Stanek Sunday funnies: “Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision” edition
Here were my top five favorite cartoons for the week, all pertaining to the Supreme Court’s lamentable decision to uphold the constitutionality of Obamacare…
But first, Obama’s own denial that Obamacare levies a tax, from an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in 2009…
by Michael Ramirez at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Gary Varvel at…
by Chip Bok at…
by Steve Kelley at…
Before the Supreme Court considered this case Obama had already begun an all out assault against the Supreme Court. Who remembers Justice Alito being attacked for mouthing “That’s not true!” while shaking his head in the negative as President Barack Hussein Obama II – Barry Soetoro engaged in direct character assassination, and false accusations against the Supreme Court and Supreme Court Justices. The predominently leftist Main Stream established phony press, or NFN (Not Fox News) press, did not research facts, but acted as a mouthpiece, or propaganda wing, of the Obama-Leftist-Socialist-Fascist party. They enjoyed the opportunity to praise Obama, and insult Justice Alito, Conservatives, and the Supremes.
Obama was in full-on assault mode threatening the Supreme Court itself on several occasions during the past few months, specifically regarding the, at the time, pending hearing of the Obama-Care case.
Obama demonstrated his lack of class as he trashed and threatened the Supremes several times, and, again, the press loved it, loved and applauded his attacks, and worked to push Obama’s agenda, and the image of Obama as wise, caring, compassionate, brilliant, and more.
It is clear that Chief Justice Roberts succumbed to concern that the Supreme Court would be considered irrelevant and partisan if he, and they, found against Obama care and the mandate, so he came up with one of the most absurd, weak, laughable excuses, that it is a tax and that it is Constitutional, and that the government can levy taxes at will.
Obama IS a liar, and he IS a vicious, mean, vindictive, malicious person, yet his claques in the press, and in the entertainment industry, both acting as outlets to get his message out, having the advantage by direct access to the “microphone” of public broadcast and publication, love him and promote him, paint him a wonderful, kind, compassionate, likeable, and more, all things he really is not.
The Supreme Court has already made some terrible decisions, such as the Dredd Scott decision, Roe v Wade, Doe v Bolton, the Kelso case, the Arizona immigratoin law case, and more. This decision is absurd, and, as if we should be surprised, government cannot be depended on to do the right thing, or follow the Constitution, no matter whether the branch be the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, or the Judicial Branch.
No doubt Attorney General Eric Holder will get a free pass for his part in the corruption of the Fast and Furious case. The Press will side with Obama and Holder, the majority of the Congress will favor Holder and Obama in the Fast and Furious case, and Republicans will be painted as obstructionists, partisians, on a which hunt, attacking a good, innocent man, and other nonsense, and the general public will swallow that swill, and they will re-elect this phony, this amateur, Obama, who has no idea what he is doing, a person whose values are horrible, who trashes the US and her citizens both here when he speaks in the USA, or overseas, such as when he trashed Pennsylvania citizens as clingong to their guns, their bibles, their religion, and having a problem with the way he looks, a clear indication of Obama’s obsession with appearance, racism, and so on. Obama is not a post racial president, he is a racist man who capitalizes on the race issue.
If George Zimmerman is considered a “White Hispanic” so the press and leftists, racists, can push the “White racist predator attacks innocent, young black child and murders him” meme in the Trayvon Martin – George Zimmerman case, once it was discovered that Zimmeran is actually Hispanic (and black, but the press and Obama, Sharpton, Malik Shabaaz, and other racists ignore that fact because the story must be that an evil white person attacks an innocent black child, Martin was neither innocent, or a “child.”), then Obama should be labelled a “Whte African,” or “White-Black person,” in order to attain the samel level of accuracy.
Obama has laughably claimed that people don’t want to elect him because of is race or the color of his skin, while his loving press repeatedly claims that voters are racist, or those who disagree with Obama are racist. This they do even though Obama was elected by the largest number of votes in history, and even though whites, Hispanics, and Asians all helped elect Obama, and even though they still think he is the Savior of Mankind, the Messiah, the Smartest Person in the world.
The Amatuer-in-Chief failure, still in on-the-job training, will most likely be re-elected, for, again, the people are fools, the press pushes Obama and the leftist-Democrat agenda, as well as the Government knows best, government mandated health care, Abortion, homosexual, gay marriage agenda, and Islam as a great, peaceful religion agenda.
It would not be a problem if those who support this disgrace were the only ones who suffered from supporting this horrible man and the nasty people he surrounds himself with, but the rest of us are also forced to suffer from the failed, malevolent administration which is Obama and the Democrats-Leftists who support him and push their vile agenda on the rest of us.
I had almost forgotten! Remember when George H. W. Bush said, “Read my lips, no new taxes” and then Congress went and raised taxes and he didn’t veto it? He was absolutely crucified by the media. He is viewed as a despicable liar for all time because he said no new taxes and then we had new taxes. And yet Obama says Obamacare is not a tax, and when it turns out that the ONLY reason the monstrosity is constitutional is that IT’S A TAX, the media has nothing to say about what a shameless, soulless liar Obama is.
