Stanek Sunday funnies: “Hypocritical Liberal Misogynist Pigs” edition
First, a recap of what Rush said…
Now, just a few examples of what the Left has said (WARNING: graphic)…
I don’t normally defend something I or someone else did wrong by pointing to something someone else did that was worse.
This exercise is to merely point out the hypocrisy of President Obama and the Left. They bluster when a conservative calls one of their own a rather tame epithet, but Obama accepts $1 million from a man who repeatedly uses the worst slur of them all against both conservative and liberal women.
On that and its related topic, here were my top five favorite political cartoons of the week, beginning with one by Glenn McCoy at…
by Toby Toons…
by Chip Bok at, relating the call that should have been were Sandra Fluke an authentic feminist…
by Gary McCoy at…
and another good one by Glenn McCoy at…
Love the bottom one as someone who is out of work haha.
For the record, I think both Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh should be fired for stupid statements.
Gloria Allred Unleashes A Personal Attack On Rush Limbaugh
In a letter dated March 8, ms Gloriously Self Aware, whose most recent high-profile clients include
porn star Ginger Lee, (who ‘ratted out’ former democRAT congressman Anthony Weiner because his conduct did not satisfy her ethical standards)
Reille Hunter (John Edwards’ mistress who birthed his love child.) ,
requested that Palm Beach County State Attorney Michael McAuliffe probe whether Rush Limbaugh had violated Florida law by implying that self described reproductive rights activist Sandra Phluck’s [her pronunciation] behavior was consistent with that of prominent democRATs, both living and deceased.
The Florida statute stipulates that anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a
ms demeanor.
It could be argued that Limbaugh’s lampoons were malicious, but it remains to be seen whether they are false and it is yet to be determined whether missy Phluck is want of chastity as defined by Florida law.
Ex-GOP says: March 11, 2012 at 1:06 pm
“For the record, I think both Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh should be fired for stupid statements.”
I am tempted to agree with you if we could apply that same standard to mr. b o-jangles.
b o is a serial offender.
Way to go, women’s freedom and respect!
Forget the misogynist men. Let a real feminist have a go at Sandra Fluke.
Good clean fun only and no name calling!
Yeah right. I suppose you think Dave Letterman(“slutty flight attendant”) and Ed Schultz(Laura Ingraham is a slut) should be fired to. Laura Ingraham claims Barbara Walters laughed at the “slut” comment.
I think President Obama, who has a wife and two daughters should make his outrage known and tell Burton to return the money.
I think Andrea Mitchell shouldn’t accept Bill Burton’s lame excuse as to why Maher’s continuous and unapologetic denigrating of women isn’t quite as bad as Rush’s.
I think Democrat congresswomen Shahansky, Jackson-Lee, and Pelosi should condemn Maher’s comments like they did Rush’s. They refused to.
Can you imagine if Rush made a “joke” about Mrs.Obama using a vibrator? How about Maher’s vibrator “joke” about Mrs. Santorum? What if Rush called Pelosi a t* and a c*? Oh, and then donated a million dollars to Romney?
BTW, did you know Obama’s senior campaign strategist David Axelrod is scheduled to appear on Maher’s show? That the Chairwoman of the Democrat National Committee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz also appeared on his show?
I also think we shouldn’t have double standards but we do, right EGV?
In the interest of egalitarianism I use the terms, ‘slut’, ‘whore’ and ’round heeled’ in a non-gender specific manner.
I own some Fluke meters. They enjoy a good reputation in the service industry. I rely on them for consistently accurate and objective data.
Therefore I have a sense of obligation to make a distinction between Fluke and missy Phluck [her pronunciation]
Mary -
I don’t think anybody who ever says the word slut should be fired, but I think Maher and Rush crossed the line (remember, Rush didn’t apologize for days, and in the mean time, said we should get videos of people).
I don’t believe that we should overturn FEC rules and have Obama demand that the million dollars be returned. i think he should say he wishes it was returned, but as the GOP candidates have said throughout this process, they can’t control their Super PACS. By law, they can’t be coordinated with campaigns.
I think they should both be fired. Do you Mary, or are you okay with it all? Or do you suggest other punishments for Rush/Maher?
LOL. Gloria Allred. Where has she been while Maher has been spewing his filth? According to “google” she has been donating thousands to the Democrat Party and candidates. Just like Maher. Far be it from me to suggest this would influence her crusade to protect female “victims” in any way.
Gloria should stick to porno queens “victimized” by Tiger Woods who they claim they had no idea was married. Try “google” next time girls. Oh, and woe is me, I wasn’t Tiger’s only conquest, there were others as well!
Hey ladies, one of life’s bitter lessons. Live and learn dear, oh, and check “google” next time.
I think you were the only one on the planet who didn’t know he was married, maybe with the exception of a few remote Amazon tribes.
The incident occured on Wednesday, over the weekend he issued an apology and made a statement and apology on his Monday show. Do you know when Maher has or will apologize?
Obama can issue a statement condemning Maher’s comments and request the money be returned.
We’re still waiting.
You can bet if the situation were turned around, a Republican candidate would be expected to do so.
Rush issued an apology. Ed Schultz issued an apology. I don’t like Ed Schultz but the man apologized and as far as I’m concerned, the matter is closed. The same with Rush.
Oh and EGV, don’t stand on one leg waiting for Maher to have his show pulled or the Democrats to condemn him. Also don’t wait for the Democrat congresswomen to either. Apparently denigrating some women is fine.
Link to Helen M. Alvaré Open Letter
But Mary, the matter ISN’T closed as far as you are concerned – you seem to thing more things should happen regarding Maher and the Democrats, so certainly, it is okay to want more things to happen under Rush. If you are okay with everything they all have said, then state that.
For the record, Rush said what he did on Feb 29th. The next day, even as people were upset, he said “If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I’ll tell you what it is: We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.” (which is pretty gross coming from a fat 70 something year old man).
Then on March 2nd, he said it was inappropriate, but didn’t apologize. Then on the next day (on a weekend – Rush is critical of weekend news because it slips through the cracks), he gave his half-hearted apology.
Fire Maher.
Fire Rush.
This is extra funny as it’s the beginning of SlutWalk season (which I just posted about) don’t call us sluts as we march out to reclaim the name of slut! LOL. Love watching idiots shoot themselves in the foot with their own hypocrisy.
I just have to add that the caption for Obama “if it weren’t for double standards I’d have none at all” is the funniest thing I’ve read all year.
Has anyone yet registered the hypocrisy involved in Obama’s repeated statements that religion for him, is all about caring for the poor, while at the same time when any religious body steps outside the church to engage in some form of social work, they are no longer eligible for a “religious” exemption? Pure double standard.
The other female voice that has been conspicuously silent during this tempest in a teapot is Ann Coulter.
missy Phluck is a perfect example of the ‘unassailable victim’ that Coulter has been so precise in identifying.
When the democRATs want to advance their agenda and hamstring their detractors they trot out the ‘uanassailable victim’ to disgorge their talking points.
But where is Ann in this target rich environment?
Yeah. I guess I’m the Bill Cosby of feminists. If it’s wrong for Rush to say it, it’s wrong for women to refer to ourselves in such a way.
The matter isn’t closed as there is a glaring double standard. Maher has never aplogized. The Democrats turn a blind eye to his continuous, not one time outburst like Rush and Schultz, and totally unaplogetic denigration of women.
You don’t seem to get it EGV, Rush at least apologized. Maher refuses to. His denigration of women is ongoing. He makes millions from it. Democrats continue to turn a blind eye while pounding their chests in sanctimonious “indignation” at Rush.
EGV, I don’t defend or excuse what he said and he has issued an apology. Now, in all fairness let’s go after Maher who REFUSES to apologize. Who not only attacks Palin but her children, including a DS child. Who continues to denigrate women and get paid very well to do so.
Oh and David Letterman also apologized to Palin for the crude “joke” about her daughter, which I find every bit as despicable as Rush’s comments. Do you know if anyone demanded Letterman be fired or lose his sponsors. And just to show that I do not play favorites, as far as I’m concerned, Letterman apologized, and as with Rush and Ed Schultz, case closed.
