New reality show to feature daughter and ex-wife of Atlanta abortionist
On January 23 the Style channel will premiere a new reality series, Big Rich Atlanta.
It’s a take off of Big Rich Texas, which is take off of the various Real Housewives series, none of which I’ve watched more than a few minutes, because everything about them makes me sad – the plasticity, the exploitation, the shallowness – everything. I just keep thinking to myself, “These poor people so need Jesus.”
At least one of the two stars of Big Rich Atlanta merits attention, Meagan McBrayer, pictured right.
Meagan is the daughter of abortionist Daniel McBrayer, who has a chop shop in the Atlanta, Georgia, suburb of Marietta.
We in the pro-life movement don’t believe children should be punished for the sins of their fathers.
But this father has passed his sin on to his daughter.
Meagan’s Style bio lists her as a “licensed real estate agent,” which may be true. But Meagan also works at her dad’s office.
Pro-life activists attest to seeing Meagan go to work, and Abby Johnson called yesterday asking to speak with Meagan and was told she wasn’t working that day but would return in a couple of days.
Dumpster diving pro-lifers also found a ledger from August 2012 listing all Alpha Group Gyn employees, with their phone numbers. Meagan ‘s name was on that list. See excerpts right.
(Shout outs to other employees Alberta, Angela, Anna, Cris, Eileen, Gina, Heidi, Imogene, Judy, Kensey, Krystal, Leslie, Lind, Maria, Nuria, Pamela, Racquel, Ramona, Shquana, Tiny, and Tonia. I could out you due to your own carelessness but won’t.)
So in some part Meagan’s “rich” lifestyle comes from the blood money of abortion.
Daniel McBrayer, mug shot right, is currently being investigated by the Georgia Composite Medical Board for illegally dumping patient files and biohazardous waste, and for illegally committing second trimester abortions.
McBrayer was arrested in 2009 for road rage after he punched the female driver of another car in the face.
The GCMB also disciplined McBrayer in 2002 for committing illegal second-trimester abortions.
And McBrayer caused the death of 27-yr-old abortion patient Catherine Pierce along with her child in 1989.
Such a messed up father could explain Meagan’s penchant for older men, as she admitted in a Big Rich Atlanta teaser. “I just like people who are at least – just – 10 years older than me,” said Meagan, to which her mother interjected, “It’s a daddy thing, I think,” with Meagan agreeing, “Yes, it must be a daddy issue.”
It is unclear whether Meagan’s mother Marcia Marchman, who is divorced from McBrayer, is on the show due to wealth accumulated from McBrayer’s abortion income.
The show lists Marchman as an “interior designer,” but how did she pay for her home? With whose money did she accumulate the antiques she loves to collect?
Marcia says in the above teaser she is dating one of her two ex-husbands. Is that McBrayer?
Inquiring pro-life minds need to know.
Until these two extricate themselves from abortionist McBrayer and his money, pro-lifers with a penchant for watching reality tv are encouraged to stay away from Big Rich Atlanta.
[HT: Abby Johnson; thanks to pro-lifer extraordinaire Michelle Wolven for providing extra information.]

“Inquiring pro-life minds need to know.” – why? You’ve already claimed they both live on blood money (just like Hobby Lobby’s owners do) and all but stated that you’re not likely to watch the show. So what’s the point?
“Until these two extricate themselves from abortionist McBrayer and his money, pro-lifers with a penchant for watching reality tv are encouraged to stay away from Big Rich Atlanta.”
Actually, people with taste should be encouraged to stay away from Big Rich Atlanta.
Hey, a few days ago, wasn’t I wondering whether or not reality tv could get any worse?
“Hey, a few days ago, wasn’t I wondering whether or not reality tv could get any worse?”
There’s your mistake. NEVER underestimate the depths that reality tv can sink, and you’ll never be disappointed. I would not be surprised if that British satire “Pedophile Island” actually became a serious show.
Read some reviews of this doctor. One woman went to him to get a cheap ultrasound and he kept trying to persuade her to abort her 12 week old baby even though she kept telling him she wanted to keep her baby. Nice doctor.
An abortionist who also punched a woman in the face in front of her children? What a prince. And I thought my father was dysfunctional.
Well, Jill, at least you didn’t make a an interactive Google map with all those employees’ addresses and stuff, like a certain despicable Lower Hudson Journal newspaper did.
I can hardly wait for the next iteration, Big Rich Manhattan with lots of tasteless excess from the rich in New York City.
I won’t hold my breath. They wouldn’t target their own masters.
And this is why I stay away from television, especially reality TV. I mean, why? Why?!
But it is so sad to see these women. They must be hurting to have lived with such a classy fellow – road rage charge for punching a woman in the face?! Seriously? You think he might have issues? If he did that to a stranger, I wonder what kind of anger he directed at his wife or daughter for, say, making dinner a little late? So tragic.
Hi Carder,
While I never advocate targetting anyone’s home, I find it interesting that the media would wail about the names and homes of abortionists and their staffs being named and publicized, but its fine to publish information about law abiding citizens who own guns. Apparently professional thieves, burglars, serial killers, stalkers, and rapists don’t read newspaper or check the internet.
Oh look, Sally Jones lives alone at this address and she doesn’t have a gun.
They already have “Pedophile Island”, Jack….otherwise known as “Toddlers & Tiaras”.
Not trivializing the abortion doc connection, but don’t think the network cares about that one if a guys on the show that’s been in jail a few years. Probably just put it in the show somehow.
I would really like to see a “Real Housewives” series that focused on less affluent housewives and their houseWORK. Would others like to watch “typical housewives” clipping coupons to make ends meet as well as dusting and vacuuming to keep the home clean?
Housework is some of the most important work there is.
Just read that another reality show filmed in Atlanta was cancelled with 30,000+ signatures requesting its cancellation; “All My Babies Mommas” because it was a poor reflection on black Americans because a black rapper with numerous kids by numerous mothers. This show makes white Southern Americans look like trash, especially those in Atlanta. My signature is ready.