Pro-life news brief 11-29-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- At Live Action, Rebecca Frazer points out the ridiculousness of Planned Parenthood of Indiana promoting themselves as an adoption referrer:
Yes, you read that right. Planned Parenthood is excited that they have contributed to a whopping twelve adoptions in six years. If we do some simple math that comes out to an average of two adoptions a year.Last year alone, Planned Parenthood of Indiana performed 5,250 abortions. 5,250. That means that if 2011 was an average adoption year, Planned Parenthood helped with one adoption for every 2,625 abortions they performed. Perhaps they should send their adoption counselors back to job training.
- Matthew Hennessy discusses how abortion caused a rift among Down Syndrome advocacy organizations:
“As an advocacy organization, we don’t feel it’s appropriate to promote the value of those with Down syndrome while at the same time also discussing the possibility of abortion,” [David Tolleson, executive director of the National Down Syndrome Congress] told me.Notably, he said, this sentiment was given voice within NDSC by so-called self-advocates, adults living with Down syndrome who are participating in ever-greater numbers in the outreach and education efforts of such organizations.
“Our self-advocates told us that it was not appropriate in a pamphlet coming from their advocacy organization to talk about abortion as co-equal to any other option,” Tolleson explained. “They did not feel that was respectful to them.”
- Wesley Smith links to a Daily Mail article which discussing how doctors in the UK are dehydrating infants to death:
The LCP was devised by the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool for care of dying adult patients more than a decade ago. It has since been developed, with paediatric staff at Alder Hey Hospital, to cover children. Parents have to agree to their child going on the death pathway, often being told by doctors it is in the child’s “best interests” because their survival is “futile.”Bernadette Lloyd, a hospice paediatric nurse, has written to the Cabinet Office and the Department of Health to criticise the use of death pathways for children…. She said: “The parents feel coerced, at a very traumatic time, into agreeing that this is correct for their child whom they are told by doctors has only has a few days to live. It is very difficult to predict death. I have seen a ‘reasonable’ number of children recover after being taken off the pathway. I have also seen children die in terrible thirst because fluids are withdrawn from them until they die.”
[Photo via Daily Mail]
The Liverpool Care Pathway will be a model for us under Obamacare. The Prisoner said, “I am not a number, I am a man!” I’m afraid “health care” systems are only seeing us as numbers more and more with each passing day.
Death by dehydration is so viciously cruel.
Even dogs get a more humane death.
These people are incredibly evil.
An adopted child is — inevitably — a wounded child. The first relationship, that between the baby and the mother in which he or she developed and from whom the baby was delivered, has been severed. Adopted children can grow up to be healthy but adopting parents must be aware of their special problems and work to give them the special help they need.
Where is your source showing this outrageous statement that children who were adopted are wounded children. Your lack of knowledge contributes to the stigma of adoption that prevents more from making this option and therefore choosing g abortion
Don’t mind Denise. PLEASE. Please do not mind her.
WHAAA?! You mean people get OFFENDED when you tell them it’s peachy-keen if mommy dearest had wanted to off ’em when they were younger?! NO WAI!
Someone should really tell the National Down Syndrome Congress to stop pushing people with disabilities to mud sling for us anti-choicers.
@ Susie:
This is a link to the book “Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted Child” by Nancy Verrier — who is herself an adoptive mother. She believes it is possible to raise healthy adopted children providing parents understand their special needs.
Being inside a womb for 9 months and being born from a specific female inevitably forms a powerful biological bond. Mother-child are united by biology. When the baby’s relationship with the mother is severed, that baby is wounded.
However, a good understanding of the special needs of adopted children can help to heal that wound.
@ xalisae as well as Susie: Does anyone really believe that a baby isn’t attached to the specific female in which it spends the first nine months of life?
Do you believe a baby has no special relationship to the body from which it is born?
To think that a baby has no special relationship with the body that initially carried and bore the baby does not make any sense.
Of course, it may be absolutely necessary in some cases that the mother not raise her baby. For example, some mothers die in childbirth or shortly afterward. Other women are completely unprepared to raise babies.
Adoption will always be necessary. Understanding the wound of the adoptive child may help that child to heal and live a good life.
“Barrak 0. Bama will close the book on the old politics of race, gender and group against group and straight against gay.”