Hi Lori Peiper,
Oh yes, Obama. He stood next to Teamster President James(the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree)Hoffa Jr. and smiled when Hoffa referred to Tea Party members as “Sons of b—-” that need to be taken out.
Mr. President, he’s referring to thousands of your fellow citizens. Surely as president you abhor American citizens being denigrated in such a way. No statement from the WH condemning this and it was excused by the likes of Ed Schultz as just a harmless rallying cry.
So far no apologies from the charming Mr. Hoffa, ever his father’s son, and none is to be expected according to him either.
I like the 4th cartoon.
I wish I had thought of it.
Come to think of it, I did.
Even included the phone number to the White House.
Still waiting for the proud parents or the indignant boyfriend to come and stand at the side of the damsel in distress.
My daughter is about to graduate from college and I am going to be one proud pappa when she does.
Then she and her fiancé are going to set their wedding date.
Then the two virgins will consumate their marriage.
If someone impugned the reputation of my daughter and or my future son-in-law the way Rush Limbaugh is being accused of doing, I would be at his throat.
Unless I knew what Rush said to be true.
I would still be there for my child, privately.
Virtue should be exalted.
Whoring around deserves to be mocked when it has been openly promoted as something that is acceptable, even desirable.
The postmodernist pimp that occupies the white house is the enemy of virtue.
Mary -
Should we pull out Ted Nugent quotes here?
Right, ex. Rush should be fired! Pul-leze! And so should Maher. I don’t think so! Who, may I ask are the PC police that makes these decisions? Oh, I know—one of the pure as the driven snow czars or someone from Nancy Pelosi’s office.
I am tempted to say that this is a pollyannaish attitude on your part—like your sensitive ears have never heard such a thing. Actually, close your ears here, Rush was right about the general idea, but no he should not have said what he did. Oh yes, he did apologize absent the correct timing and groveling as determined by leftist wackos and Rush haters therefore it is not an acceptable apology. Perhaps he should be made to jump off the highest building, but even that would not pacify the haters…not harsh enough! Maybe fed to a pond full of piranhas…but then the PETA people would be up in arms! Oh, what to do…
Okay Jerry – that’s fair – I’m just saying that the right is upset about this double standard. I’m willing to step up – fire them both!
Don’t claim (not you…some on the right) there is a double standard, and then paint the picture that Rush is fine and Maher is an idiot.
Here is the website started by Helen Alvaré
and here is her interview on The World Over:!
EGV 2:41PM
Go for it. Then let’s check out Rapper G-Biz’s “F* Michelle Bachmann”, and lib ”progessive” talker Mike Malloy who has called Ms. Backmann a “phony a* broad” and “skank”.
Ex-GOP says: March 11, 2012 at 2:41 pm
“Should we pull out Ted Nugent quotes here?”
Please do.
Ex-GOP says: March 11, 2012 at 2:45 pm
“I’m willing to step up – fire them both!”
Not so fast. Rush has been on the radio 5 days a week, 4 hours a day for 20 years.
He has a daily listening audience in the 10 of millions.
In that 20 years he has only had his advertisers abandon him one time for something he has said or done.
I would be willing to bet that on the Monday after Limbaugh apologized he had the largest listening audience since the advent of television.
You are going to have to come up with more than one mealy mouthed Mahr if we going to enter into serious negotiations.
But then you progressives never bargain in ‘good faith’. You have no concept of the meaning.
Whoring around deserves to be mocked when it has been openly promoted as something that is acceptable, even desirable.
This is truly a disgusting thing to say and coupled with the fourth cartoon is why I have decided to call myself a feminist.
There’s a point to be made that no one, regardless of political affiliation, should get away with misogyny. I have not called Bill Maher out on his words because I do not pay attention to him, but I agree that he needs to be made to apologize (hopefully a real apology, too, not the Rush Limbaugh style of non-apology).
But to the commenters here (listen, Ken): Sandra Fluke is not “whoring around,” and even if she did sleep with, say, a ton of guys it still doesn’t make her a bad person. So drop it. Her sex life is not your business and does not reflect on her moral values. Asking for her insurance to pay for birth control- medically necessary for many women’s health- is not asking you to fund her sex life and it does not give you, some random guy on the Internet, permission to speculate on her sex life.
The misogyny from both ends needs to stop. Like it matters if you’re wearing an elephant button or a donkey button. Women are people and anyone who refuses to treat us like human beings needs to either get with the program or get lost.
LOL @ Fluke’s sex life being ‘none of our business’ – she made it everyone’s business when she went before congress demanding we fund her sex life. You want the government out of your sex life? Not inviting them in on national tv might be a good place to start.
Her sex life is not your business and does not reflect on her moral values.
It is if she wants me to pay for it.
As I said, you’re going to double-down into irrelevance.
From today’s TRI newsletter: Premiere Networks is circulating a list of 98 advertisers who want to avoid “environments likely to stir negative sentiments.” The list includes carmakers (Ford, GM, Toyota), insurance companies (Allstate, Geico, Prudential, State Farm) and restaurants (McDonald’s, Subway). As you’ll see in the note below, those “environments” go beyond the Rush Limbaugh show –
“To all Traffic Managers: The information below applies to your Premiere Radio Networks commercial inventory. More than 350 different advertisers sponsor the programs and services provided to your station on a barter basis. Like advertisers that purchase commercials on your radio station from your sales staff, our sponsors communicate specific rotations, daypart preferences and advertising environments they prefer… They’ve specifically asked that you schedule their commercials in dayparts or programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity). Those are defined as environments likely to stir negative sentiment from a very small percentage of the listening public.”
‘does not reflect on her moral values’ would Vannah say the same of another woman who was sleeping with her husband? SMH at the lunacy.
Did you read her testimony? It wasn’t about birth control and sex. It was about the pill’s many other medical uses. I know a woman who uses the pill because of an ovarian cist. She isn’t sexually active; the pill keeps her from having to have her ovary removed. I know another who uses it to stabilize her moods and clear up her skin.
Besides, people who pay into insurance already fund the sex lives of others, as Viagra and Cialis are covered by many plans. But I guess no one really minds when men have sex.
You have just provided us all with a perfect example of changing definitions when they don’t suit you.
Virtue is it’s own reward.
Debauchery has it’s own consequences.
You seem to be laboring under the mis-conception that only females can be sexually promiscuous.
What dictionary did you consult for the definition of ‘moral’ or ‘values’ or ‘misogyny’?
The problem with this postmodernist bovine scatulation is it’s adherents have no objective standared with which to measure human behavior.
You demand that we abandon our standard without offerring any substitute.
There are some cultures that teach their children that lying, stealing and murder are perfectly acceptable behavior.
Why is their ‘standard’ any more or less valueable than yours?
missy Phluck at the very least praciticed calculated disception if not outright lying.
That says something about her morals, her character.
Sex to her, and evidently you, is no more consequential than shaking hands, when viewed by your arbitrary and sujective guestimation.
That is patent folly.
Accordign to your distorted view of the market place and advertisers the only safe haven left will be NPR and PBS.
Advertisers want audience, the more the merrierr and controversy builds audience.
They make calculated decisions and they have short memories.
Don ‘nappy head hoe’ Imus is still selling advertising time because he still draws an audience.
“LOL @ Fluke’s sex life being ‘none of our business’ – she made it everyone’s business when she went before congress demanding we fund her sex life.”
“We”? Are you saying that you’re a student of Georgetown University? Somehow, I doubt that. And unless you are, Georgetown’s student health insurance policy being extended to cover birth control–which is all she is asking for–is not going to affect you in any way.
This has been explained to you, and others here, before. I’m not sure if you’re just incapable of grasping how this works, or you’re being intentionally dishonest. I suspect it’s the latter, because “stupid sluts want us to pay for their birth control!!!!” sounds a lot more scandalous than “Georgetown University student wants her insurance policy, that she pays a monthly premium and any other associated costs for, to cover something with a legitimate medical purpose.”
So you are in favor of restricted speech. Be careful for what you advocate. If we don’t cherish our American freedoms they will eventually disappear.
Accordign to your distorted view of the market place and advertisers the only safe haven left will be NPR and PBS.
My distorted view? Read it again. It’s the industry’s view. It’s Premiere’s view, and they syndicate El Rushbo, et al.
And you miss the point.
