Up on Drudge now is a link to a Washington Examiner story reporting the results of a new Susan B. Anthony List’s poll, which are:

  • A majority of swing voters (54%) are less likely to vote for President Obama after learning that he voted against a law to give equal treatment and constitutional protections to babies born alive after a failed abortion (35% much less likely).
  • After learning of President’s Obama’s record of opposing equal treatment and constitutional rights for babies born alive after a failed abortion, women (53%), independents (46%) and pro-choicers (43%) said they would be less likely to vote for the President.
  • By a margin of 2-to-1 (49%-25%), likely swing voters in battleground states say they are less likely to vote for President Obama based on his inclusion of taxpayer funding of abortion in Obamacare.
  • Swing voters overwhelmingly reject (69%) the HHS mandate that forces faith-based institutions to violate their beliefs and provide coverage for abortion-inducing drugs.  Forty four percent of voters said they are much less likely to vote for the candidate who imposes such regulations.

The poll was conducted by the polling company inc./WomanTrend of likely voters in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin who were either undecided or are leaning toward Romney or Obama.

In other words, when Independents or leaners learn of Obama’s abortion record, they are repulsed. We must get the word out.

Read topline data is here (6 pages), SBA List’  analysis here (2 pages), and SBA List’s press release on the poll here.

Tomorrow SBA List will launch a $150,000 ad buy in Ohio, featuring both the Melissa Ohden ad as well as this brand new ad…


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