized, waiting for the signal shot.
They tied the entire thing into a fund raising ploy which worked and pried over 3,000,000 from many of PP’s naive elitist donors.
On Planned Parenthood’s website they state Susan G. Komen, has restored the funding, stating that is was an apology with a reversal:|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/scripts/disclaimerPopPPFA.asp&__utmv=-&__utmk=248400135
Is this the case, I know they lie like crazy-which is illegal, but they do, so is this another scare tactic.
Of course the goal with PP was never to get their hands on the money (750,000$ I think is was). PP, and other serial killers need a host to pry the face off of in order to hijack some one else’s good reputation and use it as their own. Typical wolf in sheep’s clothing/ Buffalo Gill maneuver.
Furthermore, the laziest of investigative minds would easily conclude the obvious from reading the post above, even if PP denied it, which it hasn’t.
Sorry, call my mind lazy if you want, but I just don’t see a scintilla of “proof” here.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I seriously believe that Planned Parenthood pays people to troll on their behalf. There, I said it.
Waaa. PP outed Komen as having been infiltrated with Santorum-type extremists who think women’s healthcare should be a political issue, their decision to defund PP was entirely politically motivated, and a failure in the court of public opinion. Shocking.
“Komen did not understand Planned Parenthood’s killer nature and instincts.”
Inflammatory much ? Komen called upon its antichoice minions to support them against Planned Parenthood, and you respond with rhetoric.
Distasteful ending to your article.
Navi, they do. Xalisae and myself have encountered quite a few of them on Twitter.
Great post, laying out their strategy and moves step by step. I hope millions of people read this.
Moron, how have you encountered them on twitter? Did they show you a pay stub from Planned Parenthood? Or do they just really support PP so you assumed they must be on the payroll?
The only thing you can give a mob is your body and blood. In the end, we’re all either fighting for or against each other. The battle is for the bodies of the children. You get control of the bodies of the children by getting control of their minds. Then the body follows the mind, the mind follows the mob, and the mob kills their own children.
“When the sheepdogs run with the wolves, the lambs get slaughtered first.”
“Imagination governs the world.” ~Napoleon Bonaparte~
“Santorum-type extremists who think women’s healthcare should be a political issue”
Apostate, wouldn’t you say shaking down a charity for not funding a business that spends $50 million dollars lobbying the government for more grants is making “women’s healthcare a political issue”, or perhaps forcing every woman to buy a Obama-approved insurance plan with no dissent allowed is making “women’s healthcare a political issue”? Or, perhaps you’re actually a reasonable and logically consistent person and I’m wrong.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I seriously believe that Planned Parenthood pays people to troll on their behalf. There, I said it.
Are you accusing me of being a Planned Parenthood troll? If so, say it.
The Creator gave us The Gift of Reason.
Jill made a statement which she represents to be fact:
“Planned Parenthood’s team took six weeks from when it learned Komen was cutting it loose to put all the pieces in place before giving the Associated Press the “exclusive.””
The Gift of Reason is prompting me to ask Jill to provide the evidence, the so-called “proof” that Planned Parenthood gave the Associated Press the “exclusive.”
Is that too much to ask?
mp, Jill has already provided the source of her information – an unnamed source on Komen’s Board of Directors.
If you can prove this is false (i.e., that the source doesn’t exist, or gave incorrect information), go ahead and do so. If not, stop demanding that a journalist reveal her source in the form of a notarized document signed and sealed in blood. (That’s hyperbole, by the way, for the humor-impaired.)
It seems pretty evident that Komen didn’t tip off the press, and given the fact that PP was able to leap into full-on offensive fundraising mode within MOMENTS of the announcement – truly intricate timing – logic and reason seem to indicate that her source was accurate.
I wasn’t specifically accusing anyone. I was referring to the overall internet-based smear campaign over the past week.
Having said that, such defensiveness really raises more questions than it answers…
So, with the ObamaCare mandates on contraception and abortion, will we now be throwing our contributions to Planned Parenthood into the collection plates at Mass?
I’m not much on conspiracy theories, but I’m not unaware that choices have consequences, and things seldom go from bad to better; they most often go from bad to worse. I’ve learned that once you’ve taken a bad thought into your head, you need a good thought, and a good action, to prevent that bad thought from turning into a bad action.
In the end, it’s just as easy to have good thoughts as a bad ones. Both have consequences. It would be nice if the government made it possible to be good, instead of easy to be bad, but it will just make it more expensive and more difficult to reach the good, but it won’t make it impossible.