They’re not only going after you so-called “conservatives,” they’re going after so-called “liberals” like Maher as well.
The mainstream is fed up with this crap. All of it. You need to figure that out.
So you are in favor of restricted speech.
You’re free to say anything you want. That doesn’t mean that I, as a businessman, am going to pay you to say it.
You are making the case for us.
Missy Phluck was disembling.
Her ancedotal tales were not a complete picture, but a selective sales pitch.
She was pimping for the big mac daddy in the white house.
She was promoting obamahealthscare and attempting to force priviate businesses and religious institutions to implement an agenda which they did not choose nor want and in many cases contradicts the tennets of their faith.
Keep your uterus out of our wallets.
Pay for your own recreational and performance enhancing drugs.
She was pimping for the big mac daddy in the white house.
Tell me, do you enjoy talking to people like they’re trailer park trash?
Did you learn that from El Rushbo?
Just curious.
“Georgetown University student wants her insurance policy, that she pays a monthly premium and any other associated costs for, to cover something with a legitimate medical purpose.”
If that really true then what is missy Phluck doing appearing before a fake gaggle of democRATs offerring up a sob story abou the plight of impoverished women and men who can’t afford to pay for their own medication.
Why isn’t she talking to the board of trustees at Georgtown?
What good will it do to talk to democRATs in congress.
What does she want them to do?
The truth is she has attempted and failed to get the Georgetown trustees to buy into her game and now she wants to use the force of law to intimidate insurance companies and religiouls institutions to do her bidding.
mp says: March 11, 2012 at 4:13 pm
Tell me, do you enjoy talking to people like they’re trailer park trash?
Did you learn that from El Rushbo?
Just curious.
One of my brothers said it first.
You can’t put what Rush said in a You Tube video because he went on a three day rant about Ms. Fluke. He also showed that he does not understand how birth control works. He kept taking as though the more sex a person had, the more birth control a person used. The amount of birth control needed is the same regardless of the frequency of sex.
One of my brothers said it first.
I don’t care who said it first.
I don’t care who said “slut” first.
I don’t care who said “whore” first.
The mainstream wants it to stop, but you don’t get that.
And that is what’s going to make you and your kind irrelevant.
mp 4:13PM
Trailer park trash? So, only people in trailer parks are trash, or all people who live in trailer parks are trash. Do I detect a note of elitism and bigotry here?
Come to think of it that’s what Clinton lackey James Carville called Paula Jones, the lady who accused Clinton of flashing her.
A parent,
Evidently you have never used a diaphram with spermicidal gel or condoms for ‘birth control’.
But to be serious Limbaugh was highlighting missy Phlucks deliberately inflated cost of birth control pills by extrapolating how many condoms you buy for that same amount of money and how many times a day you could have sex if you used all those condoms.
A Parent,
Go check the transcripts of his show. While he discussed the subject it was hardly on “a three day rant” and it was not specifically about Ms.Fluke.
mp says:
I don’t care who said it first.
I am shocked, Shocked, SHOCKED!!!
Why would you ask the question if you did not care about the answer.
You are being disengenuous.
Trailer park trash? So, only people in trailer parks are trash, or all people who live in trailer parks are trash. Do I detect a note of elitism and bigotry here?
Please don’t patronize me.
Why would you ask the question if you did not care about the answer.
“Ma! He called me a slut, so I called him a slut back. Ma, he said it first!”
That might work in your house. Evidently does.
If we are irrelevant, why do invest so much time and energy in a futile attempt to discredit us?
Did you enjoy Dr. James Mannings commentary on the long legged mac daddy, which is ebonics for a ‘black pimp’?
I laugh whenever Manning gets on a roll about mr. bo-jangles.
Of course you Manning is a racist so you can’t put any value in anything he says.
You will really enjoy the interview where Manning dialogues with the male homosexual who hooked up with b o in chicago and did some lines with him.
would you prefer I matronize you?
mp, 3:51PM
Still fixated on this sponsor thing?
Rush had already turned down GM like he turns down millions in advertising a year.
Stations will not lose money if advertisers stay on the same station but do not allow Rush to play their commercials. So they do not lose money by keeping Rush. Sponsors are gained and lost every day in the normal course of business. Contracts expire, people go out of business or seek out other ways of advertising. Also one of our stations here does only conservative broadcasting. So far they are still going strong, must be all those local sponsors seeking the huge audience. In fact all the commercial breaks get annoying.
Fact of life mp, money talks.
Rush has obtained 3 new national sponsors and 2 who left want to come back.
mp 4:36PM
Patronize you? Oh please. Looks like you got caught in the act of being intolerant and bigoted mp!
Isn’t that what you would accuse me of if I suggested the residents of an Indian reservation or black neighborhood were trash?
If we are irrelevant, why do invest so much time and energy in a futile attempt to discredit us?
You seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is one of “them,” the enemy.
IMO, you probably think that way because there is no common ground possible, not even remotely.
You might just as well talk to a mirror.
Meanwhile, you can call anyone who disagrees with you a “troll,” “slut,” “whore,” “prostitute,” “mac daddy,” whatever, further isolating yourself from the mainstream.
Patronize you? Oh please. Looks like you got caught in the act of being intolerant and bigoted mp!
If it will make you feel better, I’ll amend my comment with “so-called” before “trailer park trash.”
Isn’t that what you would accuse me of if I suggested the residents of an Indian reservation or black neighborhood were trash?
You’re asking me to speculate. I suppose it would depend on the context.
Oh the virtues of the birth control Pill… It clears up some women’s acne, true for some; it medically helps ease some medical conditions like endrometriosis etc, true for some women…
You fail to mention that for SOME WOMEN it actually leads to BLOOD CLOTS WHICH ARE FATAL!
So please, go on about the virtues of the pill, just don’t be so selective and tell the entire story!
Why would anybody disagree with me. I am obviously right all the time.
Actually there are quite few people who comment here who do not agree with me, but I do not consider them the ‘enemy’.
You, however, could agree with me and I would still consider you an enemy.
Make me feel better? Well I don’t live in a trailer park so I don’t take it personally, though a dear friend of mine who is a well educated special ed teacher does, and I would hardly call her trash.
I don’t know that “so-called” trailer trash really sounds better, still has that ring of bigotry and intolerance. You know, like “so-called” reservation trash may have.
So please, go on about the virtues of the pill, just don’t be so selective and tell the entire story!
Isn’t that why oral contraceptives are prescribed by doctors?
Coumadin, according to my doctor, can be a life saver for those with clots, but it’s also used as rat poison.
That’s true of many pharmaceuticals.
mp 4:55PM
LOL. Typical liberal doublespeak.
LOL. Typical liberal doublespeak.
Mary, you really are priceless.
I am not a liberal. Sorry to disappoint.
For the record: the LisaC above is different from I, the LisaC who makes witty and trenchant remarks about the cognitive dissonance of posters who, unfortunately, are too cognitively dissonant to follow either logic or wit.
Changing the context in order to fit your narrative is not responding properly to the point!
Going on and on about how some women benefit from the pill is rather disingenuous when leaving out the other factors that the pill has actually cause some women to die.
That was my point
But go ahead and not address that;
such close-minded actions is what unfortunately become so typical of your obvious double-standard views
This thread is comedy gold.
Some of y’all are complaining about liberal’s double standards… while blatantly having double standards. Why not, you know, start demanding integrity and propriety from all those in the media? Whether or not you agree with them generally?
And Vannah, I agree with you. I am pretty sickened by all of it.
“Going on and on about how some women benefit from the pill is rather disingenuous when leaving out the other factors that the pill has actually cause some women to die.”
Everything has costs and benefits. For one of my female relatives, childbirth trauma resulted in a raging infection that required her to wear a catheter for several months while she underwent aggressive antibiotic therapy and surgery. Where’s your outrage when it comes to the potential dangers of giving birth?
apparently I was unaware of a copyright on the use of LisaC, as it happens to be my name. Forgive me if I have blemished your reputation!
mp, 5:03PM
Didn’t say you were. But that is liberal doublespeak nonetheless.
So because some women die at birth by your logic I should be outrage at the very process by which we all entered into this world by?!
BirthControl is not a fundamental necessity to life, sure it may enhance the treatment of some conditions, but people live for centuries without it. Much can not be said for giving birth!
