Pro-life blog buzz 6-12-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Fletcher Armstrong discusses Scott Walker’s victory in Wisconsin and notes how Walker’s promotion of school choice may affect Planned Parenthood.
- Big Blue Wave wonders why on earth the Canadian auto worker unions are getting involved in pro-choice counter-demonstrations. Are Canadian pro-choice groups so desperate for protesters that they have to borrow from other groups?
- At Coming Home, Gerard Nadal examines eugenic and after-birth abortion (infanticide) in the first post of a series on medical ethics.
- Abby Johnson writes an open letter to all abortion clinic workers informing them of the support available to them if they choose to leave the industry. In part of the letter, she also recounts the fact that Planned Parenthood admits to routinely asking personnel to commit fraud in overbilling state and federal governments.
- Bryan Kemper expresses his outrage at Planned Parenthood’s establishment of a clinic inside a Los Angeles high school.
- The Family Research Council blog prints Dr. Donna Harrison’s rebuttal to a recent New York Times article promoting the morning-after pill:
The recent [article]… asserting that so-called abortifacient drugs may not be abortive at all, is a wonderful example of convolution of facts to obscure reality. First of all, lumping together two very different drugs and calling them “morning-after pills” allows for clever confusion of what is known about the mechanism of action of each drug, and the role of progesterone in helping the embryo to implant and sustain the pregnancy.
- Down on the Pharm points out a reversal in Korea’spolicies regarding the morning-after pill and daily hormonal contraception:
The KDFA justification for changing daily administered birth control pill brands to prescription status is due to their side effects…: thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombo puerperalis, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis among others.The pills are banned from being administered to women with breast cancer, endometrial cancer, hepatitis and thromboembolism. Their use is also restricted among women who are over 40 years old, obese, have headaches, depression or other related conditions.
[Photo via]
was supposed to have been in the above post.