by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli

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  • Moral Outcry wonders why no one raised the issue of the enormous costs of abortion in the first Presidential Debate of 2012:

    As a classroom teacher for many years who made anywhere from $27,500 to $40,000, (so let’s average that to $33,750, which is actually very low for a teacher average nationwide, but not too far from starting salaries) I’d like to propose that if we cut Planned Parenthoodfunding for a year we could pay a year’s starting salary to 10,761 new teachers. 

  • Mommy Life calls out the Obama campaign on their shameless use of an adult with Down syndrome to push the anti-Romney “47%” rhetoric. It is Obama, not Mitt Romney, who would use our tax dollars to have people like Brittany (pictured left) snuffed out before they are even born.
  • ProWomanProLife remarks that comments made recently by both Canadian and UK officials on pro-life issues highlights the fact that any sentiment toward preborn humans is viewed as an attack against women.
  • John Smeaton notes how women over 40 can now sue the National Health Service (NHS) if they are denied IVF services because of their age.
  • Christina at Real Choice takes apart pro-choice women who choose to dress like female body parts and still expect to be taken seriously.
  • Stand True calls out President Obama for turning a blind eye to the number of botched abortions in the last 20 months – that we know of – as he continues to fund Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars:

    It is unconscionable that our tax dollars are going to Planned Parenthood, especially with their increasingly high rate of life-threatening abortion emergencies. President Obama’s support for Planned Parenthood in the face of these abortion injuries – including at least one abortion death – is a national disgrace.

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