Why abortion proponents agree they are losing
On this, the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Time magazine’s perspective is that legalized abortion is on a losing path. And I haven’t found anyone on the other side who disagrees. Quick example, NARAL’s email heading this morning:
What makes abortion proponents think this gloom and doom, despite their hard-fought presidential victory?
In a nutshell: federalism, the growing pile of state anti-abortion laws….
Here is Guttmacher updated chart highlighting the stark reality…
From Guttmacher:
[N]ew provisions, 43 in 19 states, sought to restrict access to abortion services. Although this is a sharp decrease from the record-breaking 92 abortion restrictions enacted in 2011, it is the second highest annual number of new abortion restrictions.
Against the backdrop of a contentious presidential campaign in which abortion and even contraception were front-burner issues – to a degree unprecedented in recent memory – supporters of reproductive health and rights were able to block high-profile attacks on access to abortion in states as diverse as Alabama, Idaho, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Similarly, the number of attacks on state family planning funding was down sharply, and only two states disqualified family planning providers from funding in 2012, compared with seven in 2011. That said, no laws were enacted this year to facilitate or improve access to abortion, family planning or comprehensive sex education.
Altogether, 30 states passed 135 new abortion restrictions in 2011 and 2012.
In 2012 this came despite, as Guttmacher noted, a presidential election cycle while the other side, with MSM’s help, piled on Republicans with their “war on women” rhetoric; while the Republican presidential candidate played rope-a-dope on abortion while Obama kept on punching, and while two Republican U.S. Senate candidates handed abortion proponents tinder.
If, in that tough environment, pro-lifers could enact the second highest number of anti-abortion laws ever, what might 2013 bring? Particularly since, as ABC News reported the morning after the 2012 election:
It was a major milestone for the Republican party. Not only was it the first time North Carolina had elected a Republican governor since 1988, it also gave the GOP 30 statehouse seats, the highest number for either party in 12 years.
Republicans also increased their majority from 24 controlled state government in 2010 to 27 in 2012.
Fighting state pro-life efforts for the other side is like trying to put out hundreds of brush fires, because hundreds of pieces of pro-life legislation are introduced every year. Here’s another interesting chart created by Guttmacher. Click to enlarge…
The other side’s power is centralized in Washington, D.C. For many years they were able to hold their own in the states, and they still can count on the courts, but momentum has shifted.
Here’s to another “unmitigated disaster for abortion rights” in 2013.
Baloney-I do not think that we are winning at all. We get a few restrictions on the state level, only to have them thrown out by a federal judge. If the majority of America is pro-life, then why do we not win elections? Because a solid group of pro-lifers, in particular 25% of pro-life Catholics, will always vote for Democrats for any cockamamie idea whatsoever. We other pro-lifers give them cover-they continue to state how pro-life they are, yet constantly shooting us in the back at election time. Cannot forget to mention how the Catholic church constantly honors the pro-abortion democrats with PHDs, etc. Ministering is of course correct-but celebrating them? We are not only their cover, we are their beard. I am done thinking that anything can be done legally-not when our own so-called supporters undermine the movement and pull the rug out from under us.
Totally agree Jill!!
Thank you!!
Well, they are losing and the best way to save babies is to keep standing for our cause. We must save the babies. Add me on Facebook.
My mind is still boggled by the statistics. Over 55 million abortions and they consider that NOT ENOUGH. In New York City, 6 out of 10 African-american pregnancies end in abortion and they consider that NOT ENOUGH. In the United States, despite restrictions, a baby can be legally killed any time from conception TO BIRTH. And they consider this losing. We must never let up on the pressure to end abortion.
Speed the day when “abortion rights” is as ridiculous a phrase as “abuse rights”.
A look at some pro-life accomplishments:
susan d: “I am done thinking that anything can be done legally”
Susan, I understand your frustration of getting stabbed in the back by “prolifers” who vote Obama and whatnot…but…Just what do you suggest people do?!? Abandon all politics to change an entire culture?!? Are you crazy? Even if it could be done it’ll take like generations or something.
I await your solution.
they’re overstating it to make us complacent. They wish we’d stop. Too bad.
You’re right Ninek, those guys are never satisfied. They always want more.
