Immaculate contraception
On one hand the cost of birth control is so high some women are forced to choose between sex and starvation…
But, according to President Obama (just for conversational purposes, disregarding the fact his stats are erroneous), despite the fact that contraceptives are unaffordable…
Nearly 99 percent of all women have relied on contraception at some point in their lives – 99 percent.
So women have apparently found a way to have sex and eat at the same time.
On the other hand, the communal cost of contraceptives is zero, according to the White House…
Insurance companies will be required to provide contraception coverage to these women free of charge.
Covering contraception saves money for insurance companies by keeping women healthy and preventing spending on other health services.
Maybe less than zero, according to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius…
[I]n this instance contraception actually saves money in an insurance pool, providing this coverage actually reduces the overall cost of the pool.
So there really is in this instance a no-cost strategy where employers do not have to pay for this coverage… [but] if women had to buy this on their own, it could be $600 a year….
So in actuality, women should see their budgets stretched further when using contraceptives. Spending $600 on BC should net bigger bank accounts.
In fact, this strategy should be incorporated into financial planning. Even if women don’t use contraception they should buy it just to save money.
But birth control pill users might want to earmark that extra cash for the day when this Class I carcinogen does its damage, since it vastly increases the risk of breast, cervical, and liver cancer.
Or they might want to set it aside for their abortion or new crib, depending on how they decide to handle their surprise pregnancy, since more women using contraception than not end up pregnant (yes, that’s right).
Or they might want to buy a little memorial for their babies they kill when on the pill.
(Read more detailed information on these bc pill risks and more in recent articles by Judie Brown and Jenn Giroux.)
Wait, are these the same students who always have money for beer and pizza?
Don’t make us choose between screwing and food? Did I just read that right???
Because, honestly, no woman in the history of the world has ever been able to juggle sex and food. It’s all too much. Oh, the horror!
Seriously, though, I know it’s hard but it’s possible! :) It’s called choices and budgeting people. That’s also why sex is better in marriage – two incomes instead of one!
How does contraception keep women healthy? did the white house really just say that? Hey Obama, I am SUPPOSED to ovulate, okay?
Unless you are married while in college you shouldn’t be having sex anyway. Wait until you’re married. Why complicate your life?! Stay on task and finish your studies.
You can also time when you could conceive and NOT have sex during that time. It’s an old remedy, but no one can stop you and all you need is a calender and a basal thermometer, chart your cycle to know when you ovulate and don’t have intercourse anywhere near that time. Of course I might get all kinds of hate mail for telling you that, but it is an option.
Dear Planned Parenthood,
You think birth control is expensive? Insulin is even more expensive and I would die without it.
Broke college student with type 1 diabetes.
some women are forced to choose between sex and starvation…
Really? Really?
I apologize and I know I shouldn’t but I am ROTFLMAO.
I think this article let all the hot air out of the balloon.
Susan, did you just ask young cllege women to actually study, behave like they respect themselves and be disciplined?????
How intolerant of you! ;)
Caitlin, exactly. Those of us who are broke and need real medicine are the only ones who have room to talk. Healthcare is expensive. With contraception… if you’re not married, don’t have sex and save yourself tons of money.
I don’t have a thyroid so I need lab tests and medications to stay alive. Because of that, I sorta kinda need insurance because doctor visits are expensive. All that and I still manage – somehow! – to do college and eat. I don’t have an iPhone, good internet, buy new clothes, anything like that. And I’m okay. It’s ridiculous that they’re saying women (collegestudents no less) will choose between starvation and sex. Riiiiiight.
There are six people in my household (4 of them female) and the cost of providing toilet paper for us is a lot more than $9.99 per month.
I demand that you liberal/progressive humanists pay for our toilet paper.
Don’t make us choose between food and personal hygiene!
‘Paper or plastic?’
Check out Dick Morris. He offers a very interesting theory. Abortion is no longer a winning issue benefitting Democrats, so now they have pounced on contraception, which they hope to go after Santorum with. Romney already made Stephanopulous, acting on his White House marching orders, look like the idiot he is on this issue. The argument will be that Republicans will ban contraception.