Again my point is that if the pill helps with so many medical conditions, just tell the whole truth that the pill Kills as well.
Why is that so difficult to grasp?!
Shall we also mention how many women died in childbirth before the advent of antiseptics and modern medicine? Please. Nothing in the field of medicine is risk-free. Yes, taking the pill carries some risks, but these should warrant no more alarm than other medications people routinely take, or the dangers inherent in actually having a baby.
Hi JackBorsch 5:19PM
I’m all for standards on the right and left. When people slip up, apologize. If you are going after one person, go after another for the same or worse.
I’m glad that Maher montage was posted (I linked to it at the end of a thread last week, saying, “Behold Bill Maher in all his ingloriousness!”)
Rush did go over the line. But with three hours of monologue per day, I can forgive him for sometimes slipping into the kind of conversation you would have in your living room.
Plus he did apologize. Maher hides behind his comedian’s cloak.
Maher has his little monologues written out and is not “free-associating” about his targets.
Please get over it!
The Human race as a whole can exist without Birth Control Pills!
Where as Giving Birth even with all it’s risks, is fundamental RULE NO. 1
How is it that this even needs to be stated?!
Rush did go over the line. But with three hours of monologue per day, I can forgive him for sometimes slipping into the kind of conversation you would have in your living room. Plus he did apologize. Maher hides behind his comedian’s cloak.
Sorry, I think both of them exhibit despicable behavior and they do it every day.
There is no excuse for it. None.
You, however, could agree with me and I would still consider you an enemy.
I know.
Joan, Vannah, and assorted others who haven’t been keeping up or apparently don’t realize the Fluke circus has already been discussed to death here, one more time:
It isn’t about bc, it’s about Fluke going before congress to force a Catholic institution she intentionally targeted to pay for what she can already afford-bc pills are 9 bucks a month at WalMart WITHOUT insurance. She didn’t take the issue up with her school and instead went before congress BECAUSE OF THE PUBLICITY and ensuing controversy that her handlers carefully planned to occur, the fallout for which we have been dealing with for the last week.
Yes, ‘we’ Joan, as in Catholics being forced to pay for bc against their conscience rights. Birth control which is AGAIN a class 1 carcinogen, and not a cure for polycystic ovarian disease as it only masks the symptoms. As for paying for bc for ‘mood altering’ and ‘skin clearing’ effects-laughable and hardly a medical necessity for which others should be forced to foot the bill. Fluke’s fictional friends couldn’t manage to testify for themselves? Hard to do if you don’t exist. Not one of you empowered feminists has managed to explain why birth control costs three grand a month, as Fluke claimed.
Read the comments on the other threads here, this has all been discussed into the ground, just as Fluke and her handlers intended-distracting from the abysmal job performance of Obama and Planned Parenthood’s recent beatdown of Komen. Now poor old Sandra can play the victim of the big bad conservatives who called her bluff-exactly as she intended. What a fierce feminist. rawwwr.
Do the math.
15 hours a week for 20 years and only one incident where image conscious advertisers canceled their contracts.
and that was only in response to a highly orchestrated hi tech campaign by leftist loons.
The ease with which the messgage can be communicated and the equal ease with which it can be forwarded to the target business is nothing like it was even 10 years ago.
The advertisers only care about selling their products. Politics are a secondary consideration. The business of amercica is business.
If there were a leftist loon who enjoyed Limbaughs success and she said something equally as controversial which producted the same tsunami of electronic protests the advertiseres would have done the same thing.
The difference is the leftist loons want Limbaugh silenced because he has been a bee in their bonnet for 20 years and the best they can come up with is Raisehell Maddcoww.
Perhaps missy Phluck can fan her 15 minutes of artificially induced feminista hysteria into a cable tv show.
i typed a lot of this stuff up already. liberal comedian sandra bernhardt said about Palin ” i hope when she comes to Manhatten she is raped by my big black brothers.” Joy Behar on the Jews ” im sure they used humor to get through those long days at the concentration camp ( that would have gotten them killed btw ) sherry sheppard ” what are you talking about? im sure they didnt.” Behar smirked ” oh im sure they did.” Maher often says “tard” and “retard” when speaking about kids with DS or George Bush. i thought libs wanted this stopped. Maher is just a bully with his own show….BTW none of these people ever apologized.
mp says:
There is no excuse for it. None.
That is basically one of the things Rush himself said when he apologized, i.e. that he became like the very people he opposes. He was more than a little disappointed in himself.
Hey! :)
You say Sandra Fluke was lying, but how so? What did she lie about? That birth control is a positive thing? Because that’s not really a lie.
Also, her sex life, and I know you won’t believe me so I’m not sure why I’m bothering, is not your business and doesn’t have much bearing on her moral fiber.
One last thing: no one is asking you to give up your standard for measuring morality. I don’t know what you’re talking about when you refer to this.
Hi Vannah,
He wants you to agree that Fluke is a big floozy and legitimize his name-calling. He doesn’t seem to take “I have no idea who she sleeps with and I don’t care” as an answer. Oh well.
Are you Rush fans really pretending that this is the only ridiculously offensive thing he has ever said? I mean, I haven’t listened to him since I was a kid and I was forced to when my dad was home, but I have kept up on his more outrageous commentary. When I get off my phone and on my computer I will link some of my favorites. I mean, just because Maher is generally sick as well doesn’t mean Rush gets a free pass. The only reason he is apologizing (kinda) for this one is because the outrage got to big for him to ignore.
plenty of libs took low blows at Palin including Joan Rivers. shes been called a stupid sl*t and her daughter Bristol was called fat and talentless after being on dwts. did any of the libs lose their shows or apologize? ( sound the cricketts )…as far as Rush goes ive never listened to his show but he did apologize. never listened to Dr. Laura but her show was pulled at once as it should have been. and chris matthews made a racial blunder about Obama and that was forgotten. as far as Gloria Allred goes she had an abortion and she attended George Tillers funeral……calling him a ” hero ” i dont expect much from her.
It’s no use talking to Ken about sexual morality, Vannah. A parent’s obsession with their child’s virginity points to freakish control issues at best, and incestuous inclinations at worst.
It isn’t about bc, it’s about Fluke going before congress to force a Catholic institution she intentionally targeted to pay for what she can already afford
No, Moronic, because Georgetown does not pay any part of student health care costs.
Not one of you empowered feminists has managed to explain why birth control costs three grand a month, as Fluke claimed.
No, Moronic, she did not say that birth control costs three grand a month. She said, Moronic, that birth control could cost three grand over the course of law school. Law school, Moronic, takes three years, not a month.
Gonna be fun to watch the feminist idiots at this years slutwalks trying to ‘reclaim’ the title of slut while they simultaneously whine about being called sluts. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously.
Yes, Lisa she did say bc costs three grand a year. Fourth time asking-how does bc cost three grand a year? Cat got your tongue?
” It’s no use talking to Ken about sexual morality, Vannah. A parent’s obsession with their child’s virginity points to freakish control issues at best, and incestuous inclinations at worst.”
Come on now Megan, that kind of stuff isn’t okay to say. Just because Ken is offensive doesn’t mean you can accuse him of that kind of stuff.
Hi heather 7:08PM
I never cared for Dr.Laura but to have her lecture on morality after not only an extramarital tryst but being stupid enough to have pictures taken while on it was unreal. I was glad she was pulled off the air.
What is this with picture taking anyway? I would never trust anyone that much! And I sure wouldn’t want evidence!
A lot of people evidently didn’t actually listen to Sandra Fluke’s testimony. She did not in fact discuss her won sex life in any way at all. I everyone harping on this. But her testimony is instructive in several ways.
Most of her testimony was actually about a married friend who couldn’t afford contraception while a student, and another fellow student who needed the Pill to treat an ovarian cyst (such medical reasons are actually covered in Georgetown’s plan, but for some reason, she couldn’t get it in this case, at least according to Sandra). She evidently didn’t want to talk too much about unmarried sex that everyone knows goes on at colleges across the country, including no doubt Georgetown. She and her handlers evidently felt the need to keep things respectable and appeal to more conservative Americans. Boy, it sure backfired, didn’t it?