I have the feeling that all this whining about losing ground is part of NARAL’s ill-conceived plan to rise again. I think they are trumpeting, “we are losing ground” in order to create a sense of urgency among their own youth. It’s an effort to create more enthusiasm and a renewed sense of militancy like what 2nd wave feminism enjoyed in its heyday.
The prochoice day dream goes like this: Ah, it was exciting to be a contracepting single girl back in the 1970’s. So rebellious, so in vogue…so deliciously angry and sexy and hot. If only those heady days could be recaptured somehow. Then we could win over the youth vote.
hasn’t anyone considered that because of abortion WE are all losers …. every single human being?
Another angle on all this whining about losing ground is this: If the choice crowd marks out where their defeats are…then when even one recently passed prolife law gets rolled back they will triumphantly declare…We did it! We are relevant! You need us to keep your reproductive health care safe from the evil woman haters. Send us money.
when PL stop hurting, do we become PC?
‘i HAVE A DREAM …..’ MLKjr
What if Roe v Wade had neverhappened ? Would we actually have 50 more people in America today ? Would those fetuses who were aborted all have had good lives, been well taken care of , etc ? WRONG !!!!!!
In fact, there still would have been millions of illegal abortions, and far more women who died from them. Thousands and thousands more . Roe v Wade was not the beginning of abortion in America. It was the end of women dying from abortion .
If women lose the right to choose again, the results will be absolutely catastrophic for America, even more so if under a future republicna president, the government slashes he;p to the poor to nothing or almost nothing, and cpontraceptives become illegal again.
Back alley abortionists will have a field day, and the Mafia will no doubt make a fortune . More and more poor women will DIE ,or nearly perish, and more an dmore children will be left without mothers . There will be no way to enforce the law . Anti-choicers, be careful what you ask for ! It would be far better for our government to allocate far more money to provide for poor pregnant women and their childrne . THAT will prevent abortions, not making them illegal . Adoption is not the answer. It’s totally unrealistic . Trying to stop abortion by making illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .
If this is what losing looks like, I’m glad your side is winning.
It was the end of women dying from abortion .
You can’t actually believe that is true. Many women have died from LEGAL abortion.
thanks joan,
things HAVE CHANGED, eh? It used to be #1 priority to inform women with good facts. Now the #1 priority seems to be: inform the MEDIA with questionable assertions.
they’re overstating it to make us complacent. They wish we’d stop. Too bad.
This. Too bad is right. In our lifetime.
It’s true. only a handful of women haved died from legal abortions in America since Roe v Wade. But an enormous number did before Roe. But this was all kept hushed up.
When women died from botched ilegal abortions, the real cause of death was never mentioned in newspapers . We have no way of knowingf how many died, but the number was infinitely higher than since 340 years ago.
Every year in poor countries where abortion is illegal , thousands of desperately poor women die this way, and the lack of access to contraceptives is a major factor in this . Every day, people in operations and other medical procedures in hospitals because some doctor or nurse makes a mistake . But it’s still extremely rare for women to die from legal abortions in America .
Considering that the wackiness of the “pro-life” movement is inversely proportional to national Republican electoral success, I really don’t want you to stop. I’m hoping for more Todd Akins and Sharron Angles, not less.
I’d just like to know who these people are that go around screaming ‘NOT ENOUGH’. Can’t say I’ve seen too many (well any actually) articles, reports, whatever where anyone of note says there should be more abortions.
“In our lifetime.” – in your dreams.
“I have a dream.” You are a nightmare.
Are you disagreeing with your ilk and saying you are winning, Reality?
One of three in a row and he can’t find himself. Hmm, is that the same as someone who can’t see the forest because he’s one of the trees?
You’re slamming MLK? Really?
We certainly won’t ever lose :-)
How much did you put in the plate this week, joanie?
“One of three in a row” – show me. Go on, do it.
Sorry, that you having yet another brain fart, Reality. The only ones I am slamming on this thread is you and Ms. Gulch.
Are you disagreeing with your ilk and saying you are winning, Reality?
“How much did you put in the plate this week, joanie?”
Your obsession with my religious life is untoward. What I put in the plate is between me and God.
ll pro-choicers, including me, want to prevent as many abortions as possible. There is not a single pro-choicer who likes abortion and wants the number of abortions to increase .
