(Prolifer)ations 5-1-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- 40 Days for Life celebrates the cumulative results of this year’s campaign. 8 abortion workers left their jobs, 3 abortion clinics closed, and at least 883 babies were saved this year alone, bringing the total to nearly 6,000 saved since the movement began less than 5 years ago.
- Big Blue Wave reports that Pepsi has decided to no longer contract with Senomyx to use aborted human fetal kidney cells in its flavor enhancer testing.
- At Live Action, Lucy LeFever hammers on pro-choice hypocrisy with regard to informed consent laws. One woman is campaigning to provide iPods with music to women who undergo required ultrasound procedures before abortion so they can drown out the sound of their preborn children’s heartbeats:
This recent action, as well as the entire debate over ultrasound laws, has blatantly highlighted the pro-choice movement’s obsession with drowning out truth. Rather than providing women with honest medical information, pro-choice advocates opt to conceal the facts. They wish to silence massacre with melody, blood with ballads, slaughter with song….Women should know what they’re getting when they walk into a crisis pregnancy center, abortion advocates cry. But when it comes to a life-altering medical procedure, the calls for clear information disappear and are even condemned when they come from the other side. It seems as though the values of truth and honest information matter only when they are encouraging abortion.
- Fletcher Armstrong shares Center for Bio-Ethical Reform director Gregg Cunningham’s BBC radio interview. Cunningham had originally been booked for a second program, but British Pregnancy Advisory Service abortion providers scheduled for the debate bowed out, resulting in its cancellation. Cunningham concludes pro-lifers must make their case in the public square, thanks to media suppression.
- Abolitionist Society of OK has been posting its own non-graphic posters on the University of Oklahoma campus. Not surprisingly, they are usually removed within a day. Add this to the growing list of college campuses hostile to pro-life speech.
- After Abortion reposts an archived article recognizing how painful the celebration of Mother’s Day can be for post-abortive women.
- Down on the Pharm, though happy about the escape of blind forced abortion opponent Chen Guangcheng (pictured right), has concerns about the possible reaction of the Obama administration:
The saddest difficulty is that he is unlikely to receive any aid or protection from the most pro abortion, U.S. government in history. Neither Obama nor Planned Parenthood oppose[s] forced abortion in China, or sex selective abortions enough to oppose either practice. - Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life laments that the MN Medical Association “is going out of its way to oppose commonsense safety requirements… to protect an unfettered abortion industry.” The group opposes the requirement that abortion facilities be licensed as other ambulatory surgical treatment centers and that a physician be physically present when administering the RU-486 abortion pill. In the past they have also opposed informed consent requirements.
- Kansans for Life says that despite Kansas’ pro-choice media’s complaints about money being spent “on litigation to uphold pro-life laws enacted in 2011,” the real problem is that pro-choice attorneys are overbilling the taxpayers:
At issue is a “windfall” for clinic attorneys – according to the State – including over $78,000 for ineligible legal work as well as using indefensible attorney rates of $400 per hour. All but one of the clinics’ attorneys lack ANY experience in this type of litigation, yet they charged nearly double what attorneys experienced in this specialty would charge – $225 per hour.State attorneys (including the office of Attorney General Derek Schmidt) demonstrated how the court is being wrongly asked to pay for over-billing at over-inflated rates, including 53.6 billable hours in one day and 22 hours to write a basic motion.
- Culture Campaign shares the reactions to Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s view on Democrats’ “one mission in life.” Abortion:
I have heard about women wering walkmans and ipods during their abortions to drown out the sound of the suction machine. I have also read stories where boyfriends or husbands used to be allowed in the procedure room. Many passed out so they may have put a stop to this. Yet another woman had her dad hold her hand through her abortion. They even offer a silent suction machine at some clinics here. Too bad that no matter how clean and comfortable they try to make abortions the end result is always the same….a dead baby. Remember especially with mothers day coming up…abortion does not mean you are NOT a mom. You ARE the mom of a dead baby!
And the man who fathered the child is also the father of a dead baby. sorry typo above…*wearing* and lets not forget siblings and grandparents. Everybody loses in abortion. This includes the misguided abortionist losing his or her soul.
