NARAL: Think with uterus, not brain
This morning pro-abortion group NARAL retweeted the following:
Ha ha.
I can take a joke. Only this particular joke came from liberal feminists, who can’t. Were anyone but them dare to quip that women think with their uteruses and not their brains, the mother of all righteous indignations would erupt.
Furthermore, since NARAL et al are so obsessed by their empty uteruses, they haven’t taken time to learn the history of the women’s movement, about which the uterus is a focal point.
As they say, those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it. And so we see here NARAL return to the Dark Ages, literally. From History House:
Medical doctors, starting with the ancient Greeks and making it all the way to the early 20th century, were firmly convinced that aberrant behaviors displayed by women were directly caused by their uteri.
This perception of the uterus as a troublesome organ and thus the direct cause of varying malaises made it until the beginning of the 20th century…. This belief peaked at the end of the 19th century, when white, middle-classed women went through an epidemic of “hysteria”. [From the] book, Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness:
[Medical doctors theorized that] each human body contained a set quantity of energy that was directed variously from one organ or function to another. This meant that you could develop one organ or ability only at the expense of others… because reproduction was woman’s grand purpose in life… higher education could be potentially dangerous. Too much development of the brain, [doctors] counseled, would atrophy the uterus.
More succinctly, we can look to 19th-century German scientist P. Moebius in his Concerning the Physiological and Intellectual Weakness of Women…:
If we wish woman to fulfill the task of motherhood fully she cannot possess a masculine brain. If the feminine abilities were developed to the same degree as those of the male, her maternal organs would suffer and we should have before us a repulsive and useless hybrid.
So back to NARAL, apparently the joke is on them. All good jokes have a basis in truth, after all. And it is absolutely true that liberal feminists think with their uteruses and not their brains. Their preoccupation with developing a “masculine brain,” to the point of abhorring the natural and beautiful function of their own unique organs, has rendered them stupid. They cannot acknowledge, for instance, that those prejudiced against women are using abortion to target and kill women. They cannot acknowledge that the steroidal compounds in birth control pills are dangerous to women and the environment. Etc.
It is also ironic that the quest to be like men has indeed caused the liberal feminist uterus to become the “repulsive and useless hybrid” Moebius theorized 100 years ago.
And about that word “hysteria,” from
The word itself is derived… from the Greek word hystera, meaning “womb.” And they understood the uterus to be the direct cause of hysteria. As Hannah S. Decker writes:
Various ancient Greek philosophers and physicians, including Plato, had argued that the uterus is an independent entity within a woman’s body… these thinkers concluded that the uterus had an ardent desire to create children. If the womb remained empty for long after the owner’s puberty, it became unhappy and angry and began to travel through the body. In its wanderings it pressed against various bodily organs, creating “hysterical” – that is, uterus-related – symptoms.
So Plato believe an empty uterus caused a woman to be “unhappy and angry” and become “hysterical.”
Again, more ironic truth.
Pro-choicer: “How dare anyone reduce a woman like me to sexual and reproductive parts!”
Pro-lifer: ”So how do you view a woman like yourself?”
Pro-choicer: “I am defined by my vagina and uterus!”
Good post. Eric condensed it well. :-)
Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up.
If I’ve learned anything from abortion advocates over time … it’s that they lack even the most minuscule sense of irony.
Who said, “Real life is stranger than fiction”?
Thanks a lot, now I’ve got “My Fair Lady” songs stuck in my head! “Why can’t a woman be more like a man?”
I can say from first hand experience that birth control is detrimental to health. I was going to get the essure procedure for permenant birth control. My doctor gave me depro-provera shot a month before the scheduled procedure to prepare my uterus. When I got home I started looking up essure. I was reading about all kinds of nightmare experinces and got scared. My husband opted to get a vasectomy instead. Well that shot was the start of a lot of trouble. The first two months I had no period. Can’t complain there. Then on the third month I started what seemed like a normal period. Then the next morning I woke up to severe cramps and very haevy bleeding. The cramps got so bad they felt like contractions. I went to the er and passed what they thought was a misscarriage. It was the size of a plum. It turned out to be menstrual material. The next month I had a very heavy period. The following month I had a three week period. The first week light. The second week so heavy that even with super absorbant tampons change twice an hour the blleding was so heavy a actually was using my daughter’s diapers to catch the overflow. The third week normal period. I stopped for a week and started up again. Heavy bleeding for a week. It is now a week later and I have started up again but mild bleeding. When it starts it is very brown and thick and has a bad smell. My doctor thinks it is still just residual effects from the depo shot. It has been out of my system for two months. That shot has been a nightmare and still is. I am going to have to pressure my doc to look into this further. I am sick of having a nonstop period. I think something more is going on and it is from that stupid shot. So much for “liberating” birth control.