The whole disinformation campaign that this column details describes what will happen if the Churches fail to inform their followers of Jesus why and how Planned Parenthood is destroying our country. The mob mentality that will soon descend to crush your conscience rights has had a taste of its power. It won’t stop there; the mob always needs more bodies to feed on; that’s the nature of The Beast.
If you can prove this is false (i.e., that the source doesn’t exist, or gave incorrect information), go ahead and do so.
How, in the name of little green apples, could you expect me or anyone else to prove a negative, that the source doesn’t exist.
That flies in face of logic and reason.
It is an impossibility. You should know that.
I’ve have spent a lot of my energy trying to show the truth regarding abortion to pro-choice people on various sites, blogs, etc. However, I have to wonder if I have to shift my focus just a bit. Anytime I argue with pro-abortion people, it seems to add fuel to the fire with regards to their “war on women” rhetoric. We definitley need to stay engaged through educatiion with pro-choice people. But, there are more people in our country that consider themselves pro-life, than pro-choice. But numerous pro-life people are inactive. How many times have you heard “I am against abortion, but it’s not my place to push my morals on another person. Yet people have no problem telling others it is wrong to bully, engage in child abuse, etc. And there are some men out there that think they are being chivalrous by saying I don’t want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do. Kudos to all of you pro-life men that know that it is part of men’s nature to protect women, children, and familes.
That’s my point, mp. Unless you can prove that this source doesn’t exist or was inaccurate, you have no reason to believe that the facts presented are false or inaccurate, especially looking at the timing of how it all went down.
Do you really think it was a coincidence that the PP Propaganda Machine was so intricately prepared to spin this story to their advantage? Do you think it was mere coincidence that PP’s spin started mere moments after the story broke? How could they pinpoint that exact timing so well unless they were the ones who broke the story?
If you’re such a fan of logic and reason, then for heaven’s sake, use both!
“Apostate, wouldn’t you say shaking down a charity”
You call PP’s exposure of Komen a “shakedown?” For real? If so it didn’t work because I doubt PP will be getting any more money from Komen – which is fine because soon Komen won’t have any to give.
“$50 million dollars lobbying the government for more grants is making “women’s healthcare a political issue”
Government funding is not ipso facto politics, unless you want to call every corporate charity a political issue – are pro lifers now going to choose sides between Chevy and Ford? That eating corn is now a political issue because corn farmers receive subsidies? I guess you just don’t know what the word “politics” means.
“perhaps forcing every woman to buy a Obama-approved insurance plan with no dissent allowed is making “women’s healthcare a political issue”?
Is buying car insurance a political issue? Last time I checked it wasn’t and it’s also mandatory. Have a nice day.
They admit to being paid shills. Many of them are unemployed and sit on Twitter tweeting proabort propaganda 24/7. Not too much of a stretch to figure it out when some of their profiles read “We are Planned Parenthood of” (insert city name here).
Some are clinic escorts, some are clinic employees, some are the usual disenfranchised Hitler Youth whose only purpose in life is to stir the pot on Twitter, emboldened by their perceived sense of anonimity. Some are paid congressional lobbyists, among whom are the bunch who hacked and destroyed my last computer, known as the ‘Beandogs,’ who were answering to a dem congressional candidate (google Neil Rauhauser or go to Youtube and search Twittergate to see what some of them are capable of). Planned Parenhood has found a whole army of moonbat slackers with nothing but time on their hands to use as tools on social media. It’s not breaking news. Look at what they just managed to accomplish re: Komen. Think those thousands of tweeters were in it out of the kindness of their hearts? Think again.
mp-you’re a Planned Parenthood troll, though I think even they might be embarassed to claim you.
Also from the Huffington Post article cited in this piece:
“Karen Handel was the prime instigator of this effort, and she herself personally came up with investigation criteria,” the source, who requested anonymity for professional reasons, told HuffPost. “She said, ‘If we just say it’s about investigations, we can defund Planned Parenthood and no one can blame us for being political.'”
And therein lies my objection to all of this, and from the very beginning.
“mp, Jill has already provided the source of her information – an unnamed source on Komen’s Board of Directors.
If you can prove this is false (i.e., that the source doesn’t exist, or gave incorrect information), go ahead and do so. If not, stop demanding that a journalist reveal her source in the form of a notarized document signed and sealed in blood. (That’s hyperbole, by the way, for the humor-impaired.)”
