CNN covers for Obama on infanticide support, cuts key information
On February 28 CNN’s Wolf Blitzer tried to play gotcha with Newt Gingrich regarding Gingrich’s statement during a recent Republican debate that the mainstream media had failed to scrutinize presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 regarding his opposition as state senator to the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
Blitzer, attempting to prove that at least CNN had covered the story, played a clip of “special contributor” David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network interviewing Obama on the topic.
No surprise, the particular clip by which CNN chose to vindicate itself also appears to vindicate Obama, or at the very least question National Right to Life’s portrayal of Obama’s opposition to BAIPA:
Brody: Real quick on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. I gotta tell you, that’s the one thing I get a lot of emails about, and it’s not just from Evangelicals. It’s about Catholics, Protestants…[illegible]. They’re trying to understand it, because there was some literature put out by the National Right to Life Committee. And they’re basically saying that they felt like you misrepresented your position on that bill
Obama: Let me clarify this right now, because they have not been telling the truth.
Cut. The end, leaving Obama’s assertion that NRLC lied about his record as the last word. The relevant portion of the interview begins at 9:40 on the video…
CNN omitted the other half of the story, which was that Obama turned out to be lying (or to give benefit of the doubt, forgetting) when calling NRLC liars. NRLC had just uncovered evidence that Obama had voted against the identical Born Alive bill that passed unanimously in the U.S. Senate. Here is Obama’s “they’re lying” comment in context:
Obama’s complete assertion:
Obama: Let me clarify this right now, because they have not been telling the truth. I hate to say people are lying, but here’s a situation where folks are lying. I have said repeatedly that I would have been completely and fully in support of the federal bill that everybody supported, which was to say you should provide assistance to any infant that was born, even if it was the consequence of an induced abortion.
But, in fact, NRLC had just found Obama’s fourth vote on the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act, in which he indeed voted against the identical version passed on the federal level. The first vote below is to amend the state bill to make it the same as the federal version. ”DP#1″ means “Do Pass Amendment #1.” “DPA” means “Do Pass as Amended.” Obama voted in favor of amending the bill and then voted against the amended bill…
Here is the original bill. Here is Amendment #1. Here is the federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
Within two days CBN (not CNN) ran a story clarifying that Obama was incorrect, and that his campaign had conceded, although it went on to make excuses…
Patrick Brennan at National Review Online has written a good piece on Obama’s opposition to Born Alive.
CNN, if honest, needs to do a follow-up. Blitzer only succeeded in muddying the waters further.
Even though there are good shows on CNN and its sister network HLN, it’s not uncommon to see liberal bias like this. They should report news accurately instead of making cuts like these.
i have been in self study through the net and books and videos before i totally turned on abortion. prior to this id say things like ” i would never have an abortion but if a woman wants one then i guess she has her reasons.” then i saw the silent scream and the choice blues. i was horrified by what i saw. then graphic abortion images. when it comes to the liberal media always remember one common thing they share…..they LIE! so anything CNN says will remain a lie. they will always cover for obama because they want him to stay in office. ive turned CNN turned off long ago. you wont ever get the truth.
A taste of the many lies and omissions to come until November. That’s why people have to use social media to circumvent the President’s Truth Squad gatekeepers on the airwaves.
Does anyone think CNN would really do a follow up and admit they were wrong?
If so, I have some prime property for sale.
just like hardball with matthews meet the depressed racheal mad cow and im glad keith blowharderman tanked…..morning joe blow all liberal liars. all obama supporters.
I am so sick of media bias, like they cannot give us the facts and let us decide the truth for ourselves.
i turned on some liberal media show one am. i didnt change it right away but there were 2 on there who kept making excuses for Obama and kept blaming Bush. oh i was annoyed. i keep it on Fox for truth. and yet another show i was glad to see removed was Joyless behar. i would tune in now and again if she had an interesting guest. she did have anne coulter on but she palin bashed every chance she got. it got to be disgusting. shed ask all of her liberal guests ” do you really think Palin is smart”? lol but to my surprise some of the libs wouldnt bash her. Behar would smoke from the ears and try another tactic. shed even said ” if we outlaw abortion we are going to have tons of dead women.” yeah i wondered why id even bothered to give her a chance.
funny how behar always taunted Palin for being stupid and then went after her daughter. ah Joy youre the pot calling the kettle black on that one. its obvious shes going on stale old material that dr nathenson dismissed as a lie. he did it in books and in a speech before he died.