This whole fight against Obama’s edict is “evidence” of this.
So folks, the sociopath in chief is creating a great election “wedge” issue for himself. I told you not to underestimate this man or ever think he is stupid, and that he does nothing that is not totally self serving. It just may take us a while to figure out exactly what his angle is.
Of course it matters not that no state is advocating the banning of contraception. Since when do facts matter? There are plenty of dolts in this country, including the ones that pass for our nation’s media, ready to believe and respond appropriately.
I pay over $50.00 a month to keep my hair colored, styled, and looking halfway presentable.
I demand you liberal/progressives pay for my hair care!
Don’t force me to choose between having to eat or looking like BroomHilda!
Hi Sydney M 1:18PM
Exercise equipment, videos, and club membership would keep a lot of people healthy too.
So, when will insurance companies be required to provide these?
I’m really hating that I can’t view the comments until I post.
“So there really is in this instance a no-cost strategy where employers do not have to pay for this coverage… [but] if women had to buy this on their own, it could be $600 a year….”
So, basically the average cost of contraceptives is $600. You can pay an insurance company $600 a year to pay the pharmacy, or you can just pay the pharmacy directly.
“Covering contraception saves money for insurance companies by keeping women healthy and preventing spending on other health services.”
It doesn’t keep them healthy. It keeps them working.
I wonder if a desperate ms McGyver could devise a way to recycle a ‘Walmart bag’ as a female condom.
Perhaps the nanny states obamahellthscarce will provide these irresonsible nymphomaniacs with chastity belts equipped with automated locks tied into electronic sensors that detect imminent ovulation and delay coitus til the threat of conception has passed.
Covering contraception saves money for insurance companies by keeping women healthy and preventing spending on other health services.
You mean my type 2 diabetes and my thyroid problems would all be CURED if we just used contraceptives?
Well.. whoda thunk it? ;)
yes – I am sure condoms cost more than food — NOT! and if people truly want to deal with their family size in a natural and non-expensive way – and in a way that does not have the capacity to cause cancer (NFP)…
A totally disingenuous argument. This administration’s sacrament is contraception and abortion. It will bow down to those two things, and put nearly all else aside. What idiocy!
This is a good time to take advantage and proclaim the health difficulties of hormonal contraception – and to read from the accompanying literature with these items. Hopefully, eye will open and hearts will soften to the Truth.
I have never seen your ‘likeness’ but I am sure even on your worst hair day your intellect and your beauty would shine like the noon day sun.
I am also equally sure you have the creativity to make yourelf presentable without modern convienences if the situation demanded it.
Contraception is “women’s health”. Just like abortion was “family planning”. Oppose abortion and you are opposing “family planning” legislation.
That’s right, Courtnay. They should change their slogan to, “Don’t make us choose between sex and beer!” although… if they let up on the booze they may find that they also have a reduced need for contraception…
Mary, I know Santorum is well versed on the issues of contraception. I also think Santorum has one-liners if the questions from the media get stupid or filled with hot-air.
Pamela, Pamela,
You mean you don’t know what REAL health issues are?
Wait, are these the same students who always have money for beer and pizza?
Don’t make us choose between screwing and food? Did I just read that right???
Courtnay – :) – you have a point, and a funny one at that.
When aren’t questions from the mainstream media stupid and filled with hot air? Looking like an idiot didn’t stop Stehpanopoulos. Marching orders are marching orders and they will go after Santorum on this.
Mary, I can’t disagree with your last post. Well put.
Mary: I pay over $50.00 a month to keep my hair colored, styled, and looking halfway presentable.
Women and (some) men are sure different, huh?
Wow, they managed to make themselves look like idiots AND gravely insult all the people who truly are starving in our world. I’m almost impressed.
Hi Ken 2:12PM
My likeness? Well, let’s say people often confuse me with Dolly Parton. They think she’s me.
You are entirely too kind. Thank you for making my day.
However circumstances beyond my control severely limit what little creativity I have!
