Abortion proponents profile pro-life leaders and activists
Well it didn’t take long for my new son-in-law to stir up trouble in the U.S. I couldn’t be prouder.
He would be Kiwi Andy Moore, who launched AbortionWiki.org a couple months ago, about the same time Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman launched AbortionDocs.org.
And look at the hornets they have stirred. Pro-life friend Leslie forwarded me this email she received a couple days ago. Click to enlarge…
So now pro-lifers will know if they’re worth their salt. Should they make Voice of Choice, they have arrived.
Speaking of profiling, Todd Stave is the co-owner, along with his sister Nancy, of Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Maryland, one of the mills where infamous late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart kills babies.
The siblings inherited the business in 2000 from their father, abortionist Carl Edward Stave. Lovely family dynasty. Read more here, on the profile page pro-lifers created about Stave.
At any rate, abortion proponents can no longer accuse pro-lifers of covertly promoting violence against abortionists by posting their personal information. Surely abortion proponents don’t have that in mind by this venture, because surely they condemn violence.
Yawn. I couldn’t care less if people know I am an “anti-choice” activist. It is something I am proud of, not something I want to hide. Killing children is shameful; trying to save them is not.
Pro-aborts can harass me all they want. They could hold a gun to my head and I wouldn’t shut up about abortion. Not that I am important enough to be on their database :) Congrats to those who are.
I say apply a categorical imperative. Start publishing the addresses and phone numbers of the boards of directors for the domain registrar where these domains are registered. Also, the names of all the tech support staff for the hosting service for the web sites. Don’t forget to boycott the manufacturers of the PCs, phones, and tablets the sites’ contributors use! Then you can start with the . . .
The ultimate outcome?
It’s called the white pages. :-/ Or would have been, before those became obsolete.
@rasqual – have fun flicking through the White Pages.
In the meantime we’ll be documenting the Abortion Industry/Lobby and those closely associated with it.
Getting on their list should be like a badge of honor! It is nice to know that pro-lifers really get under the pro-aborts skin. The more time and money they focus on this list, the less they focus on abortion.
“In the meantime we’ll be documenting the Abortion Industry/Lobby and those closely associated with it.”
Oh I agree with that entirely. I’m just saying that if the point of this latest volley is that intimidation of some sort is a goal, it’ll fail.
The point of compiling information is not intimidation, but to be informed for better action.
Not buying the .com domain for the Abortion wiki website was a big tactical error, IMHO. Pro-life webmasters need to buy as many close domains as possible to prevent pro-abort impersonation of them.
Heh I read you rasqual. no offense :)
If you want an account, click here
it wasn’t a tactical error – it was a “lack of funds” error… if you or anyone you know would like to donate, we’d love to hear from you :)
(the .com was approx $220)
They really need $50 000 for this?
note the $50k includes a 1yr salary for a full-time researcher.
As a recipient of their phone call campaign last October, when we targeted pro-lifers didn’t cower and yell and threaten to call the police but dialogued with the callers, they quickly figured out that not only were we not intimidated, but just the opposite. We welcomed their phone calls because pro-lifers love talking about the subject and, of course, we would ask them if they knew where they would go when they died. The calls lasted about a week then subsided.
They told us we were harassing people and bullying them. We would ask, “So you believe harassing and bullying people is wrong?” They would answer, “Yes, I do.” So we would ask, “So why are you harassing and bullying us?” That would take them aback for a second, then most would say something like, “You’re trying to take away a woman’s right to choose.” So then we would ask, “So you believe in peoples’ right to choose?” They would say, “Yes, I do.” So we would say, “Then why are you trying to take away our right to choose life?”
It was fun and I welcome their calls, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for them to call again.
Oooh. Snap.
Gotta make this list!! :)
“voice of choice”??? NOT. If they are so pro-CHOICE, then why devote a website targeting people who oppose the violence of abortion? That’s a choice, isn’t it?…
Classic feminazi doublespeak.
