Michelle Obama makes Catholic Church’s point about contraception mandate
Our faith journey isn’t just about showing up on Sunday for a good sermon and good music and a good meal. It’s about what we do Monday through Saturday as well, especially in those quiet moments, when the spotlight’s not on us, and we’re making those daily choices about how to live our lives.
We see that in the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus didn’t limit his ministry to the four walls of the church. He was out there fighting injustice and speaking truth to power every single day. He was out there spreading a message of grace and redemption to the least, the last, and the lost. And our charge is to find Him everywhere, every day by how we live our lives….
[Faith] is not a once-a-week kind of deal….
Democracy is also an everyday activity. And being an engaged citizen should once again be a daily part of our lives.
~ First Lady Michelle Obama, speaking at the AME General Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on June 28, as quoted by ABC News
Hot Air’s take:
[T]he First Lady explained her concept of citizenship by likening it to the ministry of Jesus. Her explanation corroborates the same point that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops have been making for months about the intrusive nature of the HHS contraception mandate….
Furthermore, Jesus did not limit His ministry to just those disciples who followed Him, but ministered to many, including Romans, in the course of His evangelization.
However, her husband and Kathleen Sebelius don’t see it that way. They only allow for activities within “the four walls of the church” to be classified as religious expression exempt from government regulation, and only that activity which excludes those other than believers as participants or recipients, too.
[Photo via the Associated Press]
Oh this is rich…she was in my own backyard but I was too upset about the Obamacare ruling to read her comments. This is the woman who supports abortion on demand saying that it is the woman’s body, choice and her privacy so do not tell her she can’t abort the pre born life in her womb. BUT….FLOTUS wants to invade our privacy to say how much salt we can eat, ban soft drinks mandate our eating habits.
Actions, not words, describe one’s true spirit. Clearly here words are not supported by action. We need to reverse these incursions now!
She and Nancy Pelosi clearly need to get together.
And be sure to let Eric Metaxas know you were listening at the National Prayer Breakfast, Mrs. O. I’m sure he’ll be flattered.
Yeah, Mrs. Obama. That White House kitchen garden is really nice and all, but your vociferous defense of abortionists and abortion, as well as sitting in Rev. Wrights church for 15 years is yelling the loudest.
How DARE that woman use the name of my Savior to support her agenda?
Ya’ll don’t need to worry too much about this travesty of a FLOTUS. She’ll be gone before ya know it and we won’t have to listen to her hypocrisy anymore.
Actually, I agree with what she is saying! Too bad she doesn’t actually “get it” though. It doesn’t matter if we just sit in church if we don’t put our faith into action! Which is exactly why we want you to butt out Michelle, you and your husband and let us LIVE our faith and not just sit in a church every Sunday. And speaking about the “least of these”. Christ said what we do to the least of his bretheren we do to Him. That isn’t just the poor. That includes the defenseless like unborn children. Instead of speaking grand words Michelle I wish you’d actually read the Bible and ask God to open your eyes.
Is she now reading from a teleprompter too?
“Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord,Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.
If you REALLY knew Him, Michelle, you’d KNOW how He feels about killing babies. It’s in GOD’S WORD, which you “say” you know.
The first thing that came to my mind is that she should fill her husband in on her feelings if what she spoke is truth.
She is right Faith is NOT a once a week kind of deal. Either you are in or you are out. So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16
The hypocrisy of Obama and his ilk never ceases to amaze me.
Per Dante, I think the ‘bama family is ready for their lead robes…Hypocrites had their very own circle in Hell in his writing.
I’m sure her audience was smart enough to see right through her words and could tell they were “rehearsed”. As another commenter already pointed out, her actions speak louder than her words and those actions are what are still ‘ringing’ in the ears of her listeners. No one, not even the First Lady, can be a proponent of abortion and use the most holy Name of Jesus without it being taken in vain. God will deal with her and her husband, hopefully through a change of heart, and hopefully soon.
Ninek, did you just Infernalize the Obamas??????
So Michelle LaVaughn Robinson – Obama II, and her husband, President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama II – Barry Soetor, see pregnancy as a “punishment” and wish to support the “redo” button of abortion, because a woman is Empress of her own body. They don’t want their daughters, Melia and Shasha, to be “Punished by pregnancy,” so they support the slaughter of their babies, or, in the case of Melia and Shasha, Michell and Barack okay the slaughter of their own grand children.
I suppose Michelle and Barack don’t love Melia and Shasha THAT much, for the daughters are just not that important, for they were once in a positiion in which they were possible targets for abortion, which means that, from the beginning, children are merely a convenience which exist at the pleasure of the parent or parents, but have no inherent value in and of themselves, save if the parents choose to let them live.
I never listen to the severe Mrs.Obama. They may have de-Vulanized her eyebrows a little three years ago, but I still remember her affection for partial-birth abortion.
Stay away. There be dragons.
MO says that Jesus spoke truth to power? In my Bible, Jesus IS Truth and Power. I guess the Communist Bible is different.
I can’t believe the level of hate I’m seeing here. Do you guys actually believe that Jesus would condone the terrible things you’re saying? Also, Jesus speaks many, many times in the Bible about helping the poor, something that most conservatives conveniently forget to do…
But not once does it mention abortion, even though it was occasionally practiced even back then. In fact, there are some instances in the Bible that point to fetuses not being considered “persons”: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/abortion.html
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…
Hi Bob, people can’t be helped if they can’t live, or are destroyed before they’re born. Or do you consider targeting the poor for abortion as charity? No hate here, just askin’.
