Jon Stewart loves Planned Parenthood and vice versa
On March 7, The Daily Show host Jon Stewart invited Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards on his show.
Stewart didn’t pretend this was anything other than an advocacy interview. So his written questions were obviously submitted by Planned Parenthood. Richards anticipated every one of them.
I’ve never seen Richards more in her element; she was very good. I’ve said before, Planned Parenthood will never again have another Cecile Richards, like a Ronald Reagan of the abortion industry.
I’m posting the interview, even though the mountain of lies and spin will make your blood boil. I can’t even begin to counter all of them here. You’re welcome to take one or more on in the comments.
But we need to stay abreast of the other side’s talking points, both on the religious freedom issue, which they’re attempting to co-opt as a contraceptive issue, and on Planned Parenthood itself, which is trying to recover from deservedly brutal publicity.
The day after Richards’ interview, Planned Parenthood sent the clip to its email list with this (click to enlarge). Savvy marketing…
This was a smart strategy not only to raise money but also schmooze Stewart. Which brings me to my final point: Planned Parenthood/abortion-friendly media. (The Los Angeles Times didn’t even feign fairness when reporting on Richards’ appearance.)
The article below details PP’s understanding of the importance of media backing and shows how PP gets it. From a March 6 article sent to me by reader Marie…
Dakar, Senegal – Twenty media practitioners from the print, electronic and online media will participate in the 8-10 March session being organized by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, to sensitize the media on issues of sexual health and reproductive health. According to IPPF, the session will enhance the understanding of the participants, to be drawn from across sub-Saharan Africa, on sexual health and reproductive issues.
It said media practitioners had been identified as key players due to their role in information dissemination, the raising of awareness and their mediation ability among different actors on sexual and reproductive health as well as rights related issues.
As I alluded to in a post earlier today, knowing the culture of death’s far-reaching tentacles would be daunting if the pro-life community did know we have God and history on our side and that truth and justice always eventually win.

Nice to see how Big Brother doles out talking points to the Minitrue.
I only listened to the second part of the interview…… Stewart fell for the lie that Cecile Richards put forth a few days ago that there were NO women on the panel to testify on abortion. (The women happened to be in the second group appearing that day.) Stewart jokes but in doing so perpetuates the lie that men are somehow the enemy of women when it comes to reproduction, BC, etc.
We all, men and women alike, will have to answer one day for our support of abortion, or apathy towards it. I pray that God will change our hearts and minds and help us elect an anti-abortion president. I pray that God will help us grow strong pro-life children. I pray that God will heal the broken hearts of men, women, children, grandparents, aunts, and uncles who have suffered from past abortions.
Forty years has been long enough.
Cecile Richards and her ilk BELONG on “Comedy Central”, if you ask me.
Actually, IMO, Faye Wattleton was even better than Cecile Richards.
Hi Patricia,
You read my mind. No one holds a candle to Faye Wattleton. Cecile isn’t even a close second.
Faye Wattleton was stunningly beautiful, I recall seeing her on her TV talk show once. She was smart enough to leave PP after 14 years. Interestingly, she has one daughter with whom she has a close relationship. Imagine what her life would be like if she had decided to abort what was her only child, a decision her past employer, Planned Parenthood, facilitates every day around the world.
Don’t insult Ronald Reagan’s memory by comparing this clown to him. A better comparison would be a Richard Dawkins of the abortion industry. He’s a charismatic speaker and can sell lots of books. But when he’s asked to actually defend his conspiracy theories and revisionist history in a fair debate with a formidable opponent, he stays home. Cecile Richards is the same way.
(I think Fox News and the Washington Post both tried to do something similar).
I can’t see the Jon Stewart videos in my region. I wouldn’t mind seeing a transcript.
Promoting abortion actually subjects women to real violence. It’s all about victimization.
First the female child (under-developed woman) within the womb is subjected to destructive violence.
Second, the woman undergoes an unnatural and dramatic invasive procedure that’s more than likely to leave long term emotional scars, and a great possibility of leaving actual physical scars. In some cases, physical ailments, including the breast cancer link. Oh yes, and possibly death from complications – even at the hands of doctors.
Third, because the pregnancy is unnaturally ended, there is a likelihood of another pregnancy near-term, certainly quicker than if a child was carried to term.
Fourth, abortion plainly supports prostitution. (And Planned Parenthood protects pimps.)
Fifth, the fact that the child is there means at least one man had an orgasm, and seeing only half the abortions are of male children (underdeveloped men), then it’s clearly overwhelmingly stacked against women. One is killed and the mother victimized. As far as I know, other than killing your own child where you may not want the relationship with the father or the child, abortion doesn’t produce any other perceptively positive (!?!) benefits for the woman.
The strongest logical argument I ever heard in favor of abortion was where sexual slaves wanted mercy-killing abortions, so their children wouldn’t be born into a life of sexual slavery. (I’m not agreeing with it, but it makes more sense than most other pro-abortion arguments.)
Lastly, if you know all the victimization of women that abortion produces and you go ahead and promote it anyway, and you profit financially from that promotion, well that pretty much makes you a woman-hater.
Not that I expect Jon Stewart or Cecile Richards to hear that, but that’s what they are.
Wow 99% of women use BC according to Mz.Richards! Is she kidding??? What Planet did she get her stats from? It certainly wasn’t Earth! Other stats she used, 1 in 5 women in America use PP some time in their life?? Really?? NOT I like this one 90% of PP services are “Preventive” yeah, prevent babies from LIFE!!! I guess the new code for PP for murder of unborn children is now “preventive”!
