Attack on elderly pro-lifer leads to arrest of serial rapist
I wrote in July about the attack of 69-yr-old pro-lifer Everett Stadig by an abortion proponent as Stadig was collecting signatures for Colorado’s personhood initiative in front of a Denver grocery store.
What followed is an example of perseverance in the face of injustice, which led to an amazing conclusion and a reminder of Genesis 50:20, “Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive….”
Hat tip to pro-life activist Jo Scott for relaying the end of the story, as follows.
A witness saw the pro-abortion thug throw Stadig off his bike, swearing and yelling, “I’m pro-choice!” and, “You don’t have a right to be here!” The witness took down the man’s license plate number and gave it to police. Stadig suffered a broken hip.
Yet police then made no attempt to locate Stadig’s assailant until his attorneys, Rebecca Messall and Barry Arrington, intervened.
Only then did police locate the owner of the vehicle, 47-yr-old William Costello, and arrested him for assault.
Pursuant to Katie’s Law, a DNA sample was taken from Costello, and as ABC News reported November 19:
That DNA was then linked to three unsolved sexual assault cases occurring in 2008, 2010, and 2011.
Prosecutors now allege that Costello sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl in March 2008, a 22-year-old woman in August 2010, and a 49-year-old woman in September 2011.
Costello is being charged with two counts of kidnapping, two counts of sexual assault on a child, three counts of sexual assault and two counts of impersonating a peace officer, the D.A.’s office said.
The charges further allege that in the latter attacks Costello claimed he was a police officer, prosecutors said.
As I said, it’s an amazing story. Police are now investigating whether Costello is involved in more rapes.
Evilness surrounds the pro-aborts.
12For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14for it is light that makes everything visible.
THANK YOU LORD FOR EXPOSING THE TRUTH – yet we pray that this sinner will repent and receive your sacrifice for his sins! For you wish that none perish but that all men will come to faith…
And the cops should be disciplined for not doing their JOB. They’re probably pro-aborts who let their own views cloud their judgment and LOOK a serial rapist almost went free. Good job cops!
But we know what kind of men support abortion. Men who view women as pieces of meat to be used for their own sexual gratification…like…serial rapists!
What a novel idea! Looking into the background of those that would violently attack an innocent person!! Who woulda thunk?
When you think you have the “right” to violently mutilate, decapitate, including suck the brains out of a kicking flailling, breech baby about to take his or her first breath through partial birth abortion, along with the “right” to take the life of another person for any reason without restrictions as long as they are preborn or even the “right” to leave a baby who surivies a botched abortion to die, I don’t think it is that far a stretch to believe you have a “right” to other people’s bodies in any way that pleases you. I know pro-aborts will protest and tell me how terrible an analogy that is but I think during the Holocaust folks were pretty much of the same mindset. And now that the DNC came out of the closet to fully embrace abortions without any restictions and their Dead Babies R Us poster child has been re-elected as POTUS I do think this country is pretty much of the same mindset. They say the women of this nation decided to hell with the family, the economy, having no jobs, having no economic future, “I want my free birth control and my abortions on demand”. Oh I forgot, another reasone the president was re-elected like he told them on The View, they get “eye candy” for another 4 years.
It’s such classic math.
A Rapists love of abortion is equal to or greater than that of most feminists love of abortion.
Pro-lifers are PRO-WOMEN.
Pro-aborts are ANTI-WOMEN.
Rapists love abortion like a fat kid loves cake. IT FACILITATES THEIR ACTIVITY.
Having BEEN a “fat kid”, Xalisae…
(I preferred candy to cake, anyway)
And now that the DNC came out of the closet to fully embrace abortions without any restictions and their Dead Babies R Us poster child has been re-elected as POTUS I do think this country is pretty much of the same mindset.
It’s sickening, isn’t it? That’s not the Democratic party I grew up with.
Today we had a Thanksgiving luncheon at my workplace. Many of these women are quite religious, but they not only voted for Obama, they talked about Romney (and his wife) in the harshest terms. I think they really, really hated him. What’s Christian about that?