I do not think it is that they cannot give us the facts. They do not want us to have the facts. They have an agenda, and they twist their reporting to support their agenda. They should start calling the White House press office the Ministry of Public Enlightenment. Apparently Goebbels is alive and well and working in the west wing.
Without Andrew Breitbart, people spinning lies like this will be even more successful.
So depressed today.
Question: How many people does it take to explain to President Obama his role in rejecting the bill before he understands it?
Answer: It’s a mystery.
Do you know if the Spanish -language media is telling this story? I’ve searched, but so far I’ve found nothing recent.
I’m NOT surprise. Satan called God a Lair at the garden of Eden.
Liberals, who control most of the media, always deny that there is extreme bias in almost every news report. However, we must also admit that Fox News has a conservative bias. Although it bothers me that there is a liberal slant to almost all media, it bothers me as much (if not more) to hear people deny it. What’s conservative is labeled as ‘conservative’ (or they use a disparaging term) and what is liberal is labeled as ‘objective.’ Even when describing people, it’s always “Conservative author Rush Limbaugh…” but it’s never “Liberal author Jon Stewart.” What is liberal is the norm so it requires no label. Similarly, we always hear “The Religious Right” but never “The Godless/Secular Left.”
With every passing day the MSM is shown to be even more thoroughly and utterly malicious than previously thought. These are serious times. Perhaps what we are seeing is analogous to the desperate last attempts of a soon to be overthrown dictator trying to impose his will upon his increasingly unwilling subjects. The use of the moral equivalent of dictatorial edict and violent repression of dissent is now what passes for journalism among the MSM and their lesser acolytes–deliberate distortion of the facts, up to and including bald faced lies in an attempt to control the political perceptions of the public. If one cannot directly repress the masses then change the story so they do not get what is really going on.
Why do we even bother viewing or reading the leftist MSM? I can only think of one reason: to better understand how best to minimize the effect of their pablum on consumers of “news”.
We have a benevolent czar and liberal far-left pay-to-play partial-birth baby skull jabbing and deliver em dead and slit theri neck em if they are delivered alive unwanted baby killing Fundraiser-in-Chief community organizer for president.
Yes indeed!
I was born in 1942 and am a retired 50 year veteran nurse who has observed the sexual revolution take place over a period of about 45 years now. My opinion is this: The sexual revolution began with the development of the birth control pill, which is essentially the manipulation of female hormones designed to prevent pregnancy. It was developed by at that time the male dominated medical science and the pharmiceutical industry. It was marketed immedicately to women and puberty aged girls who had been declared sexually active or potentially so by medical doctors by prescription only. Student health centers picked up on it quickly and began dispensing it on college campuses across the nation. Because of this, that is why today over 40 years later we are in the situation we are in today.
The pro-life people need to stop being less emotional and more objective in presenting the historic and and present GOOD RESEARCH to prove that the the pill is essentially destroying America because it did not improve the social conditions in America. Medical science has to be held accountable for this and the people need to be given the facts as to why it is true. The poor and people of color are particulariy vunerable because most aborted children are from that population. My basic premise is this: Get the facts together and present it to the people so they can see for themselves how they have been explioted. It will be an uphill battle because we will be fighting great powers such as many in the medical,nursing, social science and pharaceutical communities and all other who chance to lose money and work because of the sex drug industry. I might add that there is incredical anger out in the male community because they feel powerless. EVERYONE has been exploited by the sexual revolution. It defies the teachings of original of likely all mainline denominations and religions of the world. It makes sense that the Roman Christian Church lead the way and hopefully others will follow. This is my humble opinion. I find in deplorable that we have fallen to a state in humanity that recreational sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman is now considered a civil right to be supported by all the people and by the people at the expense of the least and most vulnerable among us aka the unborn child.
Great post!