1 in 5 women in America use PP some time in their life.
Yeah, I don’t think that works the way she needs it to. I’m sure a much larger proportion of women in America eat at McDonald’s at some time in their life. By her logic, there would be a massive hunger crisis if something bad were to happen to it.
What a sychophantic, cow-pattied love-fest.
“we have God and history on our side and that truth and justice always eventually win”
I’m sure that’s what the Crusaders believed and we all know what happened to that not so excellent adventure!
It’s also what abolitionists believed and we all know what happened to that excellent adventure!
She said for millions of women Planned Parenthood is their only medical provider. The face of Obamacare. Killing babies and/or preventing pregnancy is their fiscally responsible way to ‘care’ for people.
Another lie. She said the governor of Texas is cutting off all forms of WOmen’s Health Services.
It is not the governor of Texas doing that; it is the Obama administration doing that in protest of Texas choosing to use somebody other than the Planned Barrenhood to provide those services. These people really do survive by spreading lies. And the ’progressives’ on the left just eat it up.
“Killing babies and/or preventing pregnancy is their fiscally responsible way to ‘care’ for people”
The truth, something that you seem to be deny at every available opportunity, is that Planned Parenthood provides a range of low cost gynecological care to low income women. If Planned Parenthood closed, it would be very difficult for understaffed and underserved community health centers to absorb their caseload. But then your concern is with the fetus. Women’s health care, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be a concern for you. As the reality based community often says about the fetus fetishists – their concern for life stops at birth.
Jon Stewart loves PP. As Sarah would say “You betcha”. I know nothing about Jon’s past or present life but I do know he is a “raging liberal”. A “raging liberal” man always wants to be able to keep doing his thing without having to reap the consequences of the wild oats that he has sown or will sow. (Sarcasm alert) “Real men love Planned Barrenhood”. Sounds like a real plan. Makes sense.
For millions of women, Planned Parenthood is their only medical provider.
Clever language. That’s probably technically correct, but only because you would normally only have to see one medical provider at a time unless you needed specialist care.
If she wanted to argue that Planned Parenthood has a monopoly on women’s health care, she would have done well to use some numbers. What percentage of pap tests does Planned Parenthood do nationwide? What about mammogram referrals? Primary care? Maybe the facts aren’t exactly on her side, as you’ll only get single digit percentages (if not decimal percentages) unless you look at abortions (more than a quarter nationwide).
Richards got a huge ovation from the audience who are mostly younger folks who do utilize and appreciate Planned Parenthood’s services.
“Promoting abortion actually subjects women to real violence. It’s all about victimization.”
Right, those lil gals are just like silly children who don’t know what’s good for them. Women are just so darned stupid and so willing to be manipulated by those evil “baby killers.” If they’d just listen to the Catholic priests and those in the pro-life movement, their lives would just be so much better.
My concern is with murder and the murderers who do it. I don’t care if PP is doing my laundry and cooking my evening meal as well as giving pap smears. I DON” CARE. They murder babies every day and they believe killing one’s child is an acceptable choice. If my pool guy does a wonderful job and leaves the pool immaculate, but he also rapes my daughter 3% of the time, HE’S GOT TO GO.
My goodness, CC, what part of killing and innocent don’t you get?
She was lying again when she talked about Planned Parenthood not wanting to set up a drive-through. They actually were and it was called, Planned Parenthood, EXPRESS” and we saw it under construction in Pasedena last year when they thought thy were going to get away with their abortion on demand. Of course it was in the Black neighborhood between the bus stop and the welfare office.
They were not only trying to make abortion look easy-but fun.
It’s not ok to sell camels to kids, but abortion is ok.
Stewart said a few years ago, he didn’t know where he stood on the issue of abortion. he seamed like he was leaning towards life, actually.
I don’t think he had any idea she was going to get so much support from her studio audience.
But, sadly, looks like he’s either drunk the cool-aide, or allowed himself to be engulfed in the blob of the tyrannical mandate machine.
Fake women’s groups are the real rapists.
Guess that’s her job-to deficate on all women and say she’s showering us with love.
He should of asked her about her record of aiding sex traffickers-dump her version of “love,” back on her.
Boy it only takes one uncle tom, doesn’t it. I guess that’s what the other side thinks, anyways.
I will pray for her, because obviously she is not blessed, the way pro-lifer’s are.
”. A “raging liberal” man always wants to be able to keep doing his thing without having to reap the consequences of the wild oats that he has sown or will sow”
Really? I didn’t think that Mark Sanford, Newt Gingrich, John Ensign, and other GOP “Jack the lads” are “raging liberals.”
BTW, Jon Stewart is a graduate of William & Mary and is married to a veterinarian. They have two children. But I do love the personal attacks. When you can’t stand the message, just attack the messenger – and, as we’ve seen from the pro-life movement, the attacks can be fatal.
Oh CC there you go telling another lie. Have worked in women’s healthcare for years. Plenty of FQHCs and clinics take Medicaid and are well able to provide real “healthcare” to women (Pap smears, STD testing, real mammograms, etc.) but PP comes to town and takes their patients if they can. The only business PP provides that they don’t provide is “Cha-ching”, ABORTIONS (do I hear a cash register ringing?) That is why you PPites hate Abby Johnson, Carol Everett and Dr. Nathanson who know all about your “women’s reproductive health” agenda because they worked in the abortion industry for years before they converted. PP kills lots of babies and makes lots more money$$$$ the more babies they kill. What a scam.
