Without explicitly mentioning abortion, the former Republican presidential candidate propelled the crowd to its feet by championing the GOP as the one party that lifts up all children – “born and unborn.”

“I thank God that America still has one party that reaches out their hands in love to lift up all of God’s children – born and unborn, and says that each of us has dignity and all of us have the right to live the American Dream,” Santorum said.

The line, met with deafening applause and one of the longest standing ovations of the night, was the culmination of Santorum’s emotional telling of his daughter Bella’s struggle with a rare genetic disorder that doctors predicted would leave her with a life not worth living….

It’s a story the American public is well familiar with…. But on Tuesday, Santorum’s personal anecdote resonated in an entirely new manner with an emphatic crowd of approximately 20,000 attendees, representing a party that has been harangued over its longstanding anti-abortion position in the wake of Rep. Todd Akin’s controversial comments over “legitimate rape.”

~ Huffington Post, reporting on former presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s speech at the Republican National Convention last night

[Photo via the Associated Press/Huffington Post]

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