Yes, I do think that there should be at least one site where women can go to research abortionists in their area, though some of these bloodsuckers circuit ride from state to state; I know of one that lives in GA, and does abortions in MS and AL, and possibly elsewhere besides. And publish photos; if a woman is injured by one of these thugs, she should be able to pick him or her out a lineup.
Their logo kind of reminds me of the WWII rising sun Japanese flag.
I officially nick-name dub thee – “Obama’s hit-list”.
jtm, check out AbortionSafety.com. It launches April 3.
Good Chris! I was just going to say that the logo has echoes of a Pepsi can, which looks just like…hmmm….Obama’s campaign logos! Weird.
Bring. It. On.
I could laugh out loud to think of how little they’re gonna actually get anybody to participate. It’ll fizzle in a few days. Meanwhile, the prolifers will be at it doggedly and persistently.
I dropped your name in my request to become an editor, Jill. I figure it’s only fair since they lifted my piece on Vanessa Preston’s death virtually verbatim! (Not that I mind; I’m proud!)
An informed debater taking the moral high ground always prevails against a debater taking the moral low ground.
Hey Christina :) We’ll be glad to have you onboard! Yes we did nab your piece on poor Vanessa Preston, however we are always sure to cite our sources!
Should I turn myself in or wait for cc to do it for me?
In the meantime I will be updating my resumé.
Wouldn’t want the ‘dead babies r us’ mob to have anything but the most up to date dossier.
They mispelled my middle name in the official court records in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
I wouldn’t want that to happen again.
All I can say is i hope everyone reading this goes and watches 180Movie.com
How can I be added to their profiles?
You know if you used your time and money to do better things than sit around worrying about something that is a) out of your control, b) is not your choice to make, and c) God’s domain not yours, then maybe we could make it a better place. If you worried about getting people the help they need so they don’t make the decisions that paint them into a corner where this kind of choice is the only one left, like teaching safe sex in schools and the home. Look it is up to God to decide what is right and wrong and judge accordingly. God didn’t ask Lot to smite the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, he did it himself. I urge you all to take this advice, do not meddle in other peoples affairs, it is not your place. If this is truly wrong in the eyes of God then let him deal with it, stop acting like God, you just embarrass him and yourselves, I implore you all to just go about your lives, live with kindness, hope, faith, and love and leave others alone. Love them as Jesus would have, and let people make their own choices, and if they make a choice that is a mistake, then that is their life and not yours. It is their God-given right to have free-will and you should never-ever try to intervene on that. Even if it directly affects your life, remember Jesus taught to always turn the other cheek, I suggest this as an action over any other.
Disagree: “Look it is up to God to decide what is right and wrong and judge accordingly.”
Hey Disagree, are you capable of making a judgment on whether it’s right or wrong for a man to rape a woman?
Have to give a big “THANK YOU” for enlightening me about “Voice of Choice”!!! I did not know an organization like this which promotes pro-choice social action existed. I am going over immediately to sign up with them to see how I can help preserve my and every other woman’s rights to their own bodies. (I’m referring to people that actually already exist outside of a womb, not zygotes, blastocysts, embryos, etc.) In addition, they also have several other helpful organizations listed that are partnered with them. I would never have thought to look any of that up had I not seen your article on here. Now that I have, I am inspired to find other organizations that I can also join in the fight for keeping women’s rights intact. It pays sometimes to check out the opposition’s sites once in a while, even if by accident. Thanks again for the helpful information. ;)
Better look fast.
Why does a person’s location determine whether you’ll fight for their rights? Why are you against human equality?
I am going over immediately to sign up with them to see how I can help preserve my and every other woman’s rights to their own bodies.
Please, don’t do me any favors. We already have rights to our own bodies. It is our children who have no rights to theirs. We women are perfectly capable of defending ourselves. I think I’d rather work to gain basic human rights for gestating children since they’re utterly defenseless and currently have no right to live.