“They murder babies every day and they believe killing one’s child is an acceptable choice. If my pool guy does a wonderful job and leaves the pool immaculate, but he also rapes my daughter 3% of the time, HE’S GOT TO GO.”
If your pool guy rapes your daughter he will be arrest and hopefully convicted because rape is a crime. Abortion is perfectly LEGAL. It is only a crime in the minds of the fetus fetishist community. Many people, including most of the Episcopalian Church (I say that because you live in that type of community) believe that abortion is neither a sin nor a crime and that a woman’s right to an abortion must be protected. These same folks enthusiastically support Planned Parenthood as it provides low income women with vital health care.
One imagines that many in Stuart’s audience are students and students provide a large patient base for Planned Parenthood. Funny, when the Planned Parenthood opened up in our city, many of the first patients arrived in their nice plaid Catholic school uniforms!
Yeah CC, try breathing into a bag. There’s this strange condition amongst you pro-aborts that causes severe hyperventilation and elevated snarkiness whenever it’s expressed that abortion is harmful. Reason and logic are tough things for pro-aborts, I get it.
“He should of asked her about her record of aiding sex traffickers-dump her version of “love,” back on her.”
So remind me about all the state and federal criminal prosecutions and convictions against Planned Parenthood for sex trafficking?
Jon Stewart is also part of the Reformed Jewish community and they are overwhelmingly pro-choice. When we “stood” for Planned Parenthood,” a rabbi provided the keynote speech.
“Reason and logic are tough things for pro-aborts, I get it”
Right – and all women regret their abortions which they are all coerced into. If abortion is criminalized, women will accept their lot in life and love their babies that they are unable, for any reason, to care for. Oh, and my personal favorite. Rapists’ babies are really a “gift” and if raped women had no access to abortion, things would be so much better for them.
Just a little of the anti-aborts “reason and logic” here.
If the average PP employee is anything like CC, I think we’re going to have fun with the congressional investigation…
CC–I know where I live. Sigh. I don’t care if Mother Theresa herself rose from the dead tonight and proclaimed abortion is awesome–she’d still be wrong. So are the Episcopalians (hence the schism) and so are the Reformed Jews (better call them Redacted).
That abortion is legal and rape is illegal is an important distinction, only if you can’t look at the pictures of the bloody babies readied and labeled as medical waste and can’t figure out how that’s morally repugnant. So yes, CC, I can see where the whole rape thing is lost on you. But wait–there has to be a time when rape wasn’t illegal, right? Somewhere in the dark part of our history, like maybe when slavery was legal?? Were they both right when they weren’t against the law?
“If they’d just listen to the Catholic priests and those in the pro-life movement, their lives would just be so much better. ”
Woah, there Cc, you’re beginning to make sense! LOL! Hey, cc, do you tell your Jewish friends that you mock their “sky god?” Does their “sky god” tell them to just abort their kids and everything will be all sunshine and roses? What DO your Jewish friends think of your mocking of religion?
You don’t “stand” for Planned Parenthood, CC…you lay down for it.
“99% of women use BC according to Mz.Richards”
So there’s no need for the contraceptive mandate! AWESOME!
Pamela: BAM!
Pamela- YOU. ARE. FABULOUS!!!!!!
I don’t know where exactly to start…saying that there are members of the religious communities that agree with and don’t believe abortion is a sin is probably true. But they are either ill informed or they are liars. And you mock and relegate those who are religious and also pro-life to being nothing more than narrow minded woman haters, yet you use those in the community who also share your views to justify for your position. You and pro aborts also muddy the waters by presenting different scenarios, that while devastating, sad and frequent you forget one thing: No matter the means in which a child is conceived, the social distinction of the mother or her station in life, a pre born child is a child, a person, a human being, etc… Period. Any undesirable parts of the previously mentioned situations do not change that. Do you know what a fetus is? Fetus is a term that is used to describe the stage in development a pre-born person is. Much as you would describe a 24 year old as an adult and a 15 your old as a teenager or adolescent. Making as many distinctions as you wish in what to call someone who hasn’t been born yet, but they’re a living, human being. Period.
Secondly, if you want would to further inform yourself of the facts, do some research to see just what exactly Planned Parenthood is under investigation for. Even on youtube there are VIDEOS of undercover advocates going into Planned Parenthood facilities disguised as prostitutes and underage mothers. The Planned Parenthood workers do not even bat an eye and proceed to try to provide services to these women though they may be victims of coercion (i.e. NOT her choice) victims of statutory rape or incest. They do not report these incidences, though they have happened.
They are also being investigated for bundling/unbundling medical services to thereby commit medicaid fraud or fraud via programs in place to benefit woman who are of the low income/minority sect. They are also being investigated for over billing back the federal government for services they have provided, therefore fattening their wallets.
As if I should even point out that there are NO SERVICES which Planned Parenthood offers that aren’t readily available at other, actual full care medical centers. Except for, say it with me folks, abortions. Abortion are where their dollars come from, though they tout that it is only a fraction (3%) of their services. 300,000 is a much bigger number. That’s how man abortions they provide each year. 91%. That is the percentage of pregnant woman who come in those doors that end up aborting their child. 9% is the remaining sect of which they serve with any prenatal care what so ever. Adoption referrals were down for 2011.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers exist to help care for the mother AND the child after she chooses life. They provide transportation to doctor appointments and the one here in my town provides diapers, bottles and formula FOR FREE to mother’s who needed them. This on top of new mother classes that cover an array of topics. Go into Planned Parenthood, and see if you won’t pay for the pregnancy test that you could easily to go Wal-Mart and get at a much cheaper cost.