Anyway, this rapist creep was merely exercising the right to control his own body (by using it to violate women’s bodies).
It’s more cake than candy for me. Candy can cause cavities. However, I like candy at times. I take care of my teeth , too.
I lost a couple of so called Christian “friends” on Facebook when I questioned how they could claim to be Christian yet vote for the most pro-abort president in history. They didn’t even want to discuss it.
I’m not thin myself. But I also happen to be pretty thick-skinned, so I just like the saying. XD
Good news. Hopefully this will lead to police taking these types of cases more seriously, if only in the hopes of catching those guilty of something else.
Don’t hold your breath. I’ve seen plenty of clips on YouTube of cops who are more interested in protecting agendas than procuring justice.
I hope the pro-aborts are happy with the strange bedfellows on their side. Margaret Sanger the eugenecist, Hugh Hefner and Bill Maher the hedonists, rape facilitators like PP, and, sinking even lower, the misogynists and rapists themselves.
I think they well outnumber and outdamage the zealots on our side.
I’ve seen plenty of clips on YouTube of cops who are more interested in protecting agendas than procuring justice.
I’ve met a few of these fellas myself.
@SpringTexas — If you ask many black ministers privately they will say they are prolife, but they support Obama 100 percent and dare not question any part of the Democratic agenda, nor will they speak out against it in public. This really turns me off. I grew up in the black church, and still have some affection for it, but all these “religious” people worshipping Obama is a real turn-off for me. In big cities like Philly, the black churches have basically become the “religious” arm of the Democratic party. Just who are they serving — God or man? I believe it was Sir Thomas More who said “I die the king’s servant, but God’s first.”
I wonder if you’d know the political leanings of the former Eagle great Rev. Herb Lusk?
phillymiss, thanks for your honesty on this issue. I know people who you cannot discuss this issue with. One of my friends tried to talk to a “friend” questioning them being prolife and voting for Obama and they almost wanted to fight. He said he had never seen anything like it, it was a creepy, almost demonic reaction totally out of character for this person.
The backlash and persecution against conservatives and Biblical Christians especially AA..s who don’t worship at the altar of BHO may be coming I don’t know. Has someone studied the anti-christ or the anti-christ spirit who frequents this blog? Just asking?
I know God is still on the throne and like you said before phillymiss “I’ve read the back of the book and we win.”.
I’m really glad they caught this guy.
Willing to sacrifice himself for the unborn babies of the world. Many of these mommy’s could learn from this man. Thank you Everett Stadig!!!!
He said he had never seen anything like it, it was a creepy, almost demonic reaction totally out of character for this person.
I believe it. Most black people and some whites react like this if you say anything the least bit critical about Barky:
Hans, I have heard of Herbert Lusk, but I don’t know much about him. One thing I do know is that REID MUST GO!
But Reid keeps saying he “has to do a better job”. I’m sure he will in a century or two. ;)
OK, I just googled him. It looks like People For the American Way has its on eye on him as part of a “Right Wing Watch” because he’s a signee of the Manhatten Declaration and is against special “hate crimes”. The horror!
His pregnancy center outreach seems to be a gentle discussion of options, including ultrasounds.
We could use a great linebacker in Philly. In the inner city even more than on the field.
Phillymiss, I have a Christian friend who is a virgin, works hard, is an honest person and she lives in Chester PA (I only say it since I’m right outside Philly myself). She voted for Obama in 2008 and I’m pretty sure she voted for him again this time. She is pro-life yet she voted for him because she is black and she really wanted to see a black man in the White House. I asked her why then didn’t she support black conservative candidates who share her values? I just could not understand this. I asked her wasn’t that racist to vote based on skin color? She didn’t see it that way. I asked her if the Lord was so concerned about skin color that He wouldn’t care that she was supporting a man with blood on his hands. I told her I want to see a woman in the White House but you don’t see me supporting Hillary Clinton! I just don’t get it. I understand and appreciate her desire to see someone of her race in the White House but not if that person has values straight from the pits of hell. SMH.
