by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli

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  • Live Action looks at Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards’ post-election interview with the Huffington Post. She suggests that the Republican party return to former President Richard Nixon’s family planning program initiatives.

    Interestingly, audio tapes have now made public the knowledge that Nixon was a racist and saw family planning as a way to control the African-American population. Others have reported that Nixon was pro-choice in his thinking, and he shared the same eugenic agenda at the root of Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.

  • Americans United for Life cites some state level pro-life election victories that give us reason to celebrate.

  • Fletcher Armstrong writes that the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’s graphic abortion photos appeared in London’s Sunday Times, reaching one million readers. The article quotes CBR’s UK director Andy Stephenson:

    The atmosphere in the UK is changing…. The abortion lobby has had it easy for too long with no accountability, no consequences and very little meaningful opposition — but there is a new generation of pro-lifers emerging and disillusioned, battle-weary pro-lifers being reinvigorated because they have seen the fruits of what groups like ours are achieving with very little resources.

    Efforts appear to be making a difference among abortion-minded women, but pro-choice groups, have stated, “If the police won’t stop them [pro-lifers], we will have to.”

  • Culture Campaign says San Francisco plans to use taxpayer dollars to treat gender identity distress issues – not only with counseling and hormonal treatments, but with surgical interventions such as mastectomies and genital reconstructions.
  • At Ethika Politika, Peter Lawler gives his post mortem analysis of the election with some thoughts from Alexis de Tocqueville.
  • FRC Blog discusses a Salon article in which the author expresses her shock (and pleasure) at being treated like a lady instead of like a one-night stand by a man she dated. One can only hope that romance begins making a comeback to edge out no-strings casual sex.
  • Big Blue Wave shares a video of women voicing their appreciation for the presence of sidewalk counselors outside abortion clinics:


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