It’s ridiculous that you even have to waste the time to point this out to people. But these are the things that you should be hearing about in the media. Not this drivel with Jon Stewart. I don’t think that anyone may tell me what to do in terms of my health or well being, or for that matter, my sex life. But to say this, despite the fact that abortion ends a human life is wrong and that is where the line should be drawn. Abortion is not OK, and woman are being relegated to thinking that this is their only way out of difficult circumstances. I darn well think that women deserve better than Planned Parenthood or abortion for that matter.
I apologize for the grammatical errors – I’m on my phone!
the ‘dead babies r us’ mob should set up drive thru car wash.
They can vaccum the womans car after they have vaccumed her uterus. [Don’t want to leave it to chance they would vaccuum the car first.]
junior: “The interesting thing to me is how it’s [the conversation] been changed to be an issue about women wanting someone to pay for them to have sex for money coming out of other peoples pockets so that women can have sex strikes me as a very interesting direction to take the conversation.
missy: “Yeah it’s actuallyl really hard to… I dont even know if I can respond to that…”
My GOD junior inadvertently swerved into the crux of the matter and even in progressive friendly atmosphere of this mutual admiration spa missy won’t even address the question.
[Former Minnesota Governor Jesse responding to a college co-eds querry about how he will help single mom’s like her stay in school:
“Missy, please explain to me how the good people of the state of Minnesota got involved with your decision to have sex.”]
These two weasles might as well be discussing ole king cole.
I would hazard a guess that the vast majority all conceptions are unplanned and unintended, but not unwelcome.
I never premeditated sex with my wife with the intent to conceive a child.
How about it ladies?
Do you sit at home waiting impatiently for your significant other to get home so that you can get pregnant?
Children are a secondary benefit of a wonderful experience.
Beats breast cancer to hell and back.
CC, why, why, why do you always bring up legality as if that has anything to do with morality? Abortion used to be illegal. Did you think it was wrong then?
Closed Cervix
Your mind is as cold and dead and empty as your uterus.
“I apologize for the grammatical errors – I’m on my phone!”
You must have one of those new models that has a function for capitalization and punctuation. Certain phone-bound commenter(s) here are not so lucky.
“I’ve said before, Planned Parenthood will never again have another Cecile Richards, like an…[Adolph Hitler]of the abortion industry.”
Reminds of woman who had reputuation for finding something good to say about even the most vilest of persons.
When challenged to find something good to say about satan, she responded, “The devil is always on the job.”
Sydney, she brings it up because that’s ALL SHE HAS.
Remember Duck and her attachment to to the word”fetus”? As long as the baby was still inside her mother and not born, she was not human. That’s all she had, the word.
Thank goodness we have The Word.
Wow 99% of women use BC according to Mz.Richards! Is she kidding???
That’s were I had to stop watching. She is such an embarrassment to my gender. Ugh.
Joan – it does spelling but not so much of the other stuff. But I can’t complain! Glad to have it. With two kids and the computer upstairs, I’d never get to actually sit down and check ANYTHING without it. :-)
Another thank you to Steve Jobs, whose mother actually chose adoption and life for him and he ended up with a loving family and the rest is history. I love my iPhone!
I can just see you at Dachow looking forward to another cattle car full of semites and cheering everytime the Jew haters threw another corpse in the crematorium.
You are a unbridled bigot of holocaustic proportions.
Dachau was a detention center for domestic political enemies, not an extermination camp for Jews.
Richards got a huge ovation from the audience who are mostly younger folks who do utilize and appreciate Planned Parenthood’s services.
Yes CC. They train the audience to applaud when the appluase sign lights up and they hire a few people to scream when guests come on the stage. You really buy the theatrics that makes talk show television.
So remind me about all the state and federal criminal prosecutions and convictions against Planned Parenthood for sex trafficking?
The investigative videos are simulations, not real cases of sex trafficking. This would be more difficult to use as evidence for a criminal prosecution. Such cases usually take a long time and are extremely hard to win. A reasonable person can still watch the videos and see a pattern of open willingness to aid and abet child prostitution rings.
One should also look at just how politically powerful Planned Parenthood is. Consider the Phill Kline saga. I’m sure you already have a strong opinion on the ethics of his conduct and the validity of his charges. I’m not going to try to change that. But it’s undeniable that Kline’s decision to prosecute Planned Parenthood and George Tiller ultimately destroyed his career.
Any attorney general thinking of doing the same would probably reconsider (regardless of the vast body of evidence against PP), unless of course he was really dedicated and didn’t care about getting re-elected.
Why, a simple breast cancer charity can’t even withdraw funding from Planned Parenthood without creating a massive backlash.
“I can just see you at Dachow looking forward to another cattle car full of semites and cheering everytime the Jew haters threw another corpse in the crematorium”
I’ve actually been to Dachau and was profoundly moved by the innate evil of the Nazi regime which murdered so many people including homosexuals two of whom were travelling with me. But as far as equating abortion and the Holocaust, Abe Foxman of the ADL has, on several occasions, asserted that the comparison is offensive to those who died in the Shoah and to all Jews. But you folks just keep blithely making the comparison.
”You really buy the theatrics that makes talk show television.”
You obviously don’t watch TDS because not all applause is created equal.
i cant stand this guy. hes so annoying! i do not watch his show.