Hi, JoAnna. I have a source on Komen’s Board of Directors that says that Jill Stanek’s source on Komen’s Board of Directors doesn’t exist. If you can prove that I don’t, please do so, otherwise you must accept my unsubstantiated claim at face value.
Fascinating post. Thank you for the information. It’s a whole new front in the culture war and I think it is something we will all have to get used to … unfortunately.
Sure, Joan. There is evidence of the existence and veracity of Jill’s source given the timing of PP’s media blitz vis a vis the time the Komen definding story hit the media. Can you provide similar evidence of your source’s existence and veracity?
Your neighbor comes to you and tells you he has a toothache, and needs $1,000 for an x-ray and a tooth extraction. You go to your Church Finance Committee and tell them of your friend’s problem, and they give you the money, you give it to your friend, and he thanks you and puts a bumper sticker on his car telling the world what a nice guy you are.
Problem is, your neighbor wants his teeth to rot out of his head, and would rather get drunk on beer than go to a dentist. You see your neighbor friend drunk, still with a toothache, about a week later. He tells you what he did; he spent the money on a bender. You both like to drink. You both get drunk on the last case of beer that he bought with the Church money.
This story is a metaphor: Your friend is Planned Parenthood, you are Komen for the Cure, your friend’s teeth are cancer cells, and your friend’s and your addiction to beer is permissiveness and perversion. The Church Finance Committee is good intentions.
“Hell is paved with good intentions, heaven with good deeds.”
~Spanish Proverb~
winning this battle is not beating the truth that abortion is murder.
all the political clout and smart talk cannot ever change the truth which now we all know about Planned Parenthood and its industry of murderin babies from which it receives blood money.
Its other acitivities miht be a cover for its sinister activiies
“It is an impossibility. You should know that.”
Prove it ;)
(If you can, then your statement of it being an impossibility is false. If you can’t, then there’s no reason to take your statement as true since you cannot prove it to be true.)
And, ftr, you can prove a negative. I’m not so sure where the idea that you can’t came from, but it’s false. Some negatives are harder to prove than others, but they can all be proved. In this case, you would just have to go to the BOD and verify that no one has ever talked to Jill or even knows who she is. Not saying you should do that, but just pointing out that it’s not an “impossibility”, as you assert.
I “like” (via Facebook) and support the work of both Komen and PP. I am a full-time employed so-called white collar worker with the same company for 18 years. I am NOT a troll for any organization for which I advocate. Further, my friends who support one or both of these organizations are not trolls, either. Some of you seem to dismiss PP supporters quite lightly. We are real people supporting an organization for reasons on which you and I will not reach agreement …. and that’s fine. Please just stop with the generalizations and offhand comments that we’re paid, bought or trolls.
It might be helpful here to go to a primary source on how this all works. Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush, Catherine Austin Fitts, in this video, blows the whistle on how the economy of greed and envy works against the welfare of average Americans and citizens of the world. You will hear how the power of money is connected to the ability to manipulate the messages we receive and how whistleblowers are set up to fail, or worse, to keep the money flows working in the favor of the greedy and avaricious. Enjoy!
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Looting Of America – YouTube
“Sure, Joan. There is evidence of the existence and veracity of Jill’s source given the timing of PP’s media blitz vis a vis the time the Komen definding story hit the media. Can you provide similar evidence of your source’s existence and veracity?”
You’re missing the point: when you make a factual claim, the burden of proof for that claim lies with you.
Also, you’re making a rather unpersuasive case for the plausibility of Jill having an inside source on Komen’s Board of Directors (why would this inside source at SGK have special knowledge of PP leaking information to the press?), not an affirmative display of evidence for it.
Some guy, this was the challenge:
That’s my point, mp. Unless you can prove that this source doesn’t exist or was inaccurate, you have no reason to believe that the facts presented are false or inaccurate, especially looking at the timing of how it all went down.
Being asked to “prove a negative” is an argument from ignorance:
To the planned unparenthood supporters: Your organization just gutted Komen, a non-profit that funnels donations for breast cancer care and research. Your organization did this to show that it can squash any company or donor who decides to distance itself from the associated corruption of baby killing and concealing sex abuse and slavery.
Your organization proved to all others corporations and large donors that forming an association with it is deadly. Giving to planned unparenthood is about as dangerous as borrowing from a loan-shark. Planned parenthood and its supporters will always put abortion ahead of health care.
Planned Parenthood is a parasite that just killed one of its most well placed hosts.