Hi Doug,
So how much do you have to pony up just to look presentable?? :)
“Judie Brown” link is broken.
I’m trying to follow comments but I can’t see them without commenting, either. Anyone know why that is?
Edit: I see that if I choose “subscribe without commenting” and enter my e-mail address, the comments show up.
oh boy – even the poor have discretionary income. How many we see – college students and the poor buy: cable TV, get their hair/nails done, many drive nice cars, have the latest handbags, shoes, jewelery and accessories. We are located near a college campus, and while sidewalk counseling for the last 8 years, I can say there were only two people who drove cars that looked like the floorboards would give way any second. The rest who drive, drive working and sometimes very luxury cars.
lacking in money, most are not. we help the poor to make decisions regarding their budget so they can help take care of their family the best they can. It is amazing what people think are necessities, when in actuality, they are luxuries.
And when people can get condoms for free at PP and local health centers, why is there a push for hormonal contraception and sterilization? My women are being pressured to get sterilized, and thankfully I have one women who is adamant about having the body God gave her and is pushing back on her doctor.
Just wait in the explosion of breast and other cancers if this coverage is put in place – talking about saving some money now – but will be paid multi-fold and in blood later. unbelievably shocking – on a spiritual and economic level.
In the 60’s we had guest speakers on our campus.
One of them was George Carlin. [Carlin used to be a DJ on a local radio station.]
Carlin said, ”Every 60 seconds a woman gives birth.
What we have to do is find this woman and stop her.”
The liberal/progressives took Carlins suggestion to heart [NOT mind] and expanded it to making it possible for every woman to have sex whenever they wanted with no possibility of conceiving.
Their failure was predictable. [Especially to them, but they eventually viewed it as a success.]
They did encourage more women to have sex, but conception occurred at increased rates.
Some enterprising bean counter discovered this could be a very lucrative and profitable development.
The social planners could make even more money when their proposed solution failed than when it succeded.
The utopians could then take these increased profits and use them to advance all their humanist agenda.
Woman had become their own cash cow.
Joy – if it becomes too expensive to treat breast cancer, they will just stop treating it.
“Well, let’s say people often confuse me with Dolly Parton. They think she’s me.”
I hope it is because of your beautiful voice and not the quest to stay forever young.
There is a video clip of Dolly taking questions from the audience.
One audience member said that Dolly did not look her age and she replied, “There many parts of me that are not my age.”
Some else asked if she had under gone cosmetic surgery.
Dolly anabashedly acknowledged she ‘Had some work done’. She said she knew it was past time to do something when her hubby asked to show him her breasts and she had to lift her skirt to do it.
True story. Not a joke. Dolly Parton actually said it.
Ugh, comments still messed up.
Sex or Starvation?
Better to die with a smile on ones face, eh? :-)
Happy St. Valentine’s Day, all!!!!!
And, no, I’m not advocating birth control. Just too damned funny. It’s the left’s new twist on old people eating Alpo or starving.
Hi Ken,
Just wishful thinking. I can’t sing a note and I’ve given up any hope of staying young!
Got to hand it to Dolly though, she doesn’t mince words!
The blasé attitude towards poverty here is rather disturbing. $600 a year is not a trivial amount of money for a low-income person.
Oh, please. Every college health center has free condoms practically coming out of the walls. Heck, my school is giving condoms out in the student union in “honor” of Valentine’s Day. The idea that college students even have to pay for birth control is ridiculous.
Joan, $600 a year = $50 a month. Most college students I know spend that on coffee in less than 2 weeks.
Cranky, thanks for the heads up. Link fixed.
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Susan says:
February 14, 2012 at 1:19 pm
Unless you are married while in college you shouldn’t be having sex anyway. Wait until you’re married.
Right. That’s the ticket.
Hi Kate,
Funny we don’t hear the likes of joan wailing about the amount students spend on gas, food, rent, college tuition, computers, textbooks, Iphones, Ipads, clothes, to name just a few.
Wouldn’t it be great for all of us to fill our gas tanks for just $50 a month?