”Abortion used to be illegal. Did you think it was wrong then.”
Nope, I thought it was a stupid law that forced women to risk their lives in illegal abortions. Prohibition was a stupid law that was repealed because it accomplished nothing but gang violence and illegal speakeasies. Legalizing abortion saved women’s lives. (Oh, right, but all those “babies” were and are being “murdered” yadda, yadda, yadda.) But as I said, in the pro-life world, fetuses are more important than the women who, in the pro-life world, are merely mindless incubators whose lives mean nothing.
“and, as we’ve seen from the pro-life movement, the attacks can be fatal.”
lol @ this. Someone who supports legalized abortion is accusing prolifers of fatal attacks?
And honestly, does anyone care what Reform rabbis have to say? Reform Jews are like “cafeteria” Catholics. Neither group speaks from a position of religious authenticity.
And to the question of whether I refer to a sky god when speaking to my Jewish friends. The answer is no because my Jewish friends do not seek to impose their sky god on me. They do not seek impose their religious beliefs into American law. Unlike the pro-life movement, their religion is private. When the rabbi spoke for Planned Parenthood, he spoke as a pro-life American citizen who is also a rabbi.
“Reform Jews are like “cafeteria” Catholics. Neither group speaks from a position of religious authenticity.”
I suspect that Reformed rabbis which represent the largest group of American Jews would beg to differ with you. But your statement just underscores the religious intolerance and ignorance of the majority Christian pro-life movement which believes that any pro-choice religious group is apostate. Let’s bring back the Spanish Inquisition. Thanks for the lovely screen grab . And religious authority – I suspect that most Protestants would disagree that the Catholic Church is the “one true Church.”
Not more important, CC, JUST AS important. There’s a huge difference. The fact that you see children in competition with their mothers is really disturbing. Both can live. Plus, you are the only one here who sees moms as mindless incubators; we have the greatest repect for all women, born and unborn. You are the only one who has a penchant for killing here.
lol @ this. Someone who supports legalized abortion is accusing prolifers of fatal attacks
Abortion is legal. Murdering abortion doctors and vandalizing abortion clinics isn’t. But love the moral equivalence between the murder of abortion doctors and abortion. Once again, in the pro-life movement, all bets are off for the post-born. And you wonder why the reality based community thinks that, at best, you’re a bunch of crazed zealots and at worst, defenders of the murder of doctors providing a legal, medical procedure.
Plus, you are the only one here who sees moms as mindless incubators; we have the greatest repect for all women, born and unborn.
To say that women should not have autonomy over their own bodies is to, yes, place them in the role of mindless incubators.
My religious affiliation or lack thereof has nothing to do with why I fight for the right to live of every minor human being regardless of stage of development. I’m curious as to what sort of religious belief I’d be imposing into American law. Do tell!
Also, once again, thanks for the attempt at a reduction to a “mindless incubator whose life means nothing”. Thanks for that. I’m glad that because when the going got tough, I didn’t get aborting and my daughter is alive today because of that, I am nothing more than a “mindless incubator” to you. I’m glad that simply because I want every other child from circumstances like hers to have the protection of law so that they can be allowed to live and grow up as she’s been allowed even when they don’t have the benefit of a mother who will give them such consideration I am seen by you as a worthless uterus on legs.
You have all the autonomy you want, CC. Have it. HAVE IT.
But you do not own your child, EVER. Sorry you didn’t get that memo.
“religious intolerance and ignorance” Coming from CC? Comedy gold.
And Xalisae–as a Christian on this board, I VERY MUCH appreciate your voice here. I also appreciate that you had hard choices before you and chose life. :) Rock on!
I wonder how a pro-legal-abortionist would feel about a woman going in for the abortion of a child that they somehow knew was going to grow up to be an abortion doctor if only she was not aborted.
It’d probably look like Scanners.
Lrning–CC only has tolerance for the mealy-mouthed believers, ie, the ones who aren’t willing to take a stand becuase it’s just too darn time consuming!
Aw, that’s cute, those widdle religious people who confine their practice to quaint ceremonies and special occaissions. How innocuous and inoffensive.
God, who exists whether people believe him or not, exists all day every day, eternally. So, those of us who actually CARE about God serve him daily. Those who think religion is just some cultural gestures will watch their temples and churches degrade until they’re utterly meaningless, or as the Burning Man folks called it a one year: Ritual without Dogma.
“And Xalisae–as a Christian on this board, I VERY MUCH appreciate your voice ”
X is the non-christian who is is more christian than many christians.
I always knew silly little clown John Stewart was a liberal.
Preach it, ninek!
I appreciate the sentiment, Courtnay, but I didn’t do anything extraordinary. Just what I would’ve wanted someone to do for me if I were in that position. You don’t have to applaud basic human decency. It should come just as easily to us as breathing. There should be no debate about what happens to a child once they’re conceived-they’re a child for Pete’s sake. The only thing to do to and for a child is to care for them and nurture them. That’s why I’m here. And that’s why I’ll remain here until there IS no debate.
You’re right, it should come to us as easy as breathing. But when we have women (and men) out there dumbing down the culture and making death look easy and power-enhancing, it must be hard for some. I appreciate your voice as a non-Christian as well. You have so much to say!
“Let’s bring back the Spanish Inquisition.”
lol @ this. I’m sure NEXT TIME you’ll remember to compare me to the Taliban. Looks like you forgot this time.