The last cartoon is the best.
‘Read my lips. Not gonna happen, not gonna happen. No new taxes’
The video clip of the obamateur is nauseating.
b o is peeing down stephanpoulos’s leg and george is hoping it’s NOT raining.
RE: #5
It seems to get more and more evident every day that the most important function of the President is selecting Supreme Court Justices. The Supreme Court basically runs the country anyways.
I was hoping for a cartoon reference to Chief Justice Roberts’s most valuable message, “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
As hard as it is to swallow, it looks like the Supreme Court made the right decision: Congress really does have the authority to tax the poor in order to provide cheaper health insurance to the middle class.
If Americans don’t like it, then we need to vote in a new Congress…. one who listens to our heart and soul, rather than forcing legislation down our throats.
JDC has it right about the importance of supreme court picks. And in yesterday’s list of 10 take-aways from the decision the author Curt Levey says “five is not enough”. So true.
Will EVERYONE be paying the $1 monthly abortion surcharge? Am I understanding it correctly? Or just people on particular insurance plans? I want to be sure I get it before I make it my business to denounce it. I am envisioning a massive drive to publicize the surcharge and rally pro-lifers for $1 per month to your local crisis pregnancy center. Any ideas? Who’s in?
Tell us how you really feel. ;)
We have a new congress. Now we need a new president and a new senate.
Hi Del 1:51PM
The people’s “political choices” didn’t mean squat when Roe v Wade struck down the state laws regulating abortion.
As for Obamacare,, did the people’s “political choices” also involve the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase, bribes openly accepted by senators to get their votes? Then let’s not forget poor Bart Stupak. Geez, Obama didn’t even kiss him first, or respect him in the morning.
I can’t look for it now but on YouTube there is an excellent video by Charles Krauthammer as to why Roberts did this. Its brief but states it very well.
as to why Roberts did this.
All in all we need LESS government everywhere, and not just in Healthcare. I think the Republicans should offer in exchange for repealing the ACA, we cut off ALL foreign aid to Israel, Pakistan and India. Also, there can be 98% cuts to the DEA, ATF, and a host of other federal agencies, and then legalization and 20% taxation of marijuana. Drugs seized by Coast Guard interdiction programs can then be sold by the Government to private wholesalers.
All foreign military intervention should require Congressional authorization, where in that authorization it spells out exactly what domestic programs will be cut in order to pay for the conflict. As a compromise for funding foreign conflict, the FIRST funding to go could be any money for enforcement of the Federal partial birth abortion ban, and enforcement of EPA regulations.
Both Federal and State welfare and food stamp programs can be cut, but only in exchange for simple Medical and Health regulation of abortion. Contraception doesn’t have to be provided in any State program, but only in exchange for allowing insurance to be sold across State lines. Then women in Mississippi could buy a policy from California that covers contraception.
Stop all foreign aid and military intervention, end the failed war on drugs, and both sides exchange eliminations of things, and healthcare can be paid for in 5 years.
If you think allowing the killing of children in utero is something we can or should compromise on, you must be higher than you sound.
LifeJoy, it’s only certain plans will cover abortion, but the real kicker here is the Obama Administration issued a regulation outlawing insurance companies from advertising if their plans cover abortion or not. So by the time you sign up to enroll it’s too late. Now, we might set up a website that reports if plans cover abortion or not, but how much attention it will get depends, if the Obama Administration doesn’t send lawyers after it. Even if you aren’t paying the surcharge, you’re still sending your own money to plans that cover abortions. Someday they could just rule everyone gets free abortions and we have to go along. This bill ranks right up there with the infamous fugitive slave act in terms of unjust raw power.
Cathleen “Cruella DeVille” Sebelius basically gets to make crap up as she goes along according to the bill. Ya think she might be sympathetic to “free” abortion on demand at taxpayer expense? Just a pinch?
The one dollar surcharge is a direct contradiction to the President’s phony and never intended to be honored executive order used to buy off Bart Stupak.
But instead of trying to figure out all of the angles of what is and what is not allowed in Obamacare we need to keep a singular focus on eliminating Obamacare. If in a worse case scenario Obamacare survives we will have plenty of time to figure out how bad we are getting screwed.
Obamacare is kind of like the old saying: Marry in haste, repent in leisure. Most people who have a rosy view of Obamacare are not unlike the naieve young bride waltzing down the aisle on the arm of every parents worst nightmare.
Thanks, Chris, x, Jerry, for the clarification. Yeah, so ugly, deceptive, and immature – just to name a few poor qualities. But you are also right that it may not move forward still. Romney-aka-anyone-but-Obama 2012!
Link to an article listing five new Obamacare taxes that raise the cost of medical care for US citizens beginning in 2013 (conveniently after the election).