Need a hook-up? Check out Planned Parenthood clientele
What a great idea. As a young male student busy with classes, sports, and glee club, you just don’t have time to figure out who to date any more. The line at the clinic reduces confusion.
Conversely, if you never see a female classmate there, you can assume she’s no fun at all, or worse, God forbid, a virgin. Don’t ask *her* to the prom.
~ Greg Gutfeld, conservative commentator on Fox News’ The Five, commenting on the Los Angeles School District’s decision to host a Planned Parenthood clinic on one of its campuses, June 7
Very telling statements in the Daily Caller link. From the article:
But a low-income and Latino neighborhood called Boyle Heights has more teen mothers than most other California counties, a statistic the school district hopes to change.
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles executive director Sue Dunlap told the Times that the families generally have not complained about the clinic, but want access to the services.
“We really don’t experience the traditional narrative of angry parents not wanting access to reproductive care in the schools,” Dunlap said. “It’s really the opposite.”
Perhaps is was just sloppy use of language on the part of the author, but the school district wishes to change the number of “teen mothers” and not reduce teen pregnancy? Sounds like they want more abortions. (To pro-lifers a teen mother and a pregnant teen are one and the same. But those that champion PP don’t usually agree.)
But to me the most telling information is about the families. They want PP in the school. They are okay with their children receiving reproductive care from PP where “parental consent is not needed”. Read between the lines. The families are fine with their teens having sex and don’t want to be involved in that part of their child’s life. Funny, all of my friends that believe it’s inevitable that their teens will have sex, find out that their teens are having sex.
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“When you know better you do better.” Maya Angelou
Gutfeld is ever artful and clever. He essentially just called females who will go to this Planned Parenthood easy, but since he said it indirectly there will be no outrage. Hence Limbaugh’s true crime in the Sandra Fluke case was a lack of subtlety.
”since he said it indirectly there will be no outrage”
I’m sure our usual trolls will feign all kinds of outrage over this, but no one in the general public will care or even hear about this.
Parents who are involved in their children’s lives and education DO NOT WANT Planned Parenthood in our schools.
But in poor neighborhoods – where families are all broken, drugs and alcohol dominate the culture, and parents never show up for parent-teacher meetings — it is not surprising that no one cares if the school invites Planned Parenthood in to help raise the children.
These school districts see infants as just another concern to be avoided. They do not care how the problem goes away.
Wow, that’s a nice amount of generalizing going on there!! Only sluts get abortions, and there is no way a young man could want anything out of a girl except for sex. Smdh
Just because you’re not one of those kinds of men, Jack, doesn’t mean those kinds of men don’t exist.
To me his comment just sums up the whole, wise old truth about scoundrels: ”Men don’t want used furniture but they love to be in the antiquing business.”
So the girls in line at PP are easy sluts you should avoid, but the girls who aren’t in line are “no fun” or “God forbid, a virgin” and you don’t want them either??
Take note ladies. Real men are hard to find. Then again, real ladies are getting pretty hard to find, too.
Didn’t say they didn’t exist, I just dislike the generalizations.
I also would like to point out that Greg Gutfeld is a satirist and comic. He doesn’t mean 99% of the things he says seriously. Just because he implies that some (disgusting) men think this way, doesn’t mean HE does.
so prochoicers mock prolifers meeting and dating each other in a small pool.(Stanek quote for the week-end queestion).. but I think since a third of woman used PP they have even a smaller pool…..
I knew a man in college who had a reputation for “coming on strong.” A woman once said, “That is someone I do not like” because of that propensity.
However, he was a virgin to vaginal intercourse. He didn’t believe in abortion so when he tried for a sex act, that particular one was off the list.
Men can take a lesson from this.
Can’t we just once hear some of these commentators promote teens NOT dating? I’ve watched Greg Gutfeld and he’s a funny guy, but what a great message he could get across. Statistics show the earlier these kids date, the more likely they will start having sex, thus, contract STD’s, possibly get pregnant, and worse have abortion/abortions. This organization is absolutely disgusting and if it was my kids school, I would be raising holy hell protesting them. Planned Butcherhood does not care about kids, they just care about staying in business.
Does SMDH = stop maliciously defaming ho’s
xalisae says: June 9, 2012 at 12:07 pm “Just because you’re not one of those kinds of men, Jack, doesn’t mean those kinds of men don’t exist.”
I used to be just one of a multitude of those predatory ’boys’ who was desperately hoping to encounter a girl who was easy prey.
I was not looking for a relationship, unless a faking a relationship would ensure getting laid wheneve the whim struck me.
But that was when I was a liberal humanist pro-choice guy.
If you think I am bad, now you should thank GOD, you never knew me back then.
I am confident the amoral culture that pp advocate and inculcates only encourages horny boys and girls in their quests to satisfy their biological imperative.