What difference does it make how large a group this particular rabbi represents? Religious beliefs aren’t determined by majority sentiment. “Inactive” Catholics comprise a huge number of baptised Catholics. They still don’t represent what it is to be Catholic. And, yes, obviously most Protestants disagree that the Catholic Church is the one true Church. And therefore what?
“But love the moral equivalence between the murder of abortion doctors and abortion.”
That BOTH are wrong is obvious to the reality-based among us. Gotta run ~ take care!
You obviously don’t watch TDS because not all applause is created equal.
What do you mean exactly CC? That they rotate out the hired screamers in the audience more often.
Okay CC, so the legality of abortion meant nothing to you regarding its morality when it was illegal. EXACTLY. Thank you for proving my point. The legality or illegality of something does not speak to its morality.
Same with us. The fact that abortion is legal doesn’t change the fact that we are bright enough to know that human life begins at conception and that abortion murders that human life. So you sputtering on every thread “ITS LEGAL” is stupid. Save your breath. We don’t care about it being legal anymore than you were turned off by abortion when it was illegal.
Besides, my generation is going to make sure that is illegal once more.
And btw, I also, as a woman, believe in a woman having autonomy over HER OWN body. The child in the womb IS NOT HER BODY. The son I am about to deliver is NOT PART OF MY BODY. I’ve never had a penis. I don’t have 4 legs or 4 arms or 4 eyes or 2 brains. His body parts, while nestled inside of me are very much HIS OWN and mine are my own. They are not one and the same.
“Abe Foxman of the ADL has, on several occasions, asserted that the comparison is offensive to those who died in the Shoah and to all Jews. But you folks just keep blithely making the comparison.”
Abe can speak for himself but he cannot conjure up Nazi bigots deceased victims pretend that he speaks for them [though they can vote democRAT].
It is you who are blithe, even joyous, at the deaths of innocent pre-natal children.
My intent is to offend any person, Jew or gentile, who denies the humanity of the pre-natal child.
Be offended til you collapse in an apoplectic spasm bigotted myopathy.
Your offense, feined or real, does not change the fact that you are as cruel and as guilty as any Nazi collaborator.
Pamela: “You don’t ‘stand’ for Planned Parenthood, CC…you lay down for it.”
Usually on a table, as it were.
Usually on a table, as it were.
With your knees in the air.
“When we “stood” for Planned Parenthood,” a rabbi provided the keynote speech.”
Are we supposed to be impressed?
Paul of Tarsus, a pharisee of pharisees by his own estimation, held the coats of those who murdered Stephen and heartily agreed with the execution.
Just because one is a Jew or a teacher does not justify the murder of the innocents.
It’s too bad that Stewart didn’t ask Richards about Planned Parenthood’s pornographic “educational materials” and their secret mission to get girls sexually active at a young age so they will more likely have mulitple abortions, for more money in the till.
There is no moral equivalence between murdering an innocent pre-natal child and murdering a mass murderer of prenatal children.
karma comes to mind. Reaping and sowing. What goes around, comes around.
Ted Bundy was a serial killer of women and removing him from the land of the living was a boon to humanity.
Just read today where Osama bin Laden’s last days were complicated when he brought his oldest wife back into the harem. Seems his youngest wife was not enthused at the new development.
No justice, no peace.
Soon thereafter a team of Navy Seals were directed to that address and Osama joined mass murderer, Tiller the Killer, in eternity.
I wonder, for carrying the name “Planned Parenthood”, how many babies have actually been born as a result of visiting this place?
Pamela said, “You don’t ‘stand’ for Planned Parenthood, CC…you lay down for it.”
Pithy and true, Pamela. The grammar’s not quite right, though. You don’t stand for Planned Parenthood; as Jill Stanek said, you lie for it. (Lay requires an object. You don’t stand for Planned Parenthood; you lay yourself down for it.)
Doubly pithy, Jon, as Cecil Richards is shown here literally lying for PP in these clips.
Tv audience reactions are always surreal. I doubt they’d be clapping and whooping at every mention of drugs and sex if their mother was sitting beside them.
Canned laughter doesn’t sound as fake as it used to.
I usually like Stewart. :( I wish there were more pro-life leftists like me, it’s frustrating.
I wish there were more pro-life leftists like me, it’s frustrating.
[raises hand]
Yay Vannah! :)
cc any pro abortion rabbi is misguided. do not listen to them! jon stewart is a weasel jasper! i knew he was a lib. hes not even funny. i dont understand why people even watch his show. hes a waste of time!
“wish there were more pro-life leftists”
idk, I’m not surprised that there aren’t. I associate the left and leftists governments with an increase in the power of the state and a loss of freedom and human rights.
Jon says: March 9, 2012 at 10:45 pm
“Pithy and true, Pamela. The grammar’s not quite right, though. You don’t stand for Planned Parenthood; as Jill Stanek said, you lie for it. (Lay requires an object. You don’t stand for Planned Parenthood; you lay yourself down for it.)”
Maybe Pamela was employing the use of the doble entendre.
Being affiliated with pp requires the abilility to tell a ‘lie’ for pp.
‘Standing for pp’ is a figurative phrase, meaning literally to be in bed with a whore.
[I use the term ‘whore’ in a non-gender specific sense.]
I wish there were more virgin vegans for vilifying veal.
… Reformed Jews (better call them Redacted).
Reform Jews are like “cafeteria” Catholics. Neither group speaks from a position of religious authenticity.
Firstly, Reform and Orthodox Judaism is in basic agreement on the subject of abortion.