You’re living proof that proaborts are never happy. PP just stomped Komen and raised a ton of money by bilking the generosity of good people and all you can do is whine like the typical castrated mangina you are. If your feminist masters are so empowered, why do they need you as a mouthpiece? Are they incapable of speaking for themselves here?
If one of the bimbos over at RhUnRealityCheck claimed an inside source you’d be praising their journalistc prowess and genuflecting all over them, but it’s soooo hard to believe Jill Stanek knows some folks at Komen? You just don’t like seeing PP exposed for the media harlots they are. TOO BAD. If you’re so concerned about the future of the babykilling industry, get off your butt and go volunteer somewhere. In the meanwhile quit repeating the same baseless ad hominems and go make a fool of yourself somewhere else.
Things like this will change as the Pro-Life movement gets younger and younger, and becomes more tech-savvy along with better media placement (that last one is the tricky part, but I think it’s coming around. As new media becomes more popular, it’s becoming more and more difficult to censor dissent in the old media).
Give us a few years, we’ll catch up, and then PP and their ilk will be remembering witch-hunts like this one fondly as “back in the good ‘ol days, when we controlled old AND new media simultaneously”.
PP has made any involvement with them on the part of new clientele the worst idea ever. They now look like doing business with the mob, or loan sharks. They’ve not only bitten the hand that fed them, but severed forearm and hand from the body at the elbow, and they appear to be radioactive.
Once Komen realizes that the damage has been done, she’ll probably try and get back the generous donations of Pro-Lifers once again. Unfortunately, I’m afraid she’ll find that well quite dry. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
You’re living proof that proaborts are never happy. PP just stomped Komen and raised a ton of money by bilking the generosity of good people and all you can do is whine like the typical castrated mangina you are. If your feminist masters are so empowered, why do they need you as a mouthpiece? Are they incapable of speaking for themselves here? If one of the bimbos over at RhUnRealityCheck claimed an inside source you’d be praising their journalistc prowess and genuflecting all over them, but it’s soooo hard to believe Jill Stanek knows some folks at Komen? You just don’t like seeing PP exposed for the media harlots they are. TOO BAD. If you’re so concerned about the future of the babykilling industry, get off your butt and go volunteer somewhere. In the meanwhile quit repeating the same baseless ad hominems and go make a fool of yourself somewhere else.
It’s not surprising that someone who regards tolerance as something for those without spines or convictions would write something like this.
“Mangina” I had to look up.
Yawn. Get back to us when you move off ad hominems and onto actual facts.
Yawn. Get back to us when you move off ad hominems and onto actual facts.
You’re engaging in hate talk. It’s the language of hate.
Great. Now that the left has effectively rendered accusations of “racist!” utterly impotent due to ad nauseam repetition, now it’s on to “HATESPEECH OMGOSH!”
I can’t wait until they’re all out of gems like these. They’ll be…hoist by their own canards! XD
“To the planned unparenthood supporters: Your organization just gutted Komen”
History that’s less than a week old and you’re already engaging in revisionism? Komen was taken over by a bunch of partisan extremists of the same stripe that would ban birth control, and everybody but everybody saw it. PP only played their cards brilliantly when they saw what had happened. Komen made a fool of itself. That is what happened.
“all you can do is whine like the typical castrated mangina you are.”
Hmm, I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that MRA/abuser’s lobby vocabulary should sneak it’s ugly way into pro-life narrative. Seeing as how they’re first cousins and all. But I digress – I completely believe that Stanek has an “inside source” at Komen. All that does is prove that Komen is in bed with extremist pro-lifers. As I had been saying. Otherwise why in the world would they want to have contact with her???
“Things like this will change as the Pro-Life movement gets younger and younger, and becomes more tech-savvy”
Really, that’s the excuse now? That the pro-life movement is too old or doesn’t know how to use technology? What have you all BEEN doing that you can’t be bothered to learn technology, holing up in your garages and stockpiling rice in anticipation of the Apocalypse?? Reproducing furiously like rabbits on steroids and pretending it makes you extra special holy? Maybe you guys should have thought of all this before pulling your brats out of public school and teaching them at the School Of The Dining Room Table so they wouldn’t be influenced by all the eeeevil that’s in the world. Can’t have them messing with Myface and Spacebook and those computer doohickeys where their purity will be corrupted, etc.
As Nelson would say – HAA HAA!
“Things like this will change as the Pro-Life movement gets younger and younger, and becomes more tech-savvy along with better media placement (that last one is the tricky part, but I think it’s coming around.”