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Naked Texas Cowgirl, 18, Arrested After Slow-Speed Police Chase
When Corpus Christi cops responded to a suspicious person call early Sunday, they spotted the naked [except for cowgirl boots] Burnham, 18, standing in an alleyway next to a Jeep Wrangler. A police report offers no insight as to why she was driving while naked.
[That what happens when a woman is forced to choose between clothes and sex.]
Sure would like to see them boots.
JDC, “we” (a term I use lightly) found another cache problem with IE. Hopefully all commenting issues are solved now?
Joan, lots of people here are low-income. Me? Probably below the poverty line. ;) Just saying. What I’m saying is that if you *really* have to choose between food and contraception and you’re not married… don’t have sex. It’ll save you $600/year. That is a lot of money. So is sex necessary? Nope. Never saw a tombstone that said, “He died because he didn’t get any.” Plus, condoms aren’t all that expensive.
Also, the quote’s blase attitude towards actual starving people is insulting.
“Never saw a tombstone that said, “He died because he didn’t get any.” “
There were times when I was young and stupid… and I ‘felt’ that way.
But I am older now.
I can only speak for the male of the species.
I ain’t got a clue about the female mind.
Thanks for the humor this afternoon everyone! I needed a good laugh before a long work shift! (Who said pro-lifers can’t be clever and funny?!?!)
”$600 a year is not a trivial amount of money for a low-income person.”
They can get it free on Medicaid.
Why would Planned Parenthood like this. If everyone used contraception, there would be no more abortions…that is what PP is really interested in. that is the money maker for them.
Ken, I would love if during a political debate a politician responded to a question on contraception by saying:
“Never saw a tombstone that said, ‘He died because he didn’t get any.’“
Pamela, Pamela,
You mean you don’t know what REAL health issues are?
LOL, Mary! ;)
Thanks Jill. Yes everything seems to be working fine.
Masturbation is free, and hormonal BC can fail.
“Or they might want to buy a little memorial for their babies they kill when on the pill.”
This is why you can’t get people to take you seriously about contraception. After 15 years in Science and Medicine, including participating in Clinical Trials, my experience in Biostatistics is pretty good.
First, for that claim to be accurate, it must be definitively demonstrated that is is NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT for hormonal birth control to cause implantation failure. Otherwise there may simply a correlation – which cannot always imply causality. Secondly, embryos fail to implant 30+/-15% of the time on their own, hence it must be shown that hormonal birth control causes a *statistically significant* increase in this percentage in a sample cohort.
I’m not arguing the data aren’t there to be found- but these claims are not scientifically accurate based small poorly designed studies that are either retrospective in nature, or their data only support very, very cautious interpretation. That is why you won’t find an experienced Physician with extensive experience in Clinical Trials and population statistics that would support those claims.
On the other hand though, one avenue of attack it to go after the FDA-approved label for these medications that promote implantation failure, because the data used to support such a claim for the approved indication is terrible at best. Label updates costs manufacturers millions, and can heavily restrict how they can promote and advertise.
In the end, the makers of these drugs already know this, and should any Legislation be introduced to restrict abortofacients, they will submit a revised drug application REMOVING the language about implantation failure from their indication. That will allow them to skirt around such legislation. How do I know? Because 10 years ago I actually helped write a revised application to be used in such a case.
According to Guttmacher, the number one cause of unintended pregnancy is women using bc incorrectly (or not using it all because they ‘forgot’ in their haste to hop in the sack) so maybe our tax dollars would be better spent hiring nannies to walk beside these empowered women 24/7 and remind them when its time to do grownup things like take their pill. I see no point in subsidizing bc that women are too lazy or irresponsible to actually use. Of course, when they forget to use said bc and get pregnant anyway, it’s all the fault of us wingnuts. Sadly, we can’t legislate stupidity.
So their ‘low cost/free bc’ from Planned Parenthood is just a meme after all?
Thank you for your input, Dave.
Please keep in mind that there ARE Pro-Lifers that have no problem with hormonal BC, and some of them are members of the AAPLOG.
