Stanek Sunday funnies: “Dirty Harry” edition
This week political cartoonists on both the left and right had fun with U.S. Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry’s Reid’s wild, unfounded accusations against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney…
by Eric Allie at…
a twofer by Glenn McCoy at…
by Nick Anderson at…
by Glenn Foden at…
by Gary McCoy at…
by Steve Sack at…

Does anyone think Harry Reid is anything more than a sock puppet for Obama?
In my opinion Obama sent Reid out to attack Romney because Reid is a Mormon. This inoculates Reid from the counter-charge of anti-Mormon bigotry. Of course there have been plenty of politicians who are strongly against the religion they claim to profess. The Kennedy family comes to mind.
Mitt, it’s so easy to prove Harry Reid to be a liar.
Release the tax returns.
Do it.
There are gonaa be a helluva lot of angry poor and middle class ‘families’ when they find out what is really in store for them under Obamacare.
There are gonaa be a helluva lot of angry poor and middle class ‘families’ when they find out what is really in store for them under Obamacare.
Worry not. Ayn Rand’s “job creators” and “producers” will deal with those “parasites.”
But now the government will fine and arrest the ones who can’t afford to purchase the mandated Obamacare health plan. I don’t think anybody wanted that. Did you see how the article says that the Obama administration will disqualify families from government subsidization. It is basing qualification upon a single persons health insurance policy costing 10% of household income and not the cost the households family medical plan.
—Mitt Romney: Pure Comedy Gold—
Tim Pawlenty reveals to Stephanopoulos that he gave “a bunch” of tax returns to Romney in order to be considered for VP.
Ever seen a politician SPEECHLESS? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Reid’s scowlling face is the quintessetial “Big Brother” on a widescreen from 1984.
Th fifth cartoon should be “Mormon / moron”
mp 10:38am
Uh mp, when you accuse someone, it falls on you to back up those accusations. The accused does not have to prove his/her innocence.
So, let’s say I was to tell people on this blog that an anonymous source has informed me that you are a secret agent of the Koch Bros. and are involved in the distribution of the book “Atlas Shrugged” as part of a plot for world conquest, then it would fall on me to prove it. You wouldn’t be obligated to do a darned thing.
Romney is under no obligation to prove anything.
Got it??
Got it??
Tell Pawlenty!!
Other than it being obvious that you are easily entertained, the fact remains it falls on Reid to prove the charges.
“I feel very badly that Mitt won’t release his taxes and won’t be fair with the American people,” Huntsman told me.
–Jon Huntsman, Sr., founder Huntsman Corporation, Romney 2008 National Campaign Finance Committee Chairman
Doesn’t matter mp. Harry Reid makes the accusation, Harry Reid needs to back it up.
President Obama probably wants Mr. Romney to produce more tax returns so that the president can continue his story about how disgustingly rich Mr. Romney is and how he does not pay enough taxes (even if he has paid everything that the law requires him to). President Obama wants to ignore Mr. Romney’s story about how disgustingly irresponsible the president has been. Of course, for this very same reason, Mr. Romney does not want to show more tax returns.
If Mr. Romney gives in to Mr. Reid, the Democrats will not be satisfied. They will only lead Mr. Romney down more rabbit trails. Distraction at all costs.
Riches are spiritually dangerous but not evil, folks (unless they are ill-gotten). Envy, however, is a vice, and the Democrats are often fanning it into flame.
Hi Jon,
Very good point. My thought is that Obama wants nothing more than to find something in Romney’s taxes to destroy him with. Its been B.O.’s past M.O. Reid is just his sock puppet.
Romney would be a fool to give in to this ploy.