But anti-choicers delude themselves into thinking that making abortion illegal will “end” it. It won’t. It will only end the legality of abortion . (My mistake, that was 40, not 340 years ago.Finger slip. But abortions also happened 340 years ago . And for thousands of years.)
Abortion is a very sad and unpleasant thing to happen . But trying to force women to give birth against their will causes a far worse situation .
Then you’d better show me where I said “I have a dream”, otherwise we’ll have to question who’s had the brain fart.
Already answered that question.
What I put in the plate is between me and God.
So you admit that you put something in the plate. Great! We Catholics know where the plate money ends up. Good News.
Some of their ilk imply they are winning. Some claim they are losing. Divisions among the demons. More Good News.
135 restrictions in thirty states. Yet even more Good News.
In my lifetime. Faith.
hi Reality,
gotta confess …. I quoted MLK because we have both(all) been tainted by the killing of other humans. it is so bad that you would have to nudge people from this stupor to even get a smile. Are we too becoming dead?
I dig on that John, we have indeed been tainted :-)
I’d like to think we haven’t become too ‘dead’. I think that too many people are too distracted by everyday living and a sort of broader concept of ‘information overload’. My opinion is that things will resolve themselves and settle down, they normally do. Along with a growing number of people I quit facebook a while back and I consume less from the internet. I’ve started reading more books (real ones) and watching less of the idiot box.
Just don’t get why Praxedes would pretend that I said those words so she could slam me, and then accuse me of having the brain fart :-)
And ninek’s response to my request as to who runs around screaming NOT ENOUGH abortions has been to blow spitballs rather than attempt an answer.
There is not a single pro-choicer who likes abortion and wants the number of abortions to increase .
“Show your love.” ”Every year, we’ve proven ourselves stronger.” ”That is how much you mean to me. To us.” – Mehcad Brooks video in regards to abortion.
I was quoting MLK, not you. It’s not always about you.
And you laugh on.
Well if you’re going to give me stuff to laugh at….
So you’re admitting that when you said – “I have a dream.” You are a nightmare. – you were slamming MLK. Wow.
Abortion proponents are losing.
Abortion proponents are lying.
Abortion proponents are both losing and lying.
Take your pick, Reality. Logic 101 states it must be one of the three choices above.
Now that’s funny.
Abortion will always be with us, always has been.
Anti-choicers lie, mislead and distort.
But it doesn’t matter, you can never win.
Logic doesn’t always indicate the outcome that actually occurs.
The fact that you fantasize that abortion will end, now that’s funny.
So why don’t you like MLK?
What no more smiles?
Heh, Heh, Heh, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm.
Lying losers.
How many do you want? :-) :-) :-)
I’ll keep smiling cos you’ll keep dreaming, and dreaming , and dreaming….
:-) :-) :-)
Many of my dreams become reality.
It’s a God thing.
There’s probably a word count limit which would prevent me from typing in the amount of laughs that merits.
I’m sure the little dreams, the ones you can deliver for yourself, do come true.
Things like the election outcome, not so much. The ending of abortion, never.
Logic doesn’t always indicate the outcome that actually occurs.
I’m talking about what is currently happening. You are either on the losing team or the lying team. Or the losing lying team.
Team Life Tells the Truth and Wins.
Heh, heh, heh, heh.
I am on the winning team. I’ll bet my life, your heaven and even your god’s wrath on it. How about you?
You know as well as I do that your ‘team’ lies.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Sorry Reality. You don’t know my God.
Off to dream now. Sleep tight.
Heh, heh, heh, heh. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
“You don’t know my God” – no-one does, not even you.
Sweet dreams, hope you don’t have a hangover :-)
While pro-lifers pass laws at the state level and abortion supporters find a sympathetic federal judge to grant an injunction, a significant number of those laws have been upheld in the end. The Guttmacher line graph looks at each individual year; it does not take into account the cumulative effect of building upon previously passed legislation.
If pro-choicers don’t like abortion so much then how come some of you all act like it’s such a great thing when a woman has one? Why aren’t you all trying to do more to encourage women to choose things that aren’t abortion? Why aren’t you all promoting saving sex for marriage and NFP? Why aren’t you all advocating chastity?
Every pro-choicer I’ve come across has scoffed at the idea of NFP (Natural Family Planning). I’ve been told it doesn’t work (then explain to me why so many people have used it with high levels of success? Including my husband and I).