And, no, I won’t tell you what the position is. If you want to know, read the responsa.
Secondly, before you start talking about redacting Judaism, Reform or Orthodox, you should keep in mind that they have nuclear weapons.
ken the birther: “I wish there were more virgin vegans for vilifying veal.”
[raises hand]
Ah, non-thruth–you don’t sound very free to me at all. Just sayin.’
truth: A vast number of women don’t consider it first class citizenship to deem unborn children blendable chattel.
There’s plenty of reason to pity those who imagine they’re first class citizens only when the unborn are relegated to the parasite class.
Why did you quote Courtnay’s name? WHO ARE YOU REALLY, COURTNAY????? :p
“truth shall set you free” (time to renew my comments about people who give themselves handles such as this, I think) writes: “Thank you, CC, for continuing to speak the truth amongst self-righteous bigots blinded by their perceived importance.
Myself and millions of other women can and should be trusted to make decisions about OUR bodies, without the interference of religious zealots who want to see us barefoot, perpetually pregnant and begging a fictitious ‘Jeezus’ for the unforgivable crime of being female and liking sex.”
Wow, how many horrible arguments can you squeeze into one paragraph, Corporal Straw-Man?
“Perceived importance”? Why are you bothering with people you think are important only according to their own perception? (That’s just one.)
““Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”
? Isaac Asimov
True! ‘Cept that science is on our side, “truth,” not yours. Fertilization brings about a new human being’s life. If you are arguing against that, you are displaying your own ignorance, which, contrary to your opinion, is not just as good as our knowledge.
Jack, it’s just lil ol me from Tennessee!
Well, there you have it, peeps. Am I being punk’d???
Did you just compare a gestating human being to cake batter????
Really, that’s what you got?
tssyf: The “cake/batter” analogy is one of the stupider ones out there. Further, at fertiliztion we have a new human being. “At cake batter” we have…cake batter. (One could argue, of course, that cake batter is simply an unbaked cake, just as an embryo is simply an unborn human being, but I’m playing along to humor you.)
tssyf: “And seriously, anyone who believes taking women’s right to abortion and birth control away will result in sunshine and happiness for all is both naive and supremely ignorant.”
More straw. No one’s taking away birth control. You’re still free to have it (and pay for it yourself if need be). Again, we see this entitlement attitude that believes the right to have something equates to the right to make someone else provide it for you.
“People voted Obama into the White House (and will vote him in AGAIN in November) in part because he’s a staunch defender of women’s basic rights. You people simply aren’t.”
Everyone supports “women’s basic rights.” Abortion isn’t a “women’s basic right.”
Furthermore, even if you’re going to conflate abortion with “women’s basic rights,” and suggest that Barack Obama’s stance on abortion is what helped get him elected, then you must also concede that President George W. Bush’s pro-life stance is what helped get him elected.
Why not strip females of some of their rights? You’re perfectly fine with stripping the youngest and most vulnerable females of their very lives.
“Reform and Orthodox Judaism is in basic agreement on the subject of abortion.”
When I mentioned Reform Jews, I wasn’t thinking specifically about abortion. As far as your statement: There does seem to be some latitude for a divergence of opinions on abortion within Orthodox Judaism. However, to read your statement, one would expect to find Reform and Orthodox rabbis supporting either abortion or the prolife cause in equal numbers. What I’ve observed is greater support for the prolife movement from Orthodox rabbis than from Reform. (As CC says, the Reform Jewish community is “overwhelmingly” pro-choice.) And at this rally CC speaks of, if the group had been able to get an Orthodox rabbi to speak, wouldn’t that have made a greater impact than a Refom rabbi? My guess would be that they didn’t get one because there wasn’t one willing.
tssyf: “Also: I ‘bother’ with those like you because their ‘perceived importance’ leads them to believe their sanctimonious beliefs outrank my basic human rights…”
…which would mean they are actually important; they do not have just “perceived importance,” or else they wouldn’t be a threat to you.
“No, you don’t. You have a zygote. There’s a reason terms such as zygote, embryo and fetus exist, and it isn’t because the ‘evil’ pro-choice people want to “KILL ZE BABEHS”…it’s because that’s what the contents of a woman’s womb, pre-birth, are.”
Yes, the product of fertilization is a human blastocyst or zygote. And this blastocyst or zygote is a human being. Get thee to a biology textbook as soon as you can, for the scientific truth will set you free.
truth shall set you free,
Speaking of Azimov, following his Three Laws of Robotics would be a good start.
As I remember, the robot had to keep going in a circle lest he harm humans. Why can’t we do the same in our Circle of Life?
tssyf: “No one’s taking away a woman’s right to access birth control? What do you think getting rid of Planned Parenthood will accomplish, if not exactly that?”
You answer my charge of “straw-man” with more straw-man. Do you understand what “straw-man (or -woman) argument means, tssyf? It appears that you don’t.
“Millions of women rely on PP for their birth control and annual pelvic exams; taking it away means those women are left without any way to access basic health care.”
Whoa? Ya mean pharmacies, big-box (no pun intended) stores, and supermarkets don’t sell any contraceptives? That’d be news to me.
“The stupidity of some anti-choice people never ceases to amaze me…”
Like I said, when you take ninth-grade biology in a few years, you’ll learn the truth. We’ll see who’s ”stupid” then.
tssyf: “Bmmg, I concede nothing…Obama was elected IN PART because the alternative of Doddering Grandpa and Caribou Barbie was too frightening for rational, reasonable people to allow. Their viewpoints, of which anti-choice rhetoric was a central part, drove people to vote for Obama, and the same rhetoric currently floating around Santorum and Romney will drive people to vote for Obama again.”