LOL!!! The pro-life movement’s idea of “better media placement” is to have a radical extremist that not even the Republican establishment wants anything to do with FAIL at running ads nationally depicting miscarried fetuses to an audience comprised mostly of men. Oh, and standing in driveways with sandwich boards.
Right. I guess you can’t be bothered to remove your head from your posterior long enough to notice the plethora of well-visited conservative and pro-life websites currently in existence, and the fact that many of those behind those websites and their associates are being given more and more airtime on national media outlets.
But go ahead and keep it up. You’ll find the entire landscape looking a lot different by the time you finally decide you’ve enjoyed your own aroma long enough and it’s time to stop depriving your brain cells of precious oxygen.
Bob, it’s time to call your sponsor. Really.
What we can do is learn from all this and mobilize enthusiastically as the pro-choice movement does. They have culture and media on their side and only needed to hint at their opinions to get enthusiastic support. They have no hesitation to show enthusiastic support for their positions, and neither should we. It is the hesitation of many to speak out loudly for their positions that is the difference.
I think this article give a little too much credit to PP’s ability to organize(although admittedly impressive), and not enough credit to how the pro-choice/secular lobby has grown in the face of timidness of their opposition. Many pro-lifers allow themselves to be silenced when confronted with accusations of being ‘judgmental’, ‘hypocrisy’ or that they show a lack of ‘humility’ by speaking up.
I think it is much less PP’s magical ability to organize, and much more a cultural thing. The abortion issue is 50/50 down the middle in our nation, often tipping to the pro-life side, especially so when you consider the crowd that wants to avoid abortion in most instances, but you would never know it by those who are willing to speak up!
Some negatives are harder to prove than others, but they can all be proved. In this case, you would just have to go to the BOD and verify that no one has ever talked to Jill or even knows who she is.
Actually, all that would prove is that no one is willing to admit to being her source.
Ironically or Providentially, Jill Stanek’s “Quote of the Day” coincides with my current thinking on this whole dust-up with Komen. It’s simply this: The invective hurled at the ladies of Komen is simply recycled hatred of women, regurgitated and re-thrown at any woman who would dare attempt to navigate through the minefield of Relativist Thinking that dominates the discourse today.
Just as abused women often abort because of the fear of more abuse by their abusers, well-respected women in high-class charities can be abused, too. It’s just that the abuse is of a different type, and funded by wealthier mind-molders. And the stakes are just as high: the loss of souls. The mob wants more souls; the Gates of Hell have been opened up and pestilence is poured out on the Sweet Land of Liberty. How could the demons from hell not hate the great women who have helped humankind to rise to the many challenges of the centuries of Freedom?
A couple of days ago, I saw an article written by Gov Sarah Palin. She praised Sen Santorum for leaving the campaign trail to take care of his Bella, a developmentally disabled daughter. I was getting all puddley-eyed reading it. But then I came to the comments. I had forgotten that it was posted on a liberal web-site. I was looking into the heart of darkness, and my stomach churned, my jaws tightened, and my normally cheerful aspect left me.
But just for a moment. I remembered I had a job to do. Inform the ignorant. The first spiritual work of mercy. Mercy Himself is coming…for all of us, someday.
Thank God for pages like Jill Stanek’s here.” When He returns, will He find you doing His work?” Then I remember that God’s work on earth has an eternal reward. Seek first the Kingdom of God. We may lose the fight, but we will never lose OUR fight! And the final victory is already won ! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever.
apostate says, “reproducing furiously like rabbits on steroids and pretending it makes you extra special holy”. Sounds as if you have this visceral hatred of human reproduction, a. Isn’t it a “choice” to reproduce and have lots and lots of kiddos? Do you have the same disgust about men, for instance, that go around inseminating lots and lots of women cuz they feel it makes them extra “manly”?
@ Mark Trail: Amen! We are not called to be sucessful, just faithful to our Lord! God has already conquered death through the resurrection of His Son! Abortion will be no more, and every tear shall be wiped dry!
Furthers my belief that much of the masses are worshipping a neon pink pagan goddess which is leading us to our deaths. It amazes me, actually it rather frightens me, the blind worship so many have for Planned Parenthood that they actively and rabidly participate in the destruction of an organization so many of them solidly supported just the week before just at a drop of a hat, some even having had benefitted from Komen’s work, having had support from the org during difficult times in their lives.
The Planned Parenthood organization rather reminds me of the white witch of Narnia. She feeds those who encounter her turkish delight (free condoms) tells them what they want to hear in order to get their allegiance. And don’t you *dare* cross her!