You all say “Oh no you shouldn’t suggest a woman go through a pregnancy and give the baby up for adoption!” When pro-lifers encourage adoption.
Every time we’ve tried to suggest teenagers wait until marriage to have sex for reasons of health (emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual, take your pick over which category, there’s ways waiting and chastity promotes health in each of those categories–even if you chuck the spiritual reasons, there’s still hormonal/physical and psychological/emotional reasons to wait until marriage). Everyone acts like teenagers are incapable of controling their actions and hormones (if that’s the case, then how did I and others who used to be or are teenagers do it? It wasn’t by magic I’ll tell you that right now!)
Every time a pro-lifer on here suggests and alternative to abortion (whether it be adoption, or seeking support) you all say that we can’t do those things to women, that they’re lies and we’re brain washing them. (Although WHY offering to give the baby to a family who wants one so bad and would love that child is such a bad thing I’ll never know. I have 2 siblings who are adopted, plus I know a ton of others who are…and I know families who have been so happy to adopt–especially ones who can’t have their own children).
So if you pro-choicers are SO AGAINST having high numbers of abortions and want alternatives and to bring the numbers down why are you standing in our way of doing that? Why do you groan anytime people bring up adoption agencies, or places like Catholic Charities or other places that DO want to help women? Why are you so against women going through the pregnancy even if it’s not the most IDEAL of circumstances?
Everytime I turn around you’re (or some other pro-choicer) is telling us pro-lifers what’s wrong with the alternatives, but you never come up with any of your own.
I’ve seen it on here time and time again. I’ve heard it in person. No pro-choicer is offering an alternative to abortion and whenever pro-lifers do you all act like we’re sentencing a woman to her doom.
I went through pregnancy and it wasn’t the end of the world. I know MANY other women who have given birth and lived to tell the tale. Even women in not the ideal of circumstances–even women who have given the baby up for adoption.
If pro-choicers don’t want MORE abortions, then why aren’t you all doing anything to lower the numbers?
Even if, as you so put it, “abortion will always be with us” and you’re so interested in women having a “choice” then why stand in the way of those other choices? And if you are, how come I have yet to see a pro-choicer on here talk about them?
That last line should read “and if you aren’t how come I have yet to see a pro-choicer on here talk about them”
Robert, what makes you think that lots of women will die from unsafe abortions if it becomes illegal again? Are you aware that the CDC put the count at 39 in 1972, the year before Roe? Or that developed countries without legalized abortion have low maternal mortality rates?
And what do you make of this study, which suggests that banning abortion did significantly reduce it in several countries in eastern Europe, without causing birth rates to skyrocket?
(see also: Ireland, where abortion is illegal and the abortion rate is magnitudes lower than that of its neighbour).
Furthermore, even if deaths from back-alley abortions were widespread that would not negate the pro-life position. As abortion proponent Mary Anne Warren writes in her famous essay,
Or more generally, the law should not be faulted if it makes violent acts more risky to perform. You might object and say that abortion is not a violent act on par with murder, but that is not a premise that pro-lifers will accept automatically. So the coathanger meme simply begs the question.
Nobody is trying to claim that abortions never happened before Roe, or that they’ll never happen after the law protects the unborn. That’s a strawman. We do, however, have good reason to believe that it would happen much less often. And, as you yourself admit, legal abortion would end. The state would no longer sanction a regime that says one can kill unborn human beings because they’re in the way and can’t defend themselves.
Lastly, why do you personally want “to prevent as many abortions as possible”?
“Why abortion proponents agree they are losing”
My question is what metric are they using to keep score?:
The number of elective abortions performed?!?!
The number of females bodies found in back allies with a rusty coat hanger nearby.
The number of pregnancies terminated because the gender of the pre-natal child was male.
ll pro-choicers, including me, want to prevent as many abortions as possible. There is not a single pro-choicer who likes abortion and wants the number of abortions to increase .
I have yet to encounter a pro-choicer who is doing anything to actual prevent abortions. The ones in the United States even try to derail efforts to make abortions safer for mothers, claiming that putting rogue abortion doctors out of business limits access. Most pro-choicers seem to think that more and free contraceptives will reduce the “need” for abortion, yet California and New York, have the highest abortion rates.
Pro-choicers are tools of the abortion industry.