That’s plenty serious.
Dave, it is my understanding that the hormones in the Pill make the lining of the uterus less able to accept (in other words, hostile to) the fertilized egg. So if there is breakthrough ovulation and a pregnancy occurs, there is more than the usual statistical chance of miscarriage. Maybe you could explain how scientists determine the frequency of failed implantation. Isn’t that like the stats that say “50% of the people who have x disease don’t know they have it.” Well, if they don’t know they have it, how do you know? And even more so, if a woman loses a pregnancy before implantation, there is a good chance she did not know she was ever pregnant – so how do these scientists know she was?
If it takes half a chicken half a day to lay half an egg, then how long does it take a one-legged monkey to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?
Oh, that’s right-there is no way to determine any of it for certain and it is therefore irrelevant.
If people are getting pregnant and carrying to term even though they’re on the pill (I did so, and know plenty of other people who have as well), then this is the most nonsensical position I’ve heard from our side.
But I still think the trashing of religious freedom protections under the constitution that is occurring right now is DISGUSTING.
Their argument against the conscience objections is only an argument if (ignoring all the wonderful arguments here) only pharmacists who have conscience objections to passing out BC are passing out BC. Then, if they are allowed to use the conscience objection, they will not pass the BC and no more BC will be available anywhere ever anymore!!!! Aaaaak!!!!
My husband put it best, “If I go to a steak house and ask the waiter for a pork steak and he says, ‘I’m Muslim, I can’t serve you a pork steak.’ I would say, ‘I respect that.’ and walk up to the next waiter and get my pork steak! Oh crap! My brain just exploded with how smart I am!!!!”
“In fact, this strategy should be incorporated into financial planning. Even if women don’t use contraception they should buy it just to save money.”
Lol!! But yeah, Obamanaut has been “spending money to save money” this whole time, so he’s at least being consistent.
As someone living below the poverty line I don’t take 600$ a year lightly, or poverty either.
Geez. It’s called priorities. This connection will go before we stop buying food and there’s no way we’ll whine about “being forced to choose between food and social media”!!! Those “Ohio students” have NO IDEA what poverty, or REAL LIFE is at all if they think that’s actually a “choice” ANYONE is being “forced” to make! GROW UP. Food and NECESSARY meds like insulin, cancer treatment, etc? Yeah, THAT’S hard…. food and sex???? Nope!
And Joan, we impoverished don’t need your limp attempts at the higher moral ground for our sakes, thanks. If you think “food or sex” is a legitimate question you have NO IDEA what a “food or” life is like! You eat for a month in the dark in Oct. cause you chose food over electricity and then you can blase all you like about attitudes toward poverty, but even then, “food or sex” will STILL not be relevant to real life.
Mary says:
February 14, 2012 at 1:53 pm
LOVE this idea! :)) Makes WAAAAY too much sense though….
If they are fighting this hard for BC to be “free” and “accessible” because it’s so social justice and human rights and compassionate blah blah blah, why don’t they take up an actually beneficial cause? Like ending elective abortion to lower the; premature birth, maternal death, no-natal death, uteran rupture, sepsis, post-abortion syndrome suicides/therapies, depression requiring meds, drug/alcohol abuse, comfort eating and obesity by extension, eating disorders requiring years of therapy to gain control of, breast/ovarian/cervical cancers, etc etc etc, rates? NOT paying for abortion would prevent the costs of treating all these conditions!
So NOT paying for abortions alone would pay for itself!
Or how about going after big Pharma to lower the costs of cancer treatment drugs and other needed medications necessary to LIFE for so many in this country that actually do cause legitimate “food or” decisions? But that’s not actually what they’re about is it? It’s really all about SEX and ABORTION. They could care less about the LIVES these things effect….. >:(
There are millions of senior citizens having to decide whether to buy food or pay for their meds. Never a peep about them from prochoice. I know several elderly folks who regularly cut pills in half to try and stretch prescriptions as far as they can in order to eat, if they can get the scripts filled at all. Oftentimes they can’t. Where are the liberal do gooders then?