People with goals and purpose and excitement for life do not take stupid risks. The best pregnancy prevention is not contraception but building girls’ self-esteem, empowering them to make good choices, surrounding them with great role models, raising them and educating them in such a way that they can recognize their unique gifts and figure out ways to use them.
All PlannedParenthood is doing is enabling the current, sick system to continue longer — altering the people to fit the system instead of altering the system to fit the people — treating people as inanimate cogs in a machine instead of precious, unique persons.
I’m not sure I like the people in this video but they do make a lot of good points. PP is paid for with tax dollars and this is a public school, so will they be hearing from an adoption agency at any point? And if the school’s role is to give out free condoms, should they also be giving free needles to school-age drug-users?
What I’m irritated about is that they didn’t call the PP schill out on his correlation fallacy. Unless the drop in pregnancies can be reasonably demonstrated to have been anything other than normal year-to-year fluctuation, the fact that there are fewer girls pregnant this year than last year means diddly-squat in terms of what PP had to do with it.
What can be done to reduce partnered sexual activity, particularly het activity?
It seems to me that we should ensure boys and girls aren’t alone together. They tend to impulsively engage in sex….
Should we make a general rule that boys and girls aren’t alone together?
How should such a rule be enforced?
“het” activity? Huh? Is that some new shorthand for heterosexual? Do we now have to categorize all the different sorts of sexual activity? Now normal sexuality is just one of many? Good grief… another rotten fruit of the homosexual agenda.
Did you miss Gutfeld’s irony, Jen?
In addition to some of the great points already raised by commenters here, I think Gutfeld highlights a disturbing point regarding (lack of) anonymity and social pressure on the high school campus. Is it cool, mandatory (socially), not cool, embarrassing, etc. to be seen going to PP there? Surely it is different things to different people, and PPs presence and influence there – and anywhere – is sick and wrong.
And, no, I would not call people who go to PP easy, but being prepared to have “safe” sex makes their having sex a more distinctive possibility. What am I missing regarding this point?
Greg Gutfeld is the thinking person’s Bill Maher. Then again, almost anyone would be the thinking person’s Bill Maher.
What disappointed me most when I saw this live was that when the clueless leftie Bob Beckel said PP would do mammagrams, the others on the panel (I believe three are pro-life, but not outspokenly so, and Dana Perrino is most likely pro-choice) only corrected him in pointing out high school students wouldn’t be getting them.
A chaste teen girl may have every intention of refusing partnered sex but want to be on contraception to ensure that if she is forcibly raped, she does not have to make that Hobson’s choice between an abortion or carrying a constant — and public — reminder of the rape for 9 months and then giving birth to the baby that is both hers and that of her tormentor. When fertile females are raped, they are often terrified of being pregnant. Being on contraception means she at least doesn’t have this fear to contend with. We can argue all day about whether or not rape victims should be legally required to carry and bear the babies of rapists. The fact remains that few teen girls look forward to walking around with big bellies as the result of attacks and hearing some shout “Congratulations!” at the results of her torture.
The school’s message to the girls is basically, “We will give you girls free birth control. Now you have no excuse left to keep telling the boys, no.”
Don’t think that the students in that school don’t hear a message loud and clear that tells them they should be having sex just for fun and entertainment. With free pills for the girls, and no cost to the guys, I mean why not.
It is so cruel to do this to the students we are charged with protecting.
“you don’t have to say, no.”
quickly becomes,
“you have to say, yes.”
hippie says:
June 10, 2012 at 1:23 pm
The school’s message to the girls is basically, “We will give you girls free birth control. Now you have no excuse left to keep telling the boys, no.”
Don’t think that the students in that school don’t hear a message loud and clear that tells them they should be having sex just for fun and entertainment. With free pills for the girls, and no cost to the guys, I mean why not.
(Denise) The abstinent girls will get greater respect. Protected from pregnancy, they will not be saying “No” because they fear a trauma but because they want to save themselves for someone special.
I am against this whole concept of course and endorse abstinence, but humor me a moment here when I ask, why does PP primarily encourage birth control that does not prevent stds?
LifeJoy says:
June 10, 2012 at 11:17 pm
I am against this whole concept of course and endorse abstinence, but humor me a moment here when I ask, why does PP primarily encourage birth control that does not prevent stds?
(Denise) The ONLY contraceptive that reduces the chances of transmitting STDs is the condom, especially the latex condom. It’s not the most effective contraceptive.
Again, how do we promote abstinence?
Haven’t we got to ensure boys and girls aren’t alone together?
Lifejoy’s question is a good one: if PP is so darn committed to ‘preventative’ care, then why do they promote products and behaviors that guarantee their customer base will return again and again, with the costs rising for each visit? STD treatment is costlier than cheap condoms, and abortions are costlier than STD treatments. Follow the money.