I always cringe when I see what people thought of women in history. I mean, I know it existed and sexism is still a problem, but I can’t imagine thinking like that. :( And I was raised in a pretty sexist culture, but this stuff was just out there.
I have a pretty friggin’ masculine mind, and it’s not inhibited my ability to bear children one bit. At least I think with my brain though, instead of my reproductive organs.
I have actually never thought with my uterus, not even while conceiving, implanting, bearing, or birthing my three babies. So I’ll opt to use my God-given brain to vote as well. But should I choose to cast a uterine vote, mine would go with LIFE and with said uterus doing its function and bringing joy to the brain (heart, soul, family, world, and baby!) every time.
“I think/vote with my uterus”.
Yes…and that’s why you’re PRO-abortion.
I use my BRAIN…that’s why I’m PRO-LIFE.
Actually, it’s you folks who define women as incubators whose vagina’s are strictly for the reproductive function and not for the exclusive pleasure of sex. You do realize that the comment was a play on the phrase voting with one’s feet and as such, rather clever.
“I can say from first hand experience that birth control is detrimental to health.”
And I can say, from first hand experience, that birth control is wonderful. 20 years of birth control pills and no problems (and no babies, either.) But I do love these testimonies as they underscore how the pro-life movement is going after contraception, as well as abortion. Women as happy breeders, that’s the ticket, what ho?
Twenty years on birth control, CC, and no babies? Highly doubtful. At the end of time you’ll have your chance to meet the children you conceived who then died because they didn’t implant.
”At the end of time you’ll have your chance to meet the children you conceived who then died because they didn’t implant.”
First of all, I don’t believe in your “end of time” scenario. Second, if your scenario was accurate, it would be me and billions of women whose non-implanted zygotes got flushed down the toilet with every period – and that includes women not on any birth control. It’s that science thing that you folks love so much. And BTW, the medical community (along with many non-Catholic religions) believes that a pregnancy begins at implantation. Again, science. And the reality based community doesn’t believe that non-implanted zygotes are “babies.” If so, women should have proper baptisms and funerals for the contents of their periods just in case something got away? No?
No, CC, it wasn’t clever. “Clever” happens when you have an interesting and novel idea that doesn’t carry hideously Unfortunate Implications. This wasn’t clever. There is a term for what this is, though. “Tone deaf.” Someone who calls themself pro-woman saying they do their thinking with their va-jay-jay? Given the history behind such a claim (helpfully outlined in the post), that’s so anti-feminist it’s almost painful.
CC:”First of all, I don’t believe in your “end of time” scenario. Second, if your scenario was accurate, it would be me and billions of women whose non-implanted zygotes got flushed down the toilet with every period – and that includes women not on any birth control. It’s that science thing that you folks love so much.”
That is why pre-marital sex is also a no-no. If you supervise your body like a baby-manufacturing plant, you’ll be held accountable for rejecting any of the Owner’s valuable product.
CC :”Actually, it’s you folks who define women as incubators whose vagina’s are strictly for the reproductive function and not for the exclusive pleasure of sex.”
Exclusively…? That is a new assertion. More importantly, what about surrogacy CC, are you against that? What about gay and straight couples exploiting poor Indian women for their uterus? Do you care about them or are they in the wrong country?
CC: “And BTW, the medical community (along with many non-Catholic religions) believes that a pregnancy begins at implantation. Again, science.”
Science doesn’t require belief does it? Pregnancy is not life, no scientific expert denies that human life starts at conception. Pregnancy, according to progressives, does start at the same time as life… big whoop. You are still killing human beings CC.
CC:”And the reality based community doesn’t believe that non-implanted zygotes are “babies.” If so, women should have proper baptisms and funerals for the contents of their periods just in case something got away? No?”
Correct, the reality based community does not recognize non-implanted zygotes as “babies” they recognize them as human beings in a stage of development called the “zygote”. Your own language belies your point. Finally baptism and funeral rites differ among religions. You would have to be more specific about which religion you have an issue. But religious bigots usually don’t like to be specific. From purely biological perspective, you might want to reconsider the pros and cons of pre-marital sex.
Definition of ZYGOTE
: a cell formed by the union of two gametes; broadly : the developing individual produced from such a cell