UPDATE 1/27, 12p: St. Blogustine has more good photos.

1/26, 11:58a: (Title credit, Right Links Blog)

Daughter Daena, son-in-law Andy, and I marched with an estimated 400-650,000 like-minded pro-life souls yesterday at the 40th annual March for Life. Here was our view while in the thick of it (click all photos to enlarge)…


The March always ends at the Supreme Court Building, where the infamous Roe v. Wade decision was made on January 22, 1973. There is always a small band of abortion supporters waiting there to greet the pro-life throng. Here’s a shot capturing the competing signs and chants (bullhorn held by Kristan Hawkins, executive director for Students for Life of America)…


Other photos, the first via Right Links Blog



UPDATE 4:25p:: New York Times photo of the March, going on to claim in the article only “tens of thousands” attended?


[Top photo via Daena Moore]

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