Pro-life blog buzz 11-23-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Michael New reveals the numerous flaws with a non-peer-reviewed and highly publicized “turnaway” study which purported to show that women who were refused abortion due to gestational age were more likely to experience greater stress and financial hardship than women who obtained abortions.
- The Anti-Abortion Gang discusses the so-called war on women, suggesting conservatives do not need to be afraid of their beliefs but need to better articulate their positions:
Women are smarter than this, but they need to be educated on conservatism. They need to know that they need not fear conservatives.Conservative women are women too. We fight the same battles they do, we just don’t use our unborn children as pawns in the battle to attain truly equal rights.
- 40 Days for Life concludes another campaign with great results: one abortion clinic closed, three workers quit and currently there are four lawsuits pending against Planned Parenthood for Medicaid fraud (from former employees with insider information). In a recent webcast, former PP clinic director Abby Johnson [pictured left with 40 Days’ campaign director Shawn Carney] shared this encouraging tidbit:
I remember the last Planned Parenthood conference that I went to before I quit. We were actually talking about the 40 Days for Life. Planned Parenthood was saying that their no-show rates go up as high as 75% when people are simply standing and praying outside of abortion clinics. - Down on the Pharm encourages states to opt out of Obamacare’s state exchanges:
The federal government did not allocate funds or any other means to set up the exchanges, and rely on cooperation from the states. Without this cooperation, Obamacare will essentially crash and burn. - Euthanasia Prevention Coalition announces Alex Schadenberg’s new book entitled, Exposing Vulnerable People to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.
- Generations for Life discusses Eric Scheidler’s recent International Pro-Life Youth Conference presentation on how pro-lifers can improve their messaging and presentation so pro-choicers will be more likely to take a second look:
Our first step, then, has to be convince our “pro-choice” audience that they need to give the pro-life position a second look. In all likelihood, we’re not going to change the mind of a hard-core abortion supporter on the spot, but if, by being diplomatic in our presentation of the pro-life message, we can convince them that we are merely wrong — and not crazy — we will plant the seeds for an eventual change of heart.

Michael New reveals the numerous flaws with a non-peer-reviewed and highly publicized “turnaway” study which purported to show that women who were refused abortion due to gestational age were more likely to experience greater stress and financial hardship than women who obtained abortions.
The study is inconsistent with the notion that women will abort anyway in dangerous back-alley conditions, and have just as many abortions as before, if it becomes illegal. Which do abortion proponents expect us to believe? Can’t have it both ways.
“I remember the last Planned Parenthood conference that I went to before I quit. We were actually talking about the 40 Days for Life. Planned Parenthood was saying that their no-show rates go up as high as 75% when people are simply standing and praying outside of abortion clinics.”
This is why they hate us praying outside abortion mills. It saves so many untold lives and stops so many mothers from going through with having their babies killed.
Some people accuse people who want abortion outlawed of being hypocrites if they support the death penalty. I don’t even think a person is hypocritical if they support assisted suicide and euthanasia but want abortion criminalized. There is no necessary logical connection between these “life” issues. Euthanasia and assisted suicide usually involve adults and often adults who are in pain and want to die to end that pain. By contrast, the majority of aborted embryo and fetuses are healthy. The embryo and fetus has no “choice” but the assisted suicide does.
The truth is that there is not much automatic connection between abortion criminalization and other issues. The charge of “hypocrisy” really doesn’t apply to most people who want to outlaw abortion regardless of their positions on other issues.
Regarding stress and financial hardship, this reminds me of something I read in “National Review.” The writer was commenting on the bizarre outpouring of sympathy Andrea Yates received after drowning her 5 children. The writer remarked that some women who expressed sympathy seem to almost be thinking, “There but for the grace of abortion, day care, and secular humanism go I.”
Much of the sympathy was because many women seemed to fear they would go crazy if they had to take care of a large family full-time.
Susie and Kellli,
I hope you both had good times of Thanksgiving!
Thank you for including the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition post…just a casual perusal of previous entries demonstrates the depth of insanity we, as human beings, have fallen.
The warnings about euthanasia (the meaning of which is itself an oxymoron: “good death”) most surely belong in conversations about saving human life (here, specifically, abortion). Both involve the “better ideas” man thinks he has over what God says in His Word to us. I must say it again…every time people try to “improve” on God, people die.
It is not hypocritical to agree with the death penalty and be pro-life at the same time. The problem is so many have been executed unjustly, and are even now wrongly sitting on death row, that people want to just stop the process altogether. However, there are some actions for which even God commanded death as a consequence. Yes, there is also mercy, and judges are to render mercy with justice, and not be given to bribes or hardened minds and hearts. It is surely a hard heart to insist someone die when a plethora of requests for clemency—because there is uncertainty about the charges levied against him or her—are ignored…
An opponent of the death penalty told me just after the execution of Troy Davis that “Jesus died for that”, meaning the sin of murder that Mr. Davis was accused of. Yes, He (Jesus) did, and if any prisoner who committed the kind of killing that the death penalty calls for—cold-blooded, premeditated—is truly sorry at heart, repents, confesses, renounces that deed, and calls upon the Lord Jesus, He has promised they would receive His salvation/everlasting life. This does not mean that the consequence of that deed will win them a pardon…it may, but more likely, the person will need to accept the payment for their actions, which may include their death. But justice for those executed unjustly, either for a crime they didn’t commit, or one for which the death penalty is inappropriate, must come from the Lord in another way when people are bound to make sure the innocent die. (See Psalm 94).
At any rate, no one thinking it is acceptable to kill babies before or after they are born—and promoting the practice—has a right to open their mouths about hypocrisy…Psalm 94 applies to them as well…
…but, again, God does not delight in the destruction of those He calls “wicked”…just because a person is estranged from God doesn’t mean he/she has to stay there…He is always waiting for us to “wake up” out of the stupor of sin and come to Him…
Hi. Please write a story on how ‘Emergency Contraceptives” Plan B abortion pill is trying to be pushed on our precious Teen Girls. Thank you.
Why don’t you write a story on why you picked the name BebeLyssious? It sounds just like Babelicious which Urban Dictionary says describes the sexiness of a female and is often deliberately used in the porn industry.
Why do you hate teen girls so much?
Regarding the Michael New item: if you have kids, you will have stress and financial hardship.
We liberals really have to have good imaginations to dream up these compelling tragedies about how the whole world will fall apart if we don’t hand out Obamaphones, birth control, etc.
About teen girls and contraception: some people who post on this website believe contraceptives are inevitably damaging to women’s health. They don’t believe it is possible to protect girls and women from pregnancy without damaging them in other ways. I believe they see unwanted pregnancies as an inevitable part of being fertile and female and that girls and women simply have to learn to cope with the possibility of a surprise pregnancy whether through rape or consensual sex.