10w-05World Life Organization and Created Equal co-rented a jumbo-tron at the January 26 Walk for Life in San Francisco. On the jumbo-tron was looped a 2-minute video showing the graphic reality of abortion.

One of the pro-life apologists behind the police-protected guardrail surrounding the jumbo-tron was Russell Hunter of Abolish Human Abortion. Russell was approached by a post-abortive mother who made a revealing declaration: “I’m a millionaire because I had an abortion when I was 18.” Here’s the video:


When Russell called the mother out as having committed “human sacrifice” (to the god of wealth), she rationalized her boast by saying she was at the time 18 and in an abusive relationship. She added, “I got a college degree from Berkeley and a master’s degree.”

This is unvarnished liberal feminism, which has turned the original meaning of feminism on its head.

Liberal feminism teaches that a woman is incapable of parenting and bettering herself at the same time, or waiting to better herself if circumstances aren’t right. Patience, sacrifice, and self-denial are not virtues. Motherhood is not a prize but a punishment.

So if a woman sustains a sexual relationship with a jerk and gets pregnant, the one to pay the price is the baby, not her. It would be too responsible and too hard to do the right thing, of which there are several options that do not involve murdering one’s own child.

And apparently women cannot get college degrees and post-graduate degrees with children. I didn’t know that.

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