Old Bob, we know as a fact of science that a new human being’s life begins at fertilization. It then falls upon us to protect that human being, whether we are Christian or not — in fact, whether we believe in God or not.
And your argument of “He who is without sin, cast the first stone” could just as eaily be used to argue for legalizing rape and armed robbery.
Dear Old Bob – You may be right to point out the amazing love of Jesus … But He is patient and gentle with the humble and broken who can see their need for His grace, and honest and combative with the self-righteous and lukewarm. His ministry was to preach forgiveness and make people aware of their need for it. The Pharisees hated him and killed him for pointing out their hypocrisy. See Luke 11 below. Also, did you jyst say most conservatives don’t help the poor? C’mon now, Old Bob, you don’t truly believe that, do you? As a conservative I help the needy by spending my own money (and time and talents), while most progressives help the needy by spending my own money.
37 When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. 38 But the Pharisee, noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal, was surprised.
39 Then the Lord said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. 40 You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? 41 But give what is inside the dish[j] to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
42 “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.
Old Bob said, “Jesus speaks many, many times in the Bible about helping the poor, something that most conservatives conveniently forget to do…”
Jesus did probably speak of “helping the poor”–can you give some Bible references–but He is much more concerned about blessing those who are poor in spirit. They will inherit the kingdom of heaven, you remember. His kingdom is not of this world. Far better to go into the kingdom missing an arm or leg than to go into hell whole (and well fed, I might add). Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the other things like bread and clothes (and medicine) will be added to you.
Where did you get the idea that conservatives forget to help the poor? I’ve heard the contrary: statistics show that conservatives are more philanthropic than liberals. Liberals require the civil government to institute a bread dole and a bureaucracy to make everyone equally poor. And that’s not the civil government’s job, anyway. It’s more of the Church’s job, which shows the mercy of Jesus Christ. And the churches which I have attended (as I have moved to various places) take their mission seriously.
Ol’ Roy said: “Also, Jesus speaks many, many times in the Bible about helping the poor, something that most conservatives conveniently forget to do…”
The Democrats’ FAVORITE canard – if you don’t support ever increasing government, why, you HATE the poor! It doesn’t matter if you give huge amounts of YOUR OWN time and money to help people in need; if you don’t support Democrat policy, there’s no other explanation than that you simply hate the poor and want them all to die as painfully as possible.
Meanwhile, Dems vote to have government steal OTHER people’s money and promise to use it to help the poor, which often doesn’t actually happen. Yet they claim that they are the ones who TRULY care about the poor. It’s the most pathetic fraud in the history of America.
I Defend the Truth, I must point out the paradox of what has become law in our country. On one hand, we are told you have the right to choose between life in the womb or abortion. On the other hand, you are told you do not have the right to deny anyone birth control or abortion even if it contradicts your conscience. If conscience can dictate for an abortion or birth control, why can it not dictate against the same?” “The Truth is – our rights are being dictated and manipulated by compromised politicians.”
“Dear Jesus, we see Satan’s hand in his efforts to weaken this country by weakening the economy. In this way, the New World Order – One World Government – appears more acceptable to everyone. Enlighten all the citizens of this nation to see that to weaken the economy is to gain control of hearts and lives. Help the people of this country to see that government handouts are not free, but paid for with the surrender of independence. Amen
“Dear Jesus, return the heart of this nation to the righteous support of God’s Commandments as encapsulated in Holy Love. Vigorously defend life in this effort, as well as the tradition of marriage between a man and a woman. Realize that the acceptance of sin as a political issue is shaking hands with Satan, and giving evil an open door. Let all laws be in support of God’s Commandments; thereby strengthening the backbone of this great nation. Amen.”
Old Gregg,
I am not religious. I look to science to make the determination of what/who the gestating human being is. That is a person.
Jesus’ words were: the poor you will always have with you and (paraphrasing:) you can help them any time you like. I’m not a chapter/verse kinda person but he says this after a woman pours expensive oil on him that Judas, among others, thought should be sold instead and the money given to the poor.
Notice when reading the gospel that Jesus healed the sick himself. He never once told them that what they needed wouldn’t be covered by their insurance, and he never once told anyone that it was just too expensive to treat them, so he’d only be able to mercifully end their life. He also was very specific about giving to Cesar what was Cesar’s and he was certainly did NOT say to give God’s power over life and death to Cesar, which is what we have with tax payer-funded-government-approved abortions.
Again: Jesus healed with his own hands, and did not wait for a goverment run bureaucracy to heal for him. But he did rebuke the Pharisees for not wanting him to heal on the Sabbath. He said that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
I would say, similarly, that government is made to serve man. Man is not made to serve the government. This is going to be the saddest 4th of July ever for me. I always loved the United States of America.
I will not love The State.
+1, ninek
xalisae: Traducianism. My Christianity meets your secularism. Only one thing left to do: meet each other in Christ. :-)
Thanks, you anti choice rascal, lol!
For those of you readers out there who think christianity = socialism, let me repeat:
Jesus scolded the rulers for adhering to rules about when NOT to heal. Socialized medicine is all about when not to heal.
This is going to be the saddest 4th of July ever for me.
For me too, ninek. ): But it is Hope that is going to get me out to a parade and fireworks anyway.