I had an abortion worker tell me quite proudly that they now had new, quieter suction machines. I asked her if that made a difference in the outcome of the procedure. She did not know how to answer that …
An aborted child is an aborted child no matter how quiet the machinery –
Reminds me of the story Penny Lea tells of the elderly man she met who grew up in Germany during the Holocaust. A set of railroad tracks ran near his Church, where cattle cars would pass, filled with Jews who would cry out. The man said they knew the Jews were being hauled to concentration camps, but they sang louder in Church to drown out the sound of their cries.
You ARE the mom of a dead baby!
Is this phrase yet another way to try to shame women who have abortions? Is this phrase just another way to say that a woman who has an abortion is a murderer? Way to go, lifers.
CC: You spend all your time on these boards trying to shame pro-lifers, who you believe are doing wrong. Can you explain what you believe is wrong with shaming people? Note, that’s not a rhetorical question so I’m not implying that there IS nothing wrong with it. Nor am I implying there’s nothing right with it. But your own remarks here are a consistent example of attempts to shame others, so in principle do you have no brief with those who shame others for behavior the shamers deem shameful?
883 so-called “saves” (I say this because unless you follow up with every single one, you don’t know that they weren’t just lying to get you to leave them alone or if they just went to another clinic or waited & came back at another time) out of the 825,000 abortions preformed each year. And 6,000 total “saves” out of the roughly 50 million abortions which have been preformed since Roe v. Wade. Don’t kid yourselves, it’s hardly an impact, a drop in the bucket. Abortion is a legitimate procedure and always has and always will continue to be preformed, legal or illegal, no matter how much you harass and threaten abortion providers & their patients.
Abortion is not a legitimate procedure, it’s murder. Just saying.
883 so-called “saves” (I say this because unless you follow up with every single one, you don’t know that they weren’t just lying to get you to leave them alone or if they just went to another clinic or waited & came back at another time)
It also excludes babies that we don’t know about (ie from women who walked by and changed their minds without actually talking to the pro-life volunteers). According to Planned Parenthood’s own data, 1 in 3 women who miss their abortion appointments never return or reschedule at another clinic.
out of the 825,000 abortions preformed each year. And 6,000 total “saves” out of the roughly 50 million abortions which have been preformed since Roe v. Wade. Don’t kid yourselves, it’s hardly an impact, a drop in the bucket.
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Oskar Schindler didn’t end the Holocaust. He’s still rightly regarded as a hero.
Abortion is a legitimate procedure.
That’s an easy claim to make, but actually proving it is a Herculean task. Abortion is a violent act that destroys an innocent human being:
and always has and always will continue to be preformed, legal or illegal
You could say the same thing about murder and rape. Do you support those?
no matter how much you harass and threaten abortion providers & their patients.
That’s not what 40 Days for Life is actually about.
The snarky and hostile tone we see in js’s comment Just Shows how so-called pro-choicers are actually pro-abortion. It’s not cool to be happy for women deciding to have their children, is it, abortion advocates?
Gosh, it’s almost like they SHAME women for choosing life.
Shame and guilt are internal feelings, wholely motivated by private, personal, internal feelings of failing to live up to ones own expectations. It can not be impressed or forced upon someone. It is quite impossible to “make” someone feel guilty or shameful. You can remind them of facts or opinions in evidence that they are trying to ignore, but whether they feel guilt or shame is 100% based upon their own personal beliefs and feelings on a matter. If someone says ‘you’re kids watch too much t.v.” I feel ashamed, because *i* believe they do watch too much t.v. and that reflects directly upon *my* acknowledged failure as a parent. But if you said the same opinion to my husband he’d laugh, because *he* doesn’t believe they watch too much t.v. and therefore *someone else’s* opinion has not a shred of weight against his parenting feelings.
Likewise if I tell someone ‘abortion doesn’t make you not a mother, it makes you the mother of a dead child’ if *they* actually believe that no child was harmed in their abortion and they never had a child they will roll their eyes and feel not one iota of guilt or shame. But if *they* know that abortion *did* kill their child then they will feel guilt and/or shame. *i* do not cause this feeling. Them not living up to their own internal expectations causes this. At most I can be accused of reminding them of what they feel. Since guilt and shame are your minds *internal* safe guards to ward you away from actions *you* believe to be wrong and/or drive you towards repentance and amends if you have done such, merely reminding someone of their own internal struggle is not a bad thing, it is a good thing.
But it is impossible to shame someone or make someone feel guilty, just as it is impossible to make someone experience any emotion, emotions are internal reactions we are 100% responsible for.