Your attempt at revisionist history is duly noted. Teleprompter Jesus (as long as we’re handing out CB handles) and Jo-Jo won because the economy, solid for seven years and change, conveniently tanked in August 2008 and voters freaked and blamed the wrong party. But nice try.
“Bmmg, it appears that you’re the one who lacks knowledge regarding women’s health. Women need pieces of paper from nice men and women with medical degrees (called ‘doctors’ in the United States) that allow them to purchase birth control…they’re called PRESCRIPTIONS.”
And you appear to be unaware that non-prescription birth control is sold in the aisles. What’s it like inside your cocoon?
“And let’s not forget about pro-life pharmacists refusing to fill these prescriptions because they prioritize their sanctimony over doing their jobs.”
If you own a pharmacy, you can dispense or sell whatever items you like, and decide NOT to dispense or sell a certain item if you so choose. Welcome to America, by the way.
truth shall set you free,
Try another moniker. Maybe “the lies that bind”.
tssyf: “Your 2nd point only underscores the importance of places like Planned Parenthood…the only location where women’s health is a GUARANTEED priority over a zealot’s self-righteousness.”
You’re a straight-up fascist if you think a business owner can be forced to distribute a product against his or her wishes.
“Zygotes, embryos and fetuses ARE NOT people…you can scream and shout it until you’re blue in the face, but that doesn’t make it true.”
The biology textbooks disagree with you. Want me to cite some? And I’m not the one who seems shrill and hysterical — and, yes, “truth,” I did choose those words.
“Using that logic, bmmg, business owners who are Jehovah’s Witnesses are allowed to deny their workers insurance for any kind of blood transfusion, as it runs counter to their beliefs.”
Yeah, they are, so long as employees know that going in. They’re the bosses. Don’t like it? Go find work elsewhere.
“Yes, bmmg, please provide links to the scores of biology textbooks that back up your ‘zygotes = sentient humans’ viewpoint.”
Another straw-man. Sentience is not a prerequisite for status as a human being.
And here are just some of the sources, twit. Notice none were written by Jerry Falwell.
“It is the penetration of the ovum by a spermatozoan and the resulting mingling of the nuclear material each brings to the union that constitutes the culmination of the process of fertilization and marks the initiation of the life of a new individual.” — Human Embryology, Bradley M. Patten
“The cell results from fertilization of an oocyte by a sperm and is the beginning of a human being.” — Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects. [Moore, Keith L. and Persaud, T.V.N.4th edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1993, p. 1]
“Each of us started life as a cell called a zygote.” — Keith L. Moore
“The zygote thus formed represents the beginning of a new life.” — Drs. J.P. Greenhill and E.A. Friedman
“Fertilization is that wondrous moment that marks the beginning of life for a new unique individual.” — Biology of Gestation, Dr. Louis Fridhanler
“LINKS, darling…as in websites, not cut and paste quotes.”
Those are from science textbooks, Zsa-Zsa, more reliable than random websites.
“And I’m many, many things, but certainly no twit…good of you to abide by the “no name calling” policy on the website, though .”
“No name calling.” Huh-kay. Quite a short memory you have.
TSSYF: “Thank you, CC, for continuing to speak the truth amongst self-righteous bigots blinded by their perceived importance.”
“Myself and millions of other women can and should be trusted to make decisions about OUR bodies, without the interference of religious zealots…”
“The stupidity of some anti-choice people never ceases to amaze me… ”
“And Hans, thank you very much for exemplifying, in a nutshell, the ignorant, delusional viewpoint that women and men like myself will never stop fighting against.”
So, yeah.
“Of course, you still don’t understand the implications inherent in allowing one religious group to dictate what the rest of us should do…I’ll bet you’re against sharia law too, am I right?”
What “religious group” is that? Scientific fact is not the exclusive domain of any one religious belief.
Either we have a new moniker for a return troll or a new raging, foaming-at-the-mouth pro-abort has found Jill Stanek’s blog but is spouting the same old “it’s not a baby” “I love abortions” and “I hate Christians” tirades regardless. Hey mods is this a new one or an oldie? Just wondering.
Even the crickets are too stunned too chirp. Yet another one who doesn’t seem to know where babies come from. I know it’s really complicated, but it’s basically this: “The daddy cell meets the mommy cell and a brand new baby begins their life.
truthshallsetyoufree: “The truth remains the same: zygotes, embryos and fetuses are NOT human beings.”
Well, it’s human, and it be. So of course you’re laughably wrong.
Maybe you’d do better using another pair of terms?
“I’m well aware that people like yourself, so firmly entrenched in their own ignorant righteousness, always have to have the last word…”
You don’t know the half of it, sister.
One day, when they are protected in law and welcome in life, children who would have been fated for slaughter in the womb in your generation will have the last word.
In 2040, when she’s old and alone in the understaffed nursing home, truthshallsetyoufree may be wishing that those unborn “non-humans” who abortions she condoned had been “choiced” the other way.
Please pray for an end to legalized abortion.
I found this on an older thread:
“Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery, I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother’s life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise that threaten the mother’s health, the doctor will induce labor or perform a Caesarean section. His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby’s life is never willfully destroyed because the mother’s life is in danger.”
-C. Everett Koop, M.D., former U.S. Surgeon General