Pro-life blog buzz 1-8-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Suzy B announces an upcoming dinner featuring pro-life stalwarts, Rep. Paul Ryan and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, both of Wisconsin, as speakers. Suzy B also invites readers to nominate young women under 30 for a pro-life leadership award. The deadline is January 30th.
- Priests for Life won its lawsuit against the HHS contraception mandate, allowing them exemption from paying for abortion-causing drugs through their health insurance plans. However, they realize the fight is not over:
“We are not expecting the government to come up with regulations that we can accept, but this is still an important first step,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “We were prepared to violate the mandate on Jan. 1, at great expense to our organization. We are very grateful to the court that we did not have to take that step, and we remain confident that this unjust mandate will be entirely and permanently struck down.”
- Right to Life of Michigan writes that the abortion clinic in Muskegon will not re-open due to violations of the fire code and “overt poor housekeeping… not suitable to continued operation.” The clinic’s abortionist, Robert Alexander, had a “checkered history, including a felony conviction, multiple revocations of his medical license and botched abortions” – offenses which seem to be becoming more common among these “front alley” practitioners.
- Stand True invites March for Life 2013 attendees in D.C. to join them for some pro-life activism opportunities before the March for Life Youth Rally.
- Moral Outcry encourages not only adoption but foster parenting:
One of the personal covenants I’ve made with God is to be willing to be the answer to my own prayer. I believe as a Christian, I not only pray for Life, but I also give myself in the way of being an answer to my prayers for Life!… So for 2013, our… New Year’s Resolution is to be a foster care trained family so we can be a family to a child.
- Wesley J. Smith says everyone should be outraged by researchers who claim pedophilia is simply another (acceptable) sexual orientation… and that some children actually “like” being victimized by adults:
Think about it: If the desire for sexual congress with children is just “another orientation” – an odious comparison, in my view – and if some children supposedly “like it” when they voluntarily engage in sex with adults – and indeed, if it doesn’t actually hurt them – how long would the absolute rejection of cross-generation congress last? Not very. It wouldn’t be long until we saw the absolute prohibition on pedophilic sex downgraded to a mere “taboo,” which, as the last fifty years teach us, are made to be broken. NAMBLA [North American Man Boy Love Association] members must be grinning ear-to-ear.
I call this kind of discussion, “terminal nonjudgmentalism,” because it is designed to move us from viewing pedophilia as absolutely unacceptable, to an issue that is debatable and should be “discussed,” toward the final goal of acceptability.
No “conversation!” No debate! Having sexual relations with children treats them as mere objects, a good definition of evil. If this view ever enters the mainstream – and that seems closer – we are on the road to cultural death.
- Secular Pro Life examines what they consider the strongest arguments against abortion, put forth by Frank Beckwith and Don Marquis, the latter of which has been “widely viewed by philosophers as containing the single most powerful argument against abortion.”
[HHS graphic via Priests for Life]

I can’t imagine how adult survivors of sexual abuse will receive that little tidbit.
How horrifying for them that their pain and very real trauma are trivialized!!
Carla, I am an adult survivor of sex abuse, and I think you imagined my response quite accurately.
Normalization of pedophilia would cause me pain beyond belief. And not just for me, but for all other survivors and current victims. My heart aches for them all now, including the various child (and adult) sex slaves around the world.
Pedophilia is sick and predatory, and I will share my own past trauma to help people remember that.
Let kids be kids, and let adults show some respect!!!!
“I can’t imagine how adult survivors of sexual abuse will receive that little tidbit.”
Kinda like a punch to the stomach. Apparently I “liked” years of torment and abuse. People who would approved of this stuff are just flat out vile.
As the victim of abuse at age 4 or 5, the memory of my abuse by an older cousin is gut wrenching. I had a choice? I didn’t understand what was going on.
However, don’t expect these dregs to give up. Everything starts out as just talk.
I am so sorry Mary, Jack and Mary Ann. I can’t imagine how hard a journey it has been for you.
I am so sorry that folks even ENTERTAIN this evil.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20
I guess this fits in quite well with child brides then??
Thanks Carla. I’m thoroughly grossed out by these people.
