UPDATE 2p:  Planned Parenthood has issued a statement disclaiming any culpability. It states the now terminated employee was “entry-level” and “did not follow our protocol.” So what exactly is the protocol of an organization that claims “[g]ender bias is contrary to everything our organization works for,” yet not wanting (lucrative) sex-selective abortions “curtail[ed]” in any way?

1:26p: See previous post here.

According to the Huffington Post, Planned Parenthood says it fired the staffer involved in Live Action’s new video investigation into sex selective abortions almost immediately after LA conducted its sting.

A Live Action source told me today the sting at that Austin, Texas, Planned Parenthood was conducted April 11, so the employee was fired April 14, 6-1/2 weeks ago:

A Planned Parenthood spokeswoman told The Huffington Post on Tuesday the staffer in the video “did not follow our protocol” for dealing with “a highly unusual patient scenario.”

“Planned Parenthood insists on the highest quality patient care, and if we ever become aware of a staff member not meeting these high standards we take swift action,” she said in a written statement. “Within three days of this patient interaction, the staff member’s employment was ended and all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters. Today opponents of Planned Parenthood are promoting an edited video of that hoax patient encounter.”

On April 23, two Planned Parenthood executives tried to preempt the video release they knew was coming by claiming LA’s investigations “promote falsehoods” about the abortion giant. They made that claim knowing PP had already fired at least one employee over mishandling an inquiry into sex selective abortions. They further wrote, ironically:

If a health center learns of an instance where a staff member has not fully followed policies or procedures, swift action is taken to remedy the situation. Our rigorous and ongoing training and quality assurance help identify potential issues, and all health centers respond to any training or personnel needs with professionalism and respect. Planned Parenthood cares about staff, and conducts retraining or other personnel action responsibly.

Planned Parenthood has a history of firing workers exposed in Live Action investigations even while denying any wrong-doing.

Planned Parenthood apparently demonstrates “respect” and “care” of staff members by throwing them under the bus.

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