It just goes to show that we pro-lifers must be vigilant, persistant, and protect our own.
About “eye candy”: Mitt Romney is eye candy.
Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and a pro-lifer turned out to be a serial rapist. Think we might have seen it on, oh, maybe every news station…. on repeat?
The response of the majority of Black Christians in America in blind support of the “abortion president” speaks loudly to the success of Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project.” The question I present is:How do we find a way to defeat the demonic stronghold that has been built around their minds and hearts that will allow them to see the truth and be free? Obviously politicking and discussions/arguments are not working.
I believe we will find that “This one comes out not, but by prayer and fasting.” I believe if the Church in America begins to targeted these types of great deceptions with prayer and fasting, they will fall in a day.
One thing the agents of darkness, in all their various activities, have always had on the Church is their unity and continuity. The demonic hoard knows if the Church stays divided, we will, indeed, fall.
I pray for such a movement of unified prayer and fasting that targets false ideologies and demonic systems. It will change of this nation faster than anything we have ever seen.
NOTE: I realize such movements exits, but there are pharisaical elements within the Church which keep us from being unified. A unified Body will not be defeated.
Amy1 I like your suggestion and when I can get my energy up after fasting and praying over this election, I am going to start again. We need to go nationwide with “targeting these types of great deceptions with prayer and fasting”.Let me know when you want to begin a unified prayer and fasting effort to break the demonic strongholds and open the blinded eyes of Christians black, Hispanic and white. God’s blessings to you.
Well, well, well….
I was following up on this case, and look what I found!
Wow Xalisae. Well, we always knew proabort Democrats were the ones declaring the real ‘war on women” in the womb and out of the womb. We always knew sexual predators and rapists love Planned Barrenhood” because it allows them to get rid of the evidence of their crime, an unborn baby carrying their DNA.
Funny how our usual trolls aren’t all over this thread…
They are strangely mute on the killing of women during abortions and pro abort violence.
But it’s always a nice little break. :)
Dumbfoundingly ironic irony…pro-choicer fighting for a woman’s right to choose yet would not have fought for that woman’s right to live when she was in the womb.
well, I’m sure in his mind fighting for their “right to choose” whether or not to have any child he literally forces upon a woman killed somehow makes up for the fact he raped them in the first place. Fancy that-when someone is convinced that sex is no big deal for whatever reason, they tend to treat it like it’s no big deal. Whether you want it or not.
I mean, it’s all there:
Sex is no big deal. It’s just a freedom we have, and we should exercise that freedom as if it were like shaking hands. De-stigmatize! No slut-shaming! If it carries no stigma, no matter what the circumstances…and the victims-sorry, I mean, “sexually-liberated by force females”-can just abort any resulting offspring, then no-harm-no-foul, right? If women were just trained to be more loose in the first place, he wouldn’t have to rape them, right? It’s all the fault of those darned conservative prudes!
He was just exercising his freedom of reproductive choice, just like all women have. Equal rights and whatnot, eh? If conservatives weren’t trying to block free birth control for everyone, and girls being put on it as soon as they were menstruating, he wouldn’t have to support abortion in the first place, and his reproductive choices wouldn’t be so controversial!
Abortion can un-rape someone, so it’s not even a big deal, anyway! All he needs is a few minutes of a female’s time, then they can just go back to whatever they were doing. And if it wasn’t for stodgy old curmudgeons like those mean conservatives, abortion would be available throughout all 9 months, free at taxpayer expense, for any reason! So, they could just walk right in whenever they want and in 5 minutes make it all go away at no expense to them whatsoever. He’s just pro-forced-sex, not pro-forced-birth. He’s not a MONSTER, for crying out loud!
Children are sexual beings and should be treated as such. Therefore, all of the above applies to them, and if it wasn’t for conservative prudes keeping comprehensive sex ed out of schools, the girl would’ve known enough about sex to know how great it is all the time and she would’ve said “yes” instead of fighting it.
There ya go, Dems! This is what you foster! This guy was in YOUR cheering section because he swallowed your crap hook, line, and sinker. OWN IT!