Another point: Her testimony was actually utterly irrelevant to the Obama mandate because she was on a student health care plan, not an employee one. Employee plans are the only ones affected by the mandate. So why bring her in? Well, see the very end where she takes the opportunity to bash those mean ole Catholic clerics – the Jesuits at Georgetown — who are supposedly betraying their motto to care for “the whole person” by not giving students free contraception. (Really? Women need the Pill to be a whole person? Who knew?)
The whole point of the exercise was to bash the Catholic Church.
Exactly, Lori. Unfortunately the Alinskyites here need to have this repeated ad nauseum and still ignore it. Common sense: if you have a problem with your school, you take it up with the school, not congress. Not a peep out of the warriors for choice here about that though. Not a peep about how these women can easily afford bc without Georgetown’s help. Just easier to ignore all that for the rhetorical points and victim card. In other words, business as usual for feminists. BBL, my clump of cells needs me.
Hi JackBorsch 7:07PM
All in the point of view. I think Ed Schultz is an obnoxious blowhard but obviously people disagree with me as he has an audience.
All this disagreement is a good thing. It means we don’t live in a country where the gov’t dictates what we listen to and we don’t dare disagree :)
Hi JackBorsch 7:21PM
Good post. The comment and what it suggests is tacky to say the least.
“Employee plans are the only ones affected by the mandate.”
Where did you read that?
” All this disagreement is a good thing. It means we don’t live in a country where the gov’t dictates what we listen to and we don’t dare disagree”
True… But I do think all the name calling and fighting over people like Fluke’s sex life when it isn’t remotely relevant kinda holds back from productove dialogue. I suppose it is better than the alternative, of having free speech curtailed. I am as guilty as anyone, defending Fluke from being called names rather than discussing the issues, but I find it incredibly irritating that her talking about birth control, not even about her sex life, means that it is apparently a free for all on her personal life.
If missy Phluck had been sitting on the steps of the capitol panhandling for spare change from passerbys to buy condoms then it would be none of my business.
When missy Phluck is lobbying congress because she claims she and her associates cannot afford their contraceptives then nearly everything about them becomes my business.
I did not see a single one of the democRATs opening their purse and offerring to give their money to meet missy Phlucks need, but they were all interested in addressing the need with other peoples money. They were being lobbied to force insurance companies and religious organizations to pay for missy Phlucks contraception.
Manipulating data to elicit a desired response is within spitting distance of outright lying. The 3K$ for BCP’s is an example of cherry picking data to support the desired outcome.
I really don’t care with how many and whom missy Phluck chooses to swap juices.
But it does factor into the equation when I am determining her character and whether or not she is a credible witness.
The fact that she is a self described ‘reproductive rights activist’ also gives insight into both her ideology and her agenda and that reflects on her character.
Jack – you and I have talked about this on our own…agree on some points, disagree on others… but I have to say, even if name calling is wrong – her sex life IS relevant since that’s what the entire debate is about.
I could be wrong – but didn’t she state in the trial that she had sex three times a day and couldn’t go without her bc because of it?
If so, she’s the one bringing it up and making it relevant.
Just a thought.
Hi JackBorsch 7:59PM
I was referring to the various TV and radio programs and viewpoints expressed by them and not necessarily the discussion on Fluke. Fortunately we can pick and choose, like or dislike, and agree or disagree. There are countries where there are no such choices.
No, she DIDNT say that, that was Rush, I believe. Or maybe it was you, Ken? ;) She didn’t mention her personal sex life at all. It isn’t about sex, its not even about birth control. It’s about whether the government can mandate that all insurance companies can cover it. All this side talk about how many times a day Fluke has sex is rather silly and nothing to do with the actual issue. And you are playing into the pro-mandate people’s hands by making it about sex.
Birth control IS about sex, though.
You don’t need it without sex.
That isn’t what the mandate is about. The mandate is about government intrusion and religious liberty. Both Xalisae and I are againt the mandate, but we are both pro-bc. Turning it into this argument about sex and calling people prostitutes for agreeing with the mandate takes away from actually discussing the issue here. And again, it plays into what the pro-mandate people wanted, which was to paint everyone for the mandate as a bunch of people pryig into people’s personal lives.
Well you got a point there at least, Jack. Like I said, I agree with you on some parts.
* against the mandate as a bunch of people prying.
This the typical leftist response to their citics.
Don’t refute their offending argument. Accuse them of being racist, misogynist, haters of homosexuals, rapists, etc.
Even if all those things were true of me, it would not change the fact that missy Phluck deliberately participated in calculated deception.
I am stiil waiting for Phluck’s proud parents and her loving boyfriend to step out of the shadows and come to missy’s defense.
Georgetown has an enrollment of over 10,000 students and only a few hundred took the seconds to affix their name to an electronic petition. I would expect there were more feministas alone on campus than that.
If there is a crisis in contraception on campus then where are all the rank and file students who can’t afford to pay for their meds.
Birth control is not about contraception – it’s about controlled birth – aka abortion.
Parse Planned Parenthood’s semantic sludge and that’s what it’s all about.
The whole contraception bit is a distraction from the real issue – control.
The sooner we clarify this, the better.
Yes and Live Action has over 301,000 FB fans – your point????
Reality Check,
Planned Parenthood has been around for decades and that’s the best they can do?
I like the first comic by McCoy the best - just for the artwork – although they are all good once again. The expressions on the faces of Obama and Maher in this cartoon are really funny.
Lila Rose alone has 17,669 likes.
Stop being a hater, Reality Check and practice what you preach. Don’t hate on beautiful, feminist prolife women. After all,
I could be wrong – but didn’t she state in the trial that she had sex three times a day and couldn’t go without her bc because of it?
Yes, you are wrong.
Here’s a transcript of her testimony.
Thanks for the link, mp.
Here’s what Ms. Fluke said:
“Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during
law school.”
Law school is a four-year program, that’s $700 per year, or $58.33 per month.
This was 2007, almost 5 years ago.
Because of agreements with pharmaceutical companies, most campus clinics were able to distribute brand name prescription contraceptives, from pills to the patch to a monthly vaginal device like NuvaRing, for no more than a couple of bucks.
That all ended earlier this year. Health experts say the price bump for college students was inadvertent — a byproduct of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, a federal law that went into effect in January. The law alters how drug makers calculate Medicaid-related rebates paid to states, but it ultimately made it expensive for companies to offer schools such deep discounts on birth control. As a result, brand name prescription prices for campus clinics rose from about the $3 to $10 range per month to the $30 to $50 range. Organon, the maker of Cyclessa and Desogen birth control pills and the NuvaRing, says the company is not happy about having to increase prices for colleges. But Nick Hart, Organon’s executive director of contraception, says they were forced to make “a business decision” after the law went into effect.
Read more:,28804,1651473_1651472_1650461,00.html #ixzz1orausp2d
reality check: “Number of Facebook fans for Jill Stanek = 4,690.
Number of Facebook fans for Planned Parenthood = 279,000 and growing.”
Actually, if you compare budgets, that proves that Jill’s doing much better for her money. Or do you really think her budget is more than $16 million? ;-)
So, due to passage of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, the cost of oral contraceptives jumped from $3 to $10 per month to $30 to $50 per month.
Over the course of a 4-year program, that would be $2,400, and that was almost 5 years ago.
So, when Ms. Fluke stated that “contraception can cost a woman over $3000 during law school,” she’s likely correct.
That’s not to say there aren’t lower-cost sources, there probably are, but Fluke said “contraception can cost,” and this appears entirely plausible to me.
I sure wish I could fill my gas tank for $30-50/month, even in 2007. Groceries only costing that would have been great too.
Let’s see that comes out to a $1.00 to $1.50/day. A cup of Starbuck’s costed more. So did a gallon of milk.
Man, that was one tough business decision. How did one scrape by paying these prices for contraception?
You know what doesn’t cost a penny?
A lot of people aren’t going to stay abstinent, it just ain’t going to happen. There are a lot of ways to get cheaper bc though. And the cheaper ways to get bc isn’t available for other meds, even life and death meds. My son’s asthma medication costs like 300 a month, we pay 60 dollar co-pays monthly for it, where is my Congressional hearing?! :)
Man, that was one tough business decision. How did one scrape by paying these prices for contraception?
