Good Friday: Alabama abortion mill shutting down due to numerous health code violations
The New Woman All Women abortion mill in Birmingham, Alabama, has shown signs of cracking for some time.
This is the clinic where I reported in January two botch abortions were committed in a single day, and where I reported in February it had posted a threatening sign against pro-lifers (“Use deadly force only if necessary”).
Also in February Bryan Kemper reported the mill’s sole abortionist had quit.
So the handwriting was on the wall when on Friday the Alabama Department of Public Health announced the clinic would be giving up the ghost due to numerous health code violations.
Owner’s other clinic may close
An interesting aside. New Woman All Women is owned by Dianne Derzis, pictured right.
Derzis also owns the Jackson Women’s Health Organization abortion mill in Jackson, Mississippi. After the Mississippi legislature passed a bill on April 5 requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at the local hospital, Derzis warned that clinic may be forced to close as well:
Derzis… said its physicians are OB-GYN certified but only one has admitting privileges. She said clinic doctors live out of state because they have been stalked and threatened. And most hospitals will not grant such privileges to out-of-state physicians….
She also said the clinic would do everything possible to comply with the new regulations but more than one physician is needed to stay open. Derzis said she would sue the state if the doctors cannot comply with the new regulations and the clinic is forced to close.
All in all, last week was one I expect Dianne Derzis would sooner forget, but it was a great one for babies and mothers.
[Photo of Derzis via CNN]
Of course, if you can’t bring your baby killing centre up to code, you sue. Maybe if they spent more time on making their establishments safe and less on fighting every attempt at regulation, they wouldn’t have these problems.
You can’t add anything to what Jesus has done, is doing, will do, but this made a ‘good Friday’ even better.
JESUS is risen!
JESUS is risen indeed!
Ah, yes. Stalked and threatened: reality, or perception? Or propaganda? Maybe they’re from out of state to mask their identities so they won’t be held accountable for their actions. Darkness hates light, so they don’t want their evils exposed. Board certified OB GYNS? Does anyone know any of that ilk (who don’t kill children and harm women via induced abortion) who have to travel out of state to find work for fear of accountability? Only serial killers seem to have that problem.
To paraphrase an old proabort chant:
“Not the church, not the state; your shoddy practice decided your fate.”
And here we have it: She’s trying desperately to keep the killing and maiming going on. At least she’s not trotting out that old, discredited ‘we’re providing a necessary, vital health service for women” rot. After the January incident, I guess even her arrogant face can only hold so much egg.
One other thing…”Derzis warned that that clinic may be forced to close as well”…shouldn’t that rather read, “Derzis WAS warned…etc.” Sue the state for WHAT? For trying to protect women from shoddy treatment? Not that any woman in her right mind would expect anything else from a person, staff, or establishment that specializes in ripping babies apart. Can anyone say “cognitive dissonance”.
I am praying for Diane; hers is a tragic, needless waste of life; not just the lives of the thousands of little boys and girls she has killed, or the lives of the women who have suffered from the physical complications and emotional, spiritual aftermath of having submitted to these grisly, cruel and unnatural atrocities, but her own life as well. She’s got brains, and passion; but she is narcissistic; and for all her brains, she doesn’t seem to see the obvious: Do REAL health care, and you won’t have these problems. I think she glories in the conflict; I’m told that one essential feature of narcissism is that the narcissist has to see him/herself as the hero/heroine in an epic saga of his/her own creation. Seems to fit here. I’ve saved this photo, for if I ever saw the face of either a female narcissist or of “prochoice” – aside from the faces of aborted children – it’s here: arrogant, scornful, vindictive…and presumptuous.
I kind of wondered about that “stalked and threatened” part. Does that go for anyone who even attempts to speak to them? Threatened with what, a place to go to when they finally decide to quit?
One less killing center the church needs to visit……gives us less locations to cover, until the killing stops!
I have visited this one and it made my skin crawl…..the spirit of death was there…..if you visit one of these death providers, your spirit should be pricked and you will not view abortion the same again!
For abortion rights advocates who oppose clinic regulations, such as those which require clinic hallways and doorways to be wide enough to accommodate a stretcher in a medical emergency, do you think it was appropriate to carry unconscious/medically unstable patients out through the doorway of a fully functional ambulatory surgical center for emergency treatment? In what other physician’s office or medical setting would this be appropriate?
And pleae note, I used the term “fully functioning” surgical center to distinguish this type of medical emergency from that of a fire, flood, or natural disaster where emergency crews might carry out the injured in those situations.
The killing center, in Jackson, Mississippi, is next, for the “terminated death centers”, may it be so dear, Lord!
Hi Rachel C,
I noticed in previous photos that the handrail was not attached, thus it was useless, and the steps the patient is being carried down were supported by cement blocks! Do you think your beauty salon could get away with these violations much less any other type of clinic?
