Life Links 4-2-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- A doctor in Jamaica has been charged with performing an illegal abortion.
- Someone placed a homemade explosive device outside of a Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin:
Police say someone placed the device on an outside windowsill. It later exploded causing damage to the building and a small fire that burned out before the fire department arrived.
- In possibly the weakest attack on ultrasound legislation so far, here’s abortionist Pablo Rodriguez (pictured left) claiming showing a woman her ultrasound and describing parts of the child turns the ultrasound into a “torture machine.” (my emphasis):
“All this bill does is turn the ultrasound into a torture machine,” Rodriguez added. “You have to start turning the machine around and start describing every little part of the screen, which is hard to begin with and would serve no purpose other than to scare women and make them change their minds. The result is to get the gestational age (of the fetus), that’s why we do the ultrasound. It’s not to be identifying parts of the fetus.
“For the most part, under 10 weeks, it is difficult,” he added, “you have to have a knowledge of embryology and anatomy to even comprehend what you are seeing. To pretend that we can give women a course on ultrasound images in the 10 minutes it takes to do an ultrasound, it serves no purpose. It is an intrusion in the patient-physician relationship.”
Sometimes abortionists let it slip why they really oppose ultrasound legislation.
- Dr. Barry Starr admits there were unrealistic expectations behind Proposition 71 but he has a rather delusional assessment of the “success” of Prop 71 after providing a highly misleading description of embryonic stem cell research in the U.S. pre-Prop. 71:
There was a real worry the U.S. would be left behind and that this would keep U.S. researchers away from the forefront of biological research for the first time in our history. It was a frustrating, scary time for scientists.
Of course it was an awful time for people suffering from awful incurable diseases too. They were worried that cures involving ES cells would not come in time for them unless research was done in a big way here in the U.S.
In swooped Proposition 71 to save the day. It provided 3 billion dollars of funding for ES cell research here in California. At a minimum it provided stopgap funding to keep ES cell research alive and well here in the U.S. until President Obama re-opened the spigots again in 2009.
Even if this is all Proposition 71 accomplished, I would argue it was worth it. Eventual cures using these cells are 5-6 years closer than they would be without the money spent by California voters. This is a big deal to patients suffering from all those life threatening diseases we always hear about.
A stop gap? At minimum? Did the citizens of California really want to spend $6 billion (with a B) on a stop gap?
[Photo via Operation Rescue]

Is an ultrasound a “torture machine” during a visit to the OB/GYN?
Didn’t think so.
And women who get abortions aren’t “scared!!” They are empowered!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being a prolife advocate and seeing umpteen million ultrasound photos, I can’t say how breathtaking it was to actually see one in person with my son as the subject. I never truly knew how advanced they are, like tracing the three veins in the umbilical cord and showing each ventricle of the heart functioning. In one sense though, my wife would probably say it was torture having to wait on the table with a full bladder… a small price to pay for the most captivating visual we will ever behold! Perhaps the abortionist himself can’t stomach describing all of the body parts he is going to be ripping off in a moment. I just watched Gift of Life and that is exactly what Anthony Levitano said; he refused to truly look at what he was doing.
I agree Chris.
I was being facetious. Just so you know.
If a woman sees the ultrasound and is told what she is seeing while everything is being described she may not abort.
That is a chance abortionists don’t want to take.
I never had an ultrasound before my abortion. I did not know then what I know now.
Abortionists are in no position to complain about torture machines.
Oh I know that Carla, just was adding my two cents, had to throw in the joke about the full bladder. I’m still amazed by the experience!
This doctor is a liar. Ultrasound at 5 weeks with my first son was amazing! I could see a heartbeat. That didn’t take any explanation. I could see a head and the orbits of the eyes that were forming. I could see arms and legs sticking straight out.
Second son, I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks. I could see a heartbeat again, arms, legs that were kicking! I could see a face. I could see my son rubbing his face with his tiny hands. No one had to explain what I was seeing. It was pretty obvious. DUH.
Of course I can’t expect a man who rips children limb from limb for a living to be concerned with telling the truth.
Of course women might change their minds! The ultrasound “humanizes” the baby for her and shows what liars the pro-aborts are when they try to convince her it’s “just a blob of tissue” or it’s not a baby.
Lord knows I never would have aborted had I been able to see an ultrasound! I knew it was a baby I was pregnant with but being SO outnumbered with people telling me what’s best for me and not having the courage to stand up to them rendered me stupid. But an ultrasound image would have solidified my backbone in standing up for myself and my baby.
Hi Chris. :)
With ya on that!!
Re the explosive device in a Wisconsin clinic. Hopefully they will find the perp. Naturally the choicers will try to use this in an effort to paint pro-lifers in a bad light, but we know choicers are entirely capable of doing something like this to manipulate public opinion. One of our resident trolls would often recount how he was trained in ferreting out dastardly prolifers–maybe he ought to apply his investigative talents to examining why choicers can and will do these things.