You’re arguing with the witness.
You know what doesn’t cost a penny?
The program didn’t allow me to finish.
Amber Currie is also arguing with the witness.
It is what it is.
If they don’t want to stay abstinent then they’re going to pay for their own contraceptive.
I agree, Jack. Where’s the life saving help? Medications cost SO MUCH MONEY – and if you’re SUPER poor you can get it paid for – but if you’re just an average hard working American or down on your luck like me, there’s no help for you.
My mom can’t live without half the meds she’s on. Yeah, we have insurance, but she still has to pay for a lot of it. And it adds up!
“Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 duringlaw school.”
What the hell does it cost a man?
Respect has to be earned, Ms. Fluke. Try to earn it and stop embarrassing our gender.
MP I’m not sure what you’re on about. All of your arguments seem to hold no weight tot he actual discussion.
Respect has to be earned, Ms. Fluke. Try to earn it and stop embarrassing my gender.
And you are arguing with the witness. Are you going to question the veracity of her testimony, or continue to attack her personally?
Hey everyone,
Want to hear a real sob story? When I was doing my advance practice training in the winter of 1980-1981 I could NOT get anything to eat for under $2.00 in the hospital cafeteria. I’ll give you time to get out the hankies.
So, I was forced to either bring a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple, or eat what I could at the least possible cost. The hardship of only having a salad for lunch was beyond description. I had to eat a lot of macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for dinner as well. Please everyone, contain yourselves, it really wasn’t all that bad.
Given my tale of hardship and woe, I can sympathize with the hardship of something costing $1.00 to $1.50 a day in 2007.
mp 10:24PM
I’m not arguing with the witness, I’m trying very hard to keep my sarcasm in check.
MP I’m not sure what you’re on about. All of your arguments seem to hold no weight tot he actual discussion.
Excuse me? Fluke’s veracity has been in question from the moment this thread started!
I bring in some actual facts concerning her testimony and you have the brass to tell me that has no gravitas!
Don’t facts mean anything to you?
Megan, please read what I wrote! Your link refers to Obamacare in general, while I was referring to the specific set of Preventive Care regulations from the HHS. They are concerenced only with insurance plans offered by employers.
MP – I appreciate you trying to get to the bottom of the actual testimony earlier on, I even thanked you for sending me that link.
However – the question isn’t whether or not she is a slut or should be called a slut – the question at hand when I said abstinence is free and when Jack and others made statements about healthcare, gas, etc. being expensive is – why should we have to pay for it?
If she can’t afford bc – don’t have sex. If you’re going to have sex – don’t take someone to court over it and try to get money to provide for your sex.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s really stupid that insurance companies don’t cover contraception. I think it’s REALLY stupid. I just don’t think a government mandate is the way to go.
Hi JackBorsch,
Obama has NO constitutional authority to issue such a mandate, that’s the real issue.
I would suspect that the minute the insurance companies start covering contraception, the cost would skyrocket, like the cost of everything else insurance covers, like health care.
If such a mandate were issued that the Amish must wire their homes and businesses for electricity, would opposition to this mandate make one “anti-electricity”?
Also, shouldn’t one also expect insurance to cover tampons, athlete foot spray, and jock spray?
Where do we start taking responsibility for our own needs and costs?
That’s where we disagree, Jack, because birth control isn’t contraceptive, it’s birth control. Condoms, etc. are contraceptive – and they give them out for free all over the place. Sandra and pals can go grab some. My university sold 100 for $1.
If she can’t afford bc – don’t have sex. If you’re going to have sex – don’t take someone to court over it and try to get money to provide for your sex.
First of all, she didn’t testify in a court; she testified before a subcommittee.
Second of all, you’ve missed a major point in her testimony.
To wit:
Without her taking the birth control, a massive cyst the
size of a tennis ball had grown on her ovary. She had to have surgery to remove
her entire ovary. On the morning I was originally scheduled to give this testimony,
she sat in a doctor’s office. Since last year’s surgery, she’s been experiencing night
sweats, weight gain, and other symptoms of early menopause as a result of the
removal of her ovary. She’s 32 years old. As she put it: “If my body indeed does
enter early menopause, no fertility specialist in the world will be able to help me
have my own children.
My university sold 100 for $1.
When? What year?
MP – I graduated in May 2011 – it was there all four years I was there, and before that.
I graduated in May 2011 – it was there all four years I was there, and before that.
Can you explain why your university was able to offer such a terrific deal, considering the fact that passage of the Deficit Control Act of 2005 pushed up prices at most college clinics?
She’s talking about condoms, mp. Condoms are a heck of a lot cheaper for clinics to provide.
I don’t know much about college clinics but maybe because I went to a private school, but so is Georgetown.
And what about good old Planned Parenthood supposedly helping the poor by giving out free condoms?
Sandra Fluke is supposedly educated in all of this – I’m sure she could find some free or low cost condoms.
She’s talking about condoms, mp. Condoms are a heck of a lot cheaper for clinics to provide.
Sandra Fluke is supposedly educated in all of this – I’m sure she could find some free or low cost condoms.
Again, you seem to be missing one of Fluke’s major points.
The availability of oral contraceptives for women is not just about sex.
Two Points:
1. I do not support birth control, only contraceptives, so I don’t really care what the point is.
2. If that’s the angle, then I again point you back to what Jack and others have said – why is a woman’s birth control pill so much more important than say medicine for kids or men or any other medicine for women? Maybe in her case this was the only weak part of the plan (though I don’t know enough about Georgetown’s Healthcare Plan to say for sure) but what about all of the other women raving about wanting hand outs? Why isn’t other medication important – even more so.
“Obama has NO constitutional authority to issue such a mandate, that’s the real issue.”
Sure, it’s intrusive. I am not arguing for a mandate. For the millionth time. ;)
“Also, shouldn’t one also expect insurance to cover tampons, athlete foot spray, and jock spray?
Where do we start taking responsibility for our own needs and costs?”
Well, I would argue that bc saves insurance companies money in the long run. But really, it’s up to them what they want to provide. If they want to cover jock spray go for it. I think it’s stupid that a lot of them cover Viagra, but they are free to despite me rolling my eyes over it. Unlike Viagra, oral contraceptives actually have some legitimate medical uses, according to actual doctors.
I do wish that insurance coverage was actually a free market thing, truthfully. I hate that the costs are so astronomical, and that you are basically stuck with whatever crappy plan your employer gives you. I don’t have insurance because the costs are well out of my reach, I am just lucky that my wife is covered by her job and my kids are covered by state insurance. The only person in my family who absolutely cannot get sick without bankrupting us is me! But anyway, despite my irritation with insurance companies in general, I don’t think a sweeping mandate does much to actually fix what is wrong with the industry.
PS: my wife’s insurance actually does cover oral contraceptives, though she doesn’t use them.
But unlike a lot of people, Ellie isn’t upset that she is “paying for other people to have sex”, lol. I asked her if it bugged her that her insurance covered bc and she just looked at me weird, haha.
If that’s the angle, then I again point you back to what Jack and others have said – why is a woman’s birth control pill so much more important than say medicine for kids or men or any other medicine for women? Maybe in her case this was the only weak part of the plan (though I don’t know enough about Georgetown’s Healthcare Plan to say for sure) but what about all of the other women raving about wanting hand outs? Why isn’t other medication important – even more so.
In the case of Fluke’s friend, Georgetown’s decision, based on religious grounds, to not cover oral contraceptives precipitated a medical problem that the university obviously failed to anticipate.
As to the relative importance of children’s medicine versus oral contraceptives, the matter at hand is oral contraceptives. Anyway, and to the best of my knowledge, there are no children attending Georgetown.
Fluke’s testimony is concerned with the Affordable Care Act and coverage for oral contraceptives.
1. This is not just about Sandra Fluke or oral “contraceptive” but is just one face to a larger issue.
2. Georgetown is a religious institution and if birth control pills go against the beliefs of the school, Fluke needs to go somewhere else or suck it up and buy her own.
1. This is not just about Sandra Fluke or oral “contraceptive” but is just one face to a larger issue.
Yes, absolutely.
2. Georgetown is a religious institution and if birth control pills go against the beliefs of the school, Fluke needs to go somewhere else or suck it up and buy her own.