Ted Kennedy, 2008 DemocRAT National Convention
[Famous ‘last words’. They should be engraved on Teddy’s tombstone.}
Two thumbs up for that post Xalisae. You betcha it is “not respectful” of people with Downs Syndrome to talk about abortion as an option. I would bet you would get more than a few choice words if you were to tell my cousin who has a precious adult Downs Syndrome son how much better off she would be if she had taken the “choice” to off’ him. He is the sweetest young man, goes to work, looks out for his mom, loves going to church and lights up the room when he smiles.
That whole palliative care stuff is just sick too. Death by dehydration is cruel and inhumane. I wouldn’t even treat a dog that way let alone a child no matter how terminal I thought they were. What is wrong with these people?
What is Denise’s beef with adoption?
I read a report recently which found that first children statistically had a higher IQ than subsequent siblings.
It also found a much higher rate of serial killers amongst first borns – oo!
I’m only guessing here but is it more likely that an adoptee would be the first child, with subsequent siblings being less likely to be adopted out? Anecdotally that has been my observation.
If so, that could be a contributing factor to some of Denise’s assertions about adoptees being serial killers.
Just a hypothesis.
Reality says:
November 29, 2012 at 6:03 pm
What is Denise’s beef with adoption? I read a report recently which found that first children statistically had a higher IQ than subsequent siblings.It also found a much higher rate of serial killers amongst first borns – oo!I’m only guessing here but is it more likely that an adoptee would be the first child, with subsequent siblings being less likely to be adopted out? Anecdotally that has been my observation.If so, that could be a contributing factor to some of Denise’s assertions about adoptees being serial killers.Just a hypothesis.
(Denise) I said nothing about serial murder and adoptees.
I have no “beef” with adoption. How many times do I have to say it is necessary? How is a mother who dies in childbirth supposed to raise that child? HOW?
All I’m doing is pointing out the truth that severing the relationship with the birthmother wounds the child. Sometimes this is done by nature itself through the mother’s death. Sometimes it is necessitated for other reasons.
People involved in adoption must know that adopted children have special needs because of the loss of the birthmother. That loss leaves a wound. The link I gave is to a book that gives guidance on how to give adoptees the special help they need because of that wound.
Thanks, Prolifer L. But, that was really just a dig at Reality, since he seems to think that people who are driven to oppose abortion because of their experience with it are just being pushed to do so by other parties. And not…ya know…like…the fact that they don’t think it’s cool that people like them by the thousands are routinely killed just for being like them.
Nah. They can’t be mad about about that. It’s gotta be something else.
Seriously, though. We REALLY need to figure out who is indoctrinating those people with Downs Syndrome! Why won’t they support their own “Final Solution”?!
“Seriously, though. We REALLY need to figure out who is indoctrinating those people with Downs Syndrome! Why won’t they support their own “Final Solution”?!”
Well, for one thing, they must not understand that if they were aborted, they would not have consciousness to ponder their own lack of consciousness … or something like that …
Typical non-answer from someone frightened by coming to the end of his own philosophical rabbit hole.
Just this morning, i was sidewalk counseling with a wonderful young man who was adopted – he is a kind and generous soul, who knows God, and is grateful that his birth mother chose life for him, and he loves his adopted family. He is courageous beyond words, and very humble.
He is not wounded – he is enormously happy to have life and to be able to help others. A beautiful and terrific young man. While not all adoptees are so fortunate, to lambaste a lovable and life-sustaining solution to unwanted pregnancy and family difficulty (adoption) is sadly frustrating. Here is the solution to a burden that the woman and her family have, and it allows the child to live.
Don’t turn your back on adoption. It’s an answer that gives the child the chance at actually living a life, versus being killed in a moment or season of panic.
Either we try to save all humans, or we don’t… I vote to try to save them.
@ joyfromillinois
I’m happy for that young man and for anyone who is doing well. I have adopted friends who are all right. It remains true that a bond forms between mother and baby through the process of carrying and delivering a baby. People involved in adoption need to know about this and how to address the special needs and problems of adopted kids.
No woman can sign adoption papers for her baby until after she has the baby. Some who plan to place for adoption will change their minds through the bond created by carrying to term. If they give birth and want to place for adoption, they have that right and should have it.
I should probably add that not only do I NOT oppose adoption but I support research into a way to make it an actual alternative to abortion. At the present time, a baby can only be adopted at birth.
I support research into means to transplant human embryos and fetuses from one womb to another. Thus, adoption could be done pre-natally.