Hi enness 11:34am
My guess is they are flown in from out of state because no local doctor wants to do them. That was the situation in South Dakota at one time, who’s only clinic had to fly in some doctor long past her retirement age.
Stalked and threatened? Cry me a river. Try working in some of the emergency rooms in this country, and they don’t fly in medical staff.
I would think the abortion providers being OB/GYN certified and having admitting privileges would be basic. Don’t we expect that the doctors we see for our everyday needs, i.e. opthamologist, FP, OB/GYN, internist, etc. have admitting privileges at the local hospital(s)? Wouldn’t we be very concerned if they didn’t?
Well, Mary, in some states its very controversial that abortionists even have to be doctors let alone OB/GYNs, did you here about that stupid bill in California? Seriously, the conservative states are trying to make abortion safer and the liberal ones just want it more available, even at the expense of safety.
God is good! another death mill closed! bad for women and babies!!!!!
I said a good prayer for post abortive women today.
Likely that’s because they can’t get OB/GYNs to do them. Legal or not, abortion is still looked down on by the medical establishment. Abortionists will be tolerated, a pregnant mistress will be discreetly sent for a visit and lip service about “freedom of choice” will be heard, but these very same doctors won’t dirty their own hands.
Its like the local drug dealer. Sure I might avail myself of his/her services and even refer a friend or two, while at the same time telling myself I would never lower myself to doing that kind of work.
Hi Mary…Happy Easter!
Out of town abortionists also prove that “a decision between a woman and her doctor” is an epic lie. Most women don’t even know their abortionists, and I’d even venture to suppose that a significant number of women’s own doctors don’t know their patients went for an abortion. In many cases, secrecy trumps all. In my case, my high-falutin’ doctor with her fancy decorated office sent me to a place not fit for human nor beast.
Another clinic closure does brighten my day.
Happy Easter, everyone!
Hi Ninek…youre right. none of my post abortive girlfriends even knew their abortionists names. They just walked in after the woman was in the position and performed the abortion. Most women didnt even go back for a follow up. They just wanted to forget! Happy Easter Ninek. I didnt know you were a post abortive women. You would have been a great mom:)
oopsie woman
Hi Heather,
Thank you. Happy Easter to you as well.
Hey now, Mary…
I’ve known a few upstanding drug dealers. Please do not sully their reputations by comparing them to abortionists.
Hi X,
LOL. I’m sure there are many that are model citizens! :)
“I’ve known a few upstanding drug dealers. Please do not sully their reputations by comparing them to abortionists.”
Lol, true, I used to deal. I am nowhere near an abortionist!
I stand corrected!! :)
Actually, I meant it more as a comparison of the activities people will turn a blind eye to, while at the same time expressing their moral indignation of. The doctor will consider himself above doing abortions but will send his pregnant mistress to the doctor who does. I actually know of a situation or two such as this. The person who looks down their nose at the drug dealer, but isn’t above enjoying his/her wares on occasion.
As an Alabama resident, this really made my day when I got the email on Friday. I still have a tendency to smile when I think on it. That brings us down to four in the state, I believe, so there’s still work to do, though. But yay for progress! :D
Just got word from an activist in Birmingham that Diane Derzis (aka “Lady McDeath”) is planning to at last turn over a new leaf…unfortunately, it’s off the same old toxic tree as her old leaf; she’s moving the tree, so to speak, to Columbus, GA, where apparently another chop shop has been vacant for awhile. Prolifers (and pregnant women) in the area…En garde!!! Wonder if the GA State Board of health knows the history here…
Amen!! Another one bites the dust!!
Carry on brave warriors for life!!
Please folks,
Remember that responding to stupidity only dignifies it.
If only EVERYBODY would masturbate more, we wouldn’t have this abortion problem, would we.
This place just keeps getting classier and classier.
But, xaliase, the Pope supposedly is against masturbation. How ludicrous.
Only Catholics care what the Pope says, Bob and neither me nor x are Catholic. Oh, and joan, you complaining about classiness is one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read here.
With all the anti-child, anti-religion trolls we’re getting these days, it seems to me a lot of people are confused as to what the opposition to abortion is actually about.
LOL. Now that the troll’s comment was deleted, xalisae’s comment @5:42 does seem to come out of nowhere.
xalisae says: April 9, 2012 at 5:42 pm
“If only EVERYBODY would masturbate more, we wouldn’t have this abortion problem, would we.”
[In response to X’s retort to a trolls earlier bloviation]:
joan says: April 9, 2012 at 5:56 pm
“This place just keeps getting classier and classier.”
yor bro ken, not to be outclassed points out that:
pp not only recommends masturbation, pp endorses oral sex and sodomy as other ways to have sex without risking conception.
Now that is classier.
‘class’ requires authenticity.
‘class’ is being comfortable in your own skin.
‘class’ is not feining offense.
‘class’ is not thinking too highly of oneself, or conversely, too lowly of oneself.
‘class’ is not comparing oneself to others.