OK, that’s your call, but let’s now extend it.
Should Georgetown’s insurance carrier be required to pay for circumcision if an employee asks for the procedure to be performed on a male child?
Jack: “Unlike Viagra, oral contraceptives actually have some legitimate medical uses, according to actual doctors.”
So preventing conception for a woman is medical, whereas enabling a man to cause it is not?
It is the Christian belief that circumcision is not needed. If Georgetown’s morals say it’s ok to have one (which is ok, but not needed) and they want to cover it under the healthcare, then that’s up to them.
“So preventing conception for a woman is medical, whereas enabling a man to cause it is not?”
No… I wasn’t referring to sex at all. I know a couple women who have it prescribed for other issues. One of them is a virgin!
It is the Christian belief that circumcision is not needed. If Georgetown’s morals say it’s ok to have one (which is ok, but not needed) and they want to cover it under the healthcare, then that’s up to them.
Well, you’re consistent, and that’s a good thing.
But, consider this. If that’s the way you’re going to run insurance, you will not only force students to attend universities that hold the same beliefs they do, you’ll also force employees to seek out potential employers the same way.
The net result will be polarization. Catholics in Jesuit Universities, Jews in Jewish Universities, maybe no Jews or Catholics working for GM or Ford, and so on. This will increase unemployment because jobseekers will have an additional criteria to be concerned about, ie, will their medical concerns be denied on religious grounds.
Is that what you want?
Now, let’s take it even farther.
Let’s say that I own a business. Let’s say that I’m also an adherent of Christian Science.
Should I be required to contribute to a program that pays for the surgical treatment of, let’s say, an employee’s breast cancer?
What “Christians” are you referring to, Amber? All the Christians I know (myself included) believe in it. BTW..Jesus was circumcised as a baby.
Luke 2:21
King James Version (KJV)
21And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
Don’t mean to derail the thread topic..just curious as to how you came to this conclusion…?
Interesting exchange. The first I’ve had here.
Amber and Jack, thank you. Something you may or may not enjoy.
She is truly a magnificent artist. I rather imagine that her performances will be enjoyed for a very, very long time to come.
Good night.
Good night mp.
Wish I could play half as well, she is awesome.
You have good taste. I’ve been waiting for something on which to agree with you.
(I resisted the temptation to end a sentence with a preposition. :) )
JackBorsch 11:24PM
I know you’re not arguing, I’m just pointing out a fact that is largely overlooked.
This whole thing is a charade and a farce, an attempt by Obama to create an issue, and give him his due, he has succeeded. He has created the issue and the turmoil he sought to create.
Its like throwing a steak into a pack of dogs and while they tear each other up, you saunter on down the road, unscathed. Obama has come out of this whole thing smelling like a rose while we all battle among ourselves.
mp 11:19PM
When did oral contraceptives become unavailable? They’ve been around for decades and only recently has their availability become an issue.
mp 12:00am
Oh please, medical needs may be denied on religious grounds? Increase unemployment?
Until King Obama issued his unconstitutional mandate this never seemed to be much of a problem. People paid (gasp!) for their own contraception. Insurance coverage could be based on individual needs. People could set up their own medical expense accounts.
Can you specify what medical conditions may not be covered on religious grounds?
Oh, the Christian Scientists. Well, if I go to work for a Christian Scientist I will need to be informed ahead of time that they may not provide insurance. I could buy my own policy. I understand that Muslims do not believe in insurance, correct me if I’m wrong. So if I work for a Muslim employer, I would likely have to buy my own as well.
Again, no one would force me to work for either employer.
Hi JackBorsch,
I can promise you that if contraception were covered by insurance, the cost would skyrocket so that those who don’t have insurance would pay through the nose.
Any time you have third party payment and people think they’re getting something for nothing and a hospital or pharmacy knows insurance will pay, the price goes up.
Just look at hospital costs. That’s what happens with third party payment, be it medicare or insurance.
“I understand that Muslims do not believe in insurance, correct me if I’m wrong. So if I work for a Muslim employer, I would likely have to buy my own as well.”
Well said Mary. I said this at the end of another thread, but if I chose to work for a Muslim employer or attend a Muslim university, I would be an idiot if I expected they would serve ham sandwiches in the cafeteria, even if someone said they are healthy. I would be a bigot if I *demanded* the cafeteria serve ham sandwiches; and I would be a self-centered bigot if I demanded they serve ham sandwiches and someone other than me pay for them.
mp 11:37PM
Do we know if “Fluke’s Friend” even exists? Is there any evidence other than Fluke saying she exists? I’m sure you understand my skepticism about phantom friends and their medical conditions that aren’t backed up either by the “friend” themselves or documentation.
Yes, Lisa she did say bc costs three grand a year.
No, Moronic, she said that it can cost three grand “during law school.” Not a year. Did you know that the testimony was videotaped, Moronic? You could watch it, and see for yourself what she said!
Fourth time asking-how does bc cost three grand a year?
Well, Moronic, she didn’t say it cost three grand a year. As to how it could cost one grand a year: according to this article, brand-name birth control pills from a retail pharmacy can cost up to 90 a month, plus the doctor’s visit to get the prescription. That can add up to over $1000 a year, or $3000 over the course of law school. (Note that the ACA does NOT require copay-free coverage of a brand name when an equivalent generic is available, but presumably women who are paying out of pocket for the most expensive pills are doing so because they are taking ones without equivalent generics.)
This is my favorite Moronic quote so far…
She didn’t take the issue up with her school and instead went before congress
Actually, Moronic, she DID take it up with her school. You yourself quoted a news article saying as much in a previous thread. What happened–did the voices in your toaster tell you something different?
Apparently my first post didn’t go through…trying this again.
It isn’t a matter of “believing” in circumcision. As I said – it is ok but not needed.
Jesus was circumcised because He was born a Jew – but with Christ, we do not need it.
The New Testament states that circumcised or not, you will not be judged by it but by faith keeping the Law. Only Christ can save you.
Galatians 6:12
Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Romans 4:9-12
Is this blessedness only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised? We have been saying that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness.Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after, but before! And he received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them. And he is then also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also follow in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.
1 Corinthians 7:18
Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised.
Galatians 2:7
On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised.
Galatians 5:2
Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.
Colossians 2:11
In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ,
Colossians 3:11
Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
MP – I already gave any answer for that question and all others like it. If you don’t share the morals of the place you’re at – go somewhere else or buy your own.
But maybe the real question is – should it be employers who provide insurance in the first place? Maybe, maybe not. There are a lot of different sides and factors to this debate and the others involved here.
Nice chatting with you, too.
Because of agreements with pharmaceutical companies, most campus clinics were able to distribute brand name prescription contraceptives, from pills to the patch to a monthly vaginal device like NuvaRing, for no more than a couple of bucks.
MP, I doubt that the Georgetown clinic carried contraceptives in the first place, so that’s probably not the issue.
I would suspect that the minute the insurance companies start covering contraception, the cost would skyrocket, like the cost of everything else insurance covers, like health care.
Many insurance companies do cover contraception. There is debate about whether that coverage is entirely cost-neutral, but it has not caused costs to skyrocket.
Also, shouldn’t one also expect insurance to cover tampons, athlete foot spray, and jock spray?
Only if they are prescription-only items with no over-the-counter equivalents, and no, although a condom and a birth control pill may perform the same function, they are not equivalent. Do you think that the existence of some over-the-counter bronchodialators means that insurance companies should not have to cover any asthma medication? That is the logical extension of the “no one needs the pill because condoms are cheap” argument.
But, consider this. If that’s the way you’re going to run insurance, you will not only force students to attend universities that hold the same beliefs they do, you’ll also force employees to seek out potential employers the same way.
Actually, Georgetown does cover contraception in its employee insurance, presumably because they know that offering a fifth-century medical plan makes them less attractive to a potential hire who also has an offer from a school in the twenty-first century.
I meant to say $1000 a year. My mistake. Some of us are human. How sad for pampered miss Fluke that generics weren’t good enough for her-I guess a starving student still has the right to demand the best of everything. Even at 90 bucks a month (a laughable assumption) it doesn’t add up. It’s comedic that libs would choose one of their hated 1 percenters to rep for the poor and downtrodden. An Obama law grant isn’t enough, apparently.
Gotta laugh imagining the reaction of moonbats if Fluke had tried to pull this crap at a Muslim university-you’d be all over it shrieking for their religious rights. Also comedy gold that your beloved Planned Parenthood isn’t good enough for priveleged college ‘co-eds- who are older than a lot of mothers I know.
I’ve been asking the same thing. Fluke’s fictional friends weren’t empowered feminist enough to step up-probably because fiction is easier to embellish and fake friends can come with any story Fluke’s handlers chose, which they did.
Stop being a hater, Reality Check and practice what you preach. Don’t hate on beautiful, feminist prolife women. After all,
So you’re saying it’s okay to hate on ugly ones?
Dear reality check/proud to be pro-choice/truth shall set you free,
I have removed your comments. You have had your fun.
The rule is
Pick ONE moniker and stick with it.
Thank you.
I think we can safely conclude that the choice nazis here assume that Georgetown is merely a daycare center for grown women (like feminism) hilarious how they have completely let the male partners of these needy wimmen completely off the hook for bc costs-let’s protect that imaginary ‘patriarchy’, gurlz! Why on earth do feminists think their doublespeak and hypocrisy should ever be taken seriously? What are you outraged defenders of the hookup culture going to shriek at the next slutwalk-don’t call us sluts as we march for/reclaim sluthood? Maybe we should go before congress and demand mental health help for victim feminists. God knows they could use it.
The saddest part of all this is men will never take responsibility for their sexual behavior as long a women allow the unborn to be the scapegoat.
So far, in all the Fluke bashing, the point that Georgetown DOES cover birth control (As do many Catholic universities) for their employees got lost. In addition to cost, it’s also about fairness and consistency.
On a personal note – I began taking oral contraceptives because of very heavy and painful periods. That it also prevented pregnancy was an added benefit. What was I supposed to do about the painful periods? Say Hail Mary’s as I was instructed by my high school nuns?
Gee, CC, you’ve suffered pain? Like the rest of us haven’t? You’re so right though, funding your bc far outweighs our insurance companies paying for, say,frivolities like chemo for a kid with leukemia. As long as feminists don’t suffer any non life threatening discomfort. It’s not like Midol is affordable to the average person or anything.
Even if pills are $90/month that would come out to about $3.00/day. Certainly the spouse or partner could be expected to contribute at least half. As I said before, the cost of a cup of coffee and a donut or a cup of Starbuck’s. Like my sob story, I couldn’t get anything to eat for less than $2.00/day. I also bought my own contraception, paid my own rent, gas, food, health and hygiene items. Just pinched pennies and carried my lunch.
So what’s the big deal?
So you’re saying it’s okay to hate on ugly ones?
You assume I meant beautiful in the physical sense. You know what that means.
Have you ever watched Shallow Hal? Women can be just as shallow.
What was I supposed to do about the painful periods? Say Hail Mary’s as I was instructed by my high school nuns?
Take a couple of pain relievers. They usually take most of the cramps away. If you still have a bit of pain, say Hail Mary’s and give up your pain for the poor souls in Pergatory.
141 advertisers. Gone.
Hi MoronicPCQuotes 10:31am
Speaking of “phantom” friends I had a hilarious situation happen to me.
My friend “Pam”, honest she was my friend, told me her husband was having some issues in the bedroom. My first suspicion was he was tomcatting….again. Long history of it. Pam, in her dream world, wanted to think it was some urological problem and Pam being Pam, asked me to speak to a urologist I worked with. Sure Pam, no problem.
So I approach Dr. X and say to him, “my friend’s husband has some problems performing …”
Dr. X had this gynormous grin on his face, probably thinking, and asked if the guy was having an affair, which I said I suspected he was. Turned out he was, big surprise, and left Pam, doing her the biggest favor of her life.
Anyway, it didn’t occur to me until later why the doctor was grinning, most likely he was
thinking ”yeah right Mary, your friend’s husband”. He undoubtedly hears a lot about “friends’ ” sexual problems. I told a couple of nurses and it generated a lot of laughs in the OR. I never did tell my husband though, and honesty, it was my friend’s husband!
So, be careful about telling or asking on behalf of a friend, no matter how innocent or well meaning!
mp 1:29PM
Still spittin in the ocean I see. Apparently you are unaware that your 3:51PM 3/11 post listed advertisers who do not even sponsor Rush or any other conservative or liberal talk shows.
You don’t miss what you never had.
Apparently you are unaware that Rush has obtained 3 new national sponsors and 2 who dropped want to return. He also has a total of approx. 18,000 advertisers nationwide.
On a personal note – I began taking oral contraceptives because of very heavy and painful periods. That it also prevented pregnancy was an added benefit. What was I supposed to do about the painful periods? Say Hail Mary’s as I was instructed by my high school nuns?
Actually, the Catholic Church permits the use of OCPs in those cases (ie, for legitimate medical reasons). You might want to try reading the Humane Vitae.
“Take a couple of pain relievers. They usually take most of the cramps away. If you still have a bit of pain, say Hail Mary’s and give up your pain for the poor souls in Pergatory.”
Once again, the pro-life movement shows its empathy only for fetuses. Women with painful periods – Meh! Midol and aspirin were not effective. More potent medication would have had risks of addiction. And I no longer have periods because my uterus was removed about 20 years ago.
But “offering up for the poor souls in Purgatory.” Wow – do people still say these things? If so, Protestant kids are really lucky not to have to hear that as Purgatory was ditched in the Protestant Reformation.
Mary: LOL!!
Real medical care would determine the cause of the heavy periods and treat the cause, not throw pills at the symptoms.
CC – please tell me you did not just compare a painful period to being ABORTED!! How ignorant and empty an argument…
I fully appreciate, and am very much aware, that Limbaugh has “18,000 sponsors nationwide.” The vast majority of those 18,000 are local sponsors, think “Uncle Billy’s Bait Shop,” and Limbaugh receives none of that money. Nada. Zero. Zip.
Limbaugh’s money comes from the national advertisers, who buy time on the syndicated program. Their ads air on all 600 stations, and they are the ones who are pulling out.
Did you miss the part of the post where I said he has obtained 3 new national sponsors and 2 are returning? Also the sponsors you mentioned in your previous post never sponsored Rush and don’t sponsor conservative or liberal talk radio?
Do what I mean you don’t miss what you never had??
My last sentence in my 4:48PM post should read:
Do YOU KNOW what I mean BY you don’t miss what you never had?
“Real medical care would determine the cause of the heavy periods and treat the cause, not throw pills at the symptoms.”
So what’s the answer, Dr.? Hysterectomies for teens? Please inform us of alternative treatments for heavy bleeding (which, in my case was causing anemia) and intensive cramps. Otherwise, your comments is just another moronic anti-choice quote. But please, you seem to think you’re a medical expert. Tell us what your regimen of treatment would be.
Praxedes says:
Lila Rose alone has 17,669 likes.
I gave her one on looks alone! ;) So did all the guys in the office….
“please tell me you did not just compare a painful period to being ABORTED!”
Having had both painful periods and an abortion, I’m here to tell you that a painful period can be a lot worse. (I can imagine many people going wacky as they read that.)
I’m not saying you have to agree, personally, philosophically, etc. I’m saying that in most abortions, the unborn don’t feel anything, and that women who have abortions may experience a wide range of things, by far – not all of them bad, and certainly not necessarily very bad at all.
“I gave her one on looks alone! So did all the guys in the office….”
Gotta love those fabulous pro-life men! Always so respectful!
“hilarious how they have completely let the male partners of these needy wimmen completely off the hook for bc costs-let’s protect that imaginary ‘patriarchy’, gurlz!”
Right, because it’s so much better for our healthcare to be subject to the whims of strident neocons and our employers, right? Don’t know if you caught wind of this legislative gem from Arizona, but it would allow employers to question female employees about the purpose of their birth control Rx. Women would essentially need to prove that they were taking it for purposes other than preventing conception:
Another feather in your cap, eh Moron?
How do you know he’s prolife, Megan?
My guess is he’s here to stir the pot and is threatened by smart women.
Maybe you and Gerald could both say a few Hail Mary’s and give a bit up for the Poor Souls. (:
I think Gerald has a point.