Hi Carla,
Thank you for your kind words. No one likes and respects you more than I do. There’s so much more I can never talk about without dredging up family secrets best left untold.
These dregs must never win.
And right back to you Mary!!
If I could take your pain away I would.
Thanks Carla. It won’t ever go away but I will be fine.
I get that Jack.
I carry a burden of a different kind.
Take comfort from the fact that NAMBLA are pretty far-fringe and well-condemned across the political spectrum. The odds that their ideas will take much hold are slim. Most humans have the common sense to find pedophilia revolting for its grotesque manipulation of the vulnerable.
It always breaks my heart to hear stories of child abuse. Like Carla said, “If I could take your pain away I would. “
“Take comfort from the fact that NAMBLA are pretty far-fringe and well-condemned across the political spectrum. The odds that their ideas will take much hold are slim. Most humans have the common sense to find pedophilia revolting for its grotesque manipulation of the vulnerable.”
I would like to believe that, I really would. It would be quite comforting to me. But I have noticed this weird trend of excusing abusers, especially female abusers, lately. It may be that I am just sensitive to the subject and blow stuff out of proportion, but I have seen a LOT of people talking about lowering age of consent down to 14 or even lower, citing that children that age have “consented” to sex with adults (as if it were really possible with the power differentials in those type of “relationships”). A lot of people cite that Mary Kay Letourneau case as proof that young teens can consent to that type of stuff, since she managed to brainwash her victim into loving her still when he got older (she started on him when he was 12! 12!). There never going to be able to convince me that type of stuff is healthy and desirable, but there seems to be quite a push for it that I find troubling. It’s only a small jump from lowering age of consent even further to approving of even younger children being abused. Or I could just be oversensitive to it.
Jack, you may be sensitive to it, but that doesn’t mean you’re overreacting. I was just talking about NAMBLA, and how no one ever gives them any respect — ugh, and rightfully so. I must confess, I don’t keep up with trends in age of consent because I’m lucky enough not to have experienced any trauma around it. I can live with 16 or up, but the idea of 14 or lower is pretty gross. I don’t know that you’re being oversensitive about that.
I really hope our society is not moving in that direction.
Gawd i hate the lack of edit function. *they’re instead of there.
I hope you are right that NAMBLA and the like stays marginalized. I really do. I got in a huge argument on reddit the other day with some idiots (pretty sure they were either trolling or just flat out pedos) who were basically arguing that the only reason child molestation is damaging is because society shames child sexuality (wtf???) and that’s how they are hurt, not by being manipulated and raped by some adult they should have been safe with. I just find it all disgusting and rather terrifying, and really hope that it’s not starting to trend that way.
Wow, that is disgusting. I guess it’s hard for me to imagine anyone thinking that way.
Didn’t you know, Jack? If anyone feels badly about anything, EVER, it’s never the fault of the person exhibiting the hurtful behavior, it’s always the fault of society that people feel badly. Everyone should be raised as a sociopath incapable of feeling any particular way about anything except for feeling good.
Jackborsch hit the nail on the head there, there is an increasing push to say children are only ‘victimized’ and traumatized by sex because *society* tells them it is shameful and makes them victims. I’ve had more than one person explain to me that my childhood sexual ‘encounters’ were only traumatic to me because society ‘forced’ me to view them as such and if society were more openminded about such things my ‘natural’ inclination would have been to enjoy it.
I would just like to say to all those here who have suffered from sexual abuse that I am deeply sorry and hope you will all find healing. And to NAMBLA, and anyone else out there who defends this type of activity, you’re sick, get help.
“I’ve had more than one person explain to me that my childhood sexual ‘encounters’ were only traumatic to me because society ‘forced’ me to view them as such and if society were more openminded about such things my ‘natural’ inclination would have been to enjoy it.”
Omg they tell me this too. I find it disgusting and more than a little upsetting. And it seems like victim blaming to me. “You should have enjoyed it, your feelings about your trauma aren’t valid, if you were ‘enlightened’ you would realize that it was natural.”
Honestly, they say the same kind of things that pedos say to kids to confuse them and keep them from telling. That’s why I call